Character Creation

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Jul 17, 2024 7:58 pm
I'll be going over everyone's character sheets over the next few days. I'm a little slow right now, because work is a little slammed. We also still have one character that hasn't been submitted yet.

Does everyone have their enchanted items? Need me to come up with something for you?
Jul 17, 2024 8:50 pm
Bookrat says:
I'll be going over everyone's character sheets over the next few days. I'm a little slow right now, because work is a little slammed. We also still have one character that hasn't been submitted yet.

Does everyone have their enchanted items? Need me to come up with something for you?
I could use some help, sure! My character concept is that of a heretical New God follower that believes his deity and the Cog God, the clockwork deity, are one in the same. While he isn't a clockwork himself, he does have a mechanical arm that he had made to replace one he lost in his duty as a paladin. It was when he was in Lij and had the arm constructed that he acquired his new views of the faith.

I was thinking his mechanical arm could serve as one of his enchanted items. Could it perhaps enable using Intellect for Theurgy spells?

For his second item, I had a different idea. Instead of having an enchanted item, could he be a member of one of the seven orders of the Cult of the New God? They're outlined in the Kingdom of God supplement. I was thinking that Keeper of Lore would be fitting.
Jul 18, 2024 2:42 am
TheForsakenEvil says:
Bookrat says:
I'll be going over everyone's character sheets over the next few days. I'm a little slow right now, because work is a little slammed. We also still have one character that hasn't been submitted yet.

Does everyone have their enchanted items? Need me to come up with something for you?
I could use some help, sure! My character concept is that of a heretical New God follower that believes his deity and the Cog God, the clockwork deity, are one in the same. While he isn't a clockwork himself, he does have a mechanical arm that he had made to replace one he lost in his duty as a paladin. It was when he was in Lij and had the arm constructed that he acquired his new views of the faith.

I was thinking his mechanical arm could serve as one of his enchanted items. Could it perhaps enable using Intellect for Theurgy spells?

For his second item, I had a different idea. Instead of having an enchanted item, could he be a member of one of the seven orders of the Cult of the New God? They're outlined in the Kingdom of God supplement. I was thinking that Keeper of Lore would be fitting.
Agreed on both accounts.
Jul 18, 2024 4:51 am
Starting my review:

Hugh - Things look good so far. You still need to pick your two spells and your equipment (see page 100). You had your health at 45, but I calculated 41. I adjusted it, but please double check me and make sure I didn't mess up. Any ideas for enchanted items? Or would you prefer me to come up with something for you?

Fachtna - Things look good so far. You had two enchanted items listed, but no descriptions of them. Did you need me to come up with something for you?

Sigrid - Things look good so far. Your health is at 46 but I calculated 48. Please double check me on that. I gave you an enchanted item in the discord, but I don't see it on your sheet yet. However, I do see a bunch of potions - which reminds me to talk about that!

I'll continue the reviews tomorrow!
Everyone - please have 5 healing potions each. We'll skip any other potions to help keep this a test of your talents rather than equipment (though the two enchanted items are still good, as that's how many characters should have at this level).
Jul 18, 2024 5:14 am

Remember that all magic requires an implement to cast. Which means that when you cast a spell, you have to wield your implement. This requires a free hand to wield your implement.

Your implement can be any object of significance you like that is fitting to your character. Common ones are wands, rings, amulets, staves, orbs, tomes, and other cliche items associated with magic. However, you can also have a shield or a weapon be your implement - this makes it easy to be able to hold your shield and your implement at the same time, but also means that your implement will be very obvious and you may not always have it with you (as compared to, say, a ring).
Jul 18, 2024 5:28 am
41 looks right. I think I double-added a Paladin level of health. Thanks for catching that!

My spells are chosen (Minor Healing, Death Ward - both level 0), I just have to enter them. I think I have my magic items, but I'm going back and forth a bit. I'll sleep on it.

As for Magic Items:
Thinking of a Sword, or maybe a Bastard Sword with...
[ +- ] Magical Effect

As for my other item, the debate is between:
1) Full Plate with...
[ +- ] Effect
2) Scale Armor with...
[ +- ] Effect

Insight or Opinions?
[ +- ] Side Note.
Last edited July 18, 2024 6:04 am
Jul 18, 2024 5:58 am
"The creatures of this world, they use much less terrifying spell casting foci." Caranthir mused in his pondering. "What do you make of that, Mimir?"

