The river deep

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Oct 2, 2024 3:37 am
Dropping Serig and moving the story along
Serig decides to stay behind with 3 of the crew while the rest of you go with the priestess. She guides everyone, save 2 guards left behind to watch the boat and crew, to the far side of the cave where a damp path leads behind the waterfall before descending further. Glidbem notices that as they walk her amulet is glowing increasingly brighter. The way is cool and mist continually wafts down the passage from the waterfall causing your torches to flicker and gutter. After several minutes the passage opens into a large cave.

Before you is a large town or small village set into stone and water. The cave is dimly illuminated by a variety of glowing crystals, plants and magic. Though the water is dark and the surface in constant motion from the may streams, boats, and waterfalls, you dimly perceive lights below the surface as well leading to the assumption that the city extends beyond what you can reach or see. The priestess guides you into the town and its many citizens openly gape at you. Children squeal and are shushed and pulled back by fearful parent. The priestesses escort falls back to flank your party as you begin winding through the twisting paths. Soon you find yourself descending into a dark passage that splits between a watery way and a dry way.

The guards will escort you while I go talk to the my superior and the council and she slips into the watery darkness.

The guards take you along the dry tunnel and you find yourself in a comfortable waiting room with a low pool occupying half of it and low padded benches on the other. After several minutes of waiting a splash from the pool alerts you to company and you turn to see several large and noble triton men and one extremely old triton female

High Priestess
The newcomers stand in the shallow pool and give you all short formal bows. They then seat themselves and of the the elders mumbles something and you feal a wave of magic before he speaks and you understand.

Triton Elder
We learn from the priestess that you are from the above surface and were pulled below by our magics. We do apologize. We meant not to call others as we had not knowledge there are people still above. We can take you back but the boat may be a problem.

He goes on to tell that the people of this city once lived in Paphos and when the Shattering broke the lands their ancestors tried to flee on the river but were swept up by the current and storms and awoke here below the surface changed into what they are now. Every time they went to the surface they found only danger and monsters and so gave up trying years ago. Unfortunately things have started changing recently and many monsters from the deep caves have started entering the Triton caverns where they would normally avoid them. In addition new and fierce creatures they never encountered before have also been seen and driven off but with a great cost. The High Priestess sought guidance from her goddess and was shown how to activate an ancient magic, form the Dawn Age, which allowed them to control the water currents and flood more of the caverns to drive the beast off. However the longer the item remains active the more unstable their control of it becomes. Your recent trip below the surface was caused by them trying to have the currents bring additional food and other resources to town as most men were still forced to fight off beasts, weakening their own ability to find and secure foods.

After telling their story they ask you where you are from and if there are other people nearby that they might be able to buy food, weapons, and other supplies from.
Oct 2, 2024 7:26 pm
"A search for a Lost relic of a tower is what brought me here." Dree explains, "There are towns and things along the river. It may be possible to set up trade agreements, but it would be up to those towns "
Last edited October 2, 2024 7:26 pm
Oct 4, 2024 12:48 am
High Priestess
Who sends you to sell the list relic asks the priests and your catch a hint of suspicion as she looks you over.

Triton Elder
The elder waves this of and send excited There are towns nearby? Are they large? How far are they?
He seems very interested in learning all you will tell about the situation on the surface and about selling string allies to help protect the Triton village. He continues to ask more questions but the high priestess just watches you carefully.
Oct 5, 2024 3:24 pm
Do they seem like they're gathering information for malicious intent, like planning to attack the surface.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic intentions - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Oct 5, 2024 11:05 pm
Dree picks up a hint of fear and greed, which does not surprise her as they seem like politicians, from the elders. The high priestess is more distrustful and concerned
Oct 6, 2024 7:59 pm
Dree will answer truthfully but also simply.



Oct 6, 2024 11:31 pm
You chat for a while and though you are relieved to learn they will let you return to the surface Hal is not happy about losing his ship. The Triton offer to buy many of his wares and help him pack up the remainder. Though they refuse to buy his boat they do offer to use him as their sole merchant for the next month as it was their summons that brought him here and forced the loss of his ship. This at least indicates they may plan to trade but you are still uncertain. The elders assign a guard captain to escort you to quarters and the high priestess tells the younger priestess to accompany you. After you rest and eat you will be shown the town and caverns before retiring for the night. On the morrow you will set out back to the surface.

Let me know if you have any questions for the elders, clergy, or guards

The "town" is not quite as small as you first thought. There are indeed many homes under the surface of the water, but there are also many other smaller caverns that hold homes and gardens for the triton people. You are shown caverns where fungus is grown, where lichen is farmed, and where strange crablike creatures are herded. Most of the residents seem shocked when they see you but the reactions are mixed. Some show obvious excitement while others are definitely afraid, and only a few are brave and curious enough to talk with you.

