OK, Im' just going to do a serious story reshuffle, something I do not normally like to do but I want to get you guys with some others so...
The party moves along the meandering passageway through a series of caverns and tunnels. Eventually Ishtara finds a hidden symbol and begins backtracking the marks with increasing confidence Then, just as you reach an intersection and she begins examining the marks a faint noise can be heard coming from two of the branches. Instantly alert you urge the priestess only to hear noises from behind as well.

Muttering a few words her eyes glow for a moment before she blinks and sighs in dispair.
This way she says as she stands heading down the only passage without any further hesitation. As she breaks into a light run the continues to explain.
It seems the council has set out the wardbeasts. Crafted by our last great mage, who helped shape the city here below the surface and waters, they are large,heavily armored, and very territorial pack hunters. I should recognize their handlers as the temple helpt tame and train the beast but I do not know these.
This tunnel leads to one of the ancient Leyways. I can send you from this place through them so at least you are safe.
I will stay and do what I can for my people. Should you reach your city on the surface I would ask that you inform your leaders of my city under the river and the councils intentions to bring war to your people.
After a few minutes you reach a shaped room. Long and high it has several side chambers and a pedestal at the end of the room. Moving to the pedestal she informs you that the Leyways are an ancient teleportation magic but this one has long lost all of its powers. The temple retained records of how to activate them but had never found any other active destinations that lead to the surface.
I will send you to the safest place I know of. The Leyways do not span great distances but you may be several days walk from this place when you pass the Leyway portal. As she talks she channels magical energies into the pedestal so that runes on it begin to glow brighter.

The sounds that you heard from the intersection have grown in volume and number. As Ishtara works to secure your escape you see several large forms enter the room. Heavily armored with massive claws the things accelerate towards you once three of them have entered the room

Quickly now to the left, go she commands as she begins pouring energy into the pedestal even faster.
As soon as the door opens go through. I doubt I can hold it much more than a second. As you try to argue she commands again
Go! If you die who will warn your city? Get word to them. My people are not evil but the council is too enamored with the artifacts power. Please try to save both our peoples.
Torn but driven by fear of the beast rushing towards you or your sense of duty and honour you move to the indicated passage and move down it to a pair of doors that are beginning to glow. Noises from behind allert you to the Wardbeasts moving down the hallway and you glance back to see one of the large armored creatures shuffling clowser. Then with a pulse of energy the doors open and you step through.
Turning around you see the air waver as Dree steps towards the door, only for the door to close sealing her on the far side.