As she grew, so too did her curiosity for the world and her desire to know more about it, and so once she came of age she left the caravan to seek out a place where she sate her need for understanding. She would eventually find herself in the employment of a library, where she would further continue her studies when she wasn't busy organizing shelves. Once she heard of the expedition to Paphos however, her mind began to race with possibilities of what knowledge could be contained within it, feeling the same sense of wonder she experienced as a child looking through those first tomes. With a hurry she left the library to try and ensure a spot on the expedition team, eager to discover any and all secrets that the city may hold.
Not all the glitters is Glidbem
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Jul 29, 2024 5:20 am
lairas says:
Glidbem was born into a group of wandering Duende traders, who traveled the Shattered Lands bartering what they had for what they needed. Sometime during her youth the group came into possession of a small collection of books covering all manner of subjects about the world. To most these would be useless tomes full of indecipherable text, good only for trading, but Glidbem took a keen interest in them. Though she couldn't read them, something about the glyphs contained within sparked her curiosity, and a desire for understanding would drive her to learn about them. Whenever the group came across someone who seemed learned enough to read the glyphs she would pester them endlessly to teach her more of what they meant. As the years went on she slowly began to gain a fuller understanding of the common language, and could read and understand books on just about any topic all by herself.As she grew, so too did her curiosity for the world and her desire to know more about it, and so once she came of age she left the caravan to seek out a place where she sate her need for understanding. She would eventually find herself in the employment of a library, where she would further continue her studies when she wasn't busy organizing shelves. Once she heard of the expedition to Paphos however, her mind began to race with possibilities of what knowledge could be contained within it, feeling the same sense of wonder she experienced as a child looking through those first tomes. With a hurry she left the library to try and ensure a spot on the expedition team, eager to discover any and all secrets that the city may hold.
Jul 29, 2024 5:32 am
Glidbem has made her way to the dwarven town of Gamulur where she hears she can either book passage on a boat or hire on as a guard to earn her passage. The town is a decent trade hub and while the dwarven guard maintains order, for the most part, the human dominant low end of town is a bit sketchy and shares access to the docks with the dwarven "inner city"

As you pass through the gate into the town proper the dwarven guard calls after you. Just follow the main road strait through and you will reach the docks quick enough. Ask around for Corwin. He manages the passage and mercenaries for that expedition in this town.
The road is wide and decently clean and the shops are decent enough though you see signs of poverty down the byways and allys. Most shops look to be dwarven owned though a few human, gnomish, or Duende shops exist. Most of the urchins you see are human but regular patrols, a mix of human and dwarf, but always dwarven officers, keep them moving or to the alleyways and off the main thuroughfare.
Dwarf Guard
As you pass through the gate into the town proper the dwarven guard calls after you. Just follow the main road strait through and you will reach the docks quick enough. Ask around for Corwin. He manages the passage and mercenaries for that expedition in this town.
The road is wide and decently clean and the shops are decent enough though you see signs of poverty down the byways and allys. Most shops look to be dwarven owned though a few human, gnomish, or Duende shops exist. Most of the urchins you see are human but regular patrols, a mix of human and dwarf, but always dwarven officers, keep them moving or to the alleyways and off the main thuroughfare.
Jul 29, 2024 5:12 pm
Glidbem would heed the Dwarf Guard's directions and follow down the main road, opting to avoid making any detours through one of the alleys or otherwise doing anything that might lead to her getting lost. Internally she feels quite uneasy due to the thought of setting sail for a strange new place soon, and the treatment of the human urchins by the patrols isnt helping to calm her mood. Assuming she makes it to the docks with little issue, she would ask anyone who looks like they might be a worker where Corwin is.
Jul 29, 2024 7:07 pm
The street is pleasant enough and you pass several others that house much finer shops or massive warehouses. The warehouses grow larger and more numerous as you approach a growing clamor that you take for the docks. Your suspicions are confirmed and you see a sprawling riverside dock with multiple piers and inlets to allow the boats to be brought inland a bit so as to be close to the some warehouses.
The rawkus noise of men shouting, beasts pulling wagons, carts, and street vendor's calling fills the air. Besides the dock hands there are the boat crews and an occasional merchant overseeing his goods. Many of the urchins here seem to alternate between playing and getting chased off or performing minor tasks while a few get chased off immediately by almost any and all who catch sight of them. Nearby you spot what looks to be a guard house, with several guards lounging in the shade it's expansive awning provides, and further down the dock you see many dockhands of various races coming and going from an open air structure with several staff that review paperwork and hand back other papers.
Having nothing but the name "Corwin" to go on you approach the nearby guards, making your way through the crown of dirty youths, clattering wagons, and sweaty and muscled men that all fail to deviate in the slightest as you try to navigate through them. Upon reaching the guards you inquire where to find him the man said to coordinate passage to Paphos.

