[Closed, Waitlist OK] Without Benefit of Compass

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ClosedDungeons & Dragons 5thPrivate3 / weekDipper
This is technically two games set in the same world.
[ +- ] Hook for Game #1
[ +- ] Hook for Game #2

Jul 24, 2024 5:30 am
[ +- ] Game Information

[ +- ] Q&A
Last edited August 2, 2024 4:52 pm
Jul 24, 2024 6:12 am
I am interested and I think I have an interesting character idea for that fits this world.

She is a human noble wizard.
She lost heir claim to be heir to the family fortune due to no fault of her own. Ideally because in her family/kingdom only men inherit it, and a brother was born. In order to avoid becoming a pawn in a political marriage she didn't want, she ran away. Leaving behind the studies and luxury life she knew. She is booksmart and pampered. But now, she is on her own.
Jul 24, 2024 6:16 am

Name: Abigail West
Race: Human
Age: 13
Class: Cleric (Peace Domain)

Deity: Schyzem

Background: "Medium"

Alignment: True Neutral


Kind, inquisitive, stern (at times), calm. She'll greet you excitedly if she hasn't seen you in awhile, but she also isn't afraid to put her foot down if she perceives problematic behavior.

Traits: I spend my days around both life and death, sickness and health. I am a steward, attending to Schyzem's subjects with all due diligence, regardless of race or creed.

Ideals: We are all bound to Schyzem. To feel pain is to be alive, and to perceive the thoughts and feelings of others is to be a corporeal being. To express empathy. It is wrong to rob such a gift from others.

Bonds: It was only in the passing of my beloved parents that my eyes were opened to the nature of mortality, the fragility of our bodies, and just how precious life is. I owe everything to my parents, and the gift of love and wisdom they imparted upon me.

Flaws: At times I can be stubborn, and refuse to back down even when I really should. This can get me in trouble, as well as the people around me.

I form attachments too easily.


Abigail West is a young and inquisitive girl, roughly thirteen years of age, dressed in a simple (if worn) tunic, with generous flounces stuffed around the bottom. She prefers to go barefoot as a simple matter of comfort, and allows her blonde hair to grow out. When encountered with a puzzle- or when in need of mental stimulation of any sort -Abigail will be searching for clues, studying people and objects, or engaging in conversation. She's typically of the optimistic disposition, but a confrontation with death has tempered her expectations. Despite this, she still seeks out the best outcome she can for everyone involved.
I'm thinking Abby probably happened by Provos and, as usual, was compelled to help them. Perhaps she's lingered longer than usual, taking the opportunity to rest and recover after her travels. She would be delighted to accept a request for assistance ~
Last edited July 24, 2024 6:18 am
Jul 24, 2024 7:53 am
I have a character concept that I have been toying around with for a while.
It's a noble-born paladin, of a wealthy influential family that has taken Noblesse Oblige as their motto. All his life, it has been expected of him to become a true hero paladin, with the wind in his hair and a billowing cloak.

The thing is that he is not sure if that is what he wants in life. So much of his story is about running away from expectations, seeing the world and living life to its fullest. All while still following his teachings.
A rebel Lawfull Good if I may :)

Starting at lev 2 is perfect as he is not ready to take the holy oath (lev 3 feature). I would multiclass into something else when we reached level 3
Dipper says:
Specialized Software and Resources. Unknown, this will be my first time playing or running a game on this site. As a result, I may need some patience, especially in the beginning. In my former PbP home, I used to run combats "fog of war" style, I may do that here as well but I'll have to really kick the tires with how GP handles things before I make a firm decision on that.
I see that you are new to this sight. I would be delighted to help with any technical questions you might run into as you GM this game.
What do you mean by "fog of war"? Using small battlemaps (there we have a good OnTheFlyBattleMaps integration) or minds eye?
Dipper says:
Character Restrictions.
PHB Classes and Races, except no halflings (as far as anyone knows, they don't exist anymore) and no gnome PCs (see above, re: slavery).
What is the racial distribution of the free folk? Mostly human, then dwarfs, elves, dragonborn and tieflings?

