BlondeDragonGenie/ ???

Aug 15, 2024 1:19 pm
Hey, @BlondeDragonGenie, this is the thread for discussing your character creation!
Aug 15, 2024 11:13 pm
I shall play the daughter of Moka and Tsukune! She has a lot to live up to, but she's also got lots of cool monster powers and is very good-looking and quite bright (if a very lazy student), so it should all work out. She takes after her mother more than her father, but I suppose that's to be expected. She will have her own fanclub soon!

Also, she's in the market for her very own human to stick a tap in, so if you know any, give her a call. =3
Last edited August 15, 2024 11:41 pm
Aug 15, 2024 11:35 pm
Haha, those are high goals, she's surely ambitious!
Aug 16, 2024 1:37 am
Nevermind, dragons are a thing! Imma make a dragon! Wooooooo!
Aug 16, 2024 2:30 am
Okay, so definitely going with super pretty and super strong.

Can a Transformation increase bonuses above +5?

She's also going to be proud and a showoff. She's going to monster school to get connections and make huge piles of dosh, even though she's not exactly good at business-related anything, as well as to acquire a harem, because she's under the impression that dragons are supposed to have harems of princesses. She is, naturally, imperious, commanding, and self-assured. Her secondary goal is to acquire magical lore and mystic knowledge, and her tertiary goal is to read manga and play video games when nobody is looking, especially manga, because she likes human media and entertainment but they're not cool yet.

Oh, and make friends. That was important too, probably.

She is going to be student council president in her first year. Oh yeah.

Also her "human" form is seven feet tall.

How's that sound?
Aug 16, 2024 2:59 am
Alright, about the transformation ability, it can increase bonuses above +5, but you can't have that as a starting character (for balance purposes) and it can't be used at whim; according to the rulebook: "There’s no hard and fast rules, but generally a transformation must be thematically appropriate and can only be done one or two times over the course of an adventure." Which means, this is the kind of thing that would, in an anime, be that once per episode transformation (actually, like Moka in the series, the Rosario is taken off her in a similar rate).

About her personality and goals: I loved it! Would also suggest a sweet spot for gold and jewels. By the way, what would "dosh" be?

Let me see... Gah! seven feet?!! That wouldn't be a very effect human form (being that their purpose is to pass as normal humans). Just keep in mind that it takes place in japan, where the average female height is 5'2''!
You can see, for example, that Ruby - being considered already a quite tall woman - is just 1,65 m, or 5'5''!
Aug 16, 2024 4:47 am
I thought Yokai Academy was in its own little bubble universe thing. I also thought the point was to live with humans, rather than to pretend to be one. Dragons are big! What height is appropriate for "wow that's tall" then?

"Dosh" is a British slang term for money.

Regarding Transformation, I was wondering whether my character assuming her full form as a big stompy girlzilla monster should be thematic or mechanical.
Aug 16, 2024 4:55 am
That transformation is alright, what I mentioned was warning you that you could only turn in it once in a while, like once per day.

Nah, I have no problem with her height, just though it to be a bit too extreme!
Aug 16, 2024 5:00 am
I figured the "people run face-first into her chest" gag would get a lot of mileage.
Aug 16, 2024 5:38 am
Oh, why didn't you tell me that before!

Let's see... If you'd visualize her with "heroic proportions", I. e. 8.5 (with heels) heads tall... Considering the middle of the chest being just two heads below her top height (in an ideally proportioned figure), that would mean 6.5 heads tall.

Considering the average average height a man in Japan being 171 cm (or 5'7''), I'd say that the ideal height for "people run face-first into her chest" gag's most effectiveness, would actually be 7'2'', putting the height of her bosom at about 5'5'', putting them in the perfect postion to capture the most amount of faces (those two inches up putting them in contact with the top sloping, aiding the capture). That is' if you want most of your target's to be male.

If, otherwise, you're more interested in the female demographics for your victims -their average height in Japan being 5'2'' - a total height of 6'7'' would be the best, putting the danger area at about 5 feat (again, those two inches for aiding in capture).

That means that a position between these two measures would be ideal. I apologize for my lack of vision, you were really aiming for the right measures... Quite shrewd of you.
Aug 16, 2024 6:28 am
I approve of your thorough analysis of my tendency for trope-ish slapstick.

"Aid in capture," hahahahaha. Best phrase I've heard all week.
Aug 17, 2024 4:41 am
I'm thinking that my character is the very last dragon, or more specifically that they went extinct or all went to another world or something a long time ago. My character, then, was "brought back," a viable egg resuscitated by magicians who she considers her parents. She doesn't actually know what dragons are really like and is trying to behave like one should. As far as she knows, anyway.

How's that sound? Does it fit the setting?

Lesseeeee here...

Probably should start with Weaknesses.

Airheaded 1 (maybe)

Arrogant 1-2 (and how)

Awkward Size 1 (3 for transformed state)

Bizarre Appearance 1 (potentially; unusually bright hair, claw-like nails)

Code of Conduct 1: Honesty (A dragon has no need for lies!)

Compulsion 1-2 (dragon-related activities; act like a dragon "should")

Easily Distracted 1 (potential; "Oooh shiny!")

