A stormy beginning

Jul 14, 2024 5:00 pm
Caught in what can only be a Border Storm, a strange recent occurence said to be a result of the Dawn War over 50 years ago. The storm is filled with strange events, lightning that brings hills to life, and rain that makes plants and animals grow at unusual rates. The winds are bluster and shift in chaotic fashion but the liquid that falls as rain has healed all wounds, removes fatigue, and rejuvenates all it touches. The trio leading their horse see a lone figure stumbling through the rains and pause before moving to join as the hill animated by the storm lumbers away slowly with a swishing tail behind it crashing through the wagon abandoned moments before.
@Turanel2,@desekat : Go ahead and introduce yourselves to you new story companion and we will get on with the tale. :)
Jul 15, 2024 12:50 am
You see a young human girl with a ludicrous mop of hair and a sheathed blade and shield. Zeva looks up at the trio. "...Mother, there are three Flesh ones here with a Flesh of Riding. What are the Fleshes doing here?"
[ +- ] Doodle of what Zevakyn looks like
hello, nice to meet you, hope we have fun together!
Jul 15, 2024 2:17 pm
Turanel2 sent a note to Psybermagi,desekat
Hello desekat, nice to meet you too. I was reading your intro adventure as you played. I looking forward to creating some memories! My character looks like my character avatar.



Jul 15, 2024 3:44 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to Turanel2
As Zeva walks up to the group she realizes they are somewhat distracted and staring at the horse. The horse's neck has grown larger, and begun forming scales all over it's body, while its tail is also fleshing out and lengthening.

One of the women, who was lagging behind, catches up and draws her weapon as she steps back and declares We should kill it before it turns into a monster!
Jul 15, 2024 4:36 pm
No July, don't attack it! The rain will heal it instantly. Cut it loose so when the rain stops it isn't injured from the harness and let's get more distance between it and ourselves.

Elyse, sees the new comer, and waves welcomingly, encourages them, Hazel and July to continue running away from the animated boulders and the transforming horse.
I'll run what I estimate is away from the road in the same direction that brought us to the bolder formation.
Jul 15, 2024 11:53 pm
Zeva approaches the group, one hand on her sheathed sword. She blinks at the flesh of riding's... transformation. Perhaps it is not of the riding. Does the vibrant green meat not wish to behead the not-flesh-of-riding?
Read some of your adventure too, your character seems cool! To a good game :D
Jul 17, 2024 1:10 am
The harnes is easily burst by the tough hide and expanding form of what waas a horse. As you retreat you regroup with the new arrival. The unusual storm continues to rage around you with wind, rain, thunder, and lightning. Fortunately is seems to be weakening and through the grass and shrubs on what was simple grassy hills has grown to rediculus heights.

The animated hill has wandered off but the transofmed horse plods along behind you . By this point it has rown to about 10' tall at the shoulders and is now about 30' long. It's thick neck and tail make it more lizard like though with longer legs than you have seen on any reptile. It stands contentedly though still startling a bit at the thunder each time and shifting a bit closer to your group when it does.
Jul 17, 2024 1:52 am
Elyse takes a moment to study the transformed horse. Even though the horse seems to have transformed, I think it still thinks it's a tame animal.

She approaches the animal with palms stretched forward and attempts to calm the beast based on the skittish behavior at the flashes of lightning with soothing noises.
if successful in calming the "mount", Elyse will turn to the group and introduce everyone to the newcomer


roll perceptive, determine if the beast is still behaving as a domestic horse - (3d6)

(631) = 10

animal handling - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jul 17, 2024 2:32 pm
Elyse custodian approaches and the beasts behavior confirms her suspicions as the beast tries to nuzzle her and nips at her cloaks hood. The four ladies gather closer to the large houre-lizard and use it for a bit of shelter from the storm that is slowly moving on and now looks normal with all the odd portions well past you but it's effects lingering.
Jul 17, 2024 3:03 pm
As the rain starts to subside, Elyse looks to the young human girl with the mop of hair: Greetings, my name is Elyse Solstice, I am currently in the employ of mistress Hazel here, a master merchant and this is July, also hired as a guard. Elyse points to the destroyed wagon near the crater left by the animated boulder creature. Welcome to a new world. making a grand gesture encompassing the changes landscape and the Lizard mount. What shall we call you?
Jul 18, 2024 1:12 am
Zeva's eyes search Elyse for a weapon. One is titled Zevakyn. Mother and One are searching for Mother's future grave.