What are the allowed source books?
Are we using Feats?
How are stats made (roll, pointbuy, something more exotic)
Dipper says:
1) Teleportation Magic Doesn't Work - There is an IC reason for this and who knows, maybe you guys will be the ones to fix it someday, but for now, it is what it is. Incoming extraplanar summoning and conjuration work fine, but any attempt to teleport from one part of the planet to another, be it the few hundred feet of a Dimension Door or the trans-continental travel of a true Teleport spell, fails outright. Some mages have tried just Plane Shifting twice, on the logic that if extraplanar summoning works, they should just be able to Plane Shift to a different spot on the planet, but no one who has ever tried it has come back, so apparently that doesn't work either.
I like it, especially the restriction on teleportation magics. I am assuming that this includes Misty Step?

Extra question: Gods, deities, fay and similar outer entities, how do they work? I'm thinking of a paladin, so are they tied to their oath only, or also a god/godess?
Jul 24, 2024 11:48 am
I like the world concept and post rate you are offering, so I will throw my thief concept into the ring.

I have an idea for a disgruntled ex-veteran Sargent Rouge/Ranger - scout. He comes across as a rough commoner, and that is what he is. If it was not for his skill with a bow and keen perception, he would have just been a farmer or die long ago in the service of one Lord or another.
Jul 24, 2024 12:14 pm
runekyndig says:

What do you mean by "fog of war"?...
I answered your questions as an addendum to the main post.
Loving the response so far, I can already tell you guys are going to make it hard to pick. ;)
Jul 24, 2024 4:36 pm

"Well now, I be Bruener Brommenhammer, o’ da brown-bearded Brommenhammers!!!"

Bruener, Dwarf Fighter or Fighter-Like Person.

Bruener (Bru to friends) is a surly and boisterous fellow with braided brown hair, brown beard and big bulgy eyes. He’s as wide as he is tall! He sports medium or heavy armor and a warhammer - the favored weapon of his clan. He’s an honorable ol’ dwarf, family’s important to him, and he never breaks a promise.

"Well, what’re we waitin’ fer?! Let’s get on wid it!"
Last edited July 24, 2024 4:42 pm
Jul 24, 2024 5:27 pm
WhiteDwarf says:

Bruener, Dwarf Fighter or Fighter-Like Person.

Bruener (Bru to friends) is a surly and boisterous fellow with braided brown hair, brown beard and big bulgy eyes. He’s as wide as he is tall! He sports medium or heavy armor and a warhammer - the favored weapon of his clan. He’s an honorable ol’ dwarf, family’s important to him, and he never breaks a promise.

"Well, what’re we waitin’ fer?! Let’s get on wid it!"
Oh I like this one ^^
Last edited July 24, 2024 5:28 pm
Jul 24, 2024 8:15 pm
The Fey Firebrand: Archfey Warlock

A rebellious daughter of a noble with a penchant for mischief, she made a pact with a mischievous sprite to escape her gilded cage. Now, she's a free spirit with a sharp tongue and a fiery spirit, using her fey magic to charm and beguile.

A playful and unpredictable wild card, she's as likely to help you as she is to hinder you. Her warlock powers are sharp, but she's also skilled in archery.
Jul 24, 2024 9:06 pm
Couple of questions:
- Would you be able to give a bit more insight into the adventure as far as the basic feel of it? (e.g. high fantasy, eldritch horror, steampunk, etc.?) It's a medieval-ish setting, with some dark undertones, but any additional info that could help create a more fitting character would be great.
- If this will be converted to 5.5e, wouldn't it be better to just start off by using the latest UA content for character creation? It'd make the conversion much easier, as it looks like the final product will be relatively close to it.
Jul 24, 2024 9:19 pm
✅ The Game System and Rules Version. D&D 5E. Note that once the new Monster Manual comes out in February of 2025, we will finish whatever chapter of the story we're on and then the game will convert to 5.5E. Expect a 4-6 week hiatus at that time.
grifter730 says:
- If this will be converted to 5.5e, wouldn't it be better to just start off by using the latest UA content for character creation? It'd make the conversion much easier, as it looks like the final product will be relatively close to it.
I was about to ask something similar
Jul 24, 2024 9:20 pm
Game post updated with answers.
Jul 25, 2024 3:28 am
After a second read of the thread and understanding the racial balance I am leaning towards Tiefling or Dragonborn.