The grizzled older man peers at you and chuckles. You joining them researchers down river? Don't see many of you on your own. Where's your escort? City streets aint safe for decent folks since the expedition started bringing back tall tales and valuables that draw the less favorable types. Anyhow you can find Corben is a small shack to the east of the dockmasters station, that busy place over there. and he points to the bustling hub you noticed earlier.
Roll me a Save Test or an Observation Test. Your Choice
The rawkus noise of men shouting, beasts pulling wagons, carts, and street vendor's calling fills the air. Besides the dock hands there are the boat crews and an occasional merchant overseeing his goods. Many of the urchins here seem to alternate between playing and getting chased off or performing minor tasks while a few get chased off immediately by almost any and all who catch sight of them. Nearby you spot what looks to be a guard house, with several guards lounging in the shade it's expansive awning provides, and further down the dock you see many dockhands of various races coming and going from an open air structure with several staff that review paperwork and hand back other papers.
Having nothing but the name "Corwin" to go on you approach the nearby guards, making your way through the crown of dirty youths, clattering wagons, and sweaty and muscled men that all fail to deviate in the slightest as you try to navigate through them. Upon reaching the guards you inquire where to find him the man said to coordinate passage to Paphos.

The grizzled older man peers at you and chuckles. You joining them researchers down river? Don't see many of you on your own. Where's your escort? City streets aint safe for decent folks since the expedition started bringing back tall tales and valuables that draw the less favorable types. Anyhow you can find Corben is a small shack to the east of the dockmasters station, that busy place over there. and he points to the bustling hub you noticed earlier.
Roll me a Save Test or an Observation Test. Your Choice
[ +- ] Tests
When you attempt to accomplish tasks your performance is determined through a test. A test is made by rolling two six-sided dice (d6). If any of those dice roll a '5' or '6', you've accomplished your task!
[ +- ] Save Tests
These occur when something undesirable happens to your character and are handled just like regular Tests unless otherwise noted by the rules or the Game Master. A failed save will have effects as determined by the GM or the adventure.
random rolls, nothing to see here. - (Abumpinthecrowd:2d6)
(65) = 11
Jul 30, 2024 1:39 am
Glidbem replies Yes sir, I am indeed one of the researchers, or will be one once I've made it to the City that is. I suppose I hadn't considered I might need an escort, I'll be sure to keep that in mind should I ever cross through here again. For now I'll make my way over to Corben, and thank you for your help. After that she would head in the direction of the dockmasters station and do her best to navigate through the mess of people present.
Last edited August 2, 2024 9:39 pm
Going with an observation roll here - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Jul 30, 2024 2:40 am
didn't forget your trait[ +- ] 2nd Trait: Perceptive
Advantage on tests to notice things
Preceptive advantage - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Jul 30, 2024 2:46 am
As to head over you feel a tug at you waist then a lightning of you purse. Coloring the tug you clutch your waist and look towards the motions direction. A youth rushes on his way after brushing past you and your fingers tell you that is not you purse at you waist...
Jul 30, 2024 5:29 pm
Glidbem makes the connection and stares dejectedly as the youth runs off with all the coin she brought with her for the trip. As much as she might want to chase after the stolen purse her stature and lack of any athleticism quickly remind her that it would be a lot of wasted effort. She thinks Well, now I can see the need for a bodyguard around here. Hopefully Paphos doesn't have quite as many thieves in it at least. While continuing back on her way towards the station, she moves to clutch her pack close to her chest to try and keep a closer eye on her remaining possessions.
Last edited August 6, 2024 1:42 am
Jul 31, 2024 12:36 pm
As you walk you decide to investigate the pouch that replaced yours and find a ear equal amount of weight but with a mix of 10 copper coin and the rest is filled with lead weights. Obviously there was some skill in preparing for the swap. You postulate that there is some form of locla guild that regulates such matters and they decided that keeping their targets from being totally pennyless was a good idea.
Upon reaching the station you ask about Corben and are directed to a small office built into one of the nearby offices. the door is open and looking inside you see an old man who looks up at your entrance.
Looking you over the man sitss up and ask You lost miss?
I allow players to choose how they interact with NPC. You can do it all in character word for word or just sumarize intentions and add key words as needd. Remember to add rolls for actions and observations as needed.
Upon reaching the station you ask about Corben and are directed to a small office built into one of the nearby offices. the door is open and looking inside you see an old man who looks up at your entrance.