She pulls her eyes up to meet Elyse's. If the verdant green flesh is employed by the gold-full flesh, what weapon does the verdant wields in the gold-full's defense?
slight edit, realised Elyse mentions she's also a guard in her previous message
Last edited July 18, 2024 2:53 am
Jul 18, 2024 12:59 pm
Elyse offers her hand and shakes Zeva's if offered in return.Zavakyn, please use my title Elyse, another One might take offense to the descriptive address. She says trying to emulate the odd speech pattern. When the risk warrants it, I have my sword and this dagger.

Elyse opens her cloak to show the weapons hanging from her belt. Thinking this to be an odd question, she shakes off the thought and turns to Hazel...

Hazel, what do you want to do? do you want to try to salvage anything from the wagon wreck... our lizard horse here would probably be able to carry a significant load. We can still try to sell what we can salvage...

What about you July, your home is only about a days hard march, do you need to go back a check on your family?
I am not sure what reference points we have about what the horse has transformed into but for the sake of simplicity I think we can start calling it a giant monitor lizard. And if no one objects, can say the horses name was Tiny
Jul 18, 2024 11:34 pm

Hazel looks over the newcomer with trace of uncertainty and confusion but the questions about her wagon snaps her out of it. Glancing up at the beast she murmurs We can likely rig up a pack harness, I've got the rope . . . Yeah, thanks great idea. I wish we had some rope to shape a halter for the beast. and she begins trying to entice the


Now fully recovered due to the effects of the storm July looks around before shaking her head. I want to head home but, . . . . Lets focus on getting out of this situation first. The village always pulls together in adversity and if the storm hit there then they are likely better of than we are at this time.
Lets call it a Qilin, for now as it is the closest to what I imagine, though it seems ordinary in other aspects.
As you chat and walk back to the wagon the former horse begins rubbing its head against a tree it is passing and after a few moments of vigorous friction tosses its head triumphantly to reveal a pair of short horns that grow visibly. A bit shocked at this additional transformation you quickly learn it is still willing to be lead and make it back to the wagon and Hazel begins sifting through the wreckage of the overturned wagon. The tarp that used to cover the wagon is converted to a couple of large bags to hold the various recovered goods and supplies. Some crates are emptied into this after the rough pack is secured to Tiny. The entire process will take quite some time if Hazel is allowed to continue on in this manner and the cold of the storm is making everyone uncomfortable and increasingly aware of the diminishing daylight.
Jul 19, 2024 4:40 pm
Zeva attempts to help with what Hazel is doing. She looks around for any place that might be able to fit the fleshes. One thinks the party should find a place to rest for the night.
Tiny is a fantastic name, utterly beautiful lol


Searching for a place to rest - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Jul 19, 2024 6:12 pm
The tall grass and falling rain has ensured that everyone is wet all over no matter how you move or are covered. There as f large trees nearby but as you scan the area through the thickening gloom you spy a ribbon of taller trees that is likely following a stream or small creek. Tiny seems unbothered by the rain, cold, and growing weight of the packs. Hazel directs the loading to balance both the weight and bulk of items secured. She keeps setting items to one side that either go into the top of the two large "sacks" draped over Tiny or into smaller travel packs for her and July. Hazel finally admits that what is left is not worth the effort and time and you make your way towards the treeline.

The refreshing effects of the life giving Border Storm are fading and the constant rain is beginning to drag you down by time you reach the trees. Your guess proves correct and what was likely a small stream before the storm is now a gushing torrent several yards wide and hemmed in by tree roots that likely have weathered similar deluges of water. You search for any place dry but are out of luck. Fortunately Hazel has a small waterproof tent that you erects in a raised and relatively flat area. However it is too small to house all four of you so you decide to take turns on watch and tend the fire while the other three sleep. As you work you chat and Zeva learn a bit about Hazel of Avonley the merchant and July who hired on as her guard. Hazel was heading to a city that was lost at the Breaking and is being reclaimed. With a bit of dry wood, wax, and efforts you manage to transform a spark into a decent flame to make heat and light for the night.

Let me know of any other preparations for the night and the order you will be standing watch.
Jul 20, 2024 12:03 pm
Elyse offers to take the third watch, remembering that July had wanted the first watch the night before. Elyse sets up a picket line for Tiny and observe the animal to see if it's needs have changed: is it grazing normally, it is accepting horse food and drinking water from the stream.

