The river deep

Aug 7, 2024 12:36 pm
As you look out over the water where two riveers meet you see several small islands in the midddle of the river that spans hundreds of feet. The shoreline of the rivers are more heaviy wooded than the grassy hills near the tower and the cool breeze and warm sun are refreshing and the gentle sounds of the river help ease the tension of being ripped to this place, not knowing how or when you might return home.
Aug 7, 2024 12:36 pm
Give me a test to try and locate your target and let me know your plans and any questions you may have
Aug 7, 2024 3:35 pm
Uppon arriving at the waters edge Dree is calmed a bit by the beauty. If you are ok with it, might we go slowly? Perhaps take a moment her that I could practice moving in the shallower water.

If Serig is OK with her taking a minute to practice she will do so. The necklace removing the chance that she will drown helps her be calm as she focuses on how to move in the water and she will also watch Serig to see how he moves.
Rolling a test for the target that you ask for as well as a test see how well she picks up swimming. Edit: I guess she was so preoccupied with the swimming.She wasn't as observant for the target haha.
Last edited August 7, 2024 3:51 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Target - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Swimming - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Aug 7, 2024 5:58 pm
They're not that much in a rush, so Serig agrees to let Dree practice her swimming. For his part, he scans their surroundings, both with his eyes and with his nose.
Last edited August 7, 2024 5:59 pm


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)

(346) = 13

Aug 7, 2024 8:56 pm
Dree smiles in triumph when she gets the hang of swimming, Well I'm not a rock I guess. Shall we see if we can find this magic thing?
Aug 8, 2024 5:25 am
The two of you place the amulets on and they slowly thicken and constrict until they press uncomfortably into your neck but nothing else seems to change. Reasoning that perhaps you need to enter the water to trigger their magics you step into the river and find your guess was correct. As soon as you step into the waters you feel odd stretching sensations on your hands and feet. It grows hard to walk and looking at your hands you see the fingers are now connected by webbing, like a frogs, and lifting your feet you see they have grown long and are similar to your hands but even larger.

Somewhat emboldened by the change you make your way deeper and find that as your skin becomes when it changes and fuses with your skin as scales appear to cover the area. Even you packs become sealed by the scales and you notice that you no longer feel the need to breath. Making your way deeper into the water the both of you experiment with your new forms. Serig is a bit bolder and experiments looking with his eyes underwater and shares with Dree that even his eyes change so that the water does not bother them and he can see very well underwater.

Give me tests for how well you adapt/swim and tell me how you want to start looking.
Aug 8, 2024 8:24 pm
I suppose we should use the pulsing magic item the Tower gave us, yes? Foxfire would you also help us keep a lookout? Dree is finding the transformation the amulet gave strange but fun too. She has never felt so free as gliding through the water.

Dree's curious how Serig is feeling about the situation?
I'll roll and @rimestock can decide how much to tell.
Last edited August 8, 2024 8:30 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic adapt/swim - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Serig insight - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Aug 8, 2024 10:22 pm
Serig stops the urge to rip the amulet off his neck once it started constricting him, but he feels a faint childish joy as he experiments with his newly acquired webbed hands and feet. The feeling of his fur feeling both wet and not wet is strange. Once he got used to it, he also tries to test if he could pick up scents underwater.

"So how do we use that rod? Just wave it?" Serig asks.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Swimming - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)

(353) = 11

Aug 8, 2024 11:07 pm
They said it would pulse… I guess we could just hold it out and see if we feel a difference one way or another? Dree looks at the thing with an unenthusiastic nose scrunch. It shouldn’t hurt us so I suppose a bit of experimentation is in order.
Aug 9, 2024 7:10 pm
Both of you surface to converse, finding that though the amulets let you stay long underwater they do not help with communication and any attempt at talking is rendered unintelligible. Just as you are about to examine the device to help you find the tower artifact you notice the river currents suddenly increase in speed before multiple massive water columns and spat up from the river surface. This draws your eyes and you see a boat in the midsts of the water spouts. The people onboard begins to shout with the crew striving to void the great gouts of water only to realize that a whirlpool is growing ever larger in front of them.

The whirlpools currents are also dragging you in towards it so that you are close enough to see some comotion where it looks as if some of the people onboard are fighting just as it is pulled into the spinning vortex of water. Knowing your amulets will help you breath and swim is one thing but using them to rescue those on the boat is a daunting task as the sudden violence of the river currents seems unnatural and not just a bit frightening.

Aug 9, 2024 10:32 pm
Serig's eyes widen at the sight before him as he instinctively grabs Dree by the arm. With the increasingly turbulent currents and the half-elf's lack of experience with swimming, he doesn't want to get separated from her. Mouth slack and in disbelief at the people in the boat who suddenly appeared, he asks to no one in particular, "Who the hell are those?"
Last edited August 9, 2024 10:32 pm
Aug 9, 2024 10:57 pm
AS you watch the boat is pulled entirely under the river's surface and the whirlpool begins to collapse with the faint sounds of cry's and please barely audible over the rush of the water that seems to be calming with the collapse of the whirlpool and water columns
Aug 10, 2024 3:23 am
Gripping Serig’s arm I return, she is afraid to loose him in the swirl too. She dips her face into the water to see if that view gives anymore information. Her heart races but her hands are steady.
Aug 10, 2024 9:38 am
"Is it an unstable rift?" Serig mutters to himself as he recalls Silverani's words about the foci's pulses. He takes the magical rod the tower wardens had given them and cautiously points it towards the sinking boat and whirlpool.
Aug 10, 2024 11:59 pm
The rod reacts when pointed in the general direction but seems a bit stronger off to one side. The river has returned nearly to normal and the natural currents resume and wash away the ripples and eddies of the water spouts and whirlpool. Though neither of you is a true boatmen you have seen current and eddies on streams and rivers enough to believe whatever it was that just happened was not natural. The sudden appearance of waterspouts surrounding and the vortex tarteding the boat strongly suggests potent water magic of some kind.
Aug 11, 2024 3:28 am
We must be careful and stay close together. Dree suggest as the water calms. She is very sorry the boat and its crew were lost. She gives Serigs arm where they grip each other a squeeze before letting go.
Aug 11, 2024 1:34 pm
You swim on the surface and use the rod to track the Tower orb and end up swimming near where you saw the boat disappear before you are forced to leave the surface and head into the depths of the river. As you dive deeper the light is quickly reduced to nothing but you are still able to see a bit, though colors are all muted and grey blue or green, for a short distance. To keep it simple assume you can only see 25' at max Following the rods directions you dive and deeper and begin to search the muddy river bottom only to come to a place where the rod indicates nearly straight down into the mud. Looking around you see a rocky outcropping with a large irregular cavern that may allow you to go deeper? Still unable to talk while underwater you are force to use gestures and actions to communicate.
Aug 11, 2024 11:16 pm
Serig swims slightly closer to the cavern before turning towards Dree, cocking his head towards it with a questioning expression, as if to say, You ready?
Aug 12, 2024 12:16 am
Dree nods to Serig’s unspoken question then reaches over to give his arm another gentle squeeze. Dree will swim at Serig’s side as he follows the rod.
Aug 12, 2024 2:51 am
You swim into the cave and it does indeed seem to be getting nearer the destination but then the passage splits a smaller fork to the left and a larger to the right. The rod does not seem to distinguish either as a better path. You hesitate in indecision but then see a flicker of light from the smaller passage. Deciding to check it out you swim towards the light cautiously.

the smaller passage begins heading up and soon you break the surface of water. You are obviously still under the river and in the cave. Your attention is instantly drawn to the light and you see a gnome female and young human boy
Welcome Glidbem (PC) / lairas (player) to the story
Aug 12, 2024 3:28 pm
What... How did you two get here? Dree is obviously shocked and concerned to find others, especially a child in such a place.

