Aug 17, 2024 8:44 pm
The Shadow Realm is home to both strange creatures and ordinary folks, all of them shaped by the land in one way or another. Among them, five groups have risen as the primary powers, each struggling to control the ebon tides and maintain their holdings. These are the bearfolk, darakhul, shadow fey, shadow goblins, and umbral humans. Each group rules their corners of the realm, governing settlements, constructing roads, and generally existing in large enough numbers to maintain their towns and cities.
Other groups—quicksteps, erina, and wyrd gnomes—had a foothold in the realm from the beginning as servitors of the shadow fey, and while many still fill that role, they have also carved out more modest holdings of their own. The ratatosk of course have a small presence everywhere that the World Tree’s branches reach, and the Stygian shades are simply the Shadow Realm’s unique form of the shades that appear anywhere that mortals dwell. And of course, a few peoples have come new to the shadows, only recently attracted to its mystery and power for various reasons, including the ravenfolk and the satarre.
In the Book of Ebon Tides are a lot of new races.
I will not be posting all the rule details of each race here, but I will give a brief intro to each race.
If you are interested in a race, I can share the details if you like.
Story should go before the rules. So, your character idea should be with a race because it fits the character you have in mind, not because of the biggest bonusses :)
But I understand stats are important, so I share them all here. It also gives a bit of an idea what race is good at what role.
Please note that the races in the book of Ebon Tides are quite more powerful than most traditional races.
Other groups—quicksteps, erina, and wyrd gnomes—had a foothold in the realm from the beginning as servitors of the shadow fey, and while many still fill that role, they have also carved out more modest holdings of their own. The ratatosk of course have a small presence everywhere that the World Tree’s branches reach, and the Stygian shades are simply the Shadow Realm’s unique form of the shades that appear anywhere that mortals dwell. And of course, a few peoples have come new to the shadows, only recently attracted to its mystery and power for various reasons, including the ravenfolk and the satarre.
In the Book of Ebon Tides are a lot of new races.
I will not be posting all the rule details of each race here, but I will give a brief intro to each race.
If you are interested in a race, I can share the details if you like.
Story should go before the rules. So, your character idea should be with a race because it fits the character you have in mind, not because of the biggest bonusses :)
But I understand stats are important, so I share them all here. It also gives a bit of an idea what race is good at what role.
Please note that the races in the book of Ebon Tides are quite more powerful than most traditional races.