Fear 1 (might be good for a laugh)

Fussy 1 (to represent obsessive orderliness of the treasure horde)

Greedy 2 (despite her own best efforts, it is truly instinctive behavior, and she is easily plied with shiny, expensive things and luxurious food)

Kind-Hearted 1-2 (she's a big heroine and softie whether she's "supposed to be" or not)

Love Magnet 3 (some annoying, some endearing, "She's so cool!" / "She's so gorgeous!", I'm sure many will stalk from the shadows and get up to hijinks she doesn't notice.)

Oblivious 1 (doesn't actually know anything about dragons, because almost no one actually knows anything about dragons)

Overconfident 1-2 (may not be appropriate if it's justified pride in herself)

Restricted Freedom 2 (Shouldn't every PC have this, since we're playing students?)

Secret 1 (Likes nerd stuff)

Sensitivity 1-2 ("not pure-blooded" / parents are "just" magicians; this may not be appropriate for the setting)

Stubborn 1-2 (There's the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do, and that's just how it is.)

Last edited August 17, 2024 4:41 am
Aug 17, 2024 5:01 am
Alright! Very promising concept! It certainly fits the setting, and also looks quite amusing!

About the weakness:
- Fear: Fear of what, exactly?
- Overconfident: Indeed, if she's actually awesome and powerful, that weakness doesn't apply.
- Restricted freedom: basically, if all the PC's have this, it isn't a weakness to stand you out from them.
- Sensitivity: She could have a weak spot like that (it would even be appropriate for her prideful nature), but that one in particular, I don't think so. By the way, is she "not pure-blooded"? And as soon as her dragon nature would be revealed, any thought about her parents or upbringing would be certainly be eclipsed by that.
- Suggestion: add "Sweet spot" for gold. Besides that, if you came up with a weakness to reflect her, err... "desire to acquire a harem", it would be some nice extra points. It could maybe reflect her desire to convince anyone she found "worthy" to join it, maybe even helping them out with that interest in mind.
Aug 17, 2024 6:20 am
Fear: I don't know, I just noted that it existed in case I need some points or have an amusing idea.
Overconfident: Okay, so it needs to apply to things she isn't necessarily just going to steamroll over.
Restricted Freedom: Okie dokey.
Sensitivity: All right. Noted! If I need the points, then she can be sensitive about her own ego. That'd be a hoot.

Desire for a harem would be like a variant of lecherous, I suppose? With a much different focus.

I'm not sure how much convincing she would need to do to add new members, so to speak, with Love Magnet 3. But I can see where you're going, and that's good narrative fodder. I like it. Gives a goal and a reason she hasn't already accomplished it.
Aug 23, 2024 3:48 am
Revised weaknesses:

Arrogant 1 (Nobless oblige)

Awkward Size 1 (3 for transformed state)

Bizarre Appearance 1 (unusually bright hair, claw-like nails)

Code of Conduct 2: Dragon Chivalry (A dragon has no need for lies, treats her lessers with kindness, and comes to their defense.)

Compulsion 2 (dragon-related activities; act like a dragon "should")

Easily Distracted 1 (Shiny!)

Fussy 1 (to represent obsessive orderliness of the treasure horde)

Greedy 2 (despite her own best efforts, it is truly instinctive behavior)

Kind-Hearted 2 (she's a big heroine and softie whether she's "supposed to be" or not)

Love Magnet 3 (some annoying, some endearing, "She's so cool!" / "She's so gorgeous!", I'm sure many will stalk from the shadows and get up to hijinks she doesn't notice.)

Naive 1 (believes the best of others unless given a reason to think otherwise)

Oblivious 1 (doesn't actually know anything about dragons, because almost no one actually knows anything about dragons)

Obsession 1 (acquire harem of "princesses," because a dragon is supposed to have one of those)

Secret 1 (Likes nerd stuff)

Soft Spot 1 (Flattery)

Soft Spot 2 (Pampering)

Soft Spot 1 (Food)

Soft Spot 2 (Treasure)

Stubborn 2 (There's the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do, and that's just how it is.)
Last edited August 23, 2024 4:51 am
Aug 23, 2024 5:01 pm
Alright, looking good!
Aug 31, 2024 5:46 am
The weaknesses add up to 28, if I can still count.

Awkward Size will go up to 3 with Transformation, so that will reduce the cost of Transformation specifically by 2. Meaning that I want to take Transformation 5 and it will have a net value of 5-2=3.

That leaves me with 25 net weaknesses, so I need to pick 30 levels of abilities.

Aug 31, 2024 4:40 pm
If your counting is correct (which I'm willing to believe it is), you're right with that.
Aug 31, 2024 11:29 pm

Armored +2
Attack +2
Beautiful +5
Charismatic +1
Combat Expert +2
Heightened Sense (Sight) +1
Intimidating +2
Iron-Willed +2
Resistance (Fire/Heat) +3
Smart +1
Strong +3
Vigorous +2
Wealthy +1

Transformation 5 (cost 3): Dragon! Rawr!

Armored +3 (total +5)
Attack +2 (total +4)
Flight +3
Strong +2 (total +5)
Awkward Size -2 (total -3)

Next, special attacks!

Potential special attacks list: dragon breath, fireball, plasma claws, flame whip, tail slap, wing storm, stomp, trample

Note: sprinkle accurate, armor-piercing, barrier-busting, defensive
Last edited October 10, 2024 6:20 am

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