Ch. 1, Scene 1: The Order of the Silver Rose

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Aug 10, 2024 4:46 pm
Looking at Hal with curiosity, What sort of things do you have to renounce? Did you have to too Tante?
your good @runekyndig
Last edited August 10, 2024 4:47 pm
Aug 10, 2024 5:23 pm
Worldliness, love. Lude smiled at her memories. All the things that had been my life up to that point. But it was time for a new beginning and that was the start of it.
Aug 10, 2024 7:29 pm
The Town of Greywater
Zhanniqua, Edronn
Goed: Last Quarter
B20N1184, 01:00:00 PM
Kwaad: Waning Crescent

It's an overcast afternoon in Greywater, and the stench of the Eastvale River assaults the nose as the party leaves through the topside exit. To the southwest, the bridge that will take you to Treymane Manor this evening; the rest of the town proper is to the north and east. Baron Treymane, as he indicated, remained in the tavern itself, engaging in seemingly carefree banter with the locals and knocking back another drink. Anyone who hadn't been at that meeting would think he didn't have a care in the world.

Treymane Manor isn't the only building on the other side of the bridge, although it is the largest by far. A number of additional fancy houses can be seen easily; the other side of the river is inclined enough that the residents on the other side literally look down on the town and its common folk. The hovels to the north are largely dilapidated, especially by comparison; a row of shops and supplies rests along the district to the East. The most prominent businesses noticed on the way in were a cooper's shop, a chandlery, a bathhouse, a scribe's office and a bakery, but several smaller establishments are nestled in between them.
So I've got a group of four and two solos... it's entirely up to you how you handle stuff, but I'd suggest the group talk out where they're going, assume you'll have time to hit up three places before the carriage arrival. The solos, since they don't have to negotiate with anyone, will each have time for up to four places. There's more than what is mentioned and marked, but since none of you are from here, this was all that made sense to provide for "free".

Rupert McClintock


Aug 11, 2024 3:06 am
Rupert McClintock
Kyle follows the group as they ascend from the Saughin. Hal’s demeanor seems to have brightened once out of the tavern, and Kyle listens attentively to the descriptions of the paladins. Although it rankles him slightly to have been specifically ignored by Hal, he realizes it’s probably a result of his needling Hal in the tavern. For now, he is content with following and listening, learning more about both the town and his new companions.
Last edited August 11, 2024 3:06 am
Aug 11, 2024 7:55 pm
Worldliness, Nyx brow furrows slightly and she taps a finger on her cheek, just over a freckle, I don’t think I could give up the world after... finally getting to join it. But the ability to do such is sure to be commended if a man, a large smile to Tante, or women chooses to.
Aug 11, 2024 8:09 pm
Well, if anyone needs to post a letter home, there is a scribe. If you think there might be something in the local library, it's right here. If not, perhaps a bath or a sweetmeat before we meet the Baron. He won't be early and won't want us there before times either for fear that more of the story might get out.

So, Red. You suggested the walk. Anywhere you wish to go or should we just cross the water and stroll through the quarter.
Last edited August 11, 2024 8:10 pm
Aug 12, 2024 7:46 am
Eirika tags along with the others as they walk. A bit on the quite side, observing.
Once or twice it seems like she is about to say something, but reconsiders.
Small talk is the way to get to know these people, but it also a skill she lacks.

Rupert McClintock


Aug 12, 2024 10:34 pm
Rupert McClintock
Why would someone give up worldliness?, Kyle cannot but help himself interject. Give up pleasantries and comforts? I mean, if you have a "higher" calling, I guess. Kyle’s sardonic overtone on "higher" is so audible as to be almost visible. But for us normal folk, that isn’t a thing. Creature comforts are good, and the more the better!. Kyle looks quizzical as he finishes his outburst, almost as if he were surprised at himself for speaking out.

In any event, I think I would skip the bath, unless one, both, or all three of you lovely ladies would care to join me. Kyle waggles his eyebrows so vigorously that it is clear, at least to him, that he is good-naturedly flirting as opposed to propositioning.
Kyle thinks of himself as a bit of a charmer, and not without merit. I’ll role a general charisma check for @Dipper below, just in case.