She glances at Serig, Does he see it too? Is it another illusion from the tower? Does this path lead to the surface?
Aug 12, 2024 6:10 pm
Upon seeing the two figures rise from beneath the water Glidbem grabs Nel and immediately pulls him with her behind the nearest cover, cupping the amulet and its light in her hands to further hide their presence. Oh please don't hurt us, I'm so terribly sorry to intrude upon your cave she says quickly in a panicked tone, We fell into the river above and were carried here by some sort of vortex, but I promise that we'll leave as soon as we can.
Aug 12, 2024 11:10 pm
Serig is also a bit shocked at seeing people here, but he doesn't let it show on his face. Hearing the woman panic, and seeing that she's accompanied by such a young boy, he subconsciously softens his voice and tries to placate them. "It's not our cave, lady, don't worry," he says.

Something the gnome said does catch Serig's attention though, so he also asks her, "You got sucked in because of a vortex?" He turns to Dree and says, "Just like those people on the boat, do you think?"
Aug 12, 2024 11:31 pm
Yeah, just like the boat. She nods at Serig before addressing the woman and child, I’m Dree, how long have you been down here? She will try and give an encouraging smile despite the strangeness that the amulet has made her look.
Aug 13, 2024 3:11 am
As you talk the two figures move slowly closer to shore to be heard without shouting. As they near Glidbem notices they are not quite normal looking. The larger one has a pair of horn peaks atop their head which has a large tooth filled snout and odd spiky iridescent scales. The other is smaller and has long flowing tresses that but likewise covered in scales.
Aug 13, 2024 4:30 pm
Glidbem peaks from behind her cover to get a better look at the two figures, before slowly stepping out into the open with Nel in tow. Still audibly nervous but not quite as panicked now, she says My name is Glidbem ma'am, and this is Nel. We've both been down here only a moment now, and speaking for myself I'd very much like to leave. I don't suppose either of you know a way out? She also stops covering up her amulet, allowing its faint red light to illuminate the cavern once again.
Aug 15, 2024 12:50 am
Serig gives a scrutinizing glance towards the red amulet Glidbem in her person, though he doesn't say anything about it. "Only if you can breathe underwater," he answers to her question. Unfortunately they don't have any spares of the water-breathing amulet those elves gave to him and Dree. That said, he remembers that one of the tower wardens could teleport to the foci once they bring the rod there.

"You two could come with us, if you'd like. We're looking for something with this," he adds, while waving the rod in his hand. "And once we do we should be able to get out of here."

He pauses, and realizes he hasn't introduced himself yet. "The name's Serig."
Aug 15, 2024 8:39 pm
Glidbem gives a light bow of her head and says It's nice to meet you mister Serig. Speaking for myself, I've never spent any time under water before; or swimming through it for that matter, and now doesn't seem like the best time for me to practice. So, I suppose that means I'll be joining the both of you on your search. Nel, would you be able to make your way through the water at all? A cave is no place for a child to be exploring, even if you have proven yourself quite capable.
Aug 15, 2024 11:42 pm

The looks around, not nearly as frightened as might be expected. I'm a good swimmer, but . . . We were moving pretty fast when we were pulled down here with the boat and it seemed pretty deep. Besides my captain and his crew are down here somewhere with the boat. We might bump into them while searching. I have my knife and can help. I know it is dangerous here promise to follow instructions.

Serig and Dree confirm that the cave is about 50' below the surface of the river and the tunnel into the cave is at least another 50 feet. Without aid or extreme skill it is doubtful anyone can swim out. Though city born youths may lack the most basic survival skills, those raised on farms or traveling with their parents often learn at a young age how to behave when faced with danger. From his expression he does not want to be sent away or left behind and there is not guarantee that would be safer anyhow.
Aug 16, 2024 11:28 am
Serig softens when he sees the young boy's expression. "You can stick with us, kid, don't worry," he assures, with a gruff but warm voice.

Because he and Dree was distracted by the sudden appearance of the other two, it's only then that Serig finally looks around and examine the cave they are in. He also raises the magical rod again to recheck where the direction of the foci is.
Gonna primarily look around the cave to examine it, and also sniff around in case there's something I can detect with my nose. Mainly looking to see if there's some sort of other passage other than back to the water we just came out of.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)

(331) = 7

Aug 16, 2024 1:18 pm
As Serig and Dree dry off after climbing ashore and standing a bit the necklaces magics fade and Nel exclaims in surprise at the change but seems a bit more reassured by the human woman and wolf-kin man.

The feeble light from Glidbem's amulet makes it easier to rumage through your packs to get a torch and light it. The brighter light reveals a bit more of the cave and a quick search reveals a tunnel leading away from it. Unfortunately it does not lead directly towards where the rod points, but neither is it completely the wrong way.

Serig sniffs the ait but is only able to scent out your own little party, water, dampness, and aquatic life. As you move to examine the tunnel it is apparent it was either crafted or expanded by mining. As none of you are miners you can only guess how long ago the tunnel was carved but it's dimensions make it obvious it was for something vaguely person like in form and size.

With no other easy options you begin making your way down the passage and soon come to an intersection with two other tunnels. From the one to the right you hear faint echos of distant sounds. The passage to the left looks to have a downwards slope and matches more closely with the rods directions.

Give me the order you guys are waling in, any standard actions, who has a torch/lantern, etc..
Aug 16, 2024 2:57 pm
Perhaps the crew? Dree looks down the tunnel with sound. Should we investigate? I will take front or rear guard, Dree suggests. Be certain of you footing as you move. As they walk she will keep a look out too of course.

foxfire spirit
Foxfire will also keep lookout and stay near the boy least he be frightened.
Last edited August 16, 2024 9:06 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Aug 17, 2024 4:52 am
"I'll guard the front," Serig says, taking a torch from his pack and lighting it. He then glances towards Glidbem and Nel. The wolfkin is a bit confused on what exactly their relationship is, and to that boat from the whirlpool from before. Well, whatever, he'll let them decide.

"Dree is right. There's a good chance the sounds are from your crew. We can meet up with them if you'd like," Serig addresses Glidbem and Nel. "Not like the foci is gonna move anywhere," he mutters under his breath.
For walking order we could probably do Serig, Dree, Nel, Glidbem? I'll also try to roll to see if I could make out whatever the sounds are.
Last edited August 17, 2024 4:55 am


Serig: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Aug 17, 2024 3:09 pm
In groups I usually wait for a decision and to have it seconded, so there is a chance for alternate opinions/options.
If you want to go with any single or a full group consensus just let me know.
You head down the passage towards the sounds but quickly discover that you have no way of gauging how far it may be as the sounds echo on the tunnels stone walls. You are definitely drawing closer as the sounds get louder and Serig catches the what sounds like a shouted word but is uncertain. Nel follows along and seems calm, if a bit anxious, and though he does seem interested in Dree's companions he tries to stay focused and alert.

