TSO 3: Recovery from the Wreckage

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Sep 24, 2024 2:49 am
Alandra watches the bomb detonate on the monitors. "Well, hopefully it will keep them occupied. Any idea where we want to go? Sticking around may not be the best option.", she says.
I think the Terrestrial looks interesting. What says everyone?
[ +- ] Solar System Details
Sep 24, 2024 8:15 am
I agree, the terrestrial is the only one with liquid water and some ice, so temperatures should be ok. And it has several moons is case we want to hide again from those scouts. Everyone else agree?
Last edited Sep 24, 2024 8:16 am
Sep 24, 2024 12:35 pm
yes and no, Terrestrial might be the easiest but it also might be the most obvious destination. Maybe one of the ice planets. I am thinking VI, but only because we could use the debris as part of our disguise and we might get some salvage: fuel, or components. Or the wreckage might be that of the rest of the crew when they abandoned ship. But I'll defer to the majority if we decide on the Terrestrial.
Last edited Sep 24, 2024 12:37 pm
Sep 24, 2024 4:16 pm
I'm with Turanel for similar reasons.
Sep 24, 2024 4:23 pm
Now that you mention these Turanel, I changed my mind. I'm in for a recon mission to VI's wreckage.
Sep 25, 2024 1:44 am
Sounds good to me. Let's go!
Sep 25, 2024 3:55 am
Having discussed your options previously you do a quick chat over the coms and Stinger sets course for the 6th planet and you soon leave the carrier behind. As you move away you pick up another ship leaving the area of the gas giant, the scavenger ship. You track it heading towards the 5th planet that is out of phase with the 6th so your paths diverge. The carrier appears to be mining the gas giants rings, likely for ice and easily accessible mineral deposits.

After a almost an hour, as you kept you slip drive at only 0.75c to minimize any possible sensor readings of your passage, you arrive at the ice planet. You scan the surface of the planet curious about the faint traces you picked up earlier.
[ +- ] Planet VI: Ice Planet
This cold, distant planet is a frozen wasteland, with massive glaciers and ice storms that last for years. However, what makes it notable is the wreckage of an ancient spaceship found in a remote location. The wreckage is massive, partially buried in ice, and shows signs of extreme damage, possibly from a catastrophic event. The curious thing is that the ships impact on the planet drove it entirely through the ice so that the front section of it is below the ice entirely and is in fact dug into the planets rocky interior. The sensors show the rock beneath the ship to have numerous caverns.

The light gravity but cold and violently stormy conditions would make any trip to the regions closer to the equator very dangerous. Fortunately the ship is near one of the poles of the planet where the weather is much calmer. With the thin atmosphere your ship should have no trouble landing but you will need to keep the shields up to ensure the ships sensors and engines are not impacted by the ice and dust thrown by the high winds.
Sep 25, 2024 6:05 am
Through the Comms...
"This is Stinger speaking, we are very close to our destination. Please let's meet at the bridges to discuss our landing."

Once everyone arrives "Please Hal, gives us a detailed reading of it's atmosphere, is it breathable? Do need extra weight on the suits to compensate for lighter gravity? And options of good landing spots. I'd prefer not taking unnecessary risks. So, we may need a scouting plan once we get there, what do you think we may find?"
Sep 25, 2024 12:40 pm
Due to the extreem cold and composition of the planets atmosphere you will definitely need to stay in your suits. Krom's suit, due to being caombat hardened, will be best able to function there long term but as long as you are not in a strong storm the others will suffice. The low gravity will make moving a bit dificult but you are all at least familiar with low and 0 G enviroments. There are some weights that can be addd to the suit boots, belts, and harnesses to make movmnents easier but these are not nessisary as long as you move carefully.