During the meal and before first watch, Elyse projects small illusions in the smoke of the fire to illustrate the main scenes of local fable about overcoming challenges where the protagonist is perceived as week and yet manages to find ways to make it home.


learn more about Tiny (Perceptive) - (3d6)

(231) = 6

Jul 20, 2024 4:46 pm
From what you have observed Tiny still thinks and acts much as a horse, though somewhat more sedate than before as proven by its reduced concern over the storm. I grazes much as before but you note that she is more willing to nibble on other foliage than grass and is currently stripping low branches she can reach of their leaves. It still enjoys the feed butt hat was left when packing up as Hazel deemed there would not be and problem for the time being securing enough fodder.
Jul 21, 2024 4:28 pm
One will take second watch, if the fleshes are not opposed.

Zeva sits against the firelight, sharpening her sword with a whetstone as she observes the mystical flesh of riding. The Mystical appears far hardier now. Perhaps it would survive their journey.

Her eyes widen as she watches the black air dancing over the flame. Mother, the Dueler Elyse has made shapes of the black air. Silence as she listens to seemingly nothing. Oh, it is a story of a Knight's journey then.

She tilts her head at Elyse. For what reason is the Dueler Elyse on this journey?
Jul 22, 2024 11:55 am
Zeva, I am not sure I would call myself a dueler but I like it. I am the youngest of the Solstice clan. The clan is renowned for our abilities as jewelers. Being the youngest and smallest with the least experience in crafting, I have been tasked to seek out raw uncut gems for my family to craft. It's not all that exciting but I intend to bring my family honor and find those diamonds in the rough... what about you Zeva, what brings you out into the wilds?
Last edited July 22, 2024 11:56 am
Jul 22, 2024 4:29 pm
Mother says a dueler is that which wields a blade, but not necessarily a knight. Zeva says, nodding. It is logical to her. Dueler Elyse is a blacksmith for duels with the unliving proxy pieces then. It is a righteous path.

Zeva checks the hilt of her sword. One is not Mother's first Wielder. Mother had a Wielder once, and so we are looking for the Wielder's grave, so Mother may rest at his side for all eternity.
Last edited July 22, 2024 4:29 pm
Jul 23, 2024 11:55 am
Zeva, most definitely not a knight. Elyse curls up for bed, with a creeping thought, could mother be Zeva's blade?

Zeva, wake me at third watch. as she doses off to sleep.


roll perception could Zeva's blade be sentient? - (3D6)

(415) = 10

Jul 23, 2024 12:14 pm
The sword looks normal enough but there are tales of intelligent, possessed, and cursed weapons. There are also crazy people. However not all such items can be heard/understood by others. Other than an odd mode of speech from Zeva, Elyse has little to go on without a closer inspection of the weapon in question.


secret rolls - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

Jul 24, 2024 11:08 pm
Zeva spends the night sharpening the blade and staring out over the dark abyss of night.
Gonna assume I should roll here?


Second watch watching - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Jul 25, 2024 3:51 am
Judy takes first watch and Hazel agrees to take last watch as she is used to waking early. You all make what accommodations you can and settle down for the night. Several hours later Judy nudges Zeva awake and quickly takes her spot next to to the others muttering something vague about animal movement but no danger. Zeva settles back to hone her discipline and remain alert. She too hears some movement in the tall grass but the sounds seem to be avoiding the camp....
Jul 27, 2024 2:40 pm
This continues throughout Zeva's watch with an increase in activity but always stopping and retreating anytime it gets near to the campsite.
Jul 27, 2024 2:48 pm
Zeva places a hand on her hilt. She squints into the darkness. Gets closer to the rest of the party to nudge them awake.


Roll perception to see what's going on - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Jul 27, 2024 2:52 pm
Zeva can't spot whatever it is but some careful listening indicates there are multiple things moving through the tall grass in the dark. You are uncertain but you think they are not big or small. Bigger than a dog but smaller than a pony . . . They move alone or in groups and seem more heavily concentrated or frequent in one particular direction.
Jul 28, 2024 11:48 pm
Zeva nudges the rest awake with her hilt, and unsheathes the blade. There are groups of fleshes here. Malicious is unknown. Wield your weapons.