When the spirit is active you can have it act and even test with you, thus gaining 2 test rolls for things like spot/listen/search etc. It just can not interact with physical objects.
Aug 17, 2024 7:14 pm
Glidbem would definitely stay as far back as possible, making sure to look over her shoulder constantly as the group moves. As for which tunnel to go down, seeing as how the the rest of the group wants to go towards the sounds she would stick with them for now; though the thought of meeting more potential strangers in a cave does make her nervous.
Aug 17, 2024 11:20 pm
As you follow the tunnel Glidbem notices her amulet is glowing ever so slightly brighter. The sounds become clearer and you all soon realize that the sounds are a mix of talking, with intermittent shouting, and what sounds like a waterfall. Soon the air becomes thick with mist that becomes thicker and thicker and it drifts about, blown by a faint air flow. The tunnel makes a turn and you see it opens into a large cavern full of mist that drifts into the tunnel. The mist and darkness make seeing any distance impossible but you clearly hear shouts of people shouting and calling to each other in common, form one direction, and a different language, off to the side of the first group. The other language is odd and more songlike than the common tongue. A sudden clash of metal on metal, followed by a bit more accompanied by shouting form both groups. Your best guess from the mist and echoes is that the cavern is large and the groupd are dozens fo feet from where you are but the thick mists limit sight to 10 to 20 feet at the most.
Aug 18, 2024 8:56 pm
Whispering to Serig, I think I hear fighting, do you as well?
Aug 19, 2024 2:12 am
Serig acknowledges Dree with a grim nod. "Be careful, let's take it slow," he whispers to the rest of the group. "Any of the voices sound familiar to you two?" he asks Glidbem and Nel.
Aug 19, 2024 2:53 am

The boys listens to the sounds . . . and gets an excited look on his face.
Thats captain Hank! he shouts pointing He's that way! Lets go! the boy shouts excitedly.


Nel Test - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Secret Roll

Aug 19, 2024 6:13 pm
Im assuming Nel is correct in knowing what Hank sounds like, but does Glidbem also recognize the voice as Hank, or any of the voices as being from the boat? Can we make out what is being shouted? And what about the other language we hear, do any of us recognize it?


Test to listen with Advantage from Perceptive - (3d6)

(544) = 13

Test to possibly recognize language - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Aug 19, 2024 6:41 pm
Some of the voices sound familiar but the roaring waterfall and echos of the cave combined with the muffling effects of the thick mist leave you slightly uncertain. As for the other language, you are only certain it is not one you know well.

This is a situation I would allow librarian to give advantage on the test to identify the language. I also often do success with a cost at times when you will is not quite there. This means you succeed but they're is a penalty or variation on results vs intent
Aug 19, 2024 10:53 pm
Glidbem grabs Nel lightly by his clothes before the boy has a chance to go running off into the fog. "Mister Serig is right, we need to be very careful here." She turns to address the Wolf-kin and says "I think I recognize some of those voices from the boat, but the other language is like nothing I've ever heard. I fear the crew may have met someone less than happy to have visitors..."
Last edited August 19, 2024 10:54 pm
Aug 20, 2024 1:59 am
Yes, cautious and quiet. Dree will nod to Serig, Let us lead, they can stay close behind. Greataxe still out Dree will move forward slowly trying to discern threw the fog what is around them.
Last edited August 20, 2024 1:59 am


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv Perception - (3d6)

(126) = 9

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Stealth - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Aug 20, 2024 5:17 am
Dree is able to discern the sounds of lapping water. Not unexpected save it seems that water lies between you and the two groups of people. One definitely sounds like normal people but the other is totally foreign. They have receded to mere shouting again though obviously quite agitated.

Taking the lead Dree advances, torch held aloft guttering in the constant deluge of mist from the fall nearby. After only a few yards into the larger cavern you find you are on a small shoreline with water to your left and the cave wall to the right. The shore gets bigger the further you go into the room and it curves to the left before narrowing again and ending in a small peninsula extending into the river/lake(?) The shouting is coming form ahead and faint flickers of light can be seen through the dense mist. Though the light is coming from somewhere in the middle of the water there are multiple large rocks jutting out of the water. The flickering light of torches reveals a larger mass with figures moving on it and it looks like you may be able to reach it by jumping form rock to rock
Aug 21, 2024 8:32 am
Serig wonders on whether to leave Nel and Glidbem behind here, since he's not sure if they would be able to traverse these rocks in the mist, not to mention they'd potentially wading into danger, and those two in the wolfkin's eyes don't seem capable of fighting at all.

Still, he'd have to ask the others' opinion. "There's probably danger ahead. You can stay here, and let me and Dree deal with whatever's before us. You can also follow if you want, that's fine. What do you two wanna do?" Serig asks of his new acquaintances.
Aug 22, 2024 2:45 am
Glidbem knows from her brief time with Nel that he has little to fear from the slippery rocks as he is very nimble and experienced with moving about on slippery surfaces from living aboard a boat most of his life. Looking around and cocking his head at the sounds echoing around the misty cavern he whispers I would rather stay nearby you than alone with a mix of hope, fear, and bravado.
Aug 22, 2024 2:38 pm
Glidbem gives the rocks a very brief consideration before saying This may not come as a surprise, but I'm really not much of an acrobat at all. And though I do not care for the thought of staying in this strange fog filled cave by myself while you go to check on the voices, it would seem that's our only real option at the moment.
Aug 23, 2024 3:21 am
Len and Glidbem stay on the cave shore as Serig and Dree make their way across the slippery rocks. Save test to keep your balance, Any roll with at least one dice 5 or higher and you have no trouble. if the highest dice is a 4 you slip but manage to catch yourselves, anything lower and you fall in.
Moving out over the water you near the sounds and see a large flat river boat, likely the one you saw sucked under the river by the whirlpool. Though you still can not see individuals clearly you vaguely make out forms moving on and around the boat, which looks to be resting atop several rocks like those you are crossing on.
Aug 23, 2024 3:38 am
Dree's natural grace doesn't fail her as she crosses the rocks. When she reaches the rocks near the boat she calls out to the crew, Nel and Gildbem have sent us to aid you, then takes in there response before trying to board.
She's trying not to get into a fight with the crew by surprising them. That's why she announced herself before she boarded the ship even though that means the attackers know she's there too.
Last edited August 23, 2024 3:45 am


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Aug 26, 2024 11:17 pm
Serig skilfully leaps from rock to rock, avoiding slipping. Unlike Dree, he doesn't speak and tries to be more sneaky about it when boarding the boat. That said, he won't make a move until the Nel and Glidbem's crew identify themselves after Dree's shouts.
Rolled with advantage because of Resolute
Last edited August 26, 2024 11:18 pm


Serig: Test DC: 5 - Save Test - (3d6)

(624) = 12



Aug 28, 2024 4:28 am

As you board the ship you find weapons at the ready as the sailor face all around, though most face the far side of the ship. However they pause at Dree's words and one asks with suspicion and a short nasty looking sword to bring you up short. You know Nel? Where is he

You notice through the thick mist that the boat has a crew of less than a dozen and all are tense and looking around in a harried manner.
Aug 28, 2024 4:20 pm
Nel and miss Glidbem are just on shore, they weren't sure they could traverse these rocks. Looking around in the water, we heard soundsof battle, are you under attack?


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv looking for dangers - (3d6)

(451) = 10



Aug 29, 2024 4:22 am
As you talk briefly you see one of the boatmen swing a long pole with a nasty hook on the end at a vague form in the mist.

