Chapter 2: Local Heroes

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Dec 2, 2024 6:25 pm
Listening to Khel's speech, Grimwulf starts shaking his head, "I disagree. Li, use that rage to keep yourself going, wear it like a warm blanket, and if the fire gets too hot and consumes you, arise from it like the phoenix to smite your enemies again, and again, and again."

The halfling then double taps the head of his maul on the ground in two sharp clangs, as to exclaim his point, "It's worked well for me so far.", choosing to ignore the numerous times when it hasn't.

"As for your second point Khel, let's see what we find." Grim heads toward Tsuto's body, well, two distinct pieces of it, and searches through the clothing.
Last edited Dec 2, 2024 8:49 pm
Dec 3, 2024 9:42 am
Strapped across his shoulder is a composite longbow he never had time to use in the cramped quarters. In a quiver strapped to his belt you find 20 arrows. Of more interest is a mysterious potion that you later will identify as a Potion of Minor Healing. In a pouch you find 10 platinum coins. You also can't help but notice his silver earrings, you think they could be worth something to the right buyer (worth 12 gp each).
Dec 3, 2024 12:05 pm
After the final swing and being sure that his enemy is no more... a treat to anyone... Li bends in half with convulsions, gasping for some air and finally experiencing the pain that he forced to stay out of his conciseness... until... what had to be done... was done. Another stream of blood flew from his nose, but he put the sleeve of his robe to it once more to stop it. Coughing, he stands up, slowly regaining his strength. He stands there looking with blind eyes at Tsuto body, with straight back and lowered kata, completely oblivious to Khel departure outside and him returning back.

"Loose myself? " - Li repeated after fellow magician with a voice of a person that just woke up from deep slumber: "No... that... is not suppose to happen. I can't... not yet, at least. I still have a duty to fulfill..." - with strong resolution in his voice, still a little absentminded Li answered Khel.

"Yes, still. And again." - Li smiled - apparently coming to his senses - towards Grimwulf, that he knew would never miss an occasion to shake Li out of his stoic calm way of being.
"Nice try." - Li commented getting back to his usual polite way of conducting himself

"Speaking of loosing someone... shouldn't we head down the stairs immediately and see what they were preparing there?" - he resolutely noticed.
Dec 3, 2024 1:39 pm
Chigaru turns from inspecting Tsuto's body to peer at the sword-wielder. He frowns with concern at the coughing and the sudden blood. "You don't look well, my friend. Maybe you should visit a healer in town before pressing on. You have blood on your face." He looks back at Tsuto and shakes his head at the senseless waste. His sister should be notified at the least, and it would be improper to rob him of personal effects. Chigaru stands up, knees popping with the sound of large branches cracking. "Master Khel, also please ask Professor Quink if he doesn't mind watching Chakra for a little longer while we investigate further."
Dec 3, 2024 6:48 pm
Grim pockets three of the platinum coins, figuring to use them later at the gambling hall. No need to get greedy as he can make more there. Perhaps enough to even start a fund for the unfortunate victims of this slaughter. Eyeing the other items and not seeing any use for them, remarks "If anyone else fancies a bow and some earrings, all yours."

Getting up, he sees Li cough up what looks to be blood, and at Chigaru's mention of needing a healer, worriedly remarks, "I found this bottle, if it'll help."
1 platinum equals 10gp
Last edited Dec 3, 2024 6:51 pm
Dec 3, 2024 7:40 pm
Khel stooped down and checked Tsuto's clothes for anything out of ordinary. A letter maybe? A journal? Other magical artifacts? He then took 2 platinum coins for himself and nodded at Chigaru. "I will convey it to Master Quink." He went back to notify Brodert Quink and later returned to follow his companion further inside the Glassworks.
Dec 4, 2024 8:59 am
Mechanicaly Li has 0 wounds. But it was very nice to see how other PCs... care:) So he will decline the potion offer.
"Nah... it's only the blood from my hit nose. Standard thing. It's not even broken. I will be fine in a moment. But thank you... friends. Keep the bottle for now, please."

"Any information?" - Li asked Khel seeing him obviously looking for something more than coins.

Li considered helping himself with the valuables - probably he will need much more money now to continue his dead end investigation from now on - but he still felt too much contempt for Tsuto to touch any of his items.

"So as the best member of our group is now safe" - he was referring to Chakra, so he smiled towards Chigaru with small nod of his head, that was aimed at acknowledging him that he appreciates taking care of the most vulnerable - "shell we continue downstairs ?"

Shalelu Andosana


Dec 4, 2024 11:14 am
You head downstairs, and you see a storage room, as you see several sandbags and other raw materials lined up against one wall. As you come down the stairs, you notice to your side a broken down brick wall that once hid a passageway.

Shalelu Andosana
"Could that be your smuggler's route?" Shalelu asks.

Within the hidden passageway you find an old office with a sleeping bag and a backpack. You assume it's Tsuto's, and rummaging through it you are proven correct.

You find within some thieves' tools, a flute, 6 pouches of gold dust, 8 pouches of silver dust and most intrestingly a journal. A small leather bound booklet containing two dozen pages. Most of which Tsuto has filled with maps of Sandpoint or erotic drawings of a strange woman.

The maps depict different attack plans. The first set shows the plan for a group of 30 goblins. The heroes should recognize it as the attack the goblins made on Sandpoint at the start of the adventure.

Of more pressing concern are the next several pages, which illustrate an assault on Sandpoint by a force of what appears to be 200 goblins. None of these are circled, and most are actually scratched out as if they’ve been rejected.

