BlondeDragonGenie/ ???

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Oct 11, 2024 2:02 pm
Oct 12, 2024 6:13 am
On the advice and recommendation of our wise and illustrious GM, I will drop Iron-Willed, Smart, and Quick and up/downgrade some Weaknesses.

Arrogant 2 (Nobless oblige)
Awkward Size 1 (3 for transformed state)
Bizarre Appearance 1 (unusually bright hair, claw-like nails)
Code of Conduct 3: Dragon Chivalry (A dragon has no need for lies, treats her lessers with kindness, and comes to their defense.)
Compulsion 2 (dragon-related activities; act like a dragon "should")
Easily Distracted 1 (Shiny!)
Fussy 1 (to represent obsessive orderliness of the treasure horde)
Greedy 2 (despite her own best efforts, it is truly instinctive behavior)
Kind-Hearted 2 (she's a big heroine and softie whether she's "supposed to be" or not)
Love Magnet 3 (some annoying, some endearing, "She's so cool!" / "She's so gorgeous!", I'm sure many will stalk from the shadows and get up to hijinks she doesn't notice.)
Naive 2 (believes the best of others unless given a reason to think otherwise)
Oblivious 1 (doesn't actually know anything about dragons, because almost no one actually knows anything about dragons)
Obsession 2 (acquire harem of "princesses," because a dragon is supposed to have one of those)
Secret 1 (Likes nerd stuff)
Soft Spot 2 (Flattery)
Soft Spot 2 (Pampering)
Soft Spot 1 (Food)
Soft Spot 2 (Treasure)
Soft Spot 2 (Cuteness)
Stubborn 3 (There's the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do, and that's just how it is.)

This adds -6 Weaknesses.

Armored +2
Attack +2
Beautiful +5
Charismatic +1
Combat Expert +2
Heightened Sense (Sight) +1
Intimidating +2
Knowledge (Culinary) +2
Resistance (Fire/Heat) +3
Strong +3
Vigorous +2
Wealthy +1

Transformation 5 (cost 3): Dragon! Rawr!

Armored +3 (total +5)
Attack +2 (total +4)
Flight +3
Strong +2 (total +5)
Awkward Size -2 (total -3)

Removing Iron-Willed +2, Smart +1, and Quick +1 reduces the Abilities by 4.

So, net, that gives me 10 points of Abilities to add. I need to think about what to do with them. Probably buy more Intimidating and Charismatic, at least.
Last edited Oct 17, 2024 10:21 pm
Oct 17, 2024 10:16 pm
I have finally come up with a name! Himeji Sumeryu. Himeji is her surname and and Sumeryu is her personal name.

In the long tradition of manga character names, it is both very straightforward and close enough to a pun to qualify as one. Himeji is a city in Japan and the country's largest and most famous castle, and "hime" means "princess."

"Sume" is a shortening of "musume," which means "daughter" but has been co-opted to indicate a cute girl version of a thing that is not usually a cute girl, like a castle, a ship, animal, or monster. "Ryu" means "dragon." And Sumeru is the magical mountain at the center of the universe in Buddhism.

So basically her name is "Big Magic Dragon Pretty Princess Castle."

I had originally intended her personal name to be "Ryuko," which is pretty much just "dragon girl," but since we have a Buddhist monster in our group, I thought a second layer of puns would be even better. Is that okay, or should I use Ryuko instead?

(Repeated from open chat for record-keeping purposes. But not record-keeping porpoises. Never trust a dolphin with a keyboard.)
Oct 17, 2024 10:49 pm
Awesome! Great name!
Oct 18, 2024 7:02 am
+1 Attack (1 point)

Moved 1 Armored and 1 Strong from Transformed state to base state. (2 points)

Add 1 Vigorous and 1 Tough to Transformed state. This gives her a "heal and refresh" when she transforms. (0 points)

+1 Combat Expert (1 points)

+4 Tough (4 points)

+2 Vigorous (2 points)

Spent 10 points

Armored +3
Attack +3
Beautiful +5
Charismatic +1
Combat Expert +3
Heightened Sense (Sight) +1
Intimidating +2
Knowledge (Culinary) +2
Resistance (Fire/Heat) +3
Strong +4
Tough +4
Vigorous +4
Wealthy +1

Transformation 5 (cost 3): Dragon! Rawr!