The tour can only show you the areas with air and as you wander you learn that to leave tomorrow you will have to swim. The priests have spells that will allow you to not drown for 1 hour no matter the conditions but that is the best they can do for the number of people in your party.

There may be some danger when we leave. I suggest you make arrangements to guard your weaker members. We can only bring a few guard from the city to help escort and guide you back to the surface. The way out had previously been lost to us and it was only though the magic that brought you here that we rediscovered the way out.
Oct 8, 2024 10:11 pm
I believe I would fall under the category of weaker members, though I'm not sure what would help my chances in this instance. Especially with my swimming abilities being as non-existent as they are. I do know that I would prefer to make it through this without being eaten by any underground sea creatures.



Oct 9, 2024 4:03 pm
You are guided back to the boat where you spend the night under the watch of some of the crew and triton guards. The next morning you get ready to set out. The crew packs up what they can under Hal's directions and are blessed by the high priestess to allow you to all move better in the water and survive the passage without drowning.

Now accompanied by the younger priestess, captain, and 2 guards are to act as your guides as you make your way back through the passages that Glidbem and Nel passed before stopping at the water's edge. The triton enter the waters first as the crew arrange the wares they will be hauling into large net bags that can be easily dropped or passed to other as needed. Entering the water you notice is is not as cold as expected but only after the first sailor tries to stay underwater for several minutes and explains that you still have to breath but as the water enters your mouths it turns to a thick fog, allowing you to breathe though with a bit of effort.

Following the triton guards you dive into the depths where the priestess hands out several softly glowing lanterns. You are guided to a passageway with a swift current. The guards take out climbing gear and you are all handed a belt and rope to tether yourselves to the group. With the larger and stronger members, including Serig and a pair of the larger sailors, leading the way you being climbing against the current through the stone tunnel.

Several minutes into the enhausting climb one of the guards returns to consult with the captain and priestess before the captain moves to the front of the group while the priestess explains to Hal and the rest.

The guards have found signs of river eels ahead. They can not find a way past them so we will have to move through their territories. We will try and find the best way though but be prepared. They like to hide in cracks and holes or under rocks then strike out at anything that gets too close to them.

Let me know of any arrangements or preparations
The current is strong and mostly constant but as you move through the cave some sections have a stronger current.
Using a single hand to fight may be possible without being pulled from the rock wall and if you loose your grip the rope teather will keep you close to the group. But if too many of the group let go it will pull the rest from their grip and you will be pushed downstream.
Oct 10, 2024 7:39 pm
Dree makes sure her belongings are all securely fastened to her, and her necklace that allows her to breathe under water is in place. Knowing it would be difficult to use her great axe with just one hand she ties it to her wrist with a cord, not wanting to lose it in the current.



Oct 11, 2024 4:02 am
As you are making preparations for the difficult task you all feel the current begin to increase in intensity.

Gather close I will attempt to shield us the priestess calls out as she moves to the center of the group with the other guard moving with her and checking over her harness before pulling a hammer and starts pounding steel pitons into the nearby stone to create a more secure anchor.

As the group moves in closer Glidbem notices the Triton captain and one of the guards move the the back of the group before releasing themselves from the line and letting the current wash them away, disappearing down the tunnel.
Oct 12, 2024 2:28 pm
The watery current grow fiercer as you all struggle to hold on to the tunnels walls and the rope tether. Unfortunately the current pulls down debris which bounce around the passage slamming into everyone, knocking you all free of the walls and breaking the rope. Glidbem, Dree and Ishtara manage to cling to each other as you are swept away and the priestess glows dully. You notice that the glow forms into a bubble around the three of you, protecting you from most of the damage. Roll a Save tes (2d6). Pass to minimize damage to 1 point. Fail and take 2 damage.

After a minute of this your bubble bobbs up and pops to reveal another cavern, with one addition to your group floating nearby.
Oct 12, 2024 2:34 pm
Gutelos / Lemming23 is joining from his intro
and is joining
Glidbem / lairas and Dree / Arrcher101

The intro for both Gutelos and Glidbem is complete and you advance from Rookie to Novice while Dree is now a Veteran (I will update XP for her)

Characters advance after the introductory session to become a "Novice" gaining weapon mastery or a trait. After another short time they will advance to "Veterans" and gain whichever of mastery or trait they did not pick.

