The river deep

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Aug 19, 2024 6:41 pm
Some of the voices sound familiar but the roaring waterfall and echos of the cave combined with the muffling effects of the thick mist leave you slightly uncertain. As for the other language, you are only certain it is not one you know well.

This is a situation I would allow librarian to give advantage on the test to identify the language. I also often do success with a cost at times when you will is not quite there. This means you succeed but they're is a penalty or variation on results vs intent
Aug 19, 2024 10:53 pm
Glidbem grabs Nel lightly by his clothes before the boy has a chance to go running off into the fog. "Mister Serig is right, we need to be very careful here." She turns to address the Wolf-kin and says "I think I recognize some of those voices from the boat, but the other language is like nothing I've ever heard. I fear the crew may have met someone less than happy to have visitors..."
Last edited Aug 19, 2024 10:54 pm
Aug 20, 2024 1:59 am
Yes, cautious and quiet. Dree will nod to Serig, Let us lead, they can stay close behind. Greataxe still out Dree will move forward slowly trying to discern threw the fog what is around them.
Last edited Aug 20, 2024 1:59 am


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv Perception - (3d6)


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Stealth - (2d6)


Aug 20, 2024 5:17 am
Dree is able to discern the sounds of lapping water. Not unexpected save it seems that water lies between you and the two groups of people. One definitely sounds like normal people but the other is totally foreign. They have receded to mere shouting again though obviously quite agitated.

Taking the lead Dree advances, torch held aloft guttering in the constant deluge of mist from the fall nearby. After only a few yards into the larger cavern you find you are on a small shoreline with water to your left and the cave wall to the right. The shore gets bigger the further you go into the room and it curves to the left before narrowing again and ending in a small peninsula extending into the river/lake(?) The shouting is coming form ahead and faint flickers of light can be seen through the dense mist. Though the light is coming from somewhere in the middle of the water there are multiple large rocks jutting out of the water. The flickering light of torches reveals a larger mass with figures moving on it and it looks like you may be able to reach it by jumping form rock to rock
Aug 21, 2024 8:32 am
Serig wonders on whether to leave Nel and Glidbem behind here, since he's not sure if they would be able to traverse these rocks in the mist, not to mention they'd potentially wading into danger, and those two in the wolfkin's eyes don't seem capable of fighting at all.

Still, he'd have to ask the others' opinion. "There's probably danger ahead. You can stay here, and let me and Dree deal with whatever's before us. You can also follow if you want, that's fine. What do you two wanna do?" Serig asks of his new acquaintances.
Aug 22, 2024 2:45 am
Glidbem knows from her brief time with Nel that he has little to fear from the slippery rocks as he is very nimble and experienced with moving about on slippery surfaces from living aboard a boat most of his life. Looking around and cocking his head at the sounds echoing around the misty cavern he whispers I would rather stay nearby you than alone with a mix of hope, fear, and bravado.
Aug 22, 2024 2:38 pm
Glidbem gives the rocks a very brief consideration before saying This may not come as a surprise, but I'm really not much of an acrobat at all. And though I do not care for the thought of staying in this strange fog filled cave by myself while you go to check on the voices, it would seem that's our only real option at the moment.
Aug 23, 2024 3:21 am
Len and Glidbem stay on the cave shore as Serig and Dree make their way across the slippery rocks. Save test to keep your balance, Any roll with at least one dice 5 or higher and you have no trouble. if the highest dice is a 4 you slip but manage to catch yourselves, anything lower and you fall in.
Moving out over the water you near the sounds and see a large flat river boat, likely the one you saw sucked under the river by the whirlpool. Though you still can not see individuals clearly you vaguely make out forms moving on and around the boat, which looks to be resting atop several rocks like those you are crossing on.
Aug 23, 2024 3:38 am
Dree's natural grace doesn't fail her as she crosses the rocks. When she reaches the rocks near the boat she calls out to the crew, Nel and Gildbem have sent us to aid you, then takes in there response before trying to board.
She's trying not to get into a fight with the crew by surprising them. That's why she announced herself before she boarded the ship even though that means the attackers know she's there too.
Last edited Aug 23, 2024 3:45 am


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Aug 26, 2024 11:17 pm
Serig skilfully leaps from rock to rock, avoiding slipping. Unlike Dree, he doesn't speak and tries to be more sneaky about it when boarding the boat. That said, he won't make a move until the Nel and Glidbem's crew identify themselves after Dree's shouts.
Rolled with advantage because of Resolute
Last edited Aug 26, 2024 11:18 pm


Serig: Test DC: 5 - Save Test - (3d6)




Aug 28, 2024 4:28 am

As you board the ship you find weapons at the ready as the sailor face all around, though most face the far side of the ship. However they pause at Dree's words and one asks with suspicion and a short nasty looking sword to bring you up short. You know Nel? Where is he

You notice through the thick mist that the boat has a crew of less than a dozen and all are tense and looking around in a harried manner.
Aug 28, 2024 4:20 pm
Nel and miss Glidbem are just on shore, they weren't sure they could traverse these rocks. Looking around in the water, we heard soundsof battle, are you under attack?


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv looking for dangers - (3d6)




Aug 29, 2024 4:22 am
As you talk briefly you see one of the boatmen swing a long pole with a nasty hook on the end at a vague form in the mist.

Aye, you might say that. Though I am not sure these fellows were expecting us, though they sure want out boat. a man says as he walks over to inspect you. Introducing himself as the boats captain he sends a couple quick footed sailors to help Nel and Glidbem onboard before they encounter the locals. Once you are all safely onboard he explains that the boat was sucked below and by handing on tight the men managed to arrive here savely. It is almost like the whirlpool and currents tried to keep the boat in one piece as we were pulled through a tunnel under the river to this place He seems a bit confused and frustrated at their predicament, a bit unsure of what to do other than keep his men and boat safe.
Aug 29, 2024 6:54 pm
So is the boat in some sort of underground river/lake? Or is the body of water that it sits in just a puddle at the bottom of this waterfall?
Last edited Aug 29, 2024 6:55 pm
Aug 30, 2024 2:08 am
This cavern is under the river and has a small flow of water through it. You can tell form the waters surface that is has a current though it does not appear strong in this area.
Aug 30, 2024 8:38 pm
So the boat is stuck where it is?
Aug 30, 2024 10:27 pm
The crew explained that the whirlpool turned into a massive wave/current that pushed the boat to its present location, resting atop the rocks, before dissipating. The crew could work the boat off the rocks that now hold it above the water but they would have to unload the boat first. They were in the process of preparing to do that when they were surrounded by people rising from the water.
Aug 31, 2024 4:36 am
"Should we try talking with the others first then?" Serig asks Dree. Hopefully they might be able to reason with them and avoid fighting.
Aug 31, 2024 8:44 pm
" We can certainly try, perhaps they are just lost as well?" I prefer not killing if I can help it. Dree smiles at Serig and ask the captain, "Have they made any attempts to talk?" Though I may not be the best one to try and speak with them. People often find me... unfriendly without my meaning to be.
Last edited Aug 31, 2024 8:46 pm



Aug 31, 2024 9:52 pm

There has been some . . . shouting, by both sides. But I have not been able to pick up on more than their tone, which is aggressive.

All of you can roll a general Test, Glidbem can do so with advantage
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