Before you is a large town or small village set into stone and water. The cave is dimly illuminated by a variety of glowing crystals, plants and magic. Though the water is dark and the surface in constant motion from the may streams, boats, and waterfalls, you dimly perceive lights below the surface as well leading to the assumption that the city extends beyond what you can reach or see. The priestess guides you into the town and its many citizens openly gape at you. Children squeal and are shushed and pulled back by fearful parent. The priestesses escort falls back to flank your party as you begin winding through the twisting paths. Soon you find yourself descending into a dark passage that splits between a watery way and a dry way.

The guards take you along the dry tunnel and you find yourself in a comfortable waiting room with a low pool occupying half of it and low padded benches on the other. After several minutes of waiting a splash from the pool alerts you to company and you turn to see several large and noble triton men and one extremely old triton female

He goes on to tell that the people of this city once lived in Paphos and when the Shattering broke the lands their ancestors tried to flee on the river but were swept up by the current and storms and awoke here below the surface changed into what they are now. Every time they went to the surface they found only danger and monsters and so gave up trying years ago. Unfortunately things have started changing recently and many monsters from the deep caves have started entering the Triton caverns where they would normally avoid them. In addition new and fierce creatures they never encountered before have also been seen and driven off but with a great cost. The High Priestess sought guidance from her goddess and was shown how to activate an ancient magic, form the Dawn Age, which allowed them to control the water currents and flood more of the caverns to drive the beast off. However the longer the item remains active the more unstable their control of it becomes. Your recent trip below the surface was caused by them trying to have the currents bring additional food and other resources to town as most men were still forced to fight off beasts, weakening their own ability to find and secure foods.
After telling their story they ask you where you are from and if there are other people nearby that they might be able to buy food, weapons, and other supplies from.