The river deep
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If Serig is OK with her taking a minute to practice she will do so. The necklace removing the chance that she will drown helps her be calm as she focuses on how to move in the water and she will also watch Serig to see how he moves.
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Target - (2d6)
(21) = 3
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Swimming - (2d6)
(16) = 7
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)
(346) = 13
Somewhat emboldened by the change you make your way deeper and find that as your skin becomes when it changes and fuses with your skin as scales appear to cover the area. Even you packs become sealed by the scales and you notice that you no longer feel the need to breath. Making your way deeper into the water the both of you experiment with your new forms. Serig is a bit bolder and experiments looking with his eyes underwater and shares with Dree that even his eyes change so that the water does not bother them and he can see very well underwater.
Give me tests for how well you adapt/swim and tell me how you want to start looking.
Dree's curious how Serig is feeling about the situation?
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic adapt/swim - (2d6)
(43) = 7
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Serig insight - (2d6)
(45) = 9
"So how do we use that rod? Just wave it?" Serig asks.
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Swimming - (2d6)
(62) = 8
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)
(353) = 11
The whirlpools currents are also dragging you in towards it so that you are close enough to see some comotion where it looks as if some of the people onboard are fighting just as it is pulled into the spinning vortex of water. Knowing your amulets will help you breath and swim is one thing but using them to rescue those on the boat is a daunting task as the sudden violence of the river currents seems unnatural and not just a bit frightening.
the smaller passage begins heading up and soon you break the surface of water. You are obviously still under the river and in the cave. Your attention is instantly drawn to the light and you see a gnome female and young human boy | ![]() | ![]() |
She glances at Serig, Does he see it too? Is it another illusion from the tower? Does this path lead to the surface?
Something the gnome said does catch Serig's attention though, so he also asks her, "You got sucked in because of a vortex?" He turns to Dree and says, "Just like those people on the boat, do you think?"
"You two could come with us, if you'd like. We're looking for something with this," he adds, while waving the rod in his hand. "And once we do we should be able to get out of here."
He pauses, and realizes he hasn't introduced himself yet. "The name's Serig."

The looks around, not nearly as frightened as might be expected. I'm a good swimmer, but . . . We were moving pretty fast when we were pulled down here with the boat and it seemed pretty deep. Besides my captain and his crew are down here somewhere with the boat. We might bump into them while searching. I have my knife and can help. I know it is dangerous here promise to follow instructions.
Serig and Dree confirm that the cave is about 50' below the surface of the river and the tunnel into the cave is at least another 50 feet. Without aid or extreme skill it is doubtful anyone can swim out. Though city born youths may lack the most basic survival skills, those raised on farms or traveling with their parents often learn at a young age how to behave when faced with danger. From his expression he does not want to be sent away or left behind and there is not guarantee that would be safer anyhow.
Because he and Dree was distracted by the sudden appearance of the other two, it's only then that Serig finally looks around and examine the cave they are in. He also raises the magical rod again to recheck where the direction of the foci is.
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)
(331) = 7
The feeble light from Glidbem's amulet makes it easier to rumage through your packs to get a torch and light it. The brighter light reveals a bit more of the cave and a quick search reveals a tunnel leading away from it. Unfortunately it does not lead directly towards where the rod points, but neither is it completely the wrong way.
Serig sniffs the ait but is only able to scent out your own little party, water, dampness, and aquatic life. As you move to examine the tunnel it is apparent it was either crafted or expanded by mining. As none of you are miners you can only guess how long ago the tunnel was carved but it's dimensions make it obvious it was for something vaguely person like in form and size.
With no other easy options you begin making your way down the passage and soon come to an intersection with two other tunnels. From the one to the right you hear faint echos of distant sounds. The passage to the left looks to have a downwards slope and matches more closely with the rods directions.
Give me the order you guys are waling in, any standard actions, who has a torch/lantern, etc..

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(33) = 6
"Dree is right. There's a good chance the sounds are from your crew. We can meet up with them if you'd like," Serig addresses Glidbem and Nel. "Not like the foci is gonna move anywhere," he mutters under his breath.
Serig: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(35) = 8
If you want to go with any single or a full group consensus just let me know.
When the spirit is active you can have it act and even test with you, thus gaining 2 test rolls for things like spot/listen/search etc. It just can not interact with physical objects.

