Prologue - Death House

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Sep 18, 2024 2:58 am
The party is enveloped by silence in the derelict hall, but with great focus Taniwha can hear the softest sobbing from beyond the door.

Amalthea investigates the armor. Beaten and dented as it is, she can't tell if there ever was any writing at all.

P.S. Abraham finds many oil lamps around the walls to light, but there are no open doorways for Drina to look through. She can always listen at a door.
Sep 18, 2024 10:18 am
With a brief introduction Taniwha puts up a hand indicating for there to be silence, and he leans closer to the door. Not quite sure he heard it the first time, he concentrates on the noise behind the door. "I think there is someone, or something, crying behind this door."

He steps back a little from the door. After the last attack he is not sure how to proceed, is this a trap or someone in genuine need. He had seen many crocodile tears that lured many a victim in. He turns looking to the others . . .
Sep 18, 2024 11:16 am
"I think we have passed the point of niceties but it is good to know the names of those I stand by."

"Well, with all the commotion made out here, there is no way our presence can not be known. That means whoever lies behind the door chose not to attack." Perhaps it was caring for one younger than herself but the ranger had a habit of stating the positive while leaving more disturbing truths unsaid like when the dinner pot had the last of the game with no promise to be refilled the next day but Drina only spoke of how satisfying the current meal was. A similar situation here. Yes, no one had attacked but neither had assistance been offered.

The green eyed one drew closer to the door indicated while motioning those who had been injured back. Grimacing for having to do so, Drina drew her sword. Knuckles then rapped on the door. Just the definitive sound of wood echoing under her hand had a calming effect on the ranger. In the possibilities of a myriad of actions, Drina found those moments unsettling but let the path be decided and then all that was left was consequences and she would deal with those. "Hello. No need to fear. The armor is no longer a threat. I'm coming in."
Sep 18, 2024 11:46 am
Drina had a calming way about which could be liked to the Monks he had grown up with, this made a familiarity with the green eyed human. He did make not that none had commented on his appearance, which in his experience was a rare thing. He pushes back the thoughts as the Ranger knock and announced herself, and he set himself to follow her into the room . . .
Sep 18, 2024 8:27 pm
Amalthea looks expectantly at their last companion to introduce himself before they are directed to check the closed door. She takes out her crossbow, holding it low, and follows behind Taniwha.
Sep 19, 2024 12:23 pm
Sorry was going to put this earlier but work took priority.
As both Abraham and Drina give light to the hall you see underneath the hood for the first time. The most striking feature is the thick black mop of hair covering a large portion of the head. Dark red curled horns rolling out and back in, like two sea serpents cresting the darkened seas of night. Pointed ears push their way free from the hair that cascades around the sides of Taniwha’s head.

Not until you drop your gaze down would you notice the alert, piercing glaze of fire coloured eyes , watching everything going on. The pale face contrasted by two red streaks dripping down the forehead and cheeks. He appears young possibly just passing twenty years, with a lean but powerful build Taniwha would stand approximately five and a half feet tall.
Last edited September 19, 2024 12:25 pm
Sep 19, 2024 12:34 pm
When Taniwha motioned for silence, Abraham complied. Then everyone started talking again, so Abraham chimed in as well. "I am Abraham Van Kirk, Faithful of Lathander." The man takes in the group as gathered, and nods. "I do not know how any of us arrived here, but I believe I am here at Lathander's bidding. There must be work needing to be done."

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