In one of the last pages of the book, the woman in the erotic drawings have been drawn with a single demonic hand ending in a claw, as well as bat wings, horns, a forked tail and fangs.

Below are a the three most interesting passages.
Anyone gown up in Sandpoint can make a Common Knowledge -2 check to recognize the woman.
Dec 4, 2024 5:18 pm
Wess says grimly "Not sure the town is going to like that the 'Heroes of Sandpoint' only dealt with a distraction."
Dec 4, 2024 5:58 pm
Khel riffled through the journal pages once it was handed to him and stopped several times for reading and watching the images. He rested his index finger on his moustache, his mind in deep thought. "Looks like there are several individuals involved in this scenario. The goblins are used as foot soldiers and pawns here. There is someone called Ripnugget and Bruthazmus. One of them is a bugbear, probably later? There is also someone called Quasit who will lend aid. They are trying to release Malfeshnekor? The person with whom Tsuto fell in love seems to have vendetta against her father. She also seems to have performed some kind of ritual to transform her into a demon? By burning the father's remains? Does it mean Father Tobyn? His casket was raided and contents taken. Did Father Tobyn have a daughter? I can see the name Lamashtu. That is a horrifying evil deity. These are not good signs; also, it seems like the plan was to burn down Sandpoint. Mayor Deverin needs to know about this."
Dec 4, 2024 6:10 pm
Grim has an uneasy feeling in his stomach after reading the last passages. "What in the Nine Hells is going on here?"

He's only been in Sandpoint a little while, but tries to remember if any of this sounds familiar, perhaps drunken ramblings in the bars.


Common Knowledge - (1d4-2, 1d6-2, RA)

1d4-2 : (3) - 2 = 1

1d6-2 : (664) - 2 = 14

Dec 5, 2024 7:34 am
Chigaru runs a thick thumb over his jaw as he thinks about what information the journal contains. He didn't grow up in Sandpoint but has been living here for several years but nothing sounds familiar to him.
Forgot the -2 so that's a failure.
Last edited Dec 5, 2024 7:35 am


Common Knowledge⭐ - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (4) = 4

Dec 5, 2024 11:39 am
Grimwulf can recognize the woman as Nualia, the young girl who died in the fire along with Father Tobyn and who was his ward. She's older, but can recognize her from old paintings. That also fits with "celestial taint" as the word around town was that she was Aasimar.
Dec 5, 2024 3:21 pm
"It's Father Tobyn's adopted daughter, she was part angel. Supposedly perished in the fire with him."

Thinking about it some more, "Maybe she came back by making a pact with the goddess of monsters."
Last edited Dec 5, 2024 3:22 pm
Dec 6, 2024 11:51 am
Mayor Kendra Deverin
You are interrupted by Mayor Deverin coming running with a panting and sweating Brodert trailing behind her. Her eyes seems misty, evidently she took time to look in on the carnage above. "Have anyone informed Ameiko?"

Brodert Quink
"I could get her as well," Brodert sighs between gasps of air.

Mayor Kendra Deverin
The mayor shakes her head. "She should be told properly," she sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. "This damn town. Seems like we are under a curse."

She turns her attention to you. "You have any idea why he'd do this? I know he disliked his father, but to align himself with goblins..." she shakes her head. "I just can't understand."
Dec 9, 2024 6:56 pm
"Not just goblins.", showing the mayor the parchment they found. He points to the demoness on the page, "He was in love with her, Nualia. Back from the dead apparently and ready to raze Sandpoint to the ground. Do you know anything of her?"
Last edited Dec 10, 2024 12:49 am
Dec 9, 2024 11:51 pm
Saldrina frowns. "An aasimar who has turned demonic? This bodes not well at all."
Dec 10, 2024 7:47 am
"That sounds dire indeed. Let us hope a devlish aasimar is unstable and constantly in conflict with her dual nature rather than a whole greater than the sum of her parts. We will need to track her down before she can set any other plots in motion."
Dec 10, 2024 10:56 am
Li - certainly not showing that - but indeed recovering some of his strengths still, don't join the discussion with Mayor. Only greeting here with polite nod of his head and touching the tip of his exotic hat. Instead he is more interested in the chamber they all gathered, particularly looking for some hidden passages or if the glasswork basement or Tsuto's "old office behind broken brick wall" could be connected with some more tunnels or rooms, that he expected to extend under the town.
"Even if Tsuto resided here for some time, he had to get supplies from somewhere and bring the goblins in... from the basement and up... for all this carnage." - he muttered to himself while checking the walls.
Edit: adding rolls if needed.
Last edited Dec 10, 2024 10:57 am


Notice * - (1d6, 1d6, RA)

1d6 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (2) = 2

Dec 10, 2024 12:53 pm
Following the tunnel to the end, Li reveals a secret door that opens into a 12-yard-diameter cave on the side of the cliff overlooking the Varisian Gulf.

Though of more interesting note is that two side tunnels branch from the tunnel's southern half. One leads east and the other to the west. Of particular note, is that the western one seems to once have been bricked over at the point where it diverges from the main tunnel.

Brodert Quink
Meanwhile back inside the old smuggler office, Brodert is going over the journal. "Hmm. I don't recognize any of the names, but a quasit is a demonic creature," he muses. "I've never seen one, but according to myth they are resistant to fire and are able to turn invisible."

Mayor Kendra Deverin
"Demons?!" the mayor sighs. "How could this be the same sweet Nualia I remember. She was so beautiful and kind. A bit shy, don't think she liked to stand out. But she... She was always willing to run errands for Father Tobyn. I thought she'd grow up to be a priest like her foster father."
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