Jollycooperative / Kanako Uehara

Aug 15, 2024 1:21 pm
Hey, @jollycooperative! In this thread we shall discuss your character's generation!
Aug 16, 2024 12:17 am
I'm a bit indecisive here. I have a few concepts that could work, but I'm having difficulty zeroing in.

Option 1 - The Rough and Tumble classic delinquent. An anachronistic Sukeban-type with a strong force of personality... and a solid left hook. Formidable in combat but socially rough and on bad terms with the staff. Bit Tsundere. It could easily be an Oni (Namahage, perhaps?) or a Tengu, but something like a Bake-Danuki would suit a more mellow big sister type.

Option 2 - The young lady from a prestigious lineage. A character with a high-class background and the social privileges that come with it, but perhaps a bit isolated, naive, or lonely - could either embrace her heritage or try to carve her path. Vampire, Youko, and Yuki-Onna are shoe-ins here, but something unexpected like the child of a Yama-Uba could be a fun take.

Option 3 - The Eight-Grader Syndrome victim. Lovable braggart with a dramatic attitude who lives for attention and tells tall tales. Probably deeply insecure and likely not that powerful, but he has heart and innocence, and that counts for something. It could be a witch (occult maniac who keeps saying stuff, and you can't be sure if she made it up), a Hyakume (can you get more Chuuni than having dozens of evil eyes), or a Succubus (Psyche! Is not only powerful, but the least charismatic succubus ever to exist!)
Aug 16, 2024 12:24 am
Whoa! That's lots of ideas! You can see what the other player's are up too if that would help you decide. Personally, if I were you, I'd pick the second option (just because that would be my way of playing a dragon).
Aug 19, 2024 4:32 am
Thanks for your patience so far. I'll finalize my concept soon!
Aug 19, 2024 9:10 am
If my opinion helps settle things, I vote for the witch version of option 3.
Aug 21, 2024 12:27 am
So it took me a hot second, but uh, in my indecision, I ended up finalizing three concepts instead of one. Whoops.

Haruka Ooyama
[ +- ] Image
A Crow Tengu from a somewhat prestigious family, she's proven to be something of a rabble-rouser. Her impressive acrobatics and mastery over the winds have allowed her to get away with her provocative pranks so far and attract a gaggle of likeminded rascals, but it's probably only due to no one being seriously hurt that the staff hasn't been more stern with her. Away from her hometown for the first time, she's mostly trying to test her boundaries and assert herself.

Haruka has some grudge against humans due to past experiences and has vocally insisted that they are not to be trusted. Any human student suffers the brunt of her delinquency, and her opinions carry weight among some. In her monster form she shows two large black wings, and her hands and feet become wicked talons.

Her motto is to "Stand upwind of fires and liars."

Kanako Uehara
[ +- ] Human Form
[ +- ] Monster Form
Kanako is a bit of an oddity by Succubus standards. Some people who know her would never even guess she is one. She usually gives off the vibe of a quiet but opinionated Otaku who spends her free time reading dubious literature and delivering drive-by witticisms. The few who get to know her realize that a bombastic arrogance fuels her quietude.

Unlike most succubi, she never developed the typical bombshell body, and her powers of charm and seduction are subpar at best. Over time, her desire to compensate for her "deficiencies" festered into an Inferiority/Superiority complex. As such, she avoids most social activity, scorning larger friend groups as "shallow normies" who don't deserve her. Whenever she enters her complete monster form, her lousy attitude flares into a flashy performance of violence, as her ineptitude concerning charms and illusions does not extend to her physical abilities. Don't call her "battle outfit" a crummy cosplay; she might kick you through a wall.

Her motto is "Flat is Justice!" "I'm too valuable to waste my time."

Michi Mochizuki
[ +- ] Image
Michi has a question: isn't all of this stuff just passé?

Like, come on, we're going to go live in the middle of nowhere in the woods to commune with nature? Bo-ring. Yeah, the magic is incredible and all, but where's the actual mysteries? It's not back here where nothing is happening. Even Yokai and other monsters are a dime a dozen these days, yaaawn. Michi is a modern witch, and she has her more essential preoccupations.

More laconically, Michi is a country witch who sees the monster world as paradoxically mundane and whose desire for big-city excitement has roped her into the human occult craze. She's the prospective president of the occultism club, and she uses her magic primarily to pursue leads regarding UFO sightings, rumored "power spots," and tracking so-called cryptids. Her dedication borders on monomania and her grades would suffer if not for her prodigious intelligence.