Aye, you might say that. Though I am not sure these fellows were expecting us, though they sure want out boat. a man says as he walks over to inspect you. Introducing himself as the boats captain he sends a couple quick footed sailors to help Nel and Glidbem onboard before they encounter the locals. Once you are all safely onboard he explains that the boat was sucked below and by handing on tight the men managed to arrive here savely. It is almost like the whirlpool and currents tried to keep the boat in one piece as we were pulled through a tunnel under the river to this place He seems a bit confused and frustrated at their predicament, a bit unsure of what to do other than keep his men and boat safe.
Aug 29, 2024 6:54 pm
So is the boat in some sort of underground river/lake? Or is the body of water that it sits in just a puddle at the bottom of this waterfall?
Last edited August 29, 2024 6:55 pm
Aug 30, 2024 2:08 am
This cavern is under the river and has a small flow of water through it. You can tell form the waters surface that is has a current though it does not appear strong in this area.
Aug 30, 2024 8:38 pm
So the boat is stuck where it is?
Aug 30, 2024 10:27 pm
The crew explained that the whirlpool turned into a massive wave/current that pushed the boat to its present location, resting atop the rocks, before dissipating. The crew could work the boat off the rocks that now hold it above the water but they would have to unload the boat first. They were in the process of preparing to do that when they were surrounded by people rising from the water.
Aug 31, 2024 4:36 am
"Should we try talking with the others first then?" Serig asks Dree. Hopefully they might be able to reason with them and avoid fighting.
Aug 31, 2024 8:44 pm
" We can certainly try, perhaps they are just lost as well?" I prefer not killing if I can help it. Dree smiles at Serig and ask the captain, "Have they made any attempts to talk?" Though I may not be the best one to try and speak with them. People often find me... unfriendly without my meaning to be.
Last edited August 31, 2024 8:46 pm



Aug 31, 2024 9:52 pm

There has been some . . . shouting, by both sides. But I have not been able to pick up on more than their tone, which is aggressive.

All of you can roll a general Test, Glidbem can do so with advantage
Sep 2, 2024 10:31 am
Glidbem chirps up to say "As much as I would greatly prefer talking to fighting, I'm not sure that whoever is on this other ship can even communicate with us. Not that we have much of a choice other than to try I suppose; but if anyone has any non-verbal ideas for showing that we mean no harm, it might be worth considering here."


Test Roll - (3d6)

(256) = 13

Sep 2, 2024 12:22 pm
To clarify, there is only 1 boat. The aggressors were here when Hank's ship arrived.
Having spent much time in study Glidbem known that during the Golden Age, before the Dawn War, all the people spoke the One Tongue of the People. Though the Shattering had some kind of affect, diverging each local accent and dialect further from the source, most still retain traces of the common origin is the spoken word. Given time and cooperation Glidbem is confident she can get a basic dialog going. Alos, though the written word was more drastically changed than the spoken, arcane and religious text were less affected. If she could get into contact with a mage or priest of the other side Gligdem is confident that any written correspondence would be even easier to bridge the gap.
Sep 2, 2024 9:30 pm
I say we at least try, Dree shifts uneasily, but be prepared to defend each other too.
Sep 3, 2024 12:35 pm
The surrounding conflict appears to have entered a lull. Perhaps the opposition is preparing something, have retreated, or noticed your arrival and are concerned with the increase in force. Still, vague shadowy forms can be seen occasionally moving the the heavy mist that fill the cavern with the light of the torches barely illuminating your surroundings.
Sep 4, 2024 12:29 am
Try we shall, and I'll do my very best to establish communication, but its up to them how friendly they feel like being. If we get close and arrows start flying I make no promises that I'm capable of calming things down, or that I wont be staying behind the nearest form of cover. I've had one too many attempts on my life as of late... she says, looking around nervously to see if the sailors who tried to throw her overboard are still present.
Sep 4, 2024 1:37 am
The sailors are indeed present but are far too nervous about obvious external physical threat to bother being embarrassed or ashamed of their past behavior. Hank however, is not, and noticing your questing gaze resting on those particular sailors bends down and mutters something to Nel who wanders over to comfort the scholar.


Don't worry miss. Those won't bother you again. The whirlpool showed their true colors and they are destined to be dismissed once we get back upriver, and likely know it. One more misstep and they will be out of the captains good grace. A captain is master and ruler on board his ship, just below the gods. If they want to make is back they will have to be doubly careful, and now none of the crew trust them so all will be watching.

You discuss your plans with Hank and he approves, but is at a loss for how to proceed. We saw some fancier folk but that was towards the beginning of this mess. Likely they backed off as soon as they found us still aboard. I got the impression they were more surprise to see us than the boat.

You can roll a knowledge test or other, just let me know what, to gain hints or recall lore on opening dialog between the People.
Go ahead with any idea you have.

The boatmen keep a wary eye on the mists, the torchlight fully illuminating the boat but fading quickly in the mist. The forms of the assailants are seen continuously but only for a moment before they vanish back into the mist or into the water with a splash.
Sep 5, 2024 8:41 pm
"Thank you Nel, that does make me feel a bit better. Though I suppose I cant be too mad at them, anyone is liable to crack under that kind of pressure. Let them know I forgive them, but that they should avoid trying to toss any ladies into the water from now on."

Glidbem considers the situation along with Hanks words and thinks for a moment. "If there are indeed scholars of some sort among the group then that helps our chances quite a bit. I don't suppose you have any paint somewhere on this ship, or anything else to make a sign with perhaps?"
Sep 6, 2024 5:38 pm
The best they have onboard are some pitch, for torches or to help seal leaks in the boat, and some canvas. You can easily paint/draw on it without fear of the mist ruining it. Dree and Serig join the boats crew in keeping a watchful on on the surrounding.
You can give precise detail or just a lose description. Either way roll with you attempt to communicate
Sep 7, 2024 1:13 am
Rolling to try and see if there's any kind of universal basic greeting I can think of that I could say out loud. As for the sign, is there a word for peace or "meaning no harm" that I could paint that might be recognized by a mage or priest that saw it?


Verbal Roll - (3d6)

(626) = 14

Written Roll - (3d6)

(315) = 9

Sep 14, 2024 5:41 am
Watchful eye,


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(263) = 11

Sep 16, 2024 2:54 am
Glidbem ponders for a moment before sketching out a pair of symbols "PEACE" with ties to community and civilization and "TRADE" that is less commerce based and more of an exchange. The sailors quickly rig it to a couple poles set into the boat and you wait. After several minutes you notice the nearby activity in increasing and Dree catches a few figures circling around between the boat and the cavern floor where you came from. But then with a splash 2 large figures leap from the water to land on nearby rocks before crouching down behind shields and watching you.

A third figure joins the first two. All three are humanoid though their skin tones are in blues and greens and you notice gill slits on their necks. The first two are larger muscular men and though they only hold weapons at the moment, each has a short but thick spear on their back. The woman hold a decorative trident and studies the markings drawn on the cloth and the nervous crew on the ship before waving a hand and releasing a pale blue glow that pull the mist between the two groups into the shape of two symbols. "Peace" and "Need". The woman then speaks several words repeatedly and Glidbem is able to faintly recognize them based on the shape of the two runes. This is an older dialect and seems to be heavily influenced both by the dwellers of the underdark and sea elves.
Sep 18, 2024 3:30 am
Glidbem peers hesitantly over the railing of the ship to read the message in the mist, before ducking back down and letting out a sigh of relief. Wonderful, it seems that they're at least willing to handle this in a friendly manner; truthfully that's more than I was expecting. Now if I could just get a chance to better understand their language so that we could more fully communicate. She thinks for a moment before grabbing the canvas and pitch again, preparing to paint another sign.
Rolling to try and paint a sign that says "Peace" and "Meeting".


