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Jul 31, 2024 8:07 am
Hi. Yes I prefer my PC to be a friend of Provos, not sure if it translates to "Ravenclaw".
I must admit I am swamped in amount on info provided, house rules to take into account and decisions on PC background I must make before fully understand the settings PC grew up in. I'm afraid I will not be able to to do that all by the deadline. Would it be a problem? Can you start game without my PC finished and I will join after a few posts?
GreyWord sent a note to Dipper
Jul 31, 2024 11:17 am
An update. I would like to beg your permission to work on my background details and answer the questions over the course of next few weeks and start game without questions answered. Would that work?

Also in order to answer background questions I would appreciate you supply me with answers to following:
1. What's the climate in the country (i.e. are there snow during the winder, ice cover rivers, etc. ? Are there lot of rain the summer or it's dry and grasslands is not common...)

2. Were there any wars or other major conflicts in last 2 centuries (that's when my PC parents met) and were Elves able to stay neutral?

3. How much does majority of natives (i.e. humans) rely on hunting (i.e. would druids in the country be worried about impact civilization do on the wildlife)

P.S. Apologies if they are answered in any of the other threads already and I missed the answer.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 31, 2024 3:07 pm
Hi, here playing Tante Lude. I don't think I've been added to a group yet (both are visible) but when I know, I'll post there.
Last edited Jul 31, 2024 3:10 pm


Stat - (2d6+6)

Stat - (2d6+6)

Stat - (2d6+6)

Stat - (2d6+6)

Jul 31, 2024 3:31 pm
badbaron says:
Hi, here playing Tante Lude. I don't think I've been added to a group yet (both are visible) but when I know, I'll post there.
Welcome. For the record "Tante" is the Danish word for "aunt"; danish is my first language, so I will be reading your character name different ;)
Jul 31, 2024 3:42 pm
GreyWord says:
An update. I would like to beg your permission to work on my background details and answer the questions over the course of next few weeks and start game without questions answered. Would that work?
It should be fine, although if you could think of it as a soft 8/18 deadline, that would be helpful. Also, I'm beginning my data mine tomorrow, your character may be at a mild disadvantage concerning story planning if I go through a first draft with no data. I'd encourage you to at least start a post and fill in one or two things for me to work with, if you can.
GreyWord says:

1. What's the climate in the country (i.e. are there snow during the winder, ice cover rivers, etc. ? Are there lot of rain the summer or it's dry and grasslands is not common...)

Temperate, but four seasoned. Think roughly the same weather patterns you'd see in Virginia in the USA, for a frame of reference. There has been the occasional hurricane, but earthquakes and tornadoes are pretty unheard of.
GreyWord says:

2. Were there any wars or other major conflicts in last 2 centuries (that's when my PC parents met) and were Elves able to stay neutral?

This is mostly answered in the Campaign Information threads, but succinctly:
- The Lightscar Empire conquered Brecca in the year 1000.
- Zhanniqua annexed Lochlain (currently Sea Terrace and Camborra Counties) in 1120.
- There was a brief uprising in the 1170s.
- Thor'Dael, the elven magocracy to the northeast, is currently in an open civil war.
GreyWord says:

3. How much does majority of natives (i.e. humans) rely on hunting (i.e. would druids in the country be worried about impact civilization do on the wildlife)

Druids wouldn't be druids if they weren't worried about something. ;) If you're asking about how valid their worries are, well... depends on the place. Some areas of the country are less eco-friendly than others. You could easily make a character hailing from either a place that does or does not get PETA's stamp of approval.
Jul 31, 2024 3:44 pm
badbaron says:
Hi, here playing Tante Lude. I don't think I've been added to a group yet (both are visible) but when I know, I'll post there.
I'm expecting you'll be going with Ravenclaw group, but I'm waiting a moment to be sure drinks joins because if they suddenly change their mind, I'd have a 6/4 imbalance and I'd want to correct it by moving you. ;)
Jul 31, 2024 4:03 pm
runekyndig says:
badbaron says:
Hi, here playing Tante Lude. I don't think I've been added to a group yet (both are visible) but when I know, I'll post there.
Welcome. For the record "Tante" is the Danish word for "aunt"; danish is my first language, so I will be reading your character name different ;)
Same in Dutch :)

Also goes for the world's moons Goed & Kwaad
Jul 31, 2024 4:32 pm
It is supposed to mean Aunt, yes, sort of a compromise from Sister. Named after my great aunt, actually. A famous beauty in her day. Engaged multiple times, never married.