I allow players to choose how they interact with NPC. You can do it all in character word for word or just sumarize intentions and add key words as needd. Remember to add rolls for actions and observations as needed.
Jul 31, 2024 5:52 pm
Glidbem looks up at the man and states No sir, not lost at all, although getting here was a bit of a hassle. I'm actually here because I was told you're the one to talk to about gaining passage to the city of Paphos. She smiles nervously and extends her tiny hand out in invitation for a handshake.
Last edited August 2, 2024 9:39 pm
Aug 1, 2024 3:36 am

The old man looks you over then takes you hand If you want passag that is easy enough. We have regular boats taking suplies downriver most days. Passagee is 3 gold with quarters, or 6 silver for space on the deck. The baots will also be taking on guards in the form of adventurer or mercenary. We have one leaving at first light tomorrow if that suits you.
Can you use bold for highlighting speech please. My eyesight isn't the best and i miss "quotes" at times when riding the train. Aug 1, 2024 8:06 pm
Glidbem freezes slightly at the mention of money being a requirement. Ah yes, about that... Normally sir I'd be more than happy to pay you, but most of the money I brought with me for the trip was stolen on the way here. If you're familiar with the area I'm sure you know all about the thieves roaming around. She reaches into her purse and pulls out the 10 copper she was left with. I'm not much of a guard, so perhaps you could take this, and then we could work out some form of compensation once I'm a bit less light on funds? She shows the meager sum of coins to the man and gives a nervous, pleading smile.
Sorry, will try to be better about remembering that in the future.Last edited August 2, 2024 9:39 pm
Aug 2, 2024 1:46 pm

Shaking his head Corwin sighs in exasperations and mutters something about foolish scholars before replying Well the expedition is always looking for good research assistants. I assume you can read and write? He pulls out a form and instructs you to fill it out according to the directions. The paper has a variety of questions ranging from history, philosophy, mathematics, and science. It takes you over a quarter of an hour to complete and upon completion he reviews your paper, comparing it with another he pulls from a drawer, then has you read back several of the answers, again comparing what you say against his own sheet.
Give me a test, you can use advantage due to your background, just for performing under pressure to see how well you do
Well, looks good enough that they may want you. You sign this contract and I will get you on the boat in the morning. You'll either have to convince the captain to allow you to sleep onboard or find a place to stay tonight and pay for it yourself.
He hand you a card with a basic employment contract, in both the basic script and a more detailed version in high script. Basically you will work to pay of any debt then make earning based on your skills (test taken) and performance. Once your debt is paid you can continue working for them or quit. He then give directions to find the boat and tells you to ask for the captain who goes by Hank.
Aug 3, 2024 3:15 am
Upon hearing that she's been cleared to set sail, visible excitement overtakes Glidbem as she leaps from her chair. Oh thank you sir, thank you so much! I'd hug you right now if I could! She grabs whatever writing implement is available and scribbles down her signature on the contract, then grabs the card out of Corwin's hand in one swift motion. I'll speak to the captain right this instant, I assure you that you wont regret this sir! she says before making her way out of the cabin, almost stumbling over herself in a rush to get to the boat as fast as possible.
Test results - (3d6)
(562) = 13
Aug 4, 2024 2:15 pm
Before you leave the old man snatches back the contract from you with a grumble and scratches a few basic glyphs on the back after consulting your test again, you assume it has something to do with your test results but they mean little to you, before handing it back. Rushing of of the small office and along the docks you soon find the ship, after getting directions a couple of times, shouted at a couple more to get out of the way, and are relieved to find a clean looking man with a decent river boat and several crew that match the directions and description given you.

As you approach the man turns to look at you and notices the contract card in your hand before standing to greet you.
Welcome miss, are you looking for passage to new Paphos? We don't sail till the morning.

As you approach the man turns to look at you and notices the contract card in your hand before standing to greet you.
Welcome miss, are you looking for passage to new Paphos? We don't sail till the morning.
Aug 5, 2024 1:26 am
Glidbem smiles at the man and says Yes sir, I've just finished speaking with Corwin and was told there was a possibility of staying on your boat for tonight. I only ask because I'm not exactly familiar with the area, and finding a place to stay on such such short notice might prove to be a problem for me. If need be I'd be more than happy to help out around the ship to earn my stay, assuming there's any work you think I'm capable of helping with.
Aug 5, 2024 4:44 am

