Building a Character

Aug 14, 2024 7:40 pm
Here are the guidelines for creating a character. The only thing demanded is for him to be a high school freshmen.
[ +- ] OVA - The Anime RPG
Step 1: First things first, create a concept for your character, think of how you would briefly describe him. This can be achieved by choosing or creating a monster race and the most important detail of him, be it an occupation, hobby, archetype, vocation, trope etc. After that, an adjective for extra coloring would be welcomed. E. g. Responsible Isonade Maid.

Step 2 is abilities, which is what the character is good at. One of the things about OVA is that the game doesn't have anything like base attribute scores or the equivalent- a character's only starting qualities are their Health and Endurance, which are the same for all starting characters. Every part of the character's strengths are defined through the Abilities taken at character creation. All abilities are rated in terms of a number from +1 to +5, with +1 being "above average" to +5 being "Just beyond". In general, most of a character's starting abilities should be +1 to +3, with +4 being very rare and +5 just not being a thing that characters should start with. Keep in mind that this is a freeform game at heart, with lots of guidelines to help the players, instead of beating your head over how to make that one power for your character with the abilities the game gives, you can just came up with the Ability/Weakness/Perk/Flaw that you want!

Step 4 is dealing with weaknesses, which tie into just how you build your character in other ways. Weaknesses are parts of your character that cause them problems (if it doesn't cause problems, it's not a Weakness) and other complications in their life. Weaknesses are rated between -1 and -3, with -1 being a darn inconvenience and -3 being a character-defining, near-mythic vice or flaw.

Your total Ability Bonuses cannot exceed the total Weakness Penalties by more than 5 points. It is as if you started with 5 points to distribute between you Abilities, and gained one more for each point in Weaknesses you had. Another limitation is that: When combined, a character’s Abilities should rarely give a total Bonus of more than +5 to any single roll (this will be checked by the GM in the character application).

That's when you set up your Health and Endurance - everyone has the same starting total, which can be modified through Abilities and Weaknesses.

Step 5 are Finishing Touches and Fluffing. A character should have a description of: background (Who is your character? Where does he come from? What is the story behind her? What does your character hope to obtain?); appearance (How does your character dress? What is her build, hairstyle, and eye color?), personality (How does your character act? How does he react to different situations? Does she have any particular quirks that make her distinctive?), powers (Does your character have any special talents? A distinct fighting style? Can he do something most people cannot?), Which include (but are not limited to!) his innate powers of his monster race; and, most importantly, Goals (what drives you?).

Some additional suggestions for fluffing are: possessions (Does your character have an item that she holds particularly dear? Are there any important weapons or gadgets that are part of his profession?); schticks (Are there any habits that set your character apart? Does her hair always blow dramatically in the wind, or does he always adhere to a strict military code?); Hobbies (What your character likes to do?) and any additional detail that you seem fit.

Some addendums:
about ages: the characters, being first year students, are supposed to be 15 years old, or 14 if they're still to have their birthday (the date of which could be a nice detail to have), the school year starting at April. It is possible that they're a bit younger, if they're prodigies and skipped some years.
About appearance: You character has either a human and monster form. Most of the time, they'll be in their human form (it's generally prohibited to be in your monster form inside the school campus, though it isn't something that's much enforced, actually). The human form should have some traits that resemble and point to your monster form (if possible), but still being able to go undistinguished from a normal human. There are however, records of monsters who struggled to keep their monster form completely hidden, showing a tail or pair of ears, for example, specially when startled. Finally, the school's uniform for freshman are: a white shirt, an aquamarine blue blazer or a cream jersey, a scarlet tie (or lace for the girls), and olive green pants, or a checkered olive green, dark green and red pleated skirt. Students are seem lacking a piece or another, loosing some bottoms, or even customizing their uniform to reflect their personality; but only the more daring (or uncaring) would dismiss the uniform in its totality.
Aug 14, 2024 8:23 pm
Here follows the list of abilities and weaknesses, with a brief summary of their effects (more details on the rulebook)
[ +- ] Quick Reference List
[ +- ] Abilities
[ +- ] Weaknesses
Aug 14, 2024 8:42 pm
The next section is Perks and Flaws, which are modifiers to Abilities that you can use to increase their capability at the cost of Endurance, or limit their capability to reduce Endurance cost. While these are mainly applied to attacks, these can be applied to other Abilities, with examples given like Area Healing or giving your Barrier a damage multiplier that affects enemies who miss. Their main purpose is to make special moves with you Attack Ability
[ +- ] Perks & Flaws reference list (with End. costs)
You can create a suite of attacks, each possessing the same Bonus to your Damage Multiplier, but you may modify them with a variety of Ability Perks and Flaws. No attack may have a negative cost of Endurance.

Affinities are a special kind of perk that has no Endurance cost. It serves to describe the source of an Ability, with it's main use being on the Attack ability, This not only gives more color to your character, being a cosmetic choice; but also serves for the purpose of defining Bonuses and Penalties from the Resistance and Vulnerability Ability and Weakness, for example.

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