She pulls out her torch while this is happening, lighting it so there's more visibility.
Last edited July 28, 2024 11:51 pm
Jul 29, 2024 12:15 am
As you light the torch and it sputters to life, spreading its light abroad, a rustling noise indicates a creature retreating deeper into the tall grass from nearby.
If there are anymore 3/w players in the new group I will either merge them with you immediately or pull them in later.
Jul 29, 2024 12:53 am
Elyse rises out of her sleeping roll. She uses her spell touched trait and ties to create 6 floating candles around the camp and draws her short sword.
Last edited July 29, 2024 12:53 am


create six floating candles - (2D6)

(36) = 9

Jul 29, 2024 12:54 am
Looking forward to expanding the group!
Jul 30, 2024 2:24 am
Zeva readies her sword and shield.
looking forward to meeting other folk's characters too ^w^
Last edited July 30, 2024 2:24 am
Jul 30, 2024 12:24 pm
With the additional light from Elyse you get a clearer view but by this time all sounds of nearby motion have faded. Hazel draws nervously closer to Tiny, who seems unbothered by any of this comotion though she does stir as you add aditional lights. July stands ready with weapon drawn and asks what is next?

As you stand watching and listening a you hear something aproaching through th grass along the pathway vaguely visible from your own passage hours ago. As it nears you determine it is one or two creature and likely not that large, though this one is making more noise than the Zeva had heard perviously.


In mere moments the grass parts to reveal an insect larger than Elyse. It walks on it's 4 hindmost legs and stands now motionless at the edge of the clearing aound you with it forelegs, hands?, slowly raising higher and wide as it stares at you. Taking a slow step forwards you all feel a word or question enter your minds Peace?
Jul 30, 2024 2:52 pm
Elyse feels the word in her mind and relaxes a bit and lowers her sword. What do you seek?



Jul 30, 2024 4:14 pm

A series of word impressions flits though your minds
Peace, space, food, home, knowledge
And I slowly wants it's hands side to side. Then a more structured set of words
We grow, we learn, we build.

You here why?
Aug 1, 2024 10:30 pm
We were caught in the storm and sought shelter. We will be on our way in the morning... Is that ok with you.



Aug 1, 2024 11:50 pm

A vague sense of non-aggression and something akin to two creatures staying on opposite sides of a hill/river or other divide. There is a short pause as its antennae stiffen then it project into your minds once again. You travel from home/nest to breed/ / create new nest / spread lineate to foreign nest?
Aug 2, 2024 1:27 am
Zeva's hand shifts away from the hilt. Reproduction is not a possibility for metal, sticked flesh. One travels to find a grave.
Last edited August 2, 2024 1:38 am



Aug 2, 2024 12:40 pm

The antennae twitch again You go to seek dead creature? Why? To consume their flesh? Or perhaps pay respects to honored ancestor?
Aug 3, 2024 6:02 am
To rest Mother upon the dead flesh's chest. It is Mother's wish. Zeva tilts her head. So it shall be. Does the sticked flesh recognise this blade? She raises her sword, blade tilted away from the sticked flesh.
Aug 3, 2024 10:50 am
I'll be back late on Monday.



Aug 3, 2024 5:23 pm
I run game play as optional on weekends so no worries. I may post then but don't expect it and I don't expect it of others.

There is a pause with more twitching of the antennae We do not recognise that beyond it being a tool of combat. May we ask a trade of you? We are wishing to learn more. May some of us accompany your on your travel?
Aug 5, 2024 1:06 am
Zeva appears to listen to thin air. Mother and One see no issue with this.

She turns the rest of the party. Do the other fleshes wish to object or question the sticked flesh's proposal?
Aug 5, 2024 5:00 pm
I have no objection, but what trade are you offering...



Aug 5, 2024 10:08 pm

We have found your transportation tool and offer to held restore it then create a path for it through our territory which has recently undergone great change. As it finishes communication with you the sounds of a wagon moving, alviet over rough terrain, can be heard from the thick brush. Additional sounds are heard and you immediately surmise that there are many of the insectoid working together. The "spokes ant" for the Formian hive asks you not to overreact as it explains that the transportation tool is being brought over so that they can work on it under your guidance.

The sounds approach and soon a road is opened up through the thick vegetation through the efforts of dozens of the Formian workers. All the workers look much like the one standing in front of you but you catch glimpses of larger ones with larger mandibles patrolling around the workers. There are other Formian that are almost as large as the wariors but are sleeker and have wings folded along their backs. Soon the wagon can be seen being pulled by several of the formian and it is deposited in the clearing of your camp. All of the items from the wagon have been neatly deposited within it though not stowed or tied down as Hazel had it. As soon as the wagon is pushed into position all the formian save 1 warrior, 2 workers, and one of the winged drones, retreat back into the darkness of the night.