Armored +2 (total +5)
Attack +2 (total +5)
Flight +3
Strong +1 (total +5)
Tough +1 (total +5)
Vigorous +1 (total +5)
Awkward Size -2 (total -3)
How's that look?

Overall, in combat, she is a slow, acts late and is very easy to hit. Actually hurting her, however, is quite difficult, and she punches like a guided missile.

Out of combat, she is charming, drop-dead gorgeous to the point of causing traffic accidents by existing, and quite scary. Her immense height, good looks, obvious athleticism, and general stern demeanor give her a powerful, commanding presence. Her eyesight is excellent, she is nearly immune to heat and fire, and she is a surprisingly good cook.

She is, however, very easy to manipulate if you know her levers and buttons. Like, laughably easy to manipulate.
Last edited Oct 18, 2024 7:12 am
Oct 18, 2024 1:22 pm
Looks great! Dragon-lady totally rocks!
Oct 20, 2024 7:47 am
And she's hot! Get it? Dragon? Fire? Hot?

I'll see myself out.

Thanks! Praise me!

Since the setting is Japanese, I figure that dragons (or at least this one) will have elemental-themed abilities generally, instead of just one element, as in D&D. So I've included at least one special move for fire, lightning, water, and metal.

Here's her list of special attacks! Commentary, suggestions, and criticism phrased as telling me how great I am are welcome.

Techniques list

Furious Flame Fulmination (fire breath): Area Effect (10), Continued Effect (10), Ranged Strength-Powered (5), Ineffective 3 (-15), Affinity Fire/Heat
Righteous Rime Respire (ice breath): Area Effect (10), Impairing (10), Ranged Strength-Powered (5), Ineffective 3 (-15), Affinity Cold
Red Phoenix Sunrise (fireball): Ranged Strength-Powered (5), Affinity Fire/Heat
Skystrike Lance (lightning bolt): Accurate 2 (10), Ranged (0), Cancel: Grounded (-5), Affinity Electric
Jewelsteel Talon Swipe (shiny super claws): Armor-Piercing 2 (10), Affinity Metal
Crashing Tsunami Allure (water whip): Paralyzing (10), Ranged (0), Low Penetration (-5), Affinity Water
Fus Roh Dah (I have to, it's mandatory).: Area Effect (10), Ranged Strength-Powered (5), Stunning (10), Cancel: No Air (-5), Ineffective 3 (-15), Affinity Sound
Dragon Pearl Gleam (collateral damage super attack): Accurate 3 (15), Area Effect (10), Armor-Piercing (5), Strike-Through (5), Ranged Strength-Powered (5), Buildup 3 (-15), Cancel: Spiritual Purity (-10), Affinity Spirit

Transformed additional attacks, to represent a much larger and nonhumanoid body:

Turning Around in Confined Spaces (tail sweep): Area Effect (10), Reach 2 (10), Inaccurate (-5), Needs Space (-5), Requirement Transformation (-10), Affinity Blunt
Wing Storm: Accurate 2 (10), Area Effect (10), Ranged Strength-Powered (5), Low Penetration (-5), Needs Space (-5), Requirement Transformation (-10), Affinity Air
Big Step Smash (stomping on something and standing on it): Continued Effect (10), Paralyzing (20), Cancel: Airborne (-10), Unwieldy (-5), Requirement Transformation (-10), Affinity Blunt
Coming Through! (choo choo): Area Effect (40), Open to Attack (-25), Requirement Transformation (-10), Affinity Blunt

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