After several exchanges Glidbem and the woman, you suspect to be a priestess or some similar role, are able to identify nough key symbols and exchange words to become more familiar with a common dialetct neither knows well but can still use to a degree.
The priestess Ishtara aproatches the wide and low river boat. Though it rests atop the surrounding stones its shallow draft gives little elevation and you are able to talk on more or less equal footing. The triton people are all tall and most are lean, more like the priestess than her two hulking guards.

Bowing slightly the priestess stops half a dozen paces from the boat with her guards just bit behind and to either side of her. It is at this point that you notice that though the guards have been standing and hopping from stone to stone the priestess stands directly on the waters surface. Glidbem tanslates for the others as best she can as the priestess begins speaking
We call/summon aid/succore for people/triton. Boat and men come. Others come. We suffer with need
Anyone can talk and Glidbem will translate. Keep the words and sentences simple. The more complicated the words or idea comunicated the more likely a "mistranslation" will occur. Glidbem can write key points out if needed but this is slow and tedius