Cha - Check - (1d20+4)

Aug 12, 2024 10:58 pm
Nyx blushes at Ruperts bold and unexpected line but quickly puts her smile back in place, I wouldn’t mind the sweets shop, but I had no particular place in mind. Just wanting to see the town in general so anywhere if fine by me. Quietly, Perhaps we could learn how a few of our suspects are thought of in town, discreetly of course.
Last edited August 13, 2024 2:52 am
Aug 13, 2024 2:15 am
It seems worth noting, in general terms, that a lot of you did rolly-type stuff without actually rolling. I don't mind rolling for you, but I figure y'all probably want to do as much of that on your own as is feasible. Feel free to roll skill checks as frequently as you wish. When in doubt, roll secretly - worst case scenario, I don't use it exactly as intended.

Also, please be very careful (read: check with me) before inserting people and places into my world. Fortunately a few stray paladins and townsfolk are no big deal this time, but the risk of creating things that I would have to retcon is substantial (especially in a mystery plot, which is doubly scary because I might be forced to give up a valuable clue in my correction).


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Aug 13, 2024 4:00 am
Well, that was a first, another in a long line most likely. Lude had never had a man ignore her in favor of, well, anyone else female in a group. She laughed at herself ruefully. Getting old, girl, getting old.

The sweet shop was another matter. If she wasn't going to attract men with her figure, she didn't have to be quite so careful about what she ate.

I would love to try one of your caramels, Sweet Mistress. How much do I owe you?

If they were good, she'll get a bag. Good for bribing children, if not adults.
Aug 13, 2024 6:26 am
Eirika is honestly in a little panic as the total stranger suddenly addresses her.
"What... me.... oh... uhm... yes.... I admit that I haven't had anything nice to eat in a while."

She accepts the caramel sample.
"Thank you... and yes. It is honestly delicious. A total lack of nutrients, but very tasty... I might enjoy a bag as well... if it is responcible to spend money on it.. uhm...." she seems to be doing some quick math in her mind. "I am sure a small bag can be affordable."
Last edited August 13, 2024 6:26 am
Aug 13, 2024 4:18 pm
GreyWord sent a note to Dipper
Aug 13, 2024 8:13 pm
Hal tries a sample caramel but spits it out. I'm sorry, but that is to sweet for me. But I am happy that you enjoy it.
And this Rupert was what I was talking about. To obtain a closer connection to Jadanan, my brothers in arms have forsworn sweets and bathes with beautiful ladies.

He just his armour as it have become a bit uncomfortable. I have never tried, "that" so the sacrifice of abstaining is almost meaningless. That is not a propper way to comune with Jadanan

He turns to the shopkeeper. Excuse me miss. We have an appointment with Baron Brynn Treymane. What do you know about him? I'm looking for a truthful impression of him and his house and that is why I'm going to ask several in this town about him.

Hal will go around the city and make similar enquiries, rumours etc about the Baron and his staff. Once they are in his house, they won't get out again before the mystery is solved.d
Aug 13, 2024 9:43 pm
Once they have left the shop and are out of earshot of passerbys, Lude murmurs in a quiet voice to Hal:

You aren't going to get shopkeepers and merchants to say a word against a rich, powerful, and influential noble in his own town. You might get gossip from rival families or from disgruntled servants who don't think you will spill it to their employer, but not from someone who owes their livelihood to the casual whims of the rich.

Rupert McClintock


Aug 14, 2024 3:19 am
Rupert McClintock

Avraham sent a note to runekyndig,Shorty,Arrcher101,badbaron


Secret Roll

Aug 14, 2024 9:35 pm
To Tante's comment to Hal Nyx will add in a whisper to him, We are also meant to be pretending that we are already acquainted to the Barron, and his family, just friends visiting. So we best pretend like we know them during our inquiries. She smiles to soften her words, not wishing him to feel chastised at all, Perhaps we could ask people about their favorite stories or anecdotes of the family. That may be a way to discover their true characters without appearing too nosy.
Aug 15, 2024 9:09 am
" Oh come one, Tante," Eirika says, a little perplexed. "Now you make it sound like these common peasants are afraid of those of nobility. There should be no reason for it at all. Those of the elevated classes are just normal people as well, right. If anyone has anything to say, they should just say it."
Aug 15, 2024 9:12 am
Their favorite stories? That is a good idea as Lude is properly right.
Thank you Nyx

Has gives Nyx a grateful smile and a Lude a respectful nod.
Unless we have a better plan, Hal will ask around the town for peoples favorite stories about the Baron as his household. The goal is to gather ruomers and impressions. The stories them serfs are not as important as the underlying impression.

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