Ch. 1, Scene 1: The Order of the Silver Rose

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Aug 4, 2024 9:22 pm
Eirika silently mutters to herself as Nyx mentions that Rupert might have been cautious.
"Why didn't I consider to inspect them all at considerable distance first? That would have saved me so much anxieties..."

Then she looks up at the stranger.
"Greetings Rolant," she says to Rupert, with her mind on what she should have done. "It seems we have gathered our party."
Last edited August 4, 2024 9:28 pm
Aug 4, 2024 10:27 pm
Kyle bows graciously to the vivacious redhead. Precisely, m'lady. A bit shy I may be at times, and wanted to fortify myself with some strong ale before I introduced myself. But that confounded bartender seems to have tripped and broken his neck on the way to the celler, or the outhouse for all I know. So, here I am, much too sober to be talking such a gathering of my betters. May I dare to ask how m'lady is addressed?.

Kyle turns to Eirika and says, And greetings to you as well. The name is Rupert, although the way Rolant rolls off of your tongue so mellifluously, I will strongly consider answering to it as well. How are you called?
@runekyndig, this is player to player, not character to character, but I don't think there is a reason for it to be hidden from the other players. I also do not intend to use OOC in game that much either, but this would be something I would say at the table in front of everyone should we all be physically in the same spot. Being that your immediate response to Kyle was one of suspicion, if not outright attack, I think Kyle would be on his guard, and will respond somewhat sarcastically in a way that allows him to feel he has control of the situation. Having talked it out in the OOC thread, I want to make completely clear that this is not a response of any upsetness on my—the players—part. It is solely trying to "roll with the punches" and continue the story line as it develops (however chaotically :) ).
Kyle turns slowly to Hal. You saw me when you came in? Excellent. Such keen perception combined with such obvious martial puissance will no doubt ensure our complete success. And hidden? Hidden? I mean, good sir, if you saw me, how could I be hidden? For were I hidden, do you think you would have seen me? Nevertheless, m'lady of the fiery locks has it right. I desired fortification, in vain—I might add. Although, having seen your…remarkable…entrance, I'd be delighted to sit down with you and compare tutelage, or perhaps a friendly bout with wooden weaponry to compare martial technique? I know I have quite a lot yet to learn. What did you say your name was, again?

Kyle looks Sylvanor and Tante Lude. Forgive me, but I seem to be lacking in both ale and manners. Rupert McClintock, man at arms. With whom do I have the pleasure of conversing?. Looking directly at Sylvanor, he utters a string of flowing syllables.
Avraham sent a note to GreyWord
Kyle leans nonchalantly against Hal's chair, waiting on the responses, wishing he got that ale.
Last edited August 4, 2024 10:31 pm


Secret Roll

Aug 4, 2024 10:37 pm
Lude stood again as the two new figures each made their arrival. It was politeness, but also caution, in case their intent was hostile, it was much better to meet it on one's feet. Caution was a good thing; she had no issues with it though boldness also had it's role.

Tante Lude, woman, apparently also at arms. You are both welcome. And now that we are all gathered, we can expect Provos's agent who is also undoubtable casing the scene, soon to make an appearance.

Another possible front line warrior and another apparent archer. So, the blonde girl and Lude would presumably be the magic in the party and Lude possibly the only healer. Not her strength to this point in her career, but she was adaptable. So, now we just wait for this agent of Provos.
Aug 5, 2024 12:17 am
I'm Nyx and it's pleasure, most assuredly, to make everyones acquaintance. Her face is rarely without a smile. She is enjoying the interactions immensely.
Last edited August 5, 2024 2:47 am
Aug 5, 2024 5:56 am
When anyone asks Sylvanor about his whereabouts in either language he knows - answer is elusive about "discover the world" (and does in in common, not willing to attract attention). He knows well about the need to be discrete and seems to take it too seriously.
And just to clarify my first post
Eventually elf end up in the company of other characters who are wearing the same brooch as he does.

