A stormy beginning

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Aug 3, 2024 10:50 am
I'll be back late on Monday.



Aug 3, 2024 5:23 pm
I run game play as optional on weekends so no worries. I may post then but don't expect it and I don't expect it of others.

There is a pause with more twitching of the antennae We do not recognise that beyond it being a tool of combat. May we ask a trade of you? We are wishing to learn more. May some of us accompany your on your travel?
Aug 5, 2024 1:06 am
Zeva appears to listen to thin air. Mother and One see no issue with this.

She turns the rest of the party. Do the other fleshes wish to object or question the sticked flesh's proposal?
Aug 5, 2024 5:00 pm
I have no objection, but what trade are you offering...



Aug 5, 2024 10:08 pm

We have found your transportation tool and offer to held restore it then create a path for it through our territory which has recently undergone great change. As it finishes communication with you the sounds of a wagon moving, alviet over rough terrain, can be heard from the thick brush. Additional sounds are heard and you immediately surmise that there are many of the insectoid working together. The "spokes ant" for the Formian hive asks you not to overreact as it explains that the transportation tool is being brought over so that they can work on it under your guidance.

The sounds approach and soon a road is opened up through the thick vegetation through the efforts of dozens of the Formian workers. All the workers look much like the one standing in front of you but you catch glimpses of larger ones with larger mandibles patrolling around the workers. There are other Formian that are almost as large as the wariors but are sleeker and have wings folded along their backs. Soon the wagon can be seen being pulled by several of the formian and it is deposited in the clearing of your camp. All of the items from the wagon have been neatly deposited within it though not stowed or tied down as Hazel had it. As soon as the wagon is pushed into position all the formian save 1 warrior, 2 workers, and one of the winged drones, retreat back into the darkness of the night.

We are skilled at crafting simple objects but are unfamiliar with working some of the material of your tools the worker indicates bits of metal on the wagon. You see that some of the cracked wood has been plastered by some kind of resin patching much of the damage from toppling the wagon. We can work more changes if we errored in our attempts to repair your tool
Aug 6, 2024 6:29 pm
And all that you ask in return is that one of you accompany us on our journey as the trade? I think we would be happy to teach you about the transportation tool, we call it a wagon. Do you have a name? I am Elyse of the Solstice goblin clan. We are crafters of gems. Ponting to the jewels in one of her rings.

Elyse offers the names of each of the other party members and allows each to elaborate on their background.



Aug 7, 2024 4:00 am

The drone steps forwards slightly and you feel a slightly different "voice"
We do have identifiers but not in a way that works well with your words. You may assign one for convenience if you wish. This workers will accompany you. They will study your skills at shaping and learn to harvest the materials you use. They are very nimble and skilled but not aggressive and it gestures at one of the shortest Fomians you have seen though its abdomen looks large for the rest of it's body.

The drone converses with you awhile and you learn that while they can not see much better than you in the dark their senses let maintain an awareness of their environment despite being blind in the depths of their tunnels. The assigned worker stays silent while the drone checks with you to find where you wish to head and when you would like to leave. They will work to prepare a path so that you can leave their territory as quickly and safely as possible.

The strange storm changed much of the region. We are uncertain of all the new dangers but our hive is strong in numbers and most beasts know not to trifle with our warriors.

Let me know if you have questions for the drone, worker, or me before setting out. What is your plan and how do you describe your intended destination/path?
Aug 8, 2024 4:22 pm
Zeva looks to Elyse. One thinks the party should head to the closest city of nonhostile flesh. Work will be waiting there, as will supplies and tools.
Are there any nearby towns or cities to head to?
Aug 9, 2024 5:11 am
Judy, Hazel, and Elyse left a small village in the woods to the north west and were heading towards a city being recovered after its collapse during the Shattering that should be about 2 days off. So you are about in the middle of nowhere at this time :)
As you talk with the Formian, Hazel has begun inspecting the wagon and though all the commotion has disturbed Tiny's sleep she suggests waiting till dawn before setting out. Judy is a bit wary of the large insectoids and seems to be repulsed by them so avoids staying near or looking at them.
Aug 9, 2024 5:19 am
The rest of the night passes uneventfully, with Judy taking the remaining watch as she is unable to sleep. In the morning you are impressed as you look out along the road the Formian have cut through the thick vegetation overnight. Between Hazel and the worker Formian a makeshift harness is crafted from woven grass fiber rope. Though a bit skittish of the formian at first Hazel is able to calm Tiny whey the harness is fitted and she is tied to the wagon.

let me know if you have any other questions for the Formian and give me a navigation and/or look out test for the day.