Sign Roll - (3d6)

(165) = 12



Sep 18, 2024 12:14 pm
After several exchanges Glidbem and the woman, you suspect to be a priestess or some similar role, are able to identify nough key symbols and exchange words to become more familiar with a common dialetct neither knows well but can still use to a degree.

The priestess Ishtara aproatches the wide and low river boat. Though it rests atop the surrounding stones its shallow draft gives little elevation and you are able to talk on more or less equal footing. The triton people are all tall and most are lean, more like the priestess than her two hulking guards.

Bowing slightly the priestess stops half a dozen paces from the boat with her guards just bit behind and to either side of her. It is at this point that you notice that though the guards have been standing and hopping from stone to stone the priestess stands directly on the waters surface. Glidbem tanslates for the others as best she can as the priestess begins speaking We call/summon aid/succore for people/triton. Boat and men come. Others come. We suffer with need

Anyone can talk and Glidbem will translate. Keep the words and sentences simple. The more complicated the words or idea comunicated the more likely a "mistranslation" will occur. Glidbem can write key points out if needed but this is slow and tedius
Sep 18, 2024 2:27 pm
"They suffer? Can we ask what causes them to suffer." Dree keeps a close eye on everyone around as they speak, being sure to glance behind them every now and then too.
Sep 19, 2024 12:41 pm
After some back and forth between Glidbem and the priestess Ishtara you get the impression that though her people have lived here below the river since at least the Shattering things have not been great and gotten worse. Some recent shift has brought a threat to their community. Thus they used some forbidden magic to try and bring about a solution. However the only thing that happened was for the river to pull the boat down into their caverns. The priestess was sent for as soon as the hunters discovered the boat while they keep the crew from doing anything to return to the surface.


Looking over the ship she then pauses a moment before whispering a few words to one of the guards to drops into the water. You come not to talk leader? he priestess asks.
Sep 22, 2024 4:30 am
Dree stands close to Serig and whispers, "Maybe the problems the river folk are having have somthing to do with what we were sent to recover?"
Sep 24, 2024 2:30 am
Glidbem does her best to try and explain to the priestess that she did not come here to talk to their leader, and that she and the boats crew were on their way to a city called Paphos when the boat was pulled into the cave. As for her two companions, she states that they both came to the caves while searching for something but assures the priestess that they mean no harm.


Roll for translation if needed - (2d6)

(11) = 2



Sep 24, 2024 3:10 am

The priestess seems a bit confused but after a while of back and forth clarification she nods. She then says a couple words and uses her water magic to shape three word glyphs for "come", "peace" and "speak" before stepping back and waving for you to follow. Then pausing she says and shapes two more words with a querying tone. "all come"?
Sep 28, 2024 10:15 pm
Glidbem hesitates for a good moment, none of this was what she had in mind when she set off on this trip, but helping these merfolk seems like the only way out for now; plus she is admittedly curious to see what kind of civilization they've built for themselves down here. She gives an uncertain nod to the priestess before moving to follow her.
Sep 29, 2024 4:56 pm
Hank is unwilling to abandon his ship and most of the sailors are too fearful to go with the priestess but after a short discussion they agree that a fight would not ensure returning to the surface. So they split the crew with half staying and the other half, including Hank and Nel agreeing to accompany they Triton.
Waiting for following the priestess to be affirmed by a 2nd player before moving on
Serig @rimestock has been inactive for almost a month so I may drop him.
Oct 2, 2024 3:37 am
Dropping Serig and moving the story along
Serig decides to stay behind with 3 of the crew while the rest of you go with the priestess. She guides everyone, save 2 guards left behind to watch the boat and crew, to the far side of the cave where a damp path leads behind the waterfall before descending further. Glidbem notices that as they walk her amulet is glowing increasingly brighter. The way is cool and mist continually wafts down the passage from the waterfall causing your torches to flicker and gutter. After several minutes the passage opens into a large cave.

Before you is a large town or small village set into stone and water. The cave is dimly illuminated by a variety of glowing crystals, plants and magic. Though the water is dark and the surface in constant motion from the may streams, boats, and waterfalls, you dimly perceive lights below the surface as well leading to the assumption that the city extends beyond what you can reach or see. The priestess guides you into the town and its many citizens openly gape at you. Children squeal and are shushed and pulled back by fearful parent. The priestesses escort falls back to flank your party as you begin winding through the twisting paths. Soon you find yourself descending into a dark passage that splits between a watery way and a dry way.

The guards will escort you while I go talk to the my superior and the council and she slips into the watery darkness.

The guards take you along the dry tunnel and you find yourself in a comfortable waiting room with a low pool occupying half of it and low padded benches on the other. After several minutes of waiting a splash from the pool alerts you to company and you turn to see several large and noble triton men and one extremely old triton female

High Priestess
The newcomers stand in the shallow pool and give you all short formal bows. They then seat themselves and of the the elders mumbles something and you feal a wave of magic before he speaks and you understand.

Triton Elder
We learn from the priestess that you are from the above surface and were pulled below by our magics. We do apologize. We meant not to call others as we had not knowledge there are people still above. We can take you back but the boat may be a problem.

He goes on to tell that the people of this city once lived in Paphos and when the Shattering broke the lands their ancestors tried to flee on the river but were swept up by the current and storms and awoke here below the surface changed into what they are now. Every time they went to the surface they found only danger and monsters and so gave up trying years ago. Unfortunately things have started changing recently and many monsters from the deep caves have started entering the Triton caverns where they would normally avoid them. In addition new and fierce creatures they never encountered before have also been seen and driven off but with a great cost. The High Priestess sought guidance from her goddess and was shown how to activate an ancient magic, form the Dawn Age, which allowed them to control the water currents and flood more of the caverns to drive the beast off. However the longer the item remains active the more unstable their control of it becomes. Your recent trip below the surface was caused by them trying to have the currents bring additional food and other resources to town as most men were still forced to fight off beasts, weakening their own ability to find and secure foods.

After telling their story they ask you where you are from and if there are other people nearby that they might be able to buy food, weapons, and other supplies from.
Oct 2, 2024 7:26 pm
"A search for a Lost relic of a tower is what brought me here." Dree explains, "There are towns and things along the river. It may be possible to set up trade agreements, but it would be up to those towns "
Last edited October 2, 2024 7:26 pm
Oct 4, 2024 12:48 am
High Priestess
Who sends you to sell the list relic asks the priests and your catch a hint of suspicion as she looks you over.

Triton Elder
The elder waves this of and send excited There are towns nearby? Are they large? How far are they?
He seems very interested in learning all you will tell about the situation on the surface and about selling string allies to help protect the Triton village. He continues to ask more questions but the high priestess just watches you carefully.
Oct 5, 2024 3:24 pm
Do they seem like they're gathering information for malicious intent, like planning to attack the surface.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic intentions - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Oct 5, 2024 11:05 pm
Dree picks up a hint of fear and greed, which does not surprise her as they seem like politicians, from the elders. The high priestess is more distrustful and concerned
Oct 6, 2024 7:59 pm
Dree will answer truthfully but also simply.