Elf nervously glance around at the other patrons when man calling himself Rupert vocalize Jewelry that was supposed to be the secret identification mark. But say nothing. Just listen to conversation others are having.
Aug 5, 2024 6:17 am
"Well then, let me formally introduce myself again," Eirika says. "I am Eirika Wintersun. I am not all that well with weapons. But I am highly educated in the science of magic."
Last edited August 5, 2024 6:54 am
Aug 5, 2024 4:28 pm
Kyle bows deeply to Nyx; the pleasure is most definitely mutual; and my thanks for your defense he says while tilting his head down at Hal, against whose chair Kyle remains leaning.

Kyle then faces Tante Lude. My thanks, madam. You seem to have some familiarity with, or at least recognition of, our prospective patron. In your opinion, is there anything of which we should be aware, as preparation for our meeting?

Turning to Eirika, Kyle responds. "A pleasure, and a facility with the arcane is a power indeed."

Noticing the elf's reticence; Kyle speaks again.
Avraham sent a note to GreyWord


Secret Roll

Aug 5, 2024 7:08 pm
Hal is very uncomfortable with Rupert's closeness and his goating words almost cause him to react. With an effort he relaxes his tight muscles. He raises her head so he can look Rupert directly in his eyes. An amulet of a silver gauntlet with a brown eye in the palm hangs around his neck. He touches it briefly and his eyes goes out of focus. Relieved, or perhaps disappointed, he looks away from Rupert again.
Courage is never found in a cup. Only recklessness. In times of trouble the reckless one will endanger the entire order - I mean "group". I would appropriate it if you would remain sober while we talk with the barons man. It was a slip of the thong that he corrected quickly, but still.
Avraham yes, Hal and Kyle got off on the wrong foot - lets play into that. If he continues to flirt with Nyx, then it will only increase the rivalry, but lets not take it to fare. Its important that they can fight side by side without wanting to do each-other harm. I will not accept PVP of any kind.
He turns his attention to Eirika Wintersun. Miss Wintersun, if I may, what is it like summoning the arcane powers?

Sylvanor. I can truely relate to the desire to see the world. How do you know Provos? I meet him while I was traveling to... well that is not important anymore, but we had a great conversation him and I. That is how I got this invitation.

What about you Miss Lude?
One don't have to be a people person to realize that Hal is trying to defuse the tension between him and Rupert.
runekyndig sent a note to Dipper
Aug 5, 2024 8:39 pm
Eirika looks at Hal and smiles as he seems interested in her studies.

"Well, Mister Rook," she says. "Invoking arcane magic is quite exhilarating. And, of course, it requires long years of study. But once you master it, you must be ever so careful not to wield magic at every opportunity just because these arcane powers are available to you. In the end, it is a precise science, one that anyone with a decent intellect and determination can learn. To clarify, I am no magician who delights in fanciful colors or loud explosions."

She looks at him. For a moment is silent and then suddenly seems to remember something.
"Oh sorry... uhm... how about you, Mr Rook? You seem like a man who has spent many hours of physical exercise?"
Last edited August 5, 2024 8:40 pm
Aug 5, 2024 10:21 pm
Nyx smile shifts into a bit of a jeer, but still her eyes sparkle, as Eirika goes on about how hard the arcane is, My dear no colors, or explosions! Where is the fun in that. She wiggles her fingers and the candle flames around the group dance and sway as if in a breeze that doesn’t exist. Nyx’s smile turns back to full joy.
Aug 6, 2024 2:29 am
"So many daughters around here, lads, and not enough mothers to take care of them," the gentleman with the largest stack of poker chips remarks with a haughty belly laugh. "But surely a few mothers take notice, so be on your guard!"
Ten minutes pass. The poker game continues, the minstrel plays a few light hearted tunes, and the ambiance of the environment serves to relax and thrill those within the hall. Fine wine and quality food dance around the place.
Baron Brynn Treymane
Then, a man enters the tavern, dressed in a black silk doublet with silver toggles over golden embroidery. His entrance causes the minstrel to pause mid-song, and a hush falls over the assembled crowd. Those who are standing dip into short bows and curtsies.

