Scene 2: The Caves

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Aug 15, 2024 8:22 pm
Amazing description!
Leana dives with purpose, the cold water barely fazing her in her new form. Beneath the surface, the clear water allows her to see the lake depths narrow the further down she swims. Other than some aquatic plants, there is a surprising lack of life in the water. Large pale boulders are gathered on uneven shelves of rock as she searches for what caught Merton's eye. A few tunnels can be seen around the lake depths, but she stays focused on her objective as she swims deeper and deeper. Leana, please roll either an investigation or perception check.
Leana can roll with advantage if Merton wants to help describe what she is looking for. Describe whatever you like!
Aug 15, 2024 8:32 pm
As Leana's scaly tail disappears under the water, Hindle focuses on the spiders heading towards the owlbear. With barely any cover where the spiders are, it is easy for him to fry the larger spider in the lead. The smaller spider skitters about the smoldering remains of its companion before running to the tunnel the group originally came from. The owlbear, none the wiser, flips onto its back and scratches its stomach before settling into a more comfortable napping position.
Aug 16, 2024 3:29 am
Watching the greenish beams dispatch the spider on the shore, Hindle only realizes what Leana is doing when she disturbs raft and roils the water with her entry. Abashed that he might have been the cause, his chagrin turns to confusion until her transformation is complete.

As her crocodilian form sinks below the depths, he says softly, "After a while, crocodile..."

"So, do we wait her or press on. She'll be able to catch us up in no time like that."
Aug 16, 2024 7:31 am
Giving Leana an encouraging smile and wink, Brickowsky stays in the boat and smirks amused at Dhakhan's improvised rhyme.

Feeling safer than he would have assumed on this raft, the magic user bobs his head and replies: "Let us give her a minute. It shouldn't take too long." Leaning back, he gives a thumb up to Hindle. A risky plan, but it seemed to pay off. An owlbear represents an opponent not to be underestimated and as long as the beast sleeps, no blood had to be spilled. An excellent thing, that.

Looking at the tree at the end of the lake, the dwarf tries discerning if there is some sort of entry. The tree hides the way. Sounds pretty straight forward to the wizard.
Aug 16, 2024 7:49 am
I'll roll as soon as Merton describes it :)
Aug 16, 2024 9:48 pm
Merton describes where the thing was based on their position on the boat. Describing the details and the different bits near the area
Aug 17, 2024 5:43 am
let's see...


Perception - (2d20h1+7)

(138) + 7 = 20

Aug 17, 2024 1:51 pm
With Merton's description, Leana is able to quickly push past potential distractions and easily finds the shiny items that caught his attention. About 20 feet down, nestled inside a formation of rocks and aquatic plants, are a scattering of gold coins and a large leather bag. Leana scoops up the bag in her long snout and swims back up to the group that has waited for her. She looks down a tunnel as she passes by and sees movement. Probably time to get a move on once she surfaces...

Brickowsky takes a moment to study the tree they are heading to while they wait. It looks just like an ordinary tree except now he notices that, as a bird flies in and out of the branches (perhaps making a nest), the branches seem to sway the opposite of the breeze they've been feeling...


Secret Roll - (1d20)

Aug 19, 2024 3:28 am
quilltid says:
....the branches seem to sway the opposite of the breeze they've been feeling...
Mmmmmm. Nope.
Aug 19, 2024 1:00 pm
Waiting for Leana, Brickowsky is keen on investigating the tree. Hopefully without a fight for the moment.
Aug 19, 2024 4:53 pm No more than a swiftly moving shadow announces Leana's return to the people looking out for her. She emerges in a way that is quick as well as silent. No splashing about. This in itself would be a bit eerie, but she tosses a large bag on the float as well. Then she opens her huge jaws and bites down onto the wood with admirable care so that nothing is too damaged - apart from some splintered wood, of course. Leana in her reptile form moves her powerful body and muscular tail in such a way that she pushes the raft forward and quickly gains speed.

