Kaladan, Dragonborn Curator
Bells looks out the window and does see ropes dangling from the roof where there are broken windows. How they managed this is unknown.
Kaladan looks at the party, still in shock,
"I don't know anything of the black pearl beyond what is commonly known. It is a very rare gemstone, despite being called a pearl. It is rumored that it grows only near where the veil between the shadowfell and material plan is thinnest, but many people believe that is made up to explain how its black color is so dark it looks impossibly so. Valna, your elven diviner friend, told me to give it to her instead of displaying it, but I denied her request. I thought only she and I knew it was here, so when it became public knowledge tomorrow I would have much more security than I did tonight. Some diviner must have found out I had it."
Kaladan mentioned Valna. She is a high elf wizard who helped you all in your travels. When you would not know what to do, she would charge a free to use divination magic to help you go in the right direction. All of you are on at least friendly terms with her.
I see some players are taking a short rest already. I had planned for you to be able to take a short rest, but in the story you have not done so yet. You can keep any rolls already made, but none of that is in effect until the scene is over, especially since it has been maybe only 5 minutes since the enemies left.