The barkeep steps out, bowing as well.
"Your Excellency," he greets. "Can I get you a Fire Brandy?"

Treymane shakes his head at the barkeep. "Not today, thanks, but I'd like fresh ale brought back in about ten minutes, if you please. And perhaps a few pastries, if you've any hot ones left from breakfast." The barkeep nods and begins stacking glasses on a serving tray. The Baron offers a few pleasantries to other patrons before heading over to the table that the group is sitting at, his mood seemingly lighthearted. "Well... The Order of the Silver Rose," he muses, glancing from one face to the next. "Good morrow to you. You've come from my friend Provos, have you not?" He extends his hand towards one of the rear doors. "I know I'm expecting you for dinner this evening, but I received an interesting message from Provos by raven this morning and I just want to make sure it's nothing to be concerned about. Will you join me in the back room, please?"

The back room seems designed for small conferences, having a more polished looking oak table, eight seats, and a sideboard with wines and cheeses. An unused hearth sits in the far corner, some wood stacked near it.

Once everyone is in the back room (assuming you all follow as requested), the Baron slumps his shoulders a bit.
"Forgive my deception. There's no new raven, of course; though you can indicate to any inquirants that it was some minor matter, an ill relative or something. I just wanted to meet you here, away from the manor grounds, and let you know a bit about what's going on and what to expect." He pours himself a glass of wine from the sideboard, taking a long sip before sitting down. "First, though, I genuinely would like to know how my old friend is faring, and how six individuals as seemingly different as yourselves all came to be not only in his good graces, but also well-trusted by him to be discrete. Regale me with your tales."
Aug 6, 2024 7:58 am
Shorty says:
She looks at him. For a moment is silent and then suddenly seems to remember something.
"Oh sorry... uhm... how about you, Mr Rook? You seem like a man who has spent many hours of physical exercise?"
Every morning I got up before sunrise. Meditate on Saint Patricius* works on the Divine Halberd. Pray for an hour. Attended mass. Had breakfast. Attended the herb gardens. Trained with Father Cadfael...
In this moment the Baron entered the inn, everyone falled silent and Hal followed suit.
* A warrior Saint in the Jadana faith. (I just made him up, but if there a more suited I'll change it)

DM: I did change it, but just to bring it back to its Latin root. Modern names can detract from the feel of the time period.

Hal bows his head to the Baron and speaks while looking down.
I traveled with Provos not that long ago and we had several deep conversations. He suggested we could help each other with this task for your. I'm on a personal quest before giving my holy oath.
Aug 6, 2024 12:57 pm
Sylvanor share his story and answer question(s) he previously answered evasive. Except for Kyle Roland question about Thor'Dael - Elf had no problem the talk in public the little news he knew about the country. But he used common, pointing out that it is not polite to talk language others may not know.
[ +- ] Sylvanor's story details
As for "well-trusted to be discrete", it depends on what do you mean by that. I don't lie, not even on your or request.
But neither I talk what need not to . Provos think that will be enough and my role in this party will be to observe.
Last edited August 6, 2024 3:48 pm
Aug 6, 2024 3:14 pm
Nyx stands up from where she had promptly lounged to listen at the long oak table after entering the room. With sparkling eyes and enthusiastic gestures tells her tale of first meetings with Provos.
[ +- ] Nyx’s tale

Nyx sighs happly sinking back down into her chair, Such a lovely time.
Last edited August 6, 2024 3:15 pm
Aug 6, 2024 8:08 pm
Eirika follows the Baron in politely and seems to know all the formal etiquette. How to greet and curtsey. It all seems a little practice and not natural, but it does match proper formalities.

