Ebon Tide Races

Aug 17, 2024 8:44 pm
The Shadow Realm is home to both strange creatures and ordinary folks, all of them shaped by the land in one way or another. Among them, five groups have risen as the primary powers, each struggling to control the ebon tides and maintain their holdings. These are the bearfolk, darakhul, shadow fey, shadow goblins, and umbral humans. Each group rules their corners of the realm, governing settlements, constructing roads, and generally existing in large enough numbers to maintain their towns and cities.

Other groups—quicksteps, erina, and wyrd gnomes—had a foothold in the realm from the beginning as servitors of the shadow fey, and while many still fill that role, they have also carved out more modest holdings of their own. The ratatosk of course have a small presence everywhere that the World Tree’s branches reach, and the Stygian shades are simply the Shadow Realm’s unique form of the shades that appear anywhere that mortals dwell. And of course, a few peoples have come new to the shadows, only recently attracted to its mystery and power for various reasons, including the ravenfolk and the satarre.
In the Book of Ebon Tides are a lot of new races.
I will not be posting all the rule details of each race here, but I will give a brief intro to each race.
If you are interested in a race, I can share the details if you like.

Story should go before the rules. So, your character idea should be with a race because it fits the character you have in mind, not because of the biggest bonusses :)

But I understand stats are important, so I share them all here. It also gives a bit of an idea what race is good at what role.

Please note that the races in the book of Ebon Tides are quite more powerful than most traditional races.
Aug 17, 2024 8:50 pm
Shadowborn Bearfolk
All bearfolk share an inherent iron resolve, but none more so than those who call the Shadow Realm their home. The bearfolk who hail from the Moonlit Glades are hardened by a life of constant peril—the ever-present battle against shadow corruption. Only by banding together in tight-knit communities dedicated to fulfilling their noble purpose have the bearfolk miraculously continued to thrive.

Since Mesikämmen the Bear King issued his fateful decree, the bearfolk have fought as a source of light in the Shadow Realm. While most of the region is deadly to even the most capable of travelers, the bearfolk have carved out pockets of safety guarded by druidic magic.

Hard-won wisdom has taught the bearfolk the secrets of resisting and purifying shadow corruption. As their mission to drive back the darkness has grown over the centuries, generations of bearfolk have been born in the Shadow Realm. And the longer they stay, the more of each new generation shows an innate power to shape the darkness that surrounds them.

As a shadowborn bearfolk, you are one of the cubs born in the Shadow Realm with a proclivity for the darkness. Shadowborn are marked by gray coats from infancy and sometimes possess strangely arcane black markings. Shadowborn not only seem to resist the darkness more easily than other bearfolk but are also often drawn to its presence.
Think: Bear People, strong and powerful, excellent melee fighters.

STR+2, DEX+1
Aug 17, 2024 8:54 pm
Darakhul (Ghouls)
The darakhul are no strangers to darkness, and over the years, the members of the Twilight Empire deftly adapted to their new home and carved out a thriving civilization in the Shadow Realm. They have grown into a powerful force.

Living flesh is scarce in the Shadow Realm, so while the darakhul still hunt the living denizens of the plane and maintain elaborate trade networks to secure living cargo from mortal lands, they have discovered that the crackling trees—an invasive species originating in Evermaw—can assuage much of their hunger, and they have learned to subsist on the blood-like sap drawn from these trees. This practice marks them though, for the corruption inherent in the flora causes a permanent blackening of the teeth, recession of the gums, and shriveling of the flesh around the mouth. As a result, the darakhul of the Shadow Realm are much less concerned with concealing their true nature. After all, they are far from the worst things that stalk the darkness.

Life as the ravenous undead comes with challenges for an adventurer. People revile the darakhul universally as scavengers at best and asloathsome, murdering abominations at worst. For such a being, participating as a member of an adventuring party is complicated.

One of the touchstones that provides stability in your new form is your old life. While you have urges and thoughts that are dark and terrible, memories and feelings from your life before undeath might resurface to help you cope. Sometimes these flashes are corrupted versions of your old self, manifesting in your mind in new ways. Other times the recollections and feelings bubble up unfiltered, reminding you of a time when you were alive. Both are painful, but pain can be instructive.

A major question you have to answer when you play a darakhul is, "How am I dealing with the change that transformed me into a darakhul?" Have you fully accepted your new situation, embracing your new powers and hungers as a boon? Do you fight against your urges daily, seeking to return to your old self? What were your goals before your transformation, and do you still pursue them? Are your new goals simply about survival, or are those aspirations a twisted reflection of the goals you had as a living creature?

Regardless of your current monstrous state, who you once were has a powerful effect on who you are now. The carefree spirit of a halfling,the fiendish urges of a tiefling, or the creative spark of a gnome: all of these do not leave you simply because of your new form. How do those traits manifest themselves in you now?

There is a great deal of narrative, dramatic, and roleplaying potential in that tension between the old self and the new. Darakhul may be undead, but they still must function in their own society—be it on the surface or in the empires beneath the surface. Most still have jobs to do and dreams to fulfill within their societies.