Roll a test for scanning the landing sight and let me know where you want to land and any thing specific you check for.
Sep 25, 2024 3:06 pm
If we can tuck our ship into the crashed ship that will help disguise us. Scanning now...


scanning for safe landing zone - (2d6)


Sep 25, 2024 4:57 pm
Avro drinking that though the ship is larger than the Odyssey it has no bays large enough to hold you ship. In addition the damage it sustained that either caused or resulted from the crash landing make any auto to land on it unadvisable. However, due to the angle it tests at there is a section under the ships engines where you can land with a bit of luck and skill.

if you want to land at that site I need at least a navigation and sensor test

There are other nearby places where the ice is thin and you can land with a high chance of a safe touchdown not to far from the wreck.
Sep 25, 2024 5:24 pm
In my mind, I had a super star destroyer class size ship, 1/2 impaling the planet and another 1/2 scattered over 100's of meters.
Scans are coming back, the crashed ship isn't as big as I thought. There are a couple of spots within a few hundred yards or the crash site that would be safe to land at. We can also try to tuck the Odyssey under the shipwreck engines but that would be a really tricky bit of flying. Sending three landing zone alternate coordinates to the pilots station.
Last edited Sep 25, 2024 5:25 pm
Sep 25, 2024 8:43 pm
The ship looks to be a cruiser class ship. It does have a couple small hangers that would have houses small shuttles but the ship design was obviously never intended for deployment in atmosphere or to support other structures, especially while in gravity.
[ +- ] Chassis List
Sep 25, 2024 11:26 pm
"Good job Avro! This is great intel. I agree, landing under it would hide us good.
Please run additional sensors checking for that site and also checking for any lifeforms... I wouldn't want to land and then be attacked by survivors or native animals."

Stinger also plot possible courses in the nav simulation, to land under the ship, since he would not try it for real if the SIM shows it to be too dangerous.


Platting courses in nav simulation - (3d6h1)


Sep 26, 2024 12:03 pm
The ship 360 meters long and hevily damaged. From your sensor reading you determin that the shadow of the engine section that raises up out of the ice about 40 of that is large enough to allow your ship. While this would partially conceal your ship it can be excavateda with a bit of laser fire or yor can simpimply use the holographic systems to conceal the ret of thei ship.
One more test at least. Weapons to use lasers to carve out a bigger hidding hole. scanners to find th best angle of aproatch.
Sep 27, 2024 10:07 am
"Hal, Avro, please try the scanners first. If you can't find a suitable angle of approach, Krom still may try some fire later. But sensors do not show activity on pirate's scans, so I'd rather try them first.

Alandra, Sam, what do you think we could salvage from this wrekage?"
Last edited Sep 27, 2024 10:08 am
Sep 27, 2024 6:15 pm
"Any medical supplies would be good. It's a big ship, hopefully they have better equipment. Maybe a stronger scanner so we can keep a bteer track on our visitor. Also food. We could use a change of diet.", Alandra says as they fly over the massive ship.

She contemplates the enormity of the doomed vessel. "What do you think happened to them?"
Sep 28, 2024 5:48 pm
"Scanning now." After a minute, HAL says, "Getting some interference. Adjusting."
HAL's Communications Trait allows for a re-roll on one failed Sensors check/round.
"Unfortunately, I am unable to find a suitable angle of approach. Perhaps, Avro will be more successful."
Last edited Sep 28, 2024 5:53 pm


HAL3000: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Sensor check REDO - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Sep 29, 2024 4:52 pm
Allowing focus out of combat is standard for me on any activity you have the time and put effort into so that combines with Stinger is good enough
You map out a spot under the tail of the wreck and pull the ship in to land so that you are almost entirely in its shadow. The ice below creaks and shifts under the weight of the Odyssey but using the gravity cannons on low you are able to compress the ice beneath you before you settle so that by time the landing gear is in place you have a stable landing. Engaging the holographic emitters you conceal the ship and take stock before proceeding.

The ship definitely suffered damage before the crash but it looks like some systems are still active on at lease emergency power. It has long since been invaded by the cold and ice of the planet though the gaping wounds in its hull but scans reveal that some rooms may still be sealed but you will need to investigate. The biggest win in the presence of a shuttle in one of the ships bays. You are uncertain of its condition but even is Sam needs to put in some work to get it working it would be worth it as the Odyssey was not built for high pressure and gravity so will be slow and vulnerable if it comes to a fight while within a planet's atmosphere. There are signs that several of the caverns below the ship are not natural but most of the passages are open to the wind and ice and extremely weathered.
Sep 29, 2024 4:52 pm
Can Avro use the 'Giving advantage' trait for HAL to roll an additional die on sensors?
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