To her friends she relates what she has seen through the psychic link. Only her thoughts are not quite ... human-like. They are more ... something else. She shows them movement in the dark, lets them feel threatened and conveys a need to scram as quick as possible without drawing much attention. The young druid hopes her friends hold onto the makeshift barge as she speeds them towards their destination.
Last edited August 19, 2024 5:07 pm
Aug 19, 2024 6:08 pm
Quickly snatching up the bag, so it doesn't fall in the water again, Brickowsky holds down his wizzard (*g*) hat and looks through small eyes upon their landing zone.
Aug 20, 2024 1:46 am
The party holds onto their makeshift raft tight and Brickowsky catches the bag Leana dropped off before it slips back into the water. Despite the speed they are moving at and the frightful impressions Leana communicates to them, the raft moves quite smoothly and quietly through the water. The party holds its breath as the only sounds they hear are the soft lapping of waves along the edges of the lake from their movements.


Hold on tight! - (1d20)

Aug 20, 2024 1:55 am
The party lands on the shore closest to the tree much faster than expected. They let out their breath and gather themselves back onto land. As the lake water begins to calm again, a large scaly tail can be seen arcing out where they had stopped, but it slips back beneath the surface and the water is still once more.

The tree is about 20 feet in front of them. About 5 feet around the tree, it is just bare dirt and stone with large tree roots sticking out, then the grass and plants start to grow again toward the lake shore. To the right are grasses and flowers, filling the area with a heady smell. To the left are stalactites and stalagmites, water dripping slowly between them. In between the rock formations, purple mushrooms grow.
Aug 20, 2024 6:49 am
quilltid says:
The tree is about 20 feet in front of them. About 5 feet around the tree, it is just bare dirt and stone with large tree roots sticking out, then the grass and plants start to grow again toward the lake shore. To the right are grasses and flowers, filling the area with a heady smell. To the left are stalactites and stalagmites, water dripping slowly between them. In between the rock formations, purple mushrooms grow.
I don't like the weird tree. :(

Seriously though, which way offers the shortest path to the tower? How big are the purple mushrooms growing around the stalagmites? Do they carpet the ground or make passage difficult without treading upon them>
Last edited August 20, 2024 6:49 am
Aug 20, 2024 10:48 am
Arriving at the lake shore safe and sound, Brickowsky jumps from the raft and takes a look around. When he deems the situation safe enough he opens the bag that Leana found and takes a closer look inside. What does he see?
Aug 20, 2024 8:50 pm
Hindle looks more carefully at the purple mushrooms to his left. They seem to grow in twos and threes around the stalagmites on the ground so it would be easy to move around them. They are rather large though, at least half Merton's height. He and Merton would have to get a bit closer to confirm though.
Are you asking your GM or the group about the shortest path? :D
Aug 20, 2024 9:02 pm
Brickowsky lands on the ground with a sound *THUMP* and does a quick check of their surroundings. No spiders nearby, the owlbear still napping, and whatever was in the lake making no noise. It seems safe enough right now, even for a short rest if they needed. He hauls out the leather bag that Leana found to see what is inside.

It is an oiled leather bag, keeping whatever contents that were inside relatively dry and protected from corrosion. It is easy enough to undo the buckle holding it closed and undoing the cord keeping the contents tucked away inside. He dips his hand into a large amount of loose gold coins. Perhaps some had fallen out and caught Merton's eye. With his experience as a dwarf and adventurer, it is easy to tell the bag must contain over 100 gold coins. On top of the coins is a gleaming golden key, similar in size and shape to the key they found at Inn Plain Sight behind the Jadescales family portrait.
Aug 21, 2024 2:32 pm
A key is a thing that could comes in handy, the dwarf decides and stows it beneath his fine jacket. "Good job, Leana" he compliments the crocodil and rings the coins as well. "25 for each of us." he proclaims further and deals out the right amount for everybody. Just for the druid he holds her share for the moment. No pockets, you know?

Walzing in the direction of the tree, the wizard cranes his neck left and right and tries to discern if there is some form of entrance. The tree hides the way. So: no more hiding. Where is the way?
25 gp for everybody!

Brickoswky would come to a stop 10 feet before the tree and would look for an entrance, or start walking around the thing.

If I should role something - please let me know. :)
Aug 21, 2024 7:18 pm
Merton pockets the coins and smiles before sitting back, getting out of the boat with Bricky and looking around with him.
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