The river deep

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Nov 5, 2024 5:36 pm
Not again mutters Gutelos to Glidbem. I still look like meself, don't I? You still look like you, if that 'elps.

He sighs, looking at the lights. Come on then, let's 'ave a look at what we've got this time. He sets off towards the lights, looking carefully along the way for any signs of ambush, anything worth anything, and any dangers.


Keeping an eye out for stuff roll - (3d6)

(211) = 4

Nov 7, 2024 1:31 pm
You advance further into the large, by the sound of the echoes an curvaure of the wall, open cavern. The rough ground continues to make travel difficult. As you move further you are faced with a decision, head towards the further large fire or the closer smaller light source.
Nov 7, 2024 6:22 pm
Speaking with a whisper to avoid her words echoing throughout the cavern, Glidbem says to Gutelos You seem to be quite experienced when it comes to navigating caves such as this, so I'll trust your judgement about where we're to be going in here. Though if at all possible, try to avoid anything that might involve climbing. I'm still rather sore from that trip through the currents...
Nov 8, 2024 1:59 am
Yeah, I been around a few caves in me time, Gutelos whispers back. Since the little fire is on the way to the bigger fire, sort of, let's 'ave a wander over there, yeah? Your fishy mate said this was a safer area, so maybe we'll even find some new friends. Keep an 'and near yer weapons though, just in case like.

Gutelos sets off confidently but warily towards the smaller light, his eyes flitting here and there watching for any dangers.


Staying wary - (3d6)

(244) = 10

Nov 8, 2024 3:39 am
The light shifts and starts to retreat towars a tunnel as you move across the rough cavern floor.
TADA! OK lets get you guys into the other story thread HERE
I will review game history for character upgrades

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