We are skilled at crafting simple objects but are unfamiliar with working some of the material of your tools the worker indicates bits of metal on the wagon. You see that some of the cracked wood has been plastered by some kind of resin patching much of the damage from toppling the wagon. We can work more changes if we errored in our attempts to repair your tool
Aug 6, 2024 6:29 pm
And all that you ask in return is that one of you accompany us on our journey as the trade? I think we would be happy to teach you about the transportation tool, we call it a wagon. Do you have a name? I am Elyse of the Solstice goblin clan. We are crafters of gems. Ponting to the jewels in one of her rings.

Elyse offers the names of each of the other party members and allows each to elaborate on their background.



Aug 7, 2024 4:00 am

The drone steps forwards slightly and you feel a slightly different "voice"
We do have identifiers but not in a way that works well with your words. You may assign one for convenience if you wish. This workers will accompany you. They will study your skills at shaping and learn to harvest the materials you use. They are very nimble and skilled but not aggressive and it gestures at one of the shortest Fomians you have seen though its abdomen looks large for the rest of it's body.

The drone converses with you awhile and you learn that while they can not see much better than you in the dark their senses let maintain an awareness of their environment despite being blind in the depths of their tunnels. The assigned worker stays silent while the drone checks with you to find where you wish to head and when you would like to leave. They will work to prepare a path so that you can leave their territory as quickly and safely as possible.

The strange storm changed much of the region. We are uncertain of all the new dangers but our hive is strong in numbers and most beasts know not to trifle with our warriors.

Let me know if you have questions for the drone, worker, or me before setting out. What is your plan and how do you describe your intended destination/path?
Aug 8, 2024 4:22 pm
Zeva looks to Elyse. One thinks the party should head to the closest city of nonhostile flesh. Work will be waiting there, as will supplies and tools.
Are there any nearby towns or cities to head to?
Aug 9, 2024 5:11 am
Judy, Hazel, and Elyse left a small village in the woods to the north west and were heading towards a city being recovered after its collapse during the Shattering that should be about 2 days off. So you are about in the middle of nowhere at this time :)
As you talk with the Formian, Hazel has begun inspecting the wagon and though all the commotion has disturbed Tiny's sleep she suggests waiting till dawn before setting out. Judy is a bit wary of the large insectoids and seems to be repulsed by them so avoids staying near or looking at them.
Aug 9, 2024 5:19 am
The rest of the night passes uneventfully, with Judy taking the remaining watch as she is unable to sleep. In the morning you are impressed as you look out along the road the Formian have cut through the thick vegetation overnight. Between Hazel and the worker Formian a makeshift harness is crafted from woven grass fiber rope. Though a bit skittish of the formian at first Hazel is able to calm Tiny whey the harness is fitted and she is tied to the wagon.

let me know if you have any other questions for the Formian and give me a navigation and/or look out test for the day.


Days Travels - (HazelNavigation:3d6, Judywatchfulness:1d6)

HazelNavigation:3d6 : (543) = 12

Judywatchfulness:1d6 : (1) = 1

Aug 10, 2024 12:27 pm
I suggest "Ambassador" for the formian NPC
Ambassador, before the storms, where your people this big? Have you encountered other families of your kind and size?


perception advantage for any signs of danger as we travel - (2D6)

(56) = 11

Aug 11, 2024 1:22 am

The strange storm of the yestereve did affect us. The warriors were affected the most as they had to contend with other beasts there were changed more than us. None of us even doubled in size. Ambassador explains that they typically build their cities underground but do not dig too deep as there are even scarier creatures in the depth of the earth. The Formian people have legends of other types of people but they have not had contact since the shattering, over 50 years ago. You get the impression that the Formians have had a society with low levels of technology but that before the Shattering the People tended to not interact much with the Formian.