Oct 6, 2024 11:31 pm
You chat for a while and though you are relieved to learn they will let you return to the surface Hal is not happy about losing his ship. The Triton offer to buy many of his wares and help him pack up the remainder. Though they refuse to buy his boat they do offer to use him as their sole merchant for the next month as it was their summons that brought him here and forced the loss of his ship. This at least indicates they may plan to trade but you are still uncertain. The elders assign a guard captain to escort you to quarters and the high priestess tells the younger priestess to accompany you. After you rest and eat you will be shown the town and caverns before retiring for the night. On the morrow you will set out back to the surface.

Let me know if you have any questions for the elders, clergy, or guards

The "town" is not quite as small as you first thought. There are indeed many homes under the surface of the water, but there are also many other smaller caverns that hold homes and gardens for the triton people. You are shown caverns where fungus is grown, where lichen is farmed, and where strange crablike creatures are herded. Most of the residents seem shocked when they see you but the reactions are mixed. Some show obvious excitement while others are definitely afraid, and only a few are brave and curious enough to talk with you.

The tour can only show you the areas with air and as you wander you learn that to leave tomorrow you will have to swim. The priests have spells that will allow you to not drown for 1 hour no matter the conditions but that is the best they can do for the number of people in your party.

There may be some danger when we leave. I suggest you make arrangements to guard your weaker members. We can only bring a few guard from the city to help escort and guide you back to the surface. The way out had previously been lost to us and it was only though the magic that brought you here that we rediscovered the way out.
Oct 8, 2024 10:11 pm
I believe I would fall under the category of weaker members, though I'm not sure what would help my chances in this instance. Especially with my swimming abilities being as non-existent as they are. I do know that I would prefer to make it through this without being eaten by any underground sea creatures.



Oct 9, 2024 4:03 pm
You are guided back to the boat where you spend the night under the watch of some of the crew and triton guards. The next morning you get ready to set out. The crew packs up what they can under Hal's directions and are blessed by the high priestess to allow you to all move better in the water and survive the passage without drowning.

Now accompanied by the younger priestess, captain, and 2 guards are to act as your guides as you make your way back through the passages that Glidbem and Nel passed before stopping at the water's edge. The triton enter the waters first as the crew arrange the wares they will be hauling into large net bags that can be easily dropped or passed to other as needed. Entering the water you notice is is not as cold as expected but only after the first sailor tries to stay underwater for several minutes and explains that you still have to breath but as the water enters your mouths it turns to a thick fog, allowing you to breathe though with a bit of effort.

Following the triton guards you dive into the depths where the priestess hands out several softly glowing lanterns. You are guided to a passageway with a swift current. The guards take out climbing gear and you are all handed a belt and rope to tether yourselves to the group. With the larger and stronger members, including Serig and a pair of the larger sailors, leading the way you being climbing against the current through the stone tunnel.

Several minutes into the enhausting climb one of the guards returns to consult with the captain and priestess before the captain moves to the front of the group while the priestess explains to Hal and the rest.

The guards have found signs of river eels ahead. They can not find a way past them so we will have to move through their territories. We will try and find the best way though but be prepared. They like to hide in cracks and holes or under rocks then strike out at anything that gets too close to them.

Let me know of any arrangements or preparations
The current is strong and mostly constant but as you move through the cave some sections have a stronger current.
Using a single hand to fight may be possible without being pulled from the rock wall and if you loose your grip the rope teather will keep you close to the group. But if too many of the group let go it will pull the rest from their grip and you will be pushed downstream.
Oct 10, 2024 7:39 pm
Dree makes sure her belongings are all securely fastened to her, and her necklace that allows her to breathe under water is in place. Knowing it would be difficult to use her great axe with just one hand she ties it to her wrist with a cord, not wanting to lose it in the current.



Oct 11, 2024 4:02 am
As you are making preparations for the difficult task you all feel the current begin to increase in intensity.

Gather close I will attempt to shield us the priestess calls out as she moves to the center of the group with the other guard moving with her and checking over her harness before pulling a hammer and starts pounding steel pitons into the nearby stone to create a more secure anchor.

As the group moves in closer Glidbem notices the Triton captain and one of the guards move the the back of the group before releasing themselves from the line and letting the current wash them away, disappearing down the tunnel.
Oct 12, 2024 2:28 pm
The watery current grow fiercer as you all struggle to hold on to the tunnels walls and the rope tether. Unfortunately the current pulls down debris which bounce around the passage slamming into everyone, knocking you all free of the walls and breaking the rope. Glidbem, Dree and Ishtara manage to cling to each other as you are swept away and the priestess glows dully. You notice that the glow forms into a bubble around the three of you, protecting you from most of the damage. Roll a Save tes (2d6). Pass to minimize damage to 1 point. Fail and take 2 damage.

After a minute of this your bubble bobbs up and pops to reveal another cavern, with one addition to your group floating nearby.
Oct 12, 2024 2:34 pm
Gutelos / Lemming23 is joining from his intro
and is joining
Glidbem / lairas and Dree / Arrcher101

The intro for both Gutelos and Glidbem is complete and you advance from Rookie to Novice while Dree is now a Veteran (I will update XP for her)

Characters advance after the introductory session to become a "Novice" gaining weapon mastery or a trait. After another short time they will advance to "Veterans" and gain whichever of mastery or trait they did not pick.

As Veterans begin gaining experience points that can be used to enhance their character. Experience is generally awarded for the group as a whole as follows:
+1 for good roleplay.
+1 for defeating enemies (encounters, not per enemy).
+1 for overcoming challenges
+1 for advancing the plot and their goals.
Advanced Rules for Veterans

Critical Success :
Any time two or more 6's are roll rolled on any test the results exceed basic results. Damage is increased or another beneficial effect will be added by the GM.

Holding :
If a character wants to wait and respond to changes in the situation they may declare this at the beginning of their turn. Holding takes one action allowing them to use their other action at any point afterwards.
Oct 13, 2024 9:08 pm
As Glidbem bobs to the surface with the rest of the group she lets out a pained gasp, grabbing at the areas where the debris collided with her. She sighs before speaking with a weary tone, I keep thinking our troubles might be through here, but there seems to be no end to the dangers of this journey. I do hope we shall get a chance to finally rest soon... A moment passes before she notices there is one other person with them who wasn't there previously. She instinctively dives under the surface of the water out of fear, much to the annoyance of her injuries.


Save Roll - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Oct 14, 2024 1:10 am
Trev? Other Trev? That you? Did the water thingy change yer or somethin'? Gutelos looks down at his own hands before continuing: Do I still look like me? Short, handsome fella, lovely teeth etc? he asks the two strangers / possible changelings, giving them a lovely wide smile that shows as many of his teeth as possible.
I'll go for another trait, I think - Perceptive would be nice, especially since Gutelos has been very wary for his trip so far.

And hi to my new teammates! Hope you don;t mind me dropping in. :)
Last edited October 14, 2024 1:11 am
Oct 14, 2024 3:03 am
Dree shifts and turns where the debris hits trying to minimize damage but is unable to do so. When the current finally stops she is practically panting. "Who are you?" She snaps at the new arrival when she notices him, wincing in pain.
Welcome to the party, hehe.
Last edited October 14, 2024 3:06 am


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Oct 14, 2024 12:37 pm
I'm still Gutelos mate. 'Ave I really changed that much? He looks at his hands again, then tries to look down at his own face, contorting his jaw and with his eyes going in all directions. So which one o' yer is Trev, an' which is the other Trev? he asks.
i saw Gan an' the other woman disappear off ter the river bank, so I know neither o' yer is them. Don't see why they couldn't 'ave just whisked us across that way ter start with, would 'ave saved a lot of palaver.



