1. You go side by side, rolling only the worst dice (Faramos’s in this case, or Brenda's if she went). The advantage of this choice is that you will start at NEAR range from your buddies and can easily help or defend each other.
2. Someone gets left behind. This NPC/PC will not be participating in the same scene, so the group is temporarily split up. Even a few minutes difference is enough for this, as this means dozens of rounds if you enter combat. Based on your description, we will do this for Brenda. No problem!
3. You approach from different directions/doors/locations and/or a few seconds behind. That's not always possible, but in your current situation that surely is. You will usually be at LONG range from each other but will participate in the same scene/combat/description. In this situation, everyone rolls. The opposition can detect one, both or neither of you, depending on your rolls.
There are trade-offs to all that. Based on your original description, before the rules sort of "got in the way", Brenda was staying behind (2) and you're coming at it from different directions or at different times (3).
Am I understanding your choice correctly? Everyone rolls?