When you are ready you set out with Tiny easily pulling the wagon. The morning if bright and the air crisp putting everyone in a grand mood, though it is tough to tell with Ambasador, and Tiny makes good time crossing over the mostly flattened but still rough road though the lush vegetation of the altered plains. Around noon you take a break near a hill that is mostly clear and trudging to the top you look around and see that you will soon be leaving the area and sigh in relief. Then your relief turns to dread as the ground beneath you shifts ever so slightly. Remembering you previous encounter with moving hills Elysse and Zeva quickly descend to the wagon and urging Hazel and Judy to get back in the wagon and move away. Unfortunately the hill continued to stir and soon stood up. 
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Aug 11, 2024 3:39 am
Zeva lays a hand on Mother's hilt, and attempts to search the form for weakpoints, or a route around the transformed hill.


Rolling perception for weakpoints/ a way pass - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Aug 11, 2024 1:42 pm
Zeva sees no major flaws in the creatures defense but an obvious weakness it its slow movements. Though massive and likely able to move around the same pace as you it does not seem to move its limbs quickly. In fact its limbs do not look to move as an animals but rather warp and flow more like thick bread dough oozing from one position to the next. The thing has no discernable features or even a clear "head" so you are uncertain as to how it senses the world. However it is clear that is is aware of the group on the wagon as it has started to slowly move in your direction as Tiny pulls the wagon bumping along the rough road the Formian cut from the countryside last night.
Aug 11, 2024 6:32 pm
A griffin with a dwarf riding it and a winged humanoid land on the road in front of you. The dwarf dismounts from the griffin and hurries over, but his attention is fixed upon the walking hill. To the winged humanoid, he says, "Have you ever seen a thing like that, Magian?"

He turns to face the people on the ground whose day has been interrupted by the walking hill. "'Ello. Name's Blornvid. The bloke's Magian. We'll try to slow this thing down, or distract it, so that you can get away." He turns back to look at the oncoming earth elemental. "Anyone speak rock?"

To Magian, he says, "As much as I don't want to fight this thing or fly again, maybe we should get on top of it."
Aug 12, 2024 4:11 pm
Zeva blinks. Much like an owl. An owl with massive bedhead. "Mother, there is a half flesh and a flesh of feathers. They wish to know if we speak rock."

She listens to thin air, then nods. "One and Mother do not speak rock, Half-Flesh. Only metal. One can attempt to distract the shifting not-earth with the Half Flesh
Hello, nice to meet you! To good adventures lol
Last edited August 12, 2024 4:15 pm
Aug 13, 2024 1:37 am
Half-flesh? Is she talking to me?
Same here! Have to say you've taken an interesting approach to your character. My character will be confused by her though. ;-)



Aug 13, 2024 3:18 am

The bird-man snorts at Zevas words and snaps Perhaps one should show respect and use courtesy with clear words when greeting strangers lest they take offense from one. Be that as it may the wagon is too slow if it is to be saved the mountain beast must be driven off or distracted while it flees. I and the two griffon can fly to see if it will follow but I am unsure about out chances of success. The two griffons prance nervously as they cast glances both at the approaching hill and Tiny's unusual form.
Aug 14, 2024 2:33 pm
Don't take offense Magian, when I first met Zeva she called me "verdant green flesh".

Elyse draws on he spell touch and tries to create dancing fairy light near the creatures right eye in an attempt to distract the mountain and getting it to move in a different direction.


distracting fairy lights - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Aug 14, 2024 4:52 pm
Blornvid is uncertain as to which weapon of his might prove useful in distracting the earth elemental. He hopes that Magian and the griffons, and perhaps Elyse's spell, have a more immediate impact.
Aug 15, 2024 12:54 am
Hill Elemental

Magian seems to ponder Elyse's words for a moment before nodding. Taking to the air with the pair of gryphons the tries to harass the creature. Unfortunately the gryphons and flickering lights seem to have little effect on the ponderous moving hill of a creature, if it even notices them.

It continues to plod along in pursuit of the bouncing and rattling wagon as Hazel tries to navigate it through the rough terrain with Judy urging her and Tiny on. Blornvid pulls himself onto the back of the wagon only to see an insectoid , about 3 or 4 feet tall, pop up glancing about with antennae twitching.

Though not in immediate danger the hill elemental is obviously following the wagon though its slow movements give you some time to handle it. But the crash of it's massive feet leave little doubt as to what would happen it it even accidentally stepped on any of you.