Oct 14, 2024 1:02 pm
Where is Sashan? as the priestess looks around somewhat in a panic. With a flick of her hands she shapes an orb of water that begins to float and glow, adding to the dim glow from Glidbem's amulet that is much dimmer now than when in the triton village. Looking around in confusion she murmurs This should not have happened. The temple wards were suppressing the artifact and the matron would not allow . . . oh now . . . I must get back to the city quickly.

The light from the priestesses glowing water orb illuminates the area, revealing that you are now in a large cavern, most of which is filled with the lake you now swim in. The gentle light is insufficient to reveal any details beyond a
vague idea of walls to one side that curve away into the distance beyond sight. You see a ledge of dry ground along the nearby cavern wall and move out of the water, followed by the triton priestess, as it's inky darkness begins to fill your minds with possible horrors. The four of you, a human woman huntress, a duende scholar, a triton priestess, and goblin miner, all look each other over as you examine your surroundings.

You can go ahead and describe yourselves to each other.
Oct 14, 2024 4:35 pm
Dree, it is a half elf with dark hair and lavender eyes. She is strong, agile, and carries a great axe on her back. Her eyes are focused and perceptive. She carefully watches the world around her as a hunter watches its prey, or as prey watches for dangers, it is sometimes hard to tell which.

"I've never met a... Gutelos?
Last edited October 14, 2024 5:34 pm
Oct 16, 2024 5:52 pm
Gutelos gives Dree a squint to inspect her more closely. Hrm. Maybe not Trev or other Trev then. Any idea what 'appened to them? He looks around in case they are somewhere to be seen, but when that turns out not to be the case, he looks back to Dree. Well, yer've met one now. So, who are you then, if yer aren't Trev or the other Trev?

Gutelos is short and scrawny, with wiry arms that belie the strength in them that comes from years of manual labour. He's Duende, but with a lot of Goblin heritage, most obvious in his wide, wide mouth filled with sharp little teeth that seems to expand to cover the entire width of his head when he smiles (if that's the word for the teeth-baring expression on his face). He wears a miner's helmet on his head, with a small flaming lantern attached (and which remarkably doesn't seem to have gone out despite his watery journey to this place) and has a mining pick slung over one shoulder.
Oct 17, 2024 2:24 am
Glidbem notices the new arrival is doing a lot more talking than fighting and decides its safe enough for her to peer back up from under the water. Uh.. hello, are you trapped down here too? As she rises up further you can see she is a gnome of pale complexion, her dark hair tied up in what was once a bun but now resembles more of a mess after all she's been through lately. Her clothing is certainly not adventurers gear, looking more like the attire one might expect from a scholar of sorts. A red glow faintly emanates from somewhere underneath her shirt. My name is Glidbem, if we're doing introductions that is. Seems there's quite a few more strangers down here than I was expecting as well.

Glidbem turns to the priestess and says I'm not sure if it was Sashan, but I did see two other Tritons allow the current to carry them down the tunnel. It looked like they did it on purpose if that eases your worries.



Oct 17, 2024 1:16 pm
With a sigh Istara, the triton priestess, replies Sashan is a Temple guardian. He would not willingly leave me. Then with more anger and derision she continues Those two that fled are members of the city guard.
Oct 17, 2024 2:50 pm
Pleasure ter meet yer says Gutelos at the gnome, tipping his miner's helmet a little and nodding. So who's this Sashan, and what 'ave i landed meself in this time?
Oct 17, 2024 4:57 pm
I am Dree, she nods to Gutelos, and you’ve landed yourself in what has been quite the mess.



Oct 17, 2024 4:58 pm
As I said Sashan is a Temple guardian signed to protect me.

It looks like the elders ignored the temples advice and activated the artifact again. They may be seeking to dominate the city and remove the temples influence.
Oct 17, 2024 5:03 pm
Hrm. Gutelos squints again (this time at Ishtara, as she epeaks). I wonder if that's what Gan was 'eadin' over ter the city fer? We were supposed to be escortin' 'er ter there so she could save the place, or somethin'. Wasn't quite sure what she was doin', to be 'onest, but there was talk o' some ritual or other she was meant to do there. Could that 'ave anythin' ter do with it?



Oct 19, 2024 3:33 am
Looking at the gobling in some confusion the triton priestess then looks to each of you. I am not sure what exactly is going on but fear for my teacher and people, but know it is not safe for me to try and return along. I offer you two choices.

1. You can come with me and help me get into contact with my teacher, the high priestess. If you do this I can offer payment in weealth, knowlede, status and position with my people, or a divine blessing in the form of an action by the temple or an item from our vauts.

2. I will acompany you and act as councel and healer as we seek to return to the surface where you can return to your people and I can seek to hire others.
Oct 23, 2024 6:12 pm
Gutelos scratches himself idly as the fishy woman offers them a choice, then waits patiently for a few seconds for the others to decide. When he realises that his view is also being asked, he mutters a Oh then says Maybe since we're down 'ere we can do that first one yer said? The 'elpin' yer priestess one?

He looks around at the gnome and the half-elf to see if they agree, or have anything else to add to his suggestion.



Oct 23, 2024 9:59 pm

Ishtara looks relived as she expresses her grattitude Thank you for your offer of help. Now, I am unfamiliar with this cave but if we explore the area I will likely find a marker that may help me locate where we are. Th hunters of my people have been exploring these caves since we came here. Even if we are lost now there is a good chance that should we find a marker. She rushes on and describes the marks and how to identify them, typically near any waters edge or knee height at intersections of passages without water.
Looing at the others she continues hesitantly. I understand if the rest of you choose to return to the surface. Whatever the decision I suggest we should stick together for our safety.
Oct 24, 2024 12:50 am
I will wait for Dree to respond before making my choice, and I've decided to take Sneaky for my Novice trait since Glidbem has done a fair bit of hiding during the journey so far.
Last edited October 24, 2024 12:50 am
Oct 24, 2024 3:39 am
LoL, the sneaky tutor :)
Oct 25, 2024 1:45 am
Dree shrugs, It’s true, we are here already. She runs he fingers through her hair, unsure. She had come here to get the bit of the Tower so she and Surge could maybe get back… but now? She doesn’t even know what she wants anymore.
Oct 25, 2024 8:40 pm
As the decision makes it's way to her, Glidbem takes a deep breath; and after a moment of hesitation says As much as I have been looking forward to finally making it back to the surface, I would also feel simply terrible about leaving you all to do this yourselves; especially if the rest of the tritons would continue to suffer down here if nothing changes. Plus I admit, I do quite like the idea of being the first to archive your peoples history, Ishtara.



Oct 28, 2024 12:25 pm

Looking relieved the priestess explains that she has little combat ability but can aid in other ways. She is adept at healing and can perform simple magics tied to or using water, including allowing one other she touches to breath water. By this poing your water breathing ability from the High priestess has faded, though Dree still has her own means to do so.

The glowing water orb continues to glow a dim blue green light over the large watery cave. The ledge you stand on curves round the waters edge and off into the darkness. With a wave of he hand over each of you the priestess dries you in turn before looking over the cave.

I know of several large subterranean lakes within range of the cities hunters. Hopefully this is one of them. It may be best to search the cave for an air passage. I suggest we advance carefully. I can sense water and use the ability at a range that may help us keep from getting too lost.
Oct 28, 2024 4:52 pm
Gutelos nods and starts to edge out from where they are, trying to get a sense of any air on his face that might suggest a passage, and looking up as well as on this level - in the mines, you go where the good stuff can be found, so can expect to find ledges, natural tunnels above you, and that sort of thing.