Put another chip on their shoulder :)
Jul 25, 2024 3:37 am
Do tieflings even exist in this world?
Jul 25, 2024 4:54 am
Aisede says:
Do tieflings even exist in this world?
I was leaning towards tiefling too ;) so intrested in this answer!
Jul 25, 2024 4:58 am
Answered. I'll spare you the scroll up - yes, there are tieflings. :) They're not very common, though, and while they're far more tolerated than, say, gnomes or goblins, you might still encounter the occasional bigot here and there.
Jul 25, 2024 6:11 am
Hey Dipper I have been accepted into another game which I thought had missed on. So I will withdraw my application for your game and give some else a shot at a game.

I wish you all the best with this game. I really love the theme of the world you have created.
Jul 25, 2024 10:12 am
Character Concept:

Warlock (Fiendish)

An ambitious low-born who is deeply jealous, resentful, and yet covetous of the good life of nobility. Highly charismatic, vain, and popular, he does all he can to wash away the stink of his upbringing, but while the high-born may smile and laugh at his jests, one does not simply get a seat at the high table without a drop of noble blood. He sees combat as the ultimate equalizer, a way to have his name upon the lips of commoners and nobility alike, and so he bargained a deal with a devil for power. Now, he will stop at nothing to put his talents to the test, leave a wake of dead bodies in his trail, and cut a name for himself.

This is a character who does everything in extremes, which is his (potentially tragic) flaw. He’s a charming chameleon that can blend in with commoners and high socialite alike, but he is obsessed and ashamed of his past/status, and he masks that deep scar with a facade of good cheer. He is distrustful of the devil he bargained with—a low-ranking devil seeking his own fortunes through collecting souls—but a deal’s a deal, and the souls of all those who stand in his way is a cheap price to pay for his ambitions.
Last edited July 25, 2024 10:45 am
Jul 25, 2024 10:46 am
I can't resist this one. If such concept fit I would like to see an elf druid (grassland) who just decided to spend some time among "civilized man". As for him even medieval manor is a wonder. He would be asking lot of naive questions despite his high wisdom.
Jul 25, 2024 11:03 am
I like the ideas you have put forth and think it will be interesting to see how you play things out.

Are you allowing Variant Human as a race with the starting feat? I ask because my concept would like to be telepathic, but can play him without until 4th level.

Concept: Circle of the Moon Druid
Human (Variant if available)

A small farming village, if you could call it that, only a cluster of a dozen farming families working a plot of the noble lord's land, nestled against the lord's forest. Into this tiny village many years ago wandered a small boy, perhaps 3 years of age, coal black hair and wide ash grey eyes, dressed in barely rages amounting to a torn smock. The boy was not crying or afraid, but walked among the homes, petting a goat here, a dog there, sitting on a stump with a raven close by. No one knew where he had come from. The road perhaps, lost from a traveling family.

An older family, barren of child themselves, took him in for the night and word was sent to the nearest taverns and towns. But nothing was ever found and most people did not want an extra mouth to feed, especially a scrawny one at that. In the end, the couple kept the lad, who most simply called Raven. Always good with animals and a knack for finding plants, most called him a very odd lost boy, but some rumored that he was a forest spirit sent into the village, but as an omen of good or ill?

As an adult Raven has developed a natural affinity with magic and shifting (a secret kept from all but the closest). Most still consider him odd, some call him druid, but the druids wonder if he might be something else...
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