The river deep

Aug 7, 2024 12:36 pm
As you look out over the water where two riveers meet you see several small islands in the midddle of the river that spans hundreds of feet. The shoreline of the rivers are more heaviy wooded than the grassy hills near the tower and the cool breeze and warm sun are refreshing and the gentle sounds of the river help ease the tension of being ripped to this place, not knowing how or when you might return home.
Aug 7, 2024 12:36 pm
Give me a test to try and locate your target and let me know your plans and any questions you may have
Aug 7, 2024 3:35 pm
Uppon arriving at the waters edge Dree is calmed a bit by the beauty. If you are ok with it, might we go slowly? Perhaps take a moment her that I could practice moving in the shallower water.

If Serig is OK with her taking a minute to practice she will do so. The necklace removing the chance that she will drown helps her be calm as she focuses on how to move in the water and she will also watch Serig to see how he moves.
Rolling a test for the target that you ask for as well as a test see how well she picks up swimming. Edit: I guess she was so preoccupied with the swimming.She wasn't as observant for the target haha.
Last edited Aug 7, 2024 3:51 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Target - (2d6)


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Swimming - (2d6)


Aug 7, 2024 5:58 pm
They're not that much in a rush, so Serig agrees to let Dree practice her swimming. For his part, he scans their surroundings, both with his eyes and with his nose.
Last edited Aug 7, 2024 5:59 pm


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)


Aug 7, 2024 8:56 pm
Dree smiles in triumph when she gets the hang of swimming, Well I'm not a rock I guess. Shall we see if we can find this magic thing?
Aug 8, 2024 5:25 am
The two of you place the amulets on and they slowly thicken and constrict until they press uncomfortably into your neck but nothing else seems to change. Reasoning that perhaps you need to enter the water to trigger their magics you step into the river and find your guess was correct. As soon as you step into the waters you feel odd stretching sensations on your hands and feet. It grows hard to walk and looking at your hands you see the fingers are now connected by webbing, like a frogs, and lifting your feet you see they have grown long and are similar to your hands but even larger.

Somewhat emboldened by the change you make your way deeper and find that as your skin becomes when it changes and fuses with your skin as scales appear to cover the area. Even you packs become sealed by the scales and you notice that you no longer feel the need to breath. Making your way deeper into the water the both of you experiment with your new forms. Serig is a bit bolder and experiments looking with his eyes underwater and shares with Dree that even his eyes change so that the water does not bother them and he can see very well underwater.

Give me tests for how well you adapt/swim and tell me how you want to start looking.
Aug 8, 2024 8:24 pm
I suppose we should use the pulsing magic item the Tower gave us, yes? Foxfire would you also help us keep a lookout? Dree is finding the transformation the amulet gave strange but fun too. She has never felt so free as gliding through the water.

Dree's curious how Serig is feeling about the situation?
I'll roll and @rimestock can decide how much to tell.
Last edited Aug 8, 2024 8:30 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic adapt/swim - (2d6)


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Serig insight - (2d6)


Aug 8, 2024 10:22 pm
Serig stops the urge to rip the amulet off his neck once it started constricting him, but he feels a faint childish joy as he experiments with his newly acquired webbed hands and feet. The feeling of his fur feeling both wet and not wet is strange. Once he got used to it, he also tries to test if he could pick up scents underwater.

"So how do we use that rod? Just wave it?" Serig asks.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Swimming - (2d6)


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)


Aug 8, 2024 11:07 pm
They said it would pulse… I guess we could just hold it out and see if we feel a difference one way or another? Dree looks at the thing with an unenthusiastic nose scrunch. It shouldn’t hurt us so I suppose a bit of experimentation is in order.
Aug 9, 2024 7:10 pm
Both of you surface to converse, finding that though the amulets let you stay long underwater they do not help with communication and any attempt at talking is rendered unintelligible. Just as you are about to examine the device to help you find the tower artifact you notice the river currents suddenly increase in speed before multiple massive water columns and spat up from the river surface. This draws your eyes and you see a boat in the midsts of the water spouts. The people onboard begins to shout with the crew striving to void the great gouts of water only to realize that a whirlpool is growing ever larger in front of them.

