The river deep

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Sep 2, 2024 10:31 am
Glidbem chirps up to say "As much as I would greatly prefer talking to fighting, I'm not sure that whoever is on this other ship can even communicate with us. Not that we have much of a choice other than to try I suppose; but if anyone has any non-verbal ideas for showing that we mean no harm, it might be worth considering here."


Test Roll - (3d6)


Sep 2, 2024 12:22 pm
To clarify, there is only 1 boat. The aggressors were here when Hank's ship arrived.
Having spent much time in study Glidbem known that during the Golden Age, before the Dawn War, all the people spoke the One Tongue of the People. Though the Shattering had some kind of affect, diverging each local accent and dialect further from the source, most still retain traces of the common origin is the spoken word. Given time and cooperation Glidbem is confident she can get a basic dialog going. Alos, though the written word was more drastically changed than the spoken, arcane and religious text were less affected. If she could get into contact with a mage or priest of the other side Gligdem is confident that any written correspondence would be even easier to bridge the gap.
Sep 2, 2024 9:30 pm
I say we at least try, Dree shifts uneasily, but be prepared to defend each other too.
Sep 3, 2024 12:35 pm
The surrounding conflict appears to have entered a lull. Perhaps the opposition is preparing something, have retreated, or noticed your arrival and are concerned with the increase in force. Still, vague shadowy forms can be seen occasionally moving the the heavy mist that fill the cavern with the light of the torches barely illuminating your surroundings.
Sep 4, 2024 12:29 am
Try we shall, and I'll do my very best to establish communication, but its up to them how friendly they feel like being. If we get close and arrows start flying I make no promises that I'm capable of calming things down, or that I wont be staying behind the nearest form of cover. I've had one too many attempts on my life as of late... she says, looking around nervously to see if the sailors who tried to throw her overboard are still present.
Sep 4, 2024 1:37 am
The sailors are indeed present but are far too nervous about obvious external physical threat to bother being embarrassed or ashamed of their past behavior. Hank however, is not, and noticing your questing gaze resting on those particular sailors bends down and mutters something to Nel who wanders over to comfort the scholar.


Don't worry miss. Those won't bother you again. The whirlpool showed their true colors and they are destined to be dismissed once we get back upriver, and likely know it. One more misstep and they will be out of the captains good grace. A captain is master and ruler on board his ship, just below the gods. If they want to make is back they will have to be doubly careful, and now none of the crew trust them so all will be watching.

You discuss your plans with Hank and he approves, but is at a loss for how to proceed. We saw some fancier folk but that was towards the beginning of this mess. Likely they backed off as soon as they found us still aboard. I got the impression they were more surprise to see us than the boat.

You can roll a knowledge test or other, just let me know what, to gain hints or recall lore on opening dialog between the People.
Go ahead with any idea you have.

The boatmen keep a wary eye on the mists, the torchlight fully illuminating the boat but fading quickly in the mist. The forms of the assailants are seen continuously but only for a moment before they vanish back into the mist or into the water with a splash.
Sep 5, 2024 8:41 pm
"Thank you Nel, that does make me feel a bit better. Though I suppose I cant be too mad at them, anyone is liable to crack under that kind of pressure. Let them know I forgive them, but that they should avoid trying to toss any ladies into the water from now on."

Glidbem considers the situation along with Hanks words and thinks for a moment. "If there are indeed scholars of some sort among the group then that helps our chances quite a bit. I don't suppose you have any paint somewhere on this ship, or anything else to make a sign with perhaps?"
Sep 6, 2024 5:38 pm
The best they have onboard are some pitch, for torches or to help seal leaks in the boat, and some canvas. You can easily paint/draw on it without fear of the mist ruining it. Dree and Serig join the boats crew in keeping a watchful on on the surrounding.
You can give precise detail or just a lose description. Either way roll with you attempt to communicate
Sep 7, 2024 1:13 am
Rolling to try and see if there's any kind of universal basic greeting I can think of that I could say out loud. As for the sign, is there a word for peace or "meaning no harm" that I could paint that might be recognized by a mage or priest that saw it?


Verbal Roll - (3d6)


Written Roll - (3d6)


Sep 14, 2024 5:41 am
Watchful eye,


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)


Sep 16, 2024 2:54 am
Glidbem ponders for a moment before sketching out a pair of symbols "PEACE" with ties to community and civilization and "TRADE" that is less commerce based and more of an exchange. The sailors quickly rig it to a couple poles set into the boat and you wait. After several minutes you notice the nearby activity in increasing and Dree catches a few figures circling around between the boat and the cavern floor where you came from. But then with a splash 2 large figures leap from the water to land on nearby rocks before crouching down behind shields and watching you.

