Rupert McClintock
Sensing a bit of discomfort from Hal as he responded to him, Kyle straightens up and stops leaning on his chair.
If not courage found in the cup, then the foolhardiness sometimes provides a reasonable alternative, my good man. Regardless, I will be happy to protect you from any false courage by bravely interposing my gullet 'twixt you and all wineskins, he says with a smile. Sincere or sardonic, though, it's hard to say.
But lucky for us all I am as sober as a devotee of Essendra before a priest Rilar.
Yawning, Kyle takes in the Sahaugin's ambience as he waits for the Baron. Swinging his arms as if to shake off pins-and-needles, he strolls around the tavern, passing the lutist. Thankfully, said performer is nearing the end of the ballad. There are only so many times one can hear "The Courage of Fair Gertrüde" without it being every so slightly jaded. Wandering over to the poker game, he watches silently as the hands are drawn and dealt, and the coins change hands—with merriment or remorse as may be.
I wish I had the stake to play a round or three. It's a crying shame my coin pouch is so lean. I hope this adventure for the Baron will address that need as well. Rubbing his right eye as if something is caught in it, Kyle backs away from the table and returns to his newly-met acquaintances just in time to catch Nyx's flame play.
Kyle smiles at as she causes the candles to glow in obviously unnatural colors.
M'lady Nyx, how magnificent! The radiance of the candles is only outshone by that of your lustrous locks!.
At this moment, a handsomely dressed man enters the tavern and, after some pleasantries, introduces himself as Baron Tremayne and invites the assemblage into the back room. Kyle follows the others, and listens intently to their stories.
Holy oath? Well, that may explain Hal's over-ceremoniousness. I'll need to keep that in mind, and out of reach of that polearm. So, Sylvanos is young for an elf and just leaving home? It's so hard to tell with them. They could be 20 or 200 and they look just the same. The lady Nyx enjoys merry chaos; good to know what pleases her fancy. Miss Eirika may be the single most logical—and least expressive—person I have ever seen. Except for that one philosopher bishop of Biveshin in Camborra. No one was as emotionally expressionless as he was.
Sensing a lull in the conversation, Kyle rubs his hands together nervously for a moment and begins to provide his tale:
[ +- ] "Rupert"'s Tale
Greetings and well met, noble sir. My name is Rupert McClintock, man-at-arms for hire, rent, or purchase if the sum be sufficient, Kyle says with a smile that implies that he thinks he is being witty. Alas, my tale is less noble than yon knight's, less intense than that of the elf, less colorful than lady Fire-tresses, and less exacting than our golden-haired mage. Simply enough, I have very recently begun to make my way and fortune in the world, and had hired on with Provos for short spell as a guard. As for why he suggested my attendance here? I am not completely sure, other than that he must be a man of refined insight and exquisite taste.
Upon conclusion, Kyle steps to the sideboard and pours himself a glass of red wine. Swirling it around, he inhales the bouquet and takes a larger-than-would-be-delicate sip.
Ahhh. Better than that ale would have been, he thinks. Pairing it with a wedge of soft, rich, deep-yellow cheese, Kyle leans against the sideboard to hear the remaining stories.