"Greetings, lord Baron" Eirika says "Mr. Provos has been doing quite well, I believe. Now as for my tale...."
[ +- ] Eirika's tale
If I am not using proper etiquette, blame it on the player, not the character. Eirika is flawless in using the right words

Rupert McClintock


Aug 6, 2024 9:34 pm
Rupert McClintock
Sensing a bit of discomfort from Hal as he responded to him, Kyle straightens up and stops leaning on his chair. If not courage found in the cup, then the foolhardiness sometimes provides a reasonable alternative, my good man. Regardless, I will be happy to protect you from any false courage by bravely interposing my gullet 'twixt you and all wineskins, he says with a smile. Sincere or sardonic, though, it's hard to say. But lucky for us all I am as sober as a devotee of Essendra before a priest Rilar.

Yawning, Kyle takes in the Sahaugin's ambience as he waits for the Baron. Swinging his arms as if to shake off pins-and-needles, he strolls around the tavern, passing the lutist. Thankfully, said performer is nearing the end of the ballad. There are only so many times one can hear "The Courage of Fair Gertrüde" without it being every so slightly jaded. Wandering over to the poker game, he watches silently as the hands are drawn and dealt, and the coins change hands—with merriment or remorse as may be. I wish I had the stake to play a round or three. It's a crying shame my coin pouch is so lean. I hope this adventure for the Baron will address that need as well. Rubbing his right eye as if something is caught in it, Kyle backs away from the table and returns to his newly-met acquaintances just in time to catch Nyx's flame play.

Kyle smiles at as she causes the candles to glow in obviously unnatural colors. M'lady Nyx, how magnificent! The radiance of the candles is only outshone by that of your lustrous locks!.

At this moment, a handsomely dressed man enters the tavern and, after some pleasantries, introduces himself as Baron Tremayne and invites the assemblage into the back room. Kyle follows the others, and listens intently to their stories. Holy oath? Well, that may explain Hal's over-ceremoniousness. I'll need to keep that in mind, and out of reach of that polearm. So, Sylvanos is young for an elf and just leaving home? It's so hard to tell with them. They could be 20 or 200 and they look just the same. The lady Nyx enjoys merry chaos; good to know what pleases her fancy. Miss Eirika may be the single most logical—and least expressive—person I have ever seen. Except for that one philosopher bishop of Biveshin in Camborra. No one was as emotionally expressionless as he was.

Sensing a lull in the conversation, Kyle rubs his hands together nervously for a moment and begins to provide his tale:
[ +- ] "Rupert"'s Tale

Upon conclusion, Kyle steps to the sideboard and pours himself a glass of red wine. Swirling it around, he inhales the bouquet and takes a larger-than-would-be-delicate sip. Ahhh. Better than that ale would have been, he thinks. Pairing it with a wedge of soft, rich, deep-yellow cheese, Kyle leans against the sideboard to hear the remaining stories.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Aug 6, 2024 10:35 pm
Well, for a group supposedly picked for its discretion, we were certainly a chatty bunch when it came to being discrete about our hiring agent. Of course Provos had said Baron Tremayne was a close friend so it was probably fine.

The golden woman had been silent for a while. Listening, thinking, watching the bar, it was not clear why. But as the conversation came to a halt, she moved, drawing everyone's attention, then answered the Baron:

My dear Baron, it is a pleasure. I am afraid that I didn't not know Provos well, though from everyone's tales, he seems a terrific person. How about you? How did you meet Provos and become friends?
Last edited August 7, 2024 1:10 am


Dipper Inactive for 6 months

Aug 6, 2024 10:53 pm
Baron Treymane sips his wine as he looks from face to face, taking each story in turn:
"Mmmm, Provos always did fancy himself a bit of a philosopher," he says to Hal. "I suppose he laid that stupid carriage problem of his on you. How does it go, again? A snake spooks some horses and you can choose to let them trample five people in their path or take the reins and redirect them towards someone standing alone nearby? I never understood the point of that, simple numbers, but he always insisted on throwing in superfluous details to make the choice harder. Like anyone's thinking details while their horses are running amok."

