The river deep

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Oct 17, 2024 2:24 am
Glidbem notices the new arrival is doing a lot more talking than fighting and decides its safe enough for her to peer back up from under the water. Uh.. hello, are you trapped down here too? As she rises up further you can see she is a gnome of pale complexion, her dark hair tied up in what was once a bun but now resembles more of a mess after all she's been through lately. Her clothing is certainly not adventurers gear, looking more like the attire one might expect from a scholar of sorts. A red glow faintly emanates from somewhere underneath her shirt. My name is Glidbem, if we're doing introductions that is. Seems there's quite a few more strangers down here than I was expecting as well.

Glidbem turns to the priestess and says I'm not sure if it was Sashan, but I did see two other Tritons allow the current to carry them down the tunnel. It looked like they did it on purpose if that eases your worries.



Oct 17, 2024 1:16 pm
With a sigh Istara, the triton priestess, replies Sashan is a Temple guardian. He would not willingly leave me. Then with more anger and derision she continues Those two that fled are members of the city guard.
Oct 17, 2024 2:50 pm
Pleasure ter meet yer says Gutelos at the gnome, tipping his miner's helmet a little and nodding. So who's this Sashan, and what 'ave i landed meself in this time?
Oct 17, 2024 4:57 pm
I am Dree, she nods to Gutelos, and you’ve landed yourself in what has been quite the mess.



Oct 17, 2024 4:58 pm
As I said Sashan is a Temple guardian signed to protect me.

It looks like the elders ignored the temples advice and activated the artifact again. They may be seeking to dominate the city and remove the temples influence.
Oct 17, 2024 5:03 pm
Hrm. Gutelos squints again (this time at Ishtara, as she epeaks). I wonder if that's what Gan was 'eadin' over ter the city fer? We were supposed to be escortin' 'er ter there so she could save the place, or somethin'. Wasn't quite sure what she was doin', to be 'onest, but there was talk o' some ritual or other she was meant to do there. Could that 'ave anythin' ter do with it?



Oct 19, 2024 3:33 am
Looking at the gobling in some confusion the triton priestess then looks to each of you. I am not sure what exactly is going on but fear for my teacher and people, but know it is not safe for me to try and return along. I offer you two choices.

1. You can come with me and help me get into contact with my teacher, the high priestess. If you do this I can offer payment in weealth, knowlede, status and position with my people, or a divine blessing in the form of an action by the temple or an item from our vauts.

2. I will acompany you and act as councel and healer as we seek to return to the surface where you can return to your people and I can seek to hire others.
Oct 23, 2024 6:12 pm
Gutelos scratches himself idly as the fishy woman offers them a choice, then waits patiently for a few seconds for the others to decide. When he realises that his view is also being asked, he mutters a Oh then says Maybe since we're down 'ere we can do that first one yer said? The 'elpin' yer priestess one?

He looks around at the gnome and the half-elf to see if they agree, or have anything else to add to his suggestion.



Oct 23, 2024 9:59 pm

Ishtara looks relived as she expresses her grattitude Thank you for your offer of help. Now, I am unfamiliar with this cave but if we explore the area I will likely find a marker that may help me locate where we are. Th hunters of my people have been exploring these caves since we came here. Even if we are lost now there is a good chance that should we find a marker. She rushes on and describes the marks and how to identify them, typically near any waters edge or knee height at intersections of passages without water.
Looing at the others she continues hesitantly. I understand if the rest of you choose to return to the surface. Whatever the decision I suggest we should stick together for our safety.
Oct 24, 2024 12:50 am
I will wait for Dree to respond before making my choice, and I've decided to take Sneaky for my Novice trait since Glidbem has done a fair bit of hiding during the journey so far.
Last edited October 24, 2024 12:50 am
Oct 24, 2024 3:39 am
LoL, the sneaky tutor :)
Oct 25, 2024 1:45 am
Dree shrugs, It’s true, we are here already. She runs he fingers through her hair, unsure. She had come here to get the bit of the Tower so she and Surge could maybe get back… but now? She doesn’t even know what she wants anymore.
Oct 25, 2024 8:40 pm
As the decision makes it's way to her, Glidbem takes a deep breath; and after a moment of hesitation says As much as I have been looking forward to finally making it back to the surface, I would also feel simply terrible about leaving you all to do this yourselves; especially if the rest of the tritons would continue to suffer down here if nothing changes. Plus I admit, I do quite like the idea of being the first to archive your peoples history, Ishtara.



Oct 28, 2024 12:25 pm

Looking relieved the priestess explains that she has little combat ability but can aid in other ways. She is adept at healing and can perform simple magics tied to or using water, including allowing one other she touches to breath water. By this poing your water breathing ability from the High priestess has faded, though Dree still has her own means to do so.

The glowing water orb continues to glow a dim blue green light over the large watery cave. The ledge you stand on curves round the waters edge and off into the darkness. With a wave of he hand over each of you the priestess dries you in turn before looking over the cave.

I know of several large subterranean lakes within range of the cities hunters. Hopefully this is one of them. It may be best to search the cave for an air passage. I suggest we advance carefully. I can sense water and use the ability at a range that may help us keep from getting too lost.
Oct 28, 2024 4:52 pm
Gutelos nods and starts to edge out from where they are, trying to get a sense of any air on his face that might suggest a passage, and looking up as well as on this level - in the mines, you go where the good stuff can be found, so can expect to find ledges, natural tunnels above you, and that sort of thing.