The whirlpools currents are also dragging you in towards it so that you are close enough to see some comotion where it looks as if some of the people onboard are fighting just as it is pulled into the spinning vortex of water. Knowing your amulets will help you breath and swim is one thing but using them to rescue those on the boat is a daunting task as the sudden violence of the river currents seems unnatural and not just a bit frightening.

Aug 9, 2024 10:32 pm
Serig's eyes widen at the sight before him as he instinctively grabs Dree by the arm. With the increasingly turbulent currents and the half-elf's lack of experience with swimming, he doesn't want to get separated from her. Mouth slack and in disbelief at the people in the boat who suddenly appeared, he asks to no one in particular, "Who the hell are those?"
Last edited Aug 9, 2024 10:32 pm
Aug 9, 2024 10:57 pm
AS you watch the boat is pulled entirely under the river's surface and the whirlpool begins to collapse with the faint sounds of cry's and please barely audible over the rush of the water that seems to be calming with the collapse of the whirlpool and water columns
Aug 10, 2024 3:23 am
Gripping Serig’s arm I return, she is afraid to loose him in the swirl too. She dips her face into the water to see if that view gives anymore information. Her heart races but her hands are steady.
Aug 10, 2024 9:38 am
"Is it an unstable rift?" Serig mutters to himself as he recalls Silverani's words about the foci's pulses. He takes the magical rod the tower wardens had given them and cautiously points it towards the sinking boat and whirlpool.
Aug 10, 2024 11:59 pm
The rod reacts when pointed in the general direction but seems a bit stronger off to one side. The river has returned nearly to normal and the natural currents resume and wash away the ripples and eddies of the water spouts and whirlpool. Though neither of you is a true boatmen you have seen current and eddies on streams and rivers enough to believe whatever it was that just happened was not natural. The sudden appearance of waterspouts surrounding and the vortex tarteding the boat strongly suggests potent water magic of some kind.
Aug 11, 2024 3:28 am
We must be careful and stay close together. Dree suggest as the water calms. She is very sorry the boat and its crew were lost. She gives Serigs arm where they grip each other a squeeze before letting go.
Aug 11, 2024 1:34 pm
You swim on the surface and use the rod to track the Tower orb and end up swimming near where you saw the boat disappear before you are forced to leave the surface and head into the depths of the river. As you dive deeper the light is quickly reduced to nothing but you are still able to see a bit, though colors are all muted and grey blue or green, for a short distance. To keep it simple assume you can only see 25' at max Following the rods directions you dive and deeper and begin to search the muddy river bottom only to come to a place where the rod indicates nearly straight down into the mud. Looking around you see a rocky outcropping with a large irregular cavern that may allow you to go deeper? Still unable to talk while underwater you are force to use gestures and actions to communicate.
Aug 11, 2024 11:16 pm
Serig swims slightly closer to the cavern before turning towards Dree, cocking his head towards it with a questioning expression, as if to say, You ready?
Aug 12, 2024 12:16 am
Dree nods to Serig’s unspoken question then reaches over to give his arm another gentle squeeze. Dree will swim at Serig’s side as he follows the rod.
Aug 12, 2024 2:51 am
You swim into the cave and it does indeed seem to be getting nearer the destination but then the passage splits a smaller fork to the left and a larger to the right. The rod does not seem to distinguish either as a better path. You hesitate in indecision but then see a flicker of light from the smaller passage. Deciding to check it out you swim towards the light cautiously.

the smaller passage begins heading up and soon you break the surface of water. You are obviously still under the river and in the cave. Your attention is instantly drawn to the light and you see a gnome female and young human boy
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