Hi, I was kind of just lurking around here for a while but I think I am up for some anime shenanigans after all.
I have never played the OVA system and don't have a copy of it either. But looking through the game forum (kudos for the sheer amount of effort put in to the forum btw) I think everything I need to make/play a character is there?
As for the manga/anime. The name certainly rings a bell and a quick google search makes me 99% certain I watched the anime at one point. But good lord do I not remember anything about it. That being said I am somewhat familiar with the "Highschool but with Monsters" trope. Medusa and Futakuchi-chan is the last thing I have read that would fall in to that. A bit more slice-of-life than shonen action I guess.
Not really sure about the character concept yet. Maybe a traditional vampire or a ghost of sorts?
So if that all checks out and you still got room(10+ players is a lot), I would be happy to join.