Everyone go ahead and give me a test dealing with either observation, lore, nature, or magical monsters
Remember to use your trade or traits to give advantage
[ +- ] Tests
[ +- ] Advantage
Aug 15, 2024 1:15 pm
Elyse stops the flashing lights. If visuals are the key maybe the mountain is following the noises of the wagon...


perception, advantage, could it be the noise or vibrations - (3D6)

(626) = 14

Aug 15, 2024 2:04 pm
With the amount of noise the wagon is making it seems entirely possible it is being tracked by that. The question is how to silence the wagon or distract the creature? Elyse experiments with a couple loud bangs and gets no reaction until she does onr right on the ground. This seems to get the hill elementals attention.
Aug 15, 2024 2:59 pm
With excitement in her voice Elyse shouts out: Hazel, STOP the WAGON! Everyone, gather 3 to 5 pound stones over hear... Blornvid, start chucking them in that direction. Pointing away at 90 degrees from Tiny and the wagon. Elyse then shouts up to Magian: Can you and the griffins start dropping stones further away from us? pointing in the same direction as she asked the dwarf to start throwing rocks... She then starts stomping her tiny feet as hard as she can to start the process.
Considering Elyse is under 3' tall and likely barely weighs much of anything I'll roll with disadvantage for my stomping to work.


stomping to redirect the hill elemental - (1D6)

(4) = 4

Aug 15, 2024 4:09 pm
Zeva blinks slowly. Mother says Windswept Magian's pride is that of a bright Knight's. Steel does not understand the need for titles, but one and Mother shall acquiesce.

She begins to gather stones to carry over to where Elyse pointed out.
She's definitely a strange little gremlin with no social skills, probably gonna confuse a lot of folks lol. Blornvid seems like a jolly chill guy too, fun for a party


Looking for and gathering stones - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Aug 15, 2024 5:36 pm
Blornvid has a magic keg. ;-) But it made sense to leave it back "home."
Blornvid says to Elyse, Good thinking, lass! He starts looking around for decent-sized rocks to lead the earth elemental away.


Find rocks to throw - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Aug 16, 2024 1:29 pm
Magian and the griffin begin dropping rocks and combined with your own efforts seem to confuse the hill elemental. Now more alert to the elementals mode of sensing you notice that when it places a foot, witch takes a coupe of seconds, it does not seem to notice anything you do. But when it is shifting between steps it reacts to your thrown rocks but also to you steps. You soon master the art of shifting only right before/during/after it completes a new step while the flyers proceed to drop as large of rocks as they can manage is a location off to one side of the creature from you. Repeating this method the elemental is slowly drawn away from the wagon .

Keeping an eye on the massive form as it moves further from you in pursuit of the griffon you begin to relax and take in the new aquantances...
Aug 18, 2024 2:07 am
Zeva gazes at the two new party members, "What does the half... the Axewielder Blornvid and Feathered Knight-heart Magian travel for?"
Last edited August 18, 2024 6:40 am
Aug 19, 2024 3:11 am
"Currently, we were traveling to find out what that walking-hill creature was. It was a threat to the place where we live. We needed to find out what it was and put a stop to it." He looks over to Magian. "I used to be a... exploring warrior." He smiles and turns back to the others. "Yes, that's what I'll call myself. I took some time off from that to fix up a gatehouse and restore a forge. Before I was an exploring warrior, I was a blacksmith and I was eager to get back to that. Now..." He sighs. "I don't know. I was thinking I should get back into the world again.

"But how about you all? What's your story? And do you need an old dwarf to accompany you on whatever journey it is that you're undertaking."
Aug 21, 2024 2:27 am
As you chat Magian continuees to slowly lure the hill elemental away
Aug 21, 2024 3:12 pm
Zeva nods in acknowledgement. Then Blornvid is an unbound warrior seeking purpose, perhaps on the path winding back to the hands-where-steel-is-born. One and Mother wishes Warrior Blornvid luck upon his endeavours.

She lifts the sheathed sword against her hip ."One is searching for Mother's deceased Wielder, to lay Mother next to their grave. One met Dueler Elyse during this pilgrimage, when thunder-bright-change melted the world. The change left this party here."
Aug 21, 2024 5:11 pm
desekat says:
Zeva nods in acknowledgement. Then Blornvid is an unbound warrior seeking purpose, perhaps on the path winding back to the hands-where-steel-is-born. One and Mother wishes Warrior Blornvid luck upon his endeavours.
Blornvid chuckles. "Yes, that's a good way to describe my situation. And thank you."
desekat says:
She lifts the sheathed sword against her hip ."One is searching for Mother's deceased Wielder, to lay Mother next to their grave. One met Dueler Elyse during this pilgrimage, when thunder-bright-change melted the world. The change left this party here."
"And what about the others?" Blornvid gestures to Elyse and the others. He also keeps an eye on Magian's progress until he's out of sight.
Aug 21, 2024 5:28 pm
Well, Hazel, she is a merchant. July and I hired on as guards until we get to the outpost a few days away. Ambassador (the Formian) has joined our ranks to make connections with their neighbours in this new world. Me personally, my family are jewelers and e being the youngest, I was send to find raw, uncut gems to support the family business.