Jul 18, 2024 7:02 am
Bookrat says:
Sigrid - Things look good so far. Your health is at 46 but I calculated 48. Please double check me on that. I gave you an enchanted item in the discord, but I don't see it on your sheet yet. However, I do see a bunch of potions - which reminds me to talk about that!
48 is correct, I fixed it. I also added the enchanted items under interesting things on the sheet.
Jul 18, 2024 12:55 pm
MaJunior says:

As for Magic Items:
Thinking of a Sword, or maybe a Bastard Sword with...
[ +- ] Magical Effect
This works!
As for my other item, the debate is between:
1) Full Plate with...
[ +- ] Effect
2) Scale Armor with...
[ +- ] Effect
Either one is good.
Insight or Opinions?
[ +- ] Side Note.
Yeah, that's exactly what it's for. Lol.
Jul 18, 2024 2:09 pm

Attributes: Your attributes are 16, 7, 15, 8. These are not possible to get (don't worry, you're not the only one to make this mistake this game!).

Your starting attributes are 13, 9, 8, 10, in that order (str, agi, int, will). You can add 1 to any attribute and subtract 1 from a different attribute, once. From there, you get +1 to two attributes at level 1, and +1 to two attributes at level 3. Since you've dedicated everything to Int and Str so far, that would put you at 15, 9, 10, 10, with one remaining +1/-1 to do.

Also, please note that you have a lot of water attack spells, which uses Will, and no rune attack spells - so Intellect isn't as important for this PC. You'll be able to get a higher will score with Jotun attributes. If you did this, you'd have 15, 9, 8, 12 with the ability to still do a +1/-1 once. Or I can grant you an enchanted item that lets you use intellect for one tradition (much like I gave to TheForsakenEvil).

Ancestry: I filled in the details of your ancestry talents for you. I also removed weapon training, as you are taking the magic path for this PC, and not the weapon path.

Equipment: I have added the details of the enchanted plate mail armor to your character sheet. You have one enchanted item remaining. Would you like it to be the navigation rod I wrote up, or do you have something else in mind?

I also added 5 healing potions to your inventory.

Paladin: I think several people are using the original core book and not the revised core book. The revised core book has an additional talent added to the paladin. If you don't have the revised version, that's ok! I will be adding in this missing talent to your character sheet.

Spells: I have added your selected spells to your character sheet. You should have a total of 6 spells, you currently have 4 listed. You have 2 spells remaining to select. Would you like one of them to be the Front Nova spell I wrote up for you?

Mimir Image: The link is broken in your character sheet.
Jul 18, 2024 2:24 pm
Shadow - Your sheet looks good. I'd hope so, considering how much we worked on it in the discord server! lol

I did some minor adjustments to your spell selection (added in number of castings). And I slightly adjusted your inventory, increasing the healing potions to 5 and removing the potion of fire resistance - per my comment from last night.
Jul 18, 2024 6:42 pm
I would like the frost nova spell, and rune of ice. I adjusted my attributes. Can still military press Sigrid so its all good to me.
Jul 18, 2024 8:37 pm
Jomsviking says:
I would like the frost nova spell, and rune of ice. I adjusted my attributes. Can still military press Sigrid so its all good to me.
We still need to discuss your second enchanted item, and then I think your sheet will be good to go.
Jul 18, 2024 8:51 pm
I like the navigator's rod. A magical maul that lets me discern north is rad.
Jul 19, 2024 12:31 am

What does a Jotun Whaling Vessel look like?
Jul 19, 2024 1:56 am
I don't even know what a normal whaling vessel looks like.
Jul 19, 2024 4:57 am
The vikings used longships for whaling.
Jul 19, 2024 10:57 pm
I'm a bit slammed today at work and won't be able to work on this much. I ended up not having a free morning like I had planned.

For now, I think I have Shadow and Caranthir as complete and ready. Is anyone else ready that I'm missing?
Jul 20, 2024 12:35 am
Not tonight. My work day has gotten absolutely stupid with things going wrong. I should be done typing everything out tomorrow though.
Jul 20, 2024 12:58 am
Fachtna is ready.
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