The man ponders a moment before replying Well, you're small enough and the men sleep on board anyhow. How about you spend the rest of the day going over some lessons with my boy and we call it even?
Ok, any questions on the basic? If not then I am moving things along towards the main story area and will work to get you into a story with other players. Aug 5, 2024 10:02 pm
With a nod of her head she tells the Captain If it gets me a spot on your ship and a trip to Paphos to go with it, then I will do my very best to teach him.
As the lessons finish and the sun begins to set, Glidbem retires to her corner of the boat before making sure to hide her belongings away somewhere they'll hopefully be safe while she sleeps. Assuming all is peaceful for the night, she'll curl up in her bed and do her very best to fall asleep while her mind races with thoughts of the journey that awaits her.
As the lessons finish and the sun begins to set, Glidbem retires to her corner of the boat before making sure to hide her belongings away somewhere they'll hopefully be safe while she sleeps. Assuming all is peaceful for the night, she'll curl up in her bed and do her very best to fall asleep while her mind races with thoughts of the journey that awaits her.
No questions that I can think of, ready to move on.Nel
Aug 6, 2024 12:05 am
In the morning you are awoken by sounds of the crew making preparations to shove off. A 4 man squad arrives just moments before Hank gives the orders to cast off and you begin your trek. The crew and mercenaries seem familiar with each other and you get the sense that though the crew are no push overs trips down river tend to be targeted by river pirates for supplies. Return trip tend to be safer as they are either empty or heavily guarded.

You pass the time continuing your lessons with Nelwho chats about life on the river and you learn that though he is a recent addition to the crew he previously worked on his dad's ship several months. He is now working with Hank to see how other captains run their boats. He tells that in that time they have encountered not only pirates but also had several run ins with the large beasts he refers to as "dinosaurs", large reptilian creatures that are common in the area around Paphos. He has picked up many tales of the place and informs you that though it is a research expeditions there are other groups interested in the area and clashes with goblins, kobolds, hobgoblins, bugbear, and orcs are an increasing concern. Fortunately that is not a concern until the last day.
By mid-day you are getting a bit nervous about all the stories Nel has been spinning of the area and as you chat with Hank and Nel he suggest you spar with the boy, as you are both much smaller than the guard and crew. Nel is excited at the prospect and runs to get his club before you can even reply. He returns with s short polished rod about as long as his arm with a handle and guard. A bit dejected he looks at his weapon and comments Once I prove I know what I am doing they will let me start using an axe, then later when I am bigger I can start using a spear. Don't worry we won't be hitting hard. Please will you spar with me and he looks at your, glancing at your stave, with a mix of pleading and excitement.Lets go through a short combat tutorial then I will move your story to merge it with others. While I try not to have combat dominate stories it does impact most.

You pass the time continuing your lessons with Nelwho chats about life on the river and you learn that though he is a recent addition to the crew he previously worked on his dad's ship several months. He is now working with Hank to see how other captains run their boats. He tells that in that time they have encountered not only pirates but also had several run ins with the large beasts he refers to as "dinosaurs", large reptilian creatures that are common in the area around Paphos. He has picked up many tales of the place and informs you that though it is a research expeditions there are other groups interested in the area and clashes with goblins, kobolds, hobgoblins, bugbear, and orcs are an increasing concern. Fortunately that is not a concern until the last day.
By mid-day you are getting a bit nervous about all the stories Nel has been spinning of the area and as you chat with Hank and Nel he suggest you spar with the boy, as you are both much smaller than the guard and crew. Nel is excited at the prospect and runs to get his club before you can even reply. He returns with s short polished rod about as long as his arm with a handle and guard. A bit dejected he looks at his weapon and comments Once I prove I know what I am doing they will let me start using an axe, then later when I am bigger I can start using a spear. Don't worry we won't be hitting hard. Please will you spar with me and he looks at your, glancing at your stave, with a mix of pleading and excitement.
[ +- ] Combat
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
Aug 6, 2024 1:41 am
Glidbem hesitates for a moment while considering Nel's request. Combat is far from her field of expertise, with the staff she brought more for utility than anything. But given the boy's pleading, and the fact that this is his fathers boat she's staying on, she figures it would be quite rude to decline. Well... I suppose it would make sense to do some kind of training if things around here are as dangerous as you say she says, grabbing her staff off the floor. She stands opposite of Nel and assumes a very awkward approximation of a combat stance, with a less than confident look on her face and the weapon shaking slightly in her hands.
As she spars her movements are slow and very easy to read, due to a mix of inexperience and making every effort to avoid accidentally hurting Nel in any way. Anyone watching them train might think she was just trying to let the boy win rather than actually being this bad at fighting. Her attempts at dodging are a bit more believable however, as she really does want to avoid being hit at all.
As she spars her movements are slow and very easy to read, due to a mix of inexperience and making every effort to avoid accidentally hurting Nel in any way. Anyone watching them train might think she was just trying to let the boy win rather than actually being this bad at fighting. Her attempts at dodging are a bit more believable however, as she really does want to avoid being hit at all.
Funny that I do so well on the two rolls that I intended to fail at.Last edited August 6, 2024 3:10 am
Attack Roll - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Evade Roll - (1d6)
(5) = 5
load next