The boys listens to the sounds . . . and gets an excited look on his face.
Thats captain Hank! he shouts pointing He's that way! Lets go! the boy shouts excitedly.
Nel Test - (2d6)
(65) = 11
Secret Roll
Test to listen with Advantage from Perceptive - (3d6)
(544) = 13
Test to possibly recognize language - (2d6)
(24) = 6
This is a situation I would allow librarian to give advantage on the test to identify the language. I also often do success with a cost at times when you will is not quite there. This means you succeed but they're is a penalty or variation on results vs intent
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv Perception - (3d6)
(126) = 9
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Stealth - (2d6)
(13) = 4
Taking the lead Dree advances, torch held aloft guttering in the constant deluge of mist from the fall nearby. After only a few yards into the larger cavern you find you are on a small shoreline with water to your left and the cave wall to the right. The shore gets bigger the further you go into the room and it curves to the left before narrowing again and ending in a small peninsula extending into the river/lake(?) The shouting is coming form ahead and faint flickers of light can be seen through the dense mist. Though the light is coming from somewhere in the middle of the water there are multiple large rocks jutting out of the water. The flickering light of torches reveals a larger mass with figures moving on it and it looks like you may be able to reach it by jumping form rock to rock
Still, he'd have to ask the others' opinion. "There's probably danger ahead. You can stay here, and let me and Dree deal with whatever's before us. You can also follow if you want, that's fine. What do you two wanna do?" Serig asks of his new acquaintances.
Moving out over the water you near the sounds and see a large flat river boat, likely the one you saw sucked under the river by the whirlpool. Though you still can not see individuals clearly you vaguely make out forms moving on and around the boat, which looks to be resting atop several rocks like those you are crossing on.
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(16) = 7
Serig: Test DC: 5 - Save Test - (3d6)
(624) = 12

As you board the ship you find weapons at the ready as the sailor face all around, though most face the far side of the ship. However they pause at Dree's words and one asks with suspicion and a short nasty looking sword to bring you up short. You know Nel? Where is he
You notice through the thick mist that the boat has a crew of less than a dozen and all are tense and looking around in a harried manner.
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv looking for dangers - (3d6)
(451) = 10


There has been some . . . shouting, by both sides. But I have not been able to pick up on more than their tone, which is aggressive.
All of you can roll a general Test, Glidbem can do so with advantage
Test Roll - (3d6)
(256) = 13

Don't worry miss. Those won't bother you again. The whirlpool showed their true colors and they are destined to be dismissed once we get back upriver, and likely know it. One more misstep and they will be out of the captains good grace. A captain is master and ruler on board his ship, just below the gods. If they want to make is back they will have to be doubly careful, and now none of the crew trust them so all will be watching.

You can roll a knowledge test or other, just let me know what, to gain hints or recall lore on opening dialog between the People.
Go ahead with any idea you have.
The boatmen keep a wary eye on the mists, the torchlight fully illuminating the boat but fading quickly in the mist. The forms of the assailants are seen continuously but only for a moment before they vanish back into the mist or into the water with a splash.
Glidbem considers the situation along with Hanks words and thinks for a moment. "If there are indeed scholars of some sort among the group then that helps our chances quite a bit. I don't suppose you have any paint somewhere on this ship, or anything else to make a sign with perhaps?"
You can give precise detail or just a lose description. Either way roll with you attempt to communicate
Verbal Roll - (3d6)
(626) = 14
Written Roll - (3d6)
(315) = 9

Sign Roll - (3d6)
(165) = 12
The priestess Ishtara aproatches the wide and low river boat. Though it rests atop the surrounding stones its shallow draft gives little elevation and you are able to talk on more or less equal footing. The triton people are all tall and most are lean, more like the priestess than her two hulking guards.