Good with whichever of the two starts you decide.
Last edited Jul 31, 2024 4:55 pm
Jul 31, 2024 6:04 pm
badbaron says:
Good with whichever of the two starts you decide.
Cool cool. Quick note, note is actually the equivalent of fieldset around here and private is the equivalent of secret. So I edited your background post to change it to private cause I think everyone could see it.

Other things I've noticed about the subtle differences here:
- BBCode here is case-sensitive. [B]bold[/B] doesn't work, it all has to be lowercase.
- They don't have a code to make lists. As you can see. :)
- Their format code is ridiculously good. If you saw my campaign info posts, you know.
- What they're capable of doing with maps and tokens here is next level. It's all third-party integration, too, I can't believe the other place didn't take advantage of that kinda stuff!
- No tooltip code. I think that's the one thing I'm going to struggle with a lot here, I really really valued that code and I used it for a lot of my secret private text.
- Table code is comparable, if not a little bit superior.
- Dice rolls and sheet references are very different, but not in a better or worse way, just... different.

I'm sure by this time next year it'll all be second nature, but it is a tad jarring at first.
Jul 31, 2024 7:00 pm
Dipper says:
Cool cool. Quick note, note is actually the equivalent of fieldset around here and private is the equivalent of secret. So I edited your background post to change it to private cause I think everyone could see it.
As per @GreyWord post above, if you sent a note to someone, I think you see that the note was sent but not what was in it. Unlike secret, where you don't even see what was sent. Which is why when you quoted me above, @Dipper, there was a non-sequitur as I know to which paragraph you responded but the quote text didn't register it because it was private to you.

Well, we can test it. Does anyone else see what I asked @badbaron?
Avraham sent a note to badbaron
What I miss are emojis, which I find go a very long way in transferring some element of body language and facial expression missing in text-based communication.
Jul 31, 2024 7:06 pm
Well I can see you sent a note to Baron
Jul 31, 2024 7:07 pm
Avraham says:
Well, we can test it.
No need. Reasonable explanation here: https://gamersplane.com/forums/thread/23649/?p=1097044#p1097044.

So yes, note to someone allows others to know SOMETHING was said, but not what was said. Probably has decent use within roleplay. Secret doesn't even register that something was said. Good for DM-User comms, I reckon.
Jul 31, 2024 8:02 pm
Native English speaker though I lived on a farm outside Copenhagen when I was 3 or 4.
Aug 1, 2024 3:23 am
If anyone's curious, here's the character sheet I came up with:
[ +- ] Sheet
It's just the custom one with easier multiclassing and a demographic section, and with everything in spoiler tags to make it more collapsible. It's not really worth using to be honest, and I think I'd be doing my game a disservice by focusing too much on it instead of focusing on the more important aspects of storytelling. So feel free to ignore. :)

I might someday explore the possibilities a little further, the multiclassing stuff in particular makes me hopeful that I can do more conditional math with it someday, maybe automate some of the leveling goodies. Definitely a lot of potential. But... priorities.
Aug 1, 2024 4:17 am
Gotcha, @Dipper. Can you see the characters we assigned to this game, perchance? I know a few of us have although I can only see my own.
Aug 1, 2024 6:08 am
Dipper have to approve of the characters before they are acesseable
And if you have marked the book on the character (in your character list) then other people can see that character sheet
Elowin Granode can be seen by other players, but the Runaway paladin cant
Aug 1, 2024 7:00 pm
Roll for 2nd lvl health


Health - (1d4+4)

Aug 1, 2024 7:07 pm
@Dipper If i want to use the GP to upgrade the leather armor I get at creation does it cost the whole about (45gp) or can say she traded in her regular armor for it (10gp)? So it costs 35gp.
Aug 1, 2024 7:24 pm
Arrcher101 says:
@Dipper If i want to use the GP to upgrade the leather armor I get at creation does it cost the whole about (45gp) or can say she traded in her regular armor for it (10gp)? So it costs 35gp.
Good question. I assumed I could sell what I had at PHB prices to upgrade (hemp rope to silk).
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