Her motto is "If it's worth finding, it's worth believing."
Aug 21, 2024 1:07 pm
Whoa! What an interesting bunch! Whoever you pick, I'm surely featuring the other ones anyway in the game.

By the way, "Whoever you pick" will be a tricky question, it seems...
Aug 21, 2024 11:06 pm
I'm still partial to Michi. She would get along great with a dragon, you know! But the other two would clash with one, I think.
Aug 23, 2024 1:42 am
Sorry it took me so long to decide, but I ultimately chose the Succubus Kanako Uehara! It was a close race, but I think I'll enjoy this one the most.

Here's a preliminary stat spread -


Agile +2

Attack +3 (Armor Piercing +5)

Combat Expert +1

Evasive +2

Flight +2

Performer +1

Quick +1

Smart +1

Strong +2


Arrogant -2

Greedy -1

Ineptitude -3

Loner -2

Overconfident -1

(How does the Transformation ability work in the context of this game, where most characters can transform? Is it just assumed?)

(Also how would I go about creating a severely gimped Charm ability?)
Aug 23, 2024 2:53 am
Indeed, things that all characters have by default should be disregarded as just average. Transformation skill could work if your character have an advanced form (of your normal monster form), which is more powerful. Some races are shown to have it in lore, but the succubi never shown it; besides that, you could come up with it if you want to.

It depends on how you want to 'gimp' it, but that would be made with weaknesses. E. g. make it have have Endurance Use, or Trigger/Suppressed Power. Of course, the simpler way you could go with it is just to keep it the ability at a low value: whereas an average succubus would have a +3 (it could be an Unique Ability), she could have only a +1, for example.

As for your stats: all seems well, but I suggest you'd have more space for weaknesses, there's Sensitivity, which could reflect her insecurity to her 'subpar' body, Shy could work and, by what I could understand of her description, Short-Tempered could also fit.
You mustn't have your basic Attack linked to a Perk (as that could drain your Endurance very fast), but instead, remember your character can have multiple "Loadouts" of special moves.
Finally, considering her character concept of being a nerd, I'd like to point out that the Knowledge ability (which is the more specified version of Smart) only costs half the normal points, so that could be useful. In any roll involving knowledge of something, both Abilities would apply (adding them up)

By the way, it looks like your Total Abilities are at +15, and Total Weaknesses at -9, which adds up to 6, a point higher than permitted at Character Creation.
Aug 25, 2024 6:52 pm
Let's have another go, then.


Agile +2

Attack +3

Claw Attack +2 (Armor Piercing +5)

Combat Expert +1

Evasive +2

Flight +2

Knowledge +2 (Otaku Subculture)

Performer +1

Quick +1

Strong +2

Unique Ability (Charm) +1


Arrogant -2

Greedy -1

Ineptitude -3

Lecherous -2

Loner -2

Overconfident -1

Sensitivity (Physique) -2
Aug 25, 2024 7:12 pm
Looks like it's good.
Aug 29, 2024 2:00 pm
So what's the next step?
Aug 30, 2024 5:35 am
Hey! Sorry for taking long to answer you, I happened to forget to do it. Anyways. You could fill your sheet then, I just didn't understand what's claw attack +2? When you buy the Attack ability, you can use it for any attack moves you made, no need to buy it again.
Aug 31, 2024 2:47 pm
Ah, I must've misunderstood how the attack suites worked.
Aug 31, 2024 4:47 pm
Alright. If you have any doubt, let me know.
Aug 31, 2024 9:56 pm
By the way, I'd suggest having some points in Smart would make a lot of sense for a character like her (and be very helpful too).
Sep 6, 2024 2:44 am
Hi, about your character sheet: You don't need to put in (2d6)+Bonuses, just put the bonus number. Besides that, I didn't get the "5 boxes ticked out of 10" birthday =P

Anyway, I approved it, it seems to be all right.
Sep 6, 2024 8:44 pm
Moyreau says:
Hi, about your character sheet: You don't need to put in (2d6)+Bonuses, just put the bonus number. Besides that, I didn't get the "5 boxes ticked out of 10" birthday =P

Anyway, I approved it, it seems to be all right.
Yeah, I... I don't know what that was about either. I think I borked the formatting by accident.


Wait, is that because I typed in 6/10 oh god

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