Brynn's brow shoots up at the beginning of the tale. "So long ago and he remembered your mother? She must've made quite the impression." His smile is crass, and suggests a lurid imagination concerning what might have caused the memory to stick out in his friend's mind. As he listens to further details, he can't help but shake his head in amusement, especially when Sylvanor begins to speak about personal boundaries. "Well, that may not be much testament to your discretion, but it certainly speaks well of your integrity. Something of nearly equal value to me at the moment.'

Exuberant laughter bursts out of the baron's mouth at the concept of drink flying forward, but his good humor sours considerably when she mentions letting Provos in on the plot. "I appreciate where your heart lay that night, but let me assure you - speaking a word to anyone of what you see and hear over the next few days, no matter how brave and kind that person might be, will not be in your best interests. I am a powerful man with much influence, and I can use that influence to reward... or to rebuke."

The comparatively traditional tale of goblin slaying in the mountains does much to break the tension after the baron's warning. "Provos has had more trouble with goblins than any other merchant I've known," he remarks. "I suspect I know why, but I'd be a poor example of discretion if I let that insight slip. Let's just say that some things aren't worth the collateral costs associated with them."

Brynn nods approvingly at Rupert's tale, despite it being the least engaging so far. "A guard is definitely someone who learns to hear all and speak little, it's wonderful that you were in his employ in that capacity and he still recommended you for this."

"Well, if you didn't know Provos, then I suspect he knew you," the baron suggests, "at least by reputation. Perhaps at dinner you can share with everyone what might have endeared you to his attentions."

Some time during Erikia's tale, the barkeep comes in with two pitchers of ale and a bunch of steins. An attendant behind him brings a tray with two loaves of hot, fresh bread, and an assortment of jams and jellies.

Insight checks at your own discretion:
DC 10 reveals that the Baron's mood shifts the second that the staff leaves the room, growing a bit more irritable and impatient.
DC 17 further reveals that the staff seeing the display of casual banter amongst the group was likely the point, and that the exercise has become more tedious now that the pretense has held up.
"...and I'll speak of my own association with Provos at dinner as well, should you remind me. But for now, to business. You're here," the man explains, "to catch a thief. A thief and a traitor to my house, as it were." He gestures towards the door. "Four times in the last six weeks, items of value have disappeared from my estate. All occurred when there were guests in the manor, but sadly, no two guests were present for all four of them. Given that these thefts all seemed very opportunistic and the guests were somewhat disconnected from one another, that means that only a member of my family or my household staff could possibly be responsible."

The Baron takes a long swig from the wine bottle, the glass forgotten for the moment. "I have sequestered them all on the manor grounds; aside from myself, none of them has been on or off the grounds since last kri-Fiquy, the day after the last theft. I've given no public reason for this, and thus far, they've simply given their apologies when people come calling and declared themselves otherwise engaged, but that won't hold forever. People will eventually notice. And I'd prefer not to have my private affairs spread throughout the city if I can help it." He leans back in the chair. "You'll come by to dinner tonight and be put up in the manor for a few days. You'll be given ample opportunity to interview everyone, including me, during that time. You'll be free to explore the grounds, although any search of someone's room must be conducted with that person present. You'll find the guilty party and report it to us, privately, and we'll handle the discipline of the guilty party privately as well. Thus will the thief be caught, and none of the citizenry need be any the wiser."

"Is that assignment acceptable to you?"
Aug 7, 2024 1:13 am
Of course, my Lord. We were sent here to help you and we will. Now, you were going to say how you knew Provos?
Aug 7, 2024 1:22 am
What were the items stolen? Nyx, face passive, stays in her lounging position, studying the Barons face extensively. Are there similarities in the items, or where they were kept? Or does, my Lord, wish to wait until dinner to go over them?
edit- wow insight sucks tonight for Nyx
Last edited August 7, 2024 1:25 am


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