As Veterans begin gaining experience points that can be used to enhance their character. Experience is generally awarded for the group as a whole as follows:
+1 for good roleplay.
+1 for defeating enemies (encounters, not per enemy).
+1 for overcoming challenges
+1 for advancing the plot and their goals.
Advanced Rules for Veterans

Critical Success :
Any time two or more 6's are roll rolled on any test the results exceed basic results. Damage is increased or another beneficial effect will be added by the GM.

Holding :
If a character wants to wait and respond to changes in the situation they may declare this at the beginning of their turn. Holding takes one action allowing them to use their other action at any point afterwards.
Oct 13, 2024 9:08 pm
As Glidbem bobs to the surface with the rest of the group she lets out a pained gasp, grabbing at the areas where the debris collided with her. She sighs before speaking with a weary tone, I keep thinking our troubles might be through here, but there seems to be no end to the dangers of this journey. I do hope we shall get a chance to finally rest soon... A moment passes before she notices there is one other person with them who wasn't there previously. She instinctively dives under the surface of the water out of fear, much to the annoyance of her injuries.


Save Roll - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Oct 14, 2024 1:10 am
Trev? Other Trev? That you? Did the water thingy change yer or somethin'? Gutelos looks down at his own hands before continuing: Do I still look like me? Short, handsome fella, lovely teeth etc? he asks the two strangers / possible changelings, giving them a lovely wide smile that shows as many of his teeth as possible.
I'll go for another trait, I think - Perceptive would be nice, especially since Gutelos has been very wary for his trip so far.

And hi to my new teammates! Hope you don;t mind me dropping in. :)
Last edited October 14, 2024 1:11 am
Oct 14, 2024 3:03 am
Dree shifts and turns where the debris hits trying to minimize damage but is unable to do so. When the current finally stops she is practically panting. "Who are you?" She snaps at the new arrival when she notices him, wincing in pain.
Welcome to the party, hehe.
Last edited October 14, 2024 3:06 am


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Oct 14, 2024 12:37 pm
I'm still Gutelos mate. 'Ave I really changed that much? He looks at his hands again, then tries to look down at his own face, contorting his jaw and with his eyes going in all directions. So which one o' yer is Trev, an' which is the other Trev? he asks.
i saw Gan an' the other woman disappear off ter the river bank, so I know neither o' yer is them. Don't see why they couldn't 'ave just whisked us across that way ter start with, would 'ave saved a lot of palaver.



Oct 14, 2024 1:02 pm
Where is Sashan? as the priestess looks around somewhat in a panic. With a flick of her hands she shapes an orb of water that begins to float and glow, adding to the dim glow from Glidbem's amulet that is much dimmer now than when in the triton village. Looking around in confusion she murmurs This should not have happened. The temple wards were suppressing the artifact and the matron would not allow . . . oh now . . . I must get back to the city quickly.

The light from the priestesses glowing water orb illuminates the area, revealing that you are now in a large cavern, most of which is filled with the lake you now swim in. The gentle light is insufficient to reveal any details beyond a
vague idea of walls to one side that curve away into the distance beyond sight. You see a ledge of dry ground along the nearby cavern wall and move out of the water, followed by the triton priestess, as it's inky darkness begins to fill your minds with possible horrors. The four of you, a human woman huntress, a duende scholar, a triton priestess, and goblin miner, all look each other over as you examine your surroundings.

You can go ahead and describe yourselves to each other.
Oct 14, 2024 4:35 pm
Dree, it is a half elf with dark hair and lavender eyes. She is strong, agile, and carries a great axe on her back. Her eyes are focused and perceptive. She carefully watches the world around her as a hunter watches its prey, or as prey watches for dangers, it is sometimes hard to tell which.

"I've never met a... Gutelos?
Last edited October 14, 2024 5:34 pm
Oct 16, 2024 5:52 pm
Gutelos gives Dree a squint to inspect her more closely. Hrm. Maybe not Trev or other Trev then. Any idea what 'appened to them? He looks around in case they are somewhere to be seen, but when that turns out not to be the case, he looks back to Dree. Well, yer've met one now. So, who are you then, if yer aren't Trev or the other Trev?

Gutelos is short and scrawny, with wiry arms that belie the strength in them that comes from years of manual labour. He's Duende, but with a lot of Goblin heritage, most obvious in his wide, wide mouth filled with sharp little teeth that seems to expand to cover the entire width of his head when he smiles (if that's the word for the teeth-baring expression on his face). He wears a miner's helmet on his head, with a small flaming lantern attached (and which remarkably doesn't seem to have gone out despite his watery journey to this place) and has a mining pick slung over one shoulder.
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