Awareness / Mining roll - (3d6)

(641) = 11

Oct 29, 2024 1:41 pm
You begin making your way with the glowing orb of the priestess floating some ways ahead to illuminate the way forwards.The much softer glow from Glidbem's amulet in the midle of the group casts just enough light to allow yopu to move safely. Gutelos can tell by the stiffled air currents and lack of echo that the cavern is large and likely deep underground. As you walk around the lake the gloom and pressure of the deths begin to sink in now that the "excitement" of your arrival has somewhat passed. You find your thoughts wandering to your former comrads and a few offer silent prayers to the heavens that they are safe and hopefully together as the thought of trying to navigate this place alone a frightening is a frighteningone.

The shift of sand and gravel underfoot is the only noise for some time then Gutelos, who has taken the lead, raises his hand to bring the group to a stop. Raising his nose he inhales and his ears twitch a bit then he points up. Raise the light he instructs Ishtara. As the triton raises he hand so too does the ight ascend. Soon a gap in the wall is seen above.

The smoth slope of the wall looks to be a bit of a problem to climb but as the tunnel mouth is not too high up to reach easily. However Ishtara soon provides a solution. Drawing water from the nearby lake her magic pulls it o the wall where it begins ascending then freezing into thick ridges providing a ladder to climb up. During this time her glowing orb colapsed, as she is unable to maintain both magics at once, so you are forced to work byt the amulets dime glow. As you each cary packs with some form of light this is brought up as an option but Ishtara recomends avoiding torches and lanterns as their smell can be tracked from afar by many of the creatures that live in the darkness below the surface

Now up above the cavern floor, once again illuminated by Istara's water lantern, you set out to explore the tunnel.

Any one up for a round of player created travel situations?
Basically each player posts a short description of an obstacle to your travels. Then the next posts a solution that the team uses to overcome the problem, highlighting their own character. This let you help build the world your characters are traveling through while showing off a bit of your character to the party.
Nov 1, 2024 8:22 pm
Dree / Arrcher101 is moving on to other games (now or soon) so I will try to guide the story to the surface where you can pick up other players. If you want to just FF through some of the travel process let me know.
Nov 1, 2024 9:12 pm
Not the most confident in my obstacle crafting abilities so I think I'll pass on that; I am open to the idea of fast forwarding so as not to keep Dree waiting.
Nov 5, 2024 5:01 am
OK, Im' just going to do a serious story reshuffle, something I do not normally like to do but I want to get you guys with some others so...
The party moves along the meandering passageway through a series of caverns and tunnels. Eventually Ishtara finds a hidden symbol and begins backtracking the marks with increasing confidence Then, just as you reach an intersection and she begins examining the marks a faint noise can be heard coming from two of the branches. Instantly alert you urge the priestess only to hear noises from behind as well.

Muttering a few words her eyes glow for a moment before she blinks and sighs in dispair. This way she says as she stands heading down the only passage without any further hesitation. As she breaks into a light run the continues to explain. It seems the council has set out the wardbeasts. Crafted by our last great mage, who helped shape the city here below the surface and waters, they are large,heavily armored, and very territorial pack hunters. I should recognize their handlers as the temple helpt tame and train the beast but I do not know these.

This tunnel leads to one of the ancient Leyways. I can send you from this place through them so at least you are safe.
I will stay and do what I can for my people. Should you reach your city on the surface I would ask that you inform your leaders of my city under the river and the councils intentions to bring war to your people.

After a few minutes you reach a shaped room. Long and high it has several side chambers and a pedestal at the end of the room. Moving to the pedestal she informs you that the Leyways are an ancient teleportation magic but this one has long lost all of its powers. The temple retained records of how to activate them but had never found any other active destinations that lead to the surface. I will send you to the safest place I know of. The Leyways do not span great distances but you may be several days walk from this place when you pass the Leyway portal. As she talks she channels magical energies into the pedestal so that runes on it begin to glow brighter.

The sounds that you heard from the intersection have grown in volume and number. As Ishtara works to secure your escape you see several large forms enter the room. Heavily armored with massive claws the things accelerate towards you once three of them have entered the room

Quickly now to the left, go she commands as she begins pouring energy into the pedestal even faster. As soon as the door opens go through. I doubt I can hold it much more than a second. As you try to argue she commands again Go! If you die who will warn your city? Get word to them. My people are not evil but the council is too enamored with the artifacts power. Please try to save both our peoples.

Torn but driven by fear of the beast rushing towards you or your sense of duty and honour you move to the indicated passage and move down it to a pair of doors that are beginning to glow. Noises from behind allert you to the Wardbeasts moving down the hallway and you glance back to see one of the large armored creatures shuffling clowser. Then with a pulse of energy the doors open and you step through.

Turning around you see the air waver as Dree steps towards the door, only for the door to close sealing her on the far side.
Nov 5, 2024 5:04 am
Now Gutelos and Glidbem stand in a corridor with one end sealed by large stone doors that quickly lose the light that moments before provided light and passage to you. A quick inspection reveals the doors will not move for you no matter what you try. Turning around you look down your only choice left and begin to make your way from the doors, praying to your respective gods that you may find a way from this place and pass on your troubles to others better suited to handling them.

As you walk Gutelos is quick to note that though these caves are cool and damp the air does not have the same feeling as when you were below the river and he speculates that you truly have moved elsewhere. After some time you leave the shaped corridor and enter natural caverns heading up. You notice signs of life, fire pits, and bits of leather, rope and tools, easing your minds that you are at least close to other people. Then you come to a cavern larger than your lights can illuminate. However you see two other sources of light in the darkness. A larger set of flame, with several large figures below and in the distance and another, smaller light, off to one side.
Nov 5, 2024 5:36 pm
Not again mutters Gutelos to Glidbem. I still look like meself, don't I? You still look like you, if that 'elps.

He sighs, looking at the lights. Come on then, let's 'ave a look at what we've got this time. He sets off towards the lights, looking carefully along the way for any signs of ambush, anything worth anything, and any dangers.


Keeping an eye out for stuff roll - (3d6)

(211) = 4

Nov 7, 2024 1:31 pm
You advance further into the large, by the sound of the echoes an curvaure of the wall, open cavern. The rough ground continues to make travel difficult. As you move further you are faced with a decision, head towards the further large fire or the closer smaller light source.
Nov 7, 2024 6:22 pm
Speaking with a whisper to avoid her words echoing throughout the cavern, Glidbem says to Gutelos You seem to be quite experienced when it comes to navigating caves such as this, so I'll trust your judgement about where we're to be going in here. Though if at all possible, try to avoid anything that might involve climbing. I'm still rather sore from that trip through the currents...
Nov 8, 2024 1:59 am
Yeah, I been around a few caves in me time, Gutelos whispers back. Since the little fire is on the way to the bigger fire, sort of, let's 'ave a wander over there, yeah? Your fishy mate said this was a safer area, so maybe we'll even find some new friends. Keep an 'and near yer weapons though, just in case like.

Gutelos sets off confidently but warily towards the smaller light, his eyes flitting here and there watching for any dangers.


Staying wary - (3d6)

(244) = 10

Nov 8, 2024 3:39 am
The light shifts and starts to retreat towars a tunnel as you move across the rough cavern floor.
TADA! OK lets get you guys into the other story thread HERE
I will review game history for character upgrades

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