Before the terrible scourge of darakhul fever transformed you into an undead creature, you belonged to another race. Although your undead self now rules you, some remnant of your past form clings to you, making you different from the darakhul created from other races. Sometimes you retain a trait, but more likely, you now have a trait that is a corruption of one you once possessed. For example, the elemental spark in a dragonborn is perverted into one of a more necrotic bent. The luck inherent in a halfling’s spirit twists into a power that brings ill fortune to their enemies.

For some reason only Bearfolk and Goblin heritages are given. If you want another heritage, we can come up with one that is in same powerlevels and matches the race you want to inherit.

Bear heritage: STR+2
Goblin heritage: DEX+2
Aug 17, 2024 8:56 pm
Shadow Fey
Shadow fey are the most abundant and established of the races who dwell in the Shadow Realm. They were long ago stolen away from the Bright Lands with promises of power. To outsiders, however, their origins are steeped in mystery. The shadow fey rule from their various courts fraught with intrigue and social maneuvering.

Shadow fey are immune to the shadow corruption that threatens those from the mortal world, but this protection comes at a cost. Above all else, shadow fey want to experience the tantalizing emotions and passions that do not come easily to them. Plenty of courtly resources go toward the cultivation and trade of these emotions made tangible by fey magic (see Chapter 10 for examples of such memory philters).

Outside of the courts, shadow fey have built magnificent lantern-lit cities and fortresses that mark crossroads throughout the Shadow Realm. They have a deep knowledge of this dark land, and a long history with its powers, places, and secrets.

A shadow fey character could easily be a minor noble from the courts of the shadow fey (see Chapter 6), from one of the handful of cities of the Shadow Realm, or from a remote outpost, where those deemed unfit for politics are trained to be scouts and hunters.

Shadow fey resemble elves physically but with some striking differences. Their skin color tends toward alabaster white, ebon black, or subtle grays. Many have horns that range widely in size and shape.

A Life at Court. The shadow fey are heavily concerned with courtly politics and often spend their lives positioning themselves to fall in the good graces of the lords and ladies who rule the realm. These fey are skilled manipulators and negotiators, raised from youth to be quick both with words and with the blade. Involvement in the eternal drama of the courts gives purpose to their long lives. Still, their constant desire for novelty can easily see them indulge in long periods of travel or other worthwhile pursuits.
Shadow Fey are a subrace of Elves

CHA+1 (and as all Elves, DEX+2)

Lunar Elves
Lunar elves are an offshoot of shadow fey and are quite rare, and their births are typically regarded as an auspicious omen. If the origin of the shadow fey is mysterious, then that of the lunar elves is even more so, though many lunar elves have been recently drawn toward the Moonlit King, seeking out this exiled sovereign. Always born under the light of the full moons, these shadow fey seem saturated with its light. Lunar elves are not automatically ostracized from the shadow fey courts, but many prefer to take up duties that remove themselves from the watchful eyes of the shadow fey nobles: serving as an emissary to the Moonlit Glades, taking up residence in the Starry Court, or training to hunt the beasts of the region is often preferable to the suspicious gaze of the Queen of Night and Magic.

Lunar elves are identical in appearance to shadow fey except their skin glows in the dark, and they have luminous silver eyes. While lunar elves can learn to suppress this glowing effect, moments of strong emotion tend to reveal their true natures. The horns of lunar elves tend to be long, spiraled, and pearlescent.
Lunar Elves are a subrace of Elves

WIS+1 (and as all Elves, DEX+2)

Sable Elves
When the elves first began to decline, some chose to stand their ground while others accepted a pact with the shadows. And then there were the sable elves who simply chose to run. Unfortunately, this splinter group of indecisive elves quickly made enemies, and they were scorned by the elves who had seized the opportunity to forge a shadow pact. So now, these sable elves are scattered about the realms in perpetual disgrace, not belonging anywhere. However, they have one redoubt of their own, the Court of Golden Oak (see Chapter 6).

The few sable elves that remain possess the last vestiges of powerful elven magic that helped shape the early phases of the world, and they guard their secrets in isolation. Since there are so few of these elves remaining and only one community to speak of, the sable elf lineage is rapidly dying out. Their power allows these ancient elves to survive in almost any climate, and the dark forests of the Shadow Realm house a handful of these wanderers.

Sable elves are dark-eyed, often either red-haired or raven-haired, and silver-skinned. They have tall, willowy frames, similar to other elves. Most carry an irrepressible aura of world-weariness.
Sable Elves are a subrace of Elves

INT+1 (and as all Elves, DEX+2)
Aug 17, 2024 9:01 pm
Shadow Goblins
Shadow goblins evolved to thrive in the Shadow Realm as servitors and allies of the shadow fey. In time, they founded their own city and have cut their own path. These goblins are closer to fey than they are to their monstrous cousins in the mortal lands, and they possess cunning dispositions that allow them to integrate into the shadow courts. They are often blue- or purple-skinned and with bright orange or yellow eyes. And they have a knack for blending into shadows. Good rogues and even better assassins, shadow goblins have a dark reputation but also delight in low humor, drunkenness, roughhousing and wrestling, and other feats of skill (which they often lose).