Awareness / Mining roll - (3d6)

(641) = 11

Oct 29, 2024 1:41 pm
You begin making your way with the glowing orb of the priestess floating some ways ahead to illuminate the way forwards.The much softer glow from Glidbem's amulet in the midle of the group casts just enough light to allow yopu to move safely. Gutelos can tell by the stiffled air currents and lack of echo that the cavern is large and likely deep underground. As you walk around the lake the gloom and pressure of the deths begin to sink in now that the "excitement" of your arrival has somewhat passed. You find your thoughts wandering to your former comrads and a few offer silent prayers to the heavens that they are safe and hopefully together as the thought of trying to navigate this place alone a frightening is a frighteningone.

The shift of sand and gravel underfoot is the only noise for some time then Gutelos, who has taken the lead, raises his hand to bring the group to a stop. Raising his nose he inhales and his ears twitch a bit then he points up. Raise the light he instructs Ishtara. As the triton raises he hand so too does the ight ascend. Soon a gap in the wall is seen above.

The smoth slope of the wall looks to be a bit of a problem to climb but as the tunnel mouth is not too high up to reach easily. However Ishtara soon provides a solution. Drawing water from the nearby lake her magic pulls it o the wall where it begins ascending then freezing into thick ridges providing a ladder to climb up. During this time her glowing orb colapsed, as she is unable to maintain both magics at once, so you are forced to work byt the amulets dime glow. As you each cary packs with some form of light this is brought up as an option but Ishtara recomends avoiding torches and lanterns as their smell can be tracked from afar by many of the creatures that live in the darkness below the surface

Now up above the cavern floor, once again illuminated by Istara's water lantern, you set out to explore the tunnel.

Any one up for a round of player created travel situations?
Basically each player posts a short description of an obstacle to your travels. Then the next posts a solution that the team uses to overcome the problem, highlighting their own character. This let you help build the world your characters are traveling through while showing off a bit of your character to the party.
Nov 1, 2024 8:22 pm
Dree / Arrcher101 is moving on to other games (now or soon) so I will try to guide the story to the surface where you can pick up other players. If you want to just FF through some of the travel process let me know.
Nov 1, 2024 9:12 pm
Not the most confident in my obstacle crafting abilities so I think I'll pass on that; I am open to the idea of fast forwarding so as not to keep Dree waiting.
Nov 5, 2024 5:01 am
OK, Im' just going to do a serious story reshuffle, something I do not normally like to do but I want to get you guys with some others so...
The party moves along the meandering passageway through a series of caverns and tunnels. Eventually Ishtara finds a hidden symbol and begins backtracking the marks with increasing confidence Then, just as you reach an intersection and she begins examining the marks a faint noise can be heard coming from two of the branches. Instantly alert you urge the priestess only to hear noises from behind as well.

Muttering a few words her eyes glow for a moment before she blinks and sighs in dispair. This way she says as she stands heading down the only passage without any further hesitation. As she breaks into a light run the continues to explain. It seems the council has set out the wardbeasts. Crafted by our last great mage, who helped shape the city here below the surface and waters, they are large,heavily armored, and very territorial pack hunters. I should recognize their handlers as the temple helpt tame and train the beast but I do not know these.

This tunnel leads to one of the ancient Leyways. I can send you from this place through them so at least you are safe.
I will stay and do what I can for my people. Should you reach your city on the surface I would ask that you inform your leaders of my city under the river and the councils intentions to bring war to your people.

After a few minutes you reach a shaped room. Long and high it has several side chambers and a pedestal at the end of the room. Moving to the pedestal she informs you that the Leyways are an ancient teleportation magic but this one has long lost all of its powers. The temple retained records of how to activate them but had never found any other active destinations that lead to the surface. I will send you to the safest place I know of. The Leyways do not span great distances but you may be several days walk from this place when you pass the Leyway portal. As she talks she channels magical energies into the pedestal so that runes on it begin to glow brighter.

The sounds that you heard from the intersection have grown in volume and number. As Ishtara works to secure your escape you see several large forms enter the room. Heavily armored with massive claws the things accelerate towards you once three of them have entered the room

Quickly now to the left, go she commands as she begins pouring energy into the pedestal even faster. As soon as the door opens go through. I doubt I can hold it much more than a second. As you try to argue she commands again Go! If you die who will warn your city? Get word to them. My people are not evil but the council is too enamored with the artifacts power. Please try to save both our peoples.

Torn but driven by fear of the beast rushing towards you or your sense of duty and honour you move to the indicated passage and move down it to a pair of doors that are beginning to glow. Noises from behind allert you to the Wardbeasts moving down the hallway and you glance back to see one of the large armored creatures shuffling clowser. Then with a pulse of energy the doors open and you step through.

Turning around you see the air waver as Dree steps towards the door, only for the door to close sealing her on the far side.
Nov 5, 2024 5:04 am
Now Gutelos and Glidbem stand in a corridor with one end sealed by large stone doors that quickly lose the light that moments before provided light and passage to you. A quick inspection reveals the doors will not move for you no matter what you try. Turning around you look down your only choice left and begin to make your way from the doors, praying to your respective gods that you may find a way from this place and pass on your troubles to others better suited to handling them.

As you walk Gutelos is quick to note that though these caves are cool and damp the air does not have the same feeling as when you were below the river and he speculates that you truly have moved elsewhere. After some time you leave the shaped corridor and enter natural caverns heading up. You notice signs of life, fire pits, and bits of leather, rope and tools, easing your minds that you are at least close to other people. Then you come to a cavern larger than your lights can illuminate. However you see two other sources of light in the darkness. A larger set of flame, with several large figures below and in the distance and another, smaller light, off to one side.
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