Out of Character Talk

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Aug 27, 2024 1:22 pm
my posting poblems

I have Parkinsons disease, which, among other things, makes my typing bad and slow. Last weekend I had network problems and before that I had problems with my speech to text app. Should I get caught up and poat? Or is this too much?
Aug 27, 2024 1:39 pm
I will let you make the call. My only request is that, pausing on the weekends, if it gets to your turn and it has been 2 days, you will essentially be skipped. If you think that will happen a lot, it is up to you if getting skipped too often will be a problem or if you will be ok to be assuming to dodge and try to block for those next to you.
Aug 27, 2024 6:03 pm
OK, thanks. Would it be a problem if sometimes my posts were short?
Aug 27, 2024 6:35 pm
Lots of people like to be flowery and say a lot, but as long as in combat I get how many squares up/down and left/right you want to move (or the new square's location) and what your action/bonus action/movement are, I don't really need anything more than that.

Example: I move 3 squares right, 2 down. Action, attack Skeleton brute 2. Bonus action: second wind. (with rolls below).
Aug 29, 2024 4:08 pm
Alright, need a GM call here.

Hunt's own attacks are straight rolls... he has both advantage (attacking an enemy that can't see you ) and disadvantage (attacking an unseen enemy) applied to his attacks.

However... any enemy attacking him is at straight disadvantage, correct? The Wildhunt ability for a Shifter says attackers within 30 feet cannot have advantage. So, the darkness doesn't give them advantage in the first place, so it doesn't cancel out the disadvantage from darkness.

That reads as RAW, but wanted to bounce it off you.
Aug 29, 2024 4:21 pm
That is correct, as long as the attacker is 30 feet or less away and only while you are shifted. If not for your shift ability they would be normal rolls. It only says while you are not incapacitated, it doesn't require you to see the attacker
Aug 29, 2024 4:24 pm
Small favors.
Aug 29, 2024 5:27 pm
Ironmonger42 says:

You killed the guy you were fighting last turn, so you could have moved but could not have attacked BK2 last turn as it was your attack last turn that killed BK4. Please be patient with me as this is a lot to track and it is possible I missed it. When running in person i use fantasy grounds that automates things for me so it can be easy to miss.
You're good, I wasn't upset it was more just trying to figure out what to do.

On turn 2 I had intended to move away from the enemy I was fighting, since it was under the hypnotic effects and we had been told to not attack those. BK2 wasn't hypnotized, hence picking that one as my target.

No worries though.
Last edited August 29, 2024 5:52 pm
Aug 29, 2024 6:29 pm
CherokeeWind says:
My character is a bard. I knew it was a gamble to try and intimidate what I thought of as a scrub that might be susceptible to abandoning the plan but that is exactly her role in the game is in addition to persuading and inspiring. I accept that the SB is a mindless skin that only obeys its master or that it is so devoted that death is the only thing that would stop its actions but my character wouldn't know that information and I thought it worth the risk because I had a compelling argument 1) with me already having cast inanimate object 2) the npc's words 3) my additional illusion that looked more than it was.

My issue is how you perceive the use of skills. So by your definition, if I am not rolling a straight attack then I am not to play my character? If I want I can describe things but they will be superfluous? You have absolutely nothing to base any decisions upon except ??? So how do cool and unexpected things ever happen if creativity is shut off or the dice aren't allowed to tell us of epic failures or successes. I don't know how to play the way you suggest. I am not interested in only rolling dice but telling a story.
I think i've established I am a very RAW DM. I would be much looser on things like this while running a campaign, as there would be a longer term investment, we would have gotten to know each other better, and so forth. As for this, ability checks are actions by default and can only be otherwise when given an ability that allows it, like the inquisitive rogue being able to make a perception or investigation check as a bonus action. As for creative uses for skills, outside of combat I am generally much more willing to let skills do a lot, as that is when they shine most, or when in a skill challenge. During combat skill checks without any class features supporting them can be a resourceless, very repeatable way to bypass what combat is for (overpowering your opponents or achieving an objective before they do). As such, I am weary to let a skill check do something it was not said to be able to do (like athletics grappling) unless the fight is pretty close to over. I understand your desire to express your creativity and not only attack each turn. However, I try not to let things that cost very little do a lot or else combat can become less significant and you can express yourself every time you act as you already have been doing.
Aug 30, 2024 5:11 pm
Just wanted to say keeping the battle info in one thread has made it easier for me to keep track of things.
Aug 30, 2024 5:26 pm
Basil says:
Just wanted to say keeping the battle info in one thread has made it easier for me to keep track of things.
That's funny, I was just thinking the opposite. 😂
Aug 30, 2024 5:59 pm
I'll admit, keeping track of all of this has been both helpful and very hard. On one hand, if I made a mistake we can see when it happened. On the other hand, it takes me twice as long to take enemy turns, if not longer.

What do you guys think? What would you like to be different? I'll try to make just about anything IF if actually provides benefit, vs is just a "nice to have".
Aug 30, 2024 6:18 pm
Well it looks like ma and myself are split! I would say whatever is easier for you. Although it’s easier for me it’s not so much easier to make it tough on you. Instead of all details in one thread if you are able to just link to the thread when it’s updated I think that will work
Aug 30, 2024 6:27 pm
I can keep updating it and putting it in the same thread, the main thing that took a lot of time was the combat log at the bottom
Aug 30, 2024 6:42 pm
The log was nice but I think just status’s would be okay. If we as players need something we can just scroll through posts. If you find the summaries it useful as well then go for it!
Aug 30, 2024 6:49 pm
Basil says:
The log was nice but I think just status’s would be okay. If we as players need something we can just scroll through posts. If you find the summaries it useful as well then go for it!
Agreed. Perhaps statuses plus any major events/ongoing effects in the summaries.
Aug 30, 2024 7:28 pm
I found all your battle information helpful. I thought it a strength and with a lot of pieces moving, it allowed us to catch anything that was missed at first glance. Totally necessary? No, but definitely helpful.
Aug 30, 2024 8:07 pm
This is a big workload on you, absolutely. I agree with Basil that whatever is most effective for you is what matters.
Sep 6, 2024 3:07 pm
Stupid dice roller!!
Sep 7, 2024 3:41 am
Trying to not clutter the roleplay chat with a rules conversation. MaJunior, are you saying you would have preferred just using passive perception, or are you saying that you are on the side of rolling?
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