A third figure joins the first two. All three are humanoid though their skin tones are in blues and greens and you notice gill slits on their necks. The first two are larger muscular men and though they only hold weapons at the moment, each has a short but thick spear on their back. The woman hold a decorative trident and studies the markings drawn on the cloth and the nervous crew on the ship before waving a hand and releasing a pale blue glow that pull the mist between the two groups into the shape of two symbols. "Peace" and "Need". The woman then speaks several words repeatedly and Glidbem is able to faintly recognize them based on the shape of the two runes. This is an older dialect and seems to be heavily influenced both by the dwellers of the underdark and sea elves.
Sep 18, 2024 3:30 am
Glidbem peers hesitantly over the railing of the ship to read the message in the mist, before ducking back down and letting out a sigh of relief. Wonderful, it seems that they're at least willing to handle this in a friendly manner; truthfully that's more than I was expecting. Now if I could just get a chance to better understand their language so that we could more fully communicate. She thinks for a moment before grabbing the canvas and pitch again, preparing to paint another sign.
Rolling to try and paint a sign that says "Peace" and "Meeting".


Sign Roll - (3d6)




Sep 18, 2024 12:14 pm
After several exchanges Glidbem and the woman, you suspect to be a priestess or some similar role, are able to identify nough key symbols and exchange words to become more familiar with a common dialetct neither knows well but can still use to a degree.

The priestess Ishtara aproatches the wide and low river boat. Though it rests atop the surrounding stones its shallow draft gives little elevation and you are able to talk on more or less equal footing. The triton people are all tall and most are lean, more like the priestess than her two hulking guards.

Bowing slightly the priestess stops half a dozen paces from the boat with her guards just bit behind and to either side of her. It is at this point that you notice that though the guards have been standing and hopping from stone to stone the priestess stands directly on the waters surface. Glidbem tanslates for the others as best she can as the priestess begins speaking We call/summon aid/succore for people/triton. Boat and men come. Others come. We suffer with need

Anyone can talk and Glidbem will translate. Keep the words and sentences simple. The more complicated the words or idea comunicated the more likely a "mistranslation" will occur. Glidbem can write key points out if needed but this is slow and tedius
Sep 18, 2024 2:27 pm
"They suffer? Can we ask what causes them to suffer." Dree keeps a close eye on everyone around as they speak, being sure to glance behind them every now and then too.
Sep 19, 2024 12:41 pm
After some back and forth between Glidbem and the priestess Ishtara you get the impression that though her people have lived here below the river since at least the Shattering things have not been great and gotten worse. Some recent shift has brought a threat to their community. Thus they used some forbidden magic to try and bring about a solution. However the only thing that happened was for the river to pull the boat down into their caverns. The priestess was sent for as soon as the hunters discovered the boat while they keep the crew from doing anything to return to the surface.


Looking over the ship she then pauses a moment before whispering a few words to one of the guards to drops into the water. You come not to talk leader? he priestess asks.
Sep 22, 2024 4:30 am
Dree stands close to Serig and whispers, "Maybe the problems the river folk are having have somthing to do with what we were sent to recover?"
Sep 24, 2024 2:30 am
Glidbem does her best to try and explain to the priestess that she did not come here to talk to their leader, and that she and the boats crew were on their way to a city called Paphos when the boat was pulled into the cave. As for her two companions, she states that they both came to the caves while searching for something but assures the priestess that they mean no harm.


Roll for translation if needed - (2d6)




Sep 24, 2024 3:10 am

The priestess seems a bit confused but after a while of back and forth clarification she nods. She then says a couple words and uses her water magic to shape three word glyphs for "come", "peace" and "speak" before stepping back and waving for you to follow. Then pausing she says and shapes two more words with a querying tone. "all come"?
Sep 28, 2024 10:15 pm
Glidbem hesitates for a good moment, none of this was what she had in mind when she set off on this trip, but helping these merfolk seems like the only way out for now; plus she is admittedly curious to see what kind of civilization they've built for themselves down here. She gives an uncertain nod to the priestess before moving to follow her.
Sep 29, 2024 4:56 pm
Hank is unwilling to abandon his ship and most of the sailors are too fearful to go with the priestess but after a short discussion they agree that a fight would not ensure returning to the surface. So they split the crew with half staying and the other half, including Hank and Nel agreeing to accompany they Triton.
Waiting for following the priestess to be affirmed by a 2nd player before moving on
Serig @rimestock has been inactive for almost a month so I may drop him.
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