Pointing to the beast pulling the wagon: Tiny over there, used to be a horse before the rains hit her...
just glossing over the NPC's for expedience: Hazel, July and Ambassador. Tiny may be important but we aren't sure. So far a beast of burden.
Aug 23, 2024 3:01 am
After several minutes the hill elemental is barely visible and its once thunderous steps and mere thuds in the distance. As you chatBlornvid figures that Hazel was heading toward Paphos. And upon learning of the Manor, which is not too far out of the way, is is decided to head there before deciding whether to continue on or return as both Hazen and Judy are in agreement that the Wilds are not for them.

Blornvid gives general directions and you cross an old track, likely a road from before the Shattering, and as it lead in about the right direction take it. Several minute later Magion is seen overhead and he waves at you before continuing on his way back to the manor house.
Feel free to chat or give input on the NPC decision. If nothing else comes up I will get you all to the manor tomorrow or this weekend. Work has been a bit hectic so posting has been limited this week
Aug 23, 2024 6:07 pm
Blornvid waves back to Magian. To no one in particular, he says, "Well, that's a relief. Hopefully that thing can find a mountain range to settle down for a nap."

Blornvid escorts the group to the Manor. "Many refugees have settled there recently. It's made a lot of progress getting restored to pre-Shattering condition. From there, we should be able to get to Paphos. By the way, what's this Formian fellow in search of?"
Aug 26, 2024 12:18 pm
Well, the best we can figure is that he is a representative of the hive and they want to make alliances with their neighbours. They don't really have names, that's way we named it Ambassador.
Aug 26, 2024 5:43 pm
"Then hopefully something can be worked out between him and the Lady of the Manor. I know that the Manor can always use allies."
Aug 27, 2024 3:02 am
The wagon ride back, though swift due to Tiny's new form, takes longer than the flight out and it is near sunset when you follow the rough track and finally see the manner a ways off still through the trees. As you near you hear sounds of water he passes into a thicker part of the forest. The woods you have been passing through are old and look untouched by hands that shape things save the faint traces of the road you follow. Soon the roofline of the building is in sight and yougets a better view of the structure.

The yard shows signs of having been well organized and cared for but had grown wild for years. There are signs of recent attempts to tame the surroundings but there is much work left to be done. There are people moving between the building and they look up with interest at the sound of the wagon. The nearest structure, a short tower, has it's front door thrown open and three youths in ill fitting armor rush out to stand on the road and confront you.
I swear I have a better image for the manner but can not find it at this time
Aug 27, 2024 4:37 pm
I believe that's the gatehouse. The manor image isn't in the Manor thread?
"Oh ho there!" Blornvid says with a smile that is partially hidden by his beard. "It is I, Blornvid, returning to the Manor. These are my guests." He gestures to the rest of the group. "Will you grant us access to the Manor grounds, young knights?" The twinkle in his eyes reveals this formal language to be a bit of show for the benefit of the young guards.

Danoll (Manor)


Aug 29, 2024 3:54 am
The youth in ill fitted armor stop at the dwarfs call and a couple look visibly relieved while the other is more disappointed. The boys stand to salute their mentor. Beyond then the onlookers begin returning to their choors, though they continue giving you curious glances, most for Tiny and Ambasador. Beyond the gatehouse and carriage house that you are directed toward you see a larger structure that is being resorted from what you assume to be years of abandonment.

found it inside a collapsed snippet
With the carriage stowed and Tiny stabled Hazel is anxious to meet the leaders of this growing settlement as she sees an opportunity for trade, once she secures a few more guards to help with the journey. Stepping back outside you see an older man striding from the manor to greet you.

Danoll (Manor)
Welcome back Blornvid, and welcome strangers. It is nice to restore contact with a bit of the world beyond. Please come inside, rest, and tell us your tale.
OK, wrapping up this thread and moving the story into the Manor Thread
Follow the link after I post a short into for you there.

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