Days Travels - (HazelNavigation:3d6, Judywatchfulness:1d6)

HazelNavigation:3d6 : (543) = 12

Judywatchfulness:1d6 : (1) = 1

Aug 10, 2024 12:27 pm
I suggest "Ambassador" for the formian NPC
Ambassador, before the storms, where your people this big? Have you encountered other families of your kind and size?


perception advantage for any signs of danger as we travel - (2D6)

(56) = 11

Aug 11, 2024 1:22 am

The strange storm of the yestereve did affect us. The warriors were affected the most as they had to contend with other beasts there were changed more than us. None of us even doubled in size. Ambassador explains that they typically build their cities underground but do not dig too deep as there are even scarier creatures in the depth of the earth. The Formian people have legends of other types of people but they have not had contact since the shattering, over 50 years ago. You get the impression that the Formians have had a society with low levels of technology but that before the Shattering the People tended to not interact much with the Formian.

When you are ready you set out with Tiny easily pulling the wagon. The morning if bright and the air crisp putting everyone in a grand mood, though it is tough to tell with Ambasador, and Tiny makes good time crossing over the mostly flattened but still rough road though the lush vegetation of the altered plains. Around noon you take a break near a hill that is mostly clear and trudging to the top you look around and see that you will soon be leaving the area and sigh in relief. Then your relief turns to dread as the ground beneath you shifts ever so slightly. Remembering you previous encounter with moving hills Elysse and Zeva quickly descend to the wagon and urging Hazel and Judy to get back in the wagon and move away. Unfortunately the hill continued to stir and soon stood up. 
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Aug 11, 2024 3:39 am
Zeva lays a hand on Mother's hilt, and attempts to search the form for weakpoints, or a route around the transformed hill.


Rolling perception for weakpoints/ a way pass - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Aug 11, 2024 1:42 pm
Zeva sees no major flaws in the creatures defense but an obvious weakness it its slow movements. Though massive and likely able to move around the same pace as you it does not seem to move its limbs quickly. In fact its limbs do not look to move as an animals but rather warp and flow more like thick bread dough oozing from one position to the next. The thing has no discernable features or even a clear "head" so you are uncertain as to how it senses the world. However it is clear that is is aware of the group on the wagon as it has started to slowly move in your direction as Tiny pulls the wagon bumping along the rough road the Formian cut from the countryside last night.
Aug 11, 2024 6:32 pm
A griffin with a dwarf riding it and a winged humanoid land on the road in front of you. The dwarf dismounts from the griffin and hurries over, but his attention is fixed upon the walking hill. To the winged humanoid, he says, "Have you ever seen a thing like that, Magian?"

He turns to face the people on the ground whose day has been interrupted by the walking hill. "'Ello. Name's Blornvid. The bloke's Magian. We'll try to slow this thing down, or distract it, so that you can get away." He turns back to look at the oncoming earth elemental. "Anyone speak rock?"

To Magian, he says, "As much as I don't want to fight this thing or fly again, maybe we should get on top of it."
Aug 12, 2024 4:11 pm
Zeva blinks. Much like an owl. An owl with massive bedhead. "Mother, there is a half flesh and a flesh of feathers. They wish to know if we speak rock."

She listens to thin air, then nods. "One and Mother do not speak rock, Half-Flesh. Only metal. One can attempt to distract the shifting not-earth with the Half Flesh
Hello, nice to meet you! To good adventures lol
Last edited August 12, 2024 4:15 pm
Aug 13, 2024 1:37 am
Half-flesh? Is she talking to me?
Same here! Have to say you've taken an interesting approach to your character. My character will be confused by her though. ;-)



Aug 13, 2024 3:18 am

The bird-man snorts at Zevas words and snaps Perhaps one should show respect and use courtesy with clear words when greeting strangers lest they take offense from one. Be that as it may the wagon is too slow if it is to be saved the mountain beast must be driven off or distracted while it flees. I and the two griffon can fly to see if it will follow but I am unsure about out chances of success. The two griffons prance nervously as they cast glances both at the approaching hill and Tiny's unusual form.
Aug 14, 2024 2:33 pm
Don't take offense Magian, when I first met Zeva she called me "verdant green flesh".

Elyse draws on he spell touch and tries to create dancing fairy light near the creatures right eye in an attempt to distract the mountain and getting it to move in a different direction.


distracting fairy lights - (2d6)

(54) = 9

Aug 14, 2024 4:52 pm
Blornvid is uncertain as to which weapon of his might prove useful in distracting the earth elemental. He hopes that Magian and the griffons, and perhaps Elyse's spell, have a more immediate impact.
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