Shadow goblins are masters of deception and learn from infancy to take advantage of those who would underestimate them. These creatures share the natural resistance shadow fey have to the corrupting influence of the Shadow Realm, and they demonstrate a surprising affinity for shadow weaving and lunar magic. Naturally, their knack for magic is something most shadow goblins keep as an advantageous secret.
DEX+2, CON+1
Aug 17, 2024 9:07 pm
Umbral Humans
The Shadow Realm twists beings with its magic, and in the case of the umbral humans, this influence can have radical effects. These umbral folk are not merely humans corrupted by shadow but rather slowly transformed by their exposure to shadow over generations, gradually becoming inured to it. These are the changelings.

Beyond shadow’s natural and inevitable influence, the shadow fey have long experimented with the shadows and its effects on mortals, whether to punish the foolish or to create better servants—or just for fun—and some umbral humans, those that survive, are the result of these rituals. These twisted souls are often labeled as the gifted by others, but they rarely if ever think of themselves in such terms.
One stat +1, any other stat +2

Changelings are the natural result of humans adapting to a life in the shadows over multiple generations. Originally, humans were stolen from the mortal lands to serve their shadow fey masters—or just on a whim—and many more humans simply got lost on a shadow road or abandoned and ultimately became stranded in the Shadow Realm. And that new life in shadows must ultimately change a mortal.

Changelings resemble their cousins from the mortal lands but with the hallmarks of a life in the shadows, similar to how shadow fey differ from other elves. Their skin color tends toward alabaster white, ebon black, or subtle grays. Some have even grown rudimentary horns, like shadow fey. Their appearance may change further in generations to come—perhaps constantly evolving and even drastically diverging in some ways.
CHA +1 on top of regular Umbral Human stats

The Gifted
Dealing with the fey is dangerous, and the gifted are living proof. These broken souls are those umbral humans that have drunk a bit too deeply, too quickly, of the shadows. This transformation is often initiated by the shadow fey, though not always, for there are many dark powers in the shadows. It could be an unwilling change, forced upon an unfortunate soul, or it could be in payment for some fey pact, whether as boon or bane.

The gifted can vary widely in their physical appearance, depending on the nature of the change. Sometimes they appear as "normal" umbral humans and sometimes they’ll appear as shadow fey. Still other times, the change can cause minor cosmetic changes or even more dramatic and severe changes: tails, hooves, vestigial wings, and the like are not unknown—not to mention the mental and emotional alterations that can accompany them. No matter how small the physical change though, a gifted always bears some sign visible to at least themselves.

Occasionally, the change robs the individual of their memories.
WIS +1 on top of regular Umbral Human stats

The Gifted has to chose between a few deals made with the Fey. One of these deals is Min-Max paradise for any SAD-class. Not too sure how I feel about that one tbh.
Aug 17, 2024 9:21 pm
Quicksteps were among the servitors the shadow fey brought with them when they first came to the Shadow Realm. Like the shadow fey, quicksteps are innately resilient to the corruption that infuses the area, and they embrace life in the courts with aplomb. Most quicksteps have a fondness for finery and feel right at home amid the riches of court life. As their name implies, quicksteps possess a natural affinity for speed, which makes them exquisitely qualified for two favored shadow fey pastimes: sabotage and dueling.

Quicksteps are rarely found outside the fey courts but have thriving communities within many of the courts, most notably in the Court of Midnight Teeth and the Court of Winter’s Love. Yet quicksteps are not immune to the wanderlust most fey experience. These small fey make for skilled and efficient adventurers and are typically welcome in any company hoping to traverse the dangerous Shadow Realm.
Fast and small

DEX+2, CHA+1
This race is not native to the Shadow Realm and is a traveller. It is an import from other Kobold Press material.
It is still in the book of Ebon Tides and therefor allowed. Details on this race are limited however.
Aug 17, 2024 9:23 pm
In recent decades, the squirrel-like beings called ratatosk have grown bored with simply safeguarding the World Tree and have decided to more actively battle corruption in the Shadow Realm. Being exuberant sentinels against all things evil—and having large personalities—ratatosks are often at odds with many of the Shadow Realm natives.

Ratatosks are insatiable tricksters. Sharing gossip from across the planes, they delight in learning secrets and spreading those tidbits of information in mischievous ways. Resembling squirrels with sleek fur and small tusks, they form close matriarchal familial units called drays within larger communities called scurries. More adventurous ratatosks often act as planar guides and guardians, though it is not uncommon to find squirrel-folk offering their services as couriers, thieves, or even spies.
DEX+2, STR-2

The ekorre are the image most have in mind when discussing ratatosks. Superficially similar to squirrels, they