Anyone can talk and Glidbem will translate. Keep the words and sentences simple. The more complicated the words or idea comunicated the more likely a "mistranslation" will occur. Glidbem can write key points out if needed but this is slow and tedius

Looking over the ship she then pauses a moment before whispering a few words to one of the guards to drops into the water. You come not to talk leader? he priestess asks.
Roll for translation if needed - (2d6)
(11) = 2

The priestess seems a bit confused but after a while of back and forth clarification she nods. She then says a couple words and uses her water magic to shape three word glyphs for "come", "peace" and "speak" before stepping back and waving for you to follow. Then pausing she says and shapes two more words with a querying tone. "all come"?
Serig @rimestock has been inactive for almost a month so I may drop him.

Before you is a large town or small village set into stone and water. The cave is dimly illuminated by a variety of glowing crystals, plants and magic. Though the water is dark and the surface in constant motion from the may streams, boats, and waterfalls, you dimly perceive lights below the surface as well leading to the assumption that the city extends beyond what you can reach or see. The priestess guides you into the town and its many citizens openly gape at you. Children squeal and are shushed and pulled back by fearful parent. The priestesses escort falls back to flank your party as you begin winding through the twisting paths. Soon you find yourself descending into a dark passage that splits between a watery way and a dry way.

The guards take you along the dry tunnel and you find yourself in a comfortable waiting room with a low pool occupying half of it and low padded benches on the other. After several minutes of waiting a splash from the pool alerts you to company and you turn to see several large and noble triton men and one extremely old triton female

He goes on to tell that the people of this city once lived in Paphos and when the Shattering broke the lands their ancestors tried to flee on the river but were swept up by the current and storms and awoke here below the surface changed into what they are now. Every time they went to the surface they found only danger and monsters and so gave up trying years ago. Unfortunately things have started changing recently and many monsters from the deep caves have started entering the Triton caverns where they would normally avoid them. In addition new and fierce creatures they never encountered before have also been seen and driven off but with a great cost. The High Priestess sought guidance from her goddess and was shown how to activate an ancient magic, form the Dawn Age, which allowed them to control the water currents and flood more of the caverns to drive the beast off. However the longer the item remains active the more unstable their control of it becomes. Your recent trip below the surface was caused by them trying to have the currents bring additional food and other resources to town as most men were still forced to fight off beasts, weakening their own ability to find and secure foods.
After telling their story they ask you where you are from and if there are other people nearby that they might be able to buy food, weapons, and other supplies from.

He seems very interested in learning all you will tell about the situation on the surface and about selling string allies to help protect the Triton village. He continues to ask more questions but the high priestess just watches you carefully.
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic intentions - (2d6)
(15) = 6
Let me know if you have any questions for the elders, clergy, or guards
The "town" is not quite as small as you first thought. There are indeed many homes under the surface of the water, but there are also many other smaller caverns that hold homes and gardens for the triton people. You are shown caverns where fungus is grown, where lichen is farmed, and where strange crablike creatures are herded. Most of the residents seem shocked when they see you but the reactions are mixed. Some show obvious excitement while others are definitely afraid, and only a few are brave and curious enough to talk with you.
The tour can only show you the areas with air and as you wander you learn that to leave tomorrow you will have to swim. The priests have spells that will allow you to not drown for 1 hour no matter the conditions but that is the best they can do for the number of people in your party.

Now accompanied by the younger priestess, captain, and 2 guards are to act as your guides as you make your way back through the passages that Glidbem and Nel passed before stopping at the water's edge. The triton enter the waters first as the crew arrange the wares they will be hauling into large net bags that can be easily dropped or passed to other as needed. Entering the water you notice is is not as cold as expected but only after the first sailor tries to stay underwater for several minutes and explains that you still have to breath but as the water enters your mouths it turns to a thick fog, allowing you to breathe though with a bit of effort.
Following the triton guards you dive into the depths where the priestess hands out several softly glowing lanterns. You are guided to a passageway with a swift current. The guards take out climbing gear and you are all handed a belt and rope to tether yourselves to the group. With the larger and stronger members, including Serig and a pair of the larger sailors, leading the way you being climbing against the current through the stone tunnel.
Several minutes into the enhausting climb one of the guards returns to consult with the captain and priestess before the captain moves to the front of the group while the priestess explains to Hal and the rest.

