With the additional light from Elyse you get a clearer view but by this time all sounds of nearby motion have faded. Hazel draws nervously closer to Tiny, who seems unbothered by any of this comotion though she does stir as you add aditional lights. July stands ready with weapon drawn and asks what is next?
As you stand watching and listening a you hear something aproaching through th grass along the pathway vaguely visible from your own passage hours ago. As it nears you determine it is one or two creature and likely not that large, though this one is making more noise than the Zeva had heard perviously.

In mere moments the grass parts to reveal an insect larger than Elyse. It walks on it's 4 hindmost legs and stands now motionless at the edge of the clearing aound you with it forelegs, hands?, slowly raising higher and wide as it stares at you. Taking a slow step forwards you all feel a word or question enter your minds