Springrise, 5th day.
They hiked a bit further, but the encroaching darkness and dropping temperature made progress slow. Eventually, they found a small, sheltered grove that offered some protection from the wind. Faramos gathered some fallen branches and kindling, working quickly to start a fire. Brenda, knowing they needed to stay vigilant, chose a sturdy tree nearby and climbed up, settling in a high branch that allowed her a good vantage point.
Brenda," Faramos called softly up to her, "
I will get the fire going. Get some rest if you can."
Brenda nodded, her eyes scanning the surrounding area from her perch. "
Alright, but wake me when you need to sleep. I'll keep an eye out from up here."
A couple of hours later, as the fire crackled to life, casting a warm glow in the encroaching darkness, Faramos sat down, feeling the weight of the day's exhaustion. He ate and checked his pack, noting with concern how his rations were dwindling. They would need to find more food soon.
Reduce 1 step die from Faramo's FOOD supply (see the roll below)
Either way, as the flames flickered and danced, he found himself reflecting on the day's trials and the challenges still ahead.
Faramos and Brenda
received 1 XP for the 5th day, as you were successful in the tests and "defeated" Brukir.
For further details about how we are handling XP, refer to the
advancement rules in this post Springrise, 5th day.
I assume Faramos is going to SLEEP in the last Quarter Day, so I will keep this moving...
Hours passed, and eventually, Faramos's eyes grew heavy. He stood and called up to Brenda. "
Your turn to keep watch. I'll get some rest now."
Brenda climbed down from the tree with practiced ease and took her place by the fire. "
Rest well, Faramos. I'll keep us safe through the night."
Faramos nodded gratefully and lay down, the warmth of the fire and the knowledge that Brenda was keeping watch allowing him to drift into a deep, much-needed sleep.
Springrise, 6th day.
The morning dawned gray and overcast, the air heavy with the promise of rain. Brenda, still alert from her night watch, gently roused Faramos. He blinked awake, stretching stiff muscles as he sat up. The fire had died down to embers, and the chill of the morning air was a sharp reminder of their vulnerability in the wild.
Morning," Brenda said, her voice soft but steady. "
The night was uneventful. We should get moving soon."
You were able to SLEEP and REST. Recover all your lost attribute points.
As they packed up their belongings, the first drops of light rain began to fall. It was a gentle, intermittent drizzle, more of a nuisance than a hindrance. The sky would remain overcast for the whole day, with occasional bursts of sunlight breaking through the clouds and casting brief moments of warmth and light on the damp landscape.
All LEAD THE WAY rolls will be at -1 due to the weather, but you are otherwise unaffected.
What do you do?