Let me know of any arrangements or preparations
The current is strong and mostly constant but as you move through the cave some sections have a stronger current.
Using a single hand to fight may be possible without being pulled from the rock wall and if you loose your grip the rope teather will keep you close to the group. But if too many of the group let go it will pull the rest from their grip and you will be pushed downstream.

As the group moves in closer Glidbem notices the Triton captain and one of the guards move the the back of the group before releasing themselves from the line and letting the current wash them away, disappearing down the tunnel.
After a minute of this your bubble bobbs up and pops to reveal another cavern, with one addition to your group floating nearby.
and is joining
Glidbem / lairas and Dree / Arrcher101
The intro for both Gutelos and Glidbem is complete and you advance from Rookie to Novice while Dree is now a Veteran (I will update XP for her)
Characters advance after the introductory session to become a "Novice" gaining weapon mastery or a trait. After another short time they will advance to "Veterans" and gain whichever of mastery or trait they did not pick.
As Veterans begin gaining experience points that can be used to enhance their character. Experience is generally awarded for the group as a whole as follows:
+1 for good roleplay.
+1 for defeating enemies (encounters, not per enemy).
+1 for overcoming challenges
+1 for advancing the plot and their goals.
Advanced Rules for Veterans
Critical Success :
Any time two or more 6's are roll rolled on any test the results exceed basic results. Damage is increased or another beneficial effect will be added by the GM.
Holding :
If a character wants to wait and respond to changes in the situation they may declare this at the beginning of their turn. Holding takes one action allowing them to use their other action at any point afterwards.
Save Roll - (2d6)
(14) = 5
And hi to my new teammates! Hope you don;t mind me dropping in. :)
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(32) = 5
i saw Gan an' the other woman disappear off ter the river bank, so I know neither o' yer is them. Don't see why they couldn't 'ave just whisked us across that way ter start with, would 'ave saved a lot of palaver.

The light from the priestesses glowing water orb illuminates the area, revealing that you are now in a large cavern, most of which is filled with the lake you now swim in. The gentle light is insufficient to reveal any details beyond a
vague idea of walls to one side that curve away into the distance beyond sight. You see a ledge of dry ground along the nearby cavern wall and move out of the water, followed by the triton priestess, as it's inky darkness begins to fill your minds with possible horrors. The four of you, a human woman huntress, a duende scholar, a triton priestess, and goblin miner, all look each other over as you examine your surroundings.
You can go ahead and describe yourselves to each other.
"I've never met a... Gutelos?
Gutelos is short and scrawny, with wiry arms that belie the strength in them that comes from years of manual labour. He's Duende, but with a lot of Goblin heritage, most obvious in his wide, wide mouth filled with sharp little teeth that seems to expand to cover the entire width of his head when he smiles (if that's the word for the teeth-baring expression on his face). He wears a miner's helmet on his head, with a small flaming lantern attached (and which remarkably doesn't seem to have gone out despite his watery journey to this place) and has a mining pick slung over one shoulder.
Glidbem turns to the priestess and says I'm not sure if it was Sashan, but I did see two other Tritons allow the current to carry them down the tunnel. It looked like they did it on purpose if that eases your worries.


It looks like the elders ignored the temples advice and activated the artifact again. They may be seeking to dominate the city and remove the temples influence.

1. You can come with me and help me get into contact with my teacher, the high priestess. If you do this I can offer payment in weealth, knowlede, status and position with my people, or a divine blessing in the form of an action by the temple or an item from our vauts.
2. I will acompany you and act as councel and healer as we seek to return to the surface where you can return to your people and I can seek to hire others.
He looks around at the gnome and the half-elf to see if they agree, or have anything else to add to his suggestion.

Ishtara looks relived as she expresses her grattitude Thank you for your offer of help. Now, I am unfamiliar with this cave but if we explore the area I will likely find a marker that may help me locate where we are. Th hunters of my people have been exploring these caves since we came here. Even if we are lost now there is a good chance that should we find a marker. She rushes on and describes the marks and how to identify them, typically near any waters edge or knee height at intersections of passages without water.
Looing at the others she continues hesitantly. I understand if the rest of you choose to return to the surface. Whatever the decision I suggest we should stick together for our safety.

Looking relieved the priestess explains that she has little combat ability but can aid in other ways. She is adept at healing and can perform simple magics tied to or using water, including allowing one other she touches to breath water. By this poing your water breathing ability from the High priestess has faded, though Dree still has her own means to do so.
The glowing water orb continues to glow a dim blue green light over the large watery cave. The ledge you stand on curves round the waters edge and off into the darkness. With a wave of he hand over each of you the priestess dries you in turn before looking over the cave.
I know of several large subterranean lakes within range of the cities hunters. Hopefully this is one of them. It may be best to search the cave for an air passage. I suggest we advance carefully. I can sense water and use the ability at a range that may help us keep from getting too lost.
Awareness / Mining roll - (3d6)
(641) = 11
The shift of sand and gravel underfoot is the only noise for some time then Gutelos, who has taken the lead, raises his hand to bring the group to a stop. Raising his nose he inhales and his ears twitch a bit then he points up. Raise the light he instructs Ishtara. As the triton raises he hand so too does the ight ascend. Soon a gap in the wall is seen above.
The smoth slope of the wall looks to be a bit of a problem to climb but as the tunnel mouth is not too high up to reach easily. However Ishtara soon provides a solution. Drawing water from the nearby lake her magic pulls it o the wall where it begins ascending then freezing into thick ridges providing a ladder to climb up. During this time her glowing orb colapsed, as she is unable to maintain both magics at once, so you are forced to work byt the amulets dime glow. As you each cary packs with some form of light this is brought up as an option but Ishtara recomends avoiding torches and lanterns as their smell can be tracked from afar by many of the creatures that live in the darkness below the surface
Now up above the cavern floor, once again illuminated by Istara's water lantern, you set out to explore the tunnel.
Any one up for a round of player created travel situations?
Basically each player posts a short description of an obstacle to your travels. Then the next posts a solution that the team uses to overcome the problem, highlighting their own character. This let you help build the world your characters are traveling through while showing off a bit of your character to the party.

This tunnel leads to one of the ancient Leyways. I can send you from this place through them so at least you are safe.
I will stay and do what I can for my people. Should you reach your city on the surface I would ask that you inform your leaders of my city under the river and the councils intentions to bring war to your people.
After a few minutes you reach a shaped room. Long and high it has several side chambers and a pedestal at the end of the room. Moving to the pedestal she informs you that the Leyways are an ancient teleportation magic but this one has long lost all of its powers. The temple retained records of how to activate them but had never found any other active destinations that lead to the surface. I will send you to the safest place I know of. The Leyways do not span great distances but you may be several days walk from this place when you pass the Leyway portal. As she talks she channels magical energies into the pedestal so that runes on it begin to glow brighter.

Torn but driven by fear of the beast rushing towards you or your sense of duty and honour you move to the indicated passage and move down it to a pair of doors that are beginning to glow. Noises from behind allert you to the Wardbeasts moving down the hallway and you glance back to see one of the large armored creatures shuffling clowser. Then with a pulse of energy the doors open and you step through.
Turning around you see the air waver as Dree steps towards the door, only for the door to close sealing her on the far side.
As you walk Gutelos is quick to note that though these caves are cool and damp the air does not have the same feeling as when you were below the river and he speculates that you truly have moved elsewhere. After some time you leave the shaped corridor and enter natural caverns heading up. You notice signs of life, fire pits, and bits of leather, rope and tools, easing your minds that you are at least close to other people. Then you come to a cavern larger than your lights can illuminate. However you see two other sources of light in the darkness. A larger set of flame, with several large figures below and in the distance and another, smaller light, off to one side.
He sighs, looking at the lights. Come on then, let's 'ave a look at what we've got this time. He sets off towards the lights, looking carefully along the way for any signs of ambush, anything worth anything, and any dangers.
Keeping an eye out for stuff roll - (3d6)
(211) = 4
Gutelos sets off confidently but warily towards the smaller light, his eyes flitting here and there watching for any dangers.
Staying wary - (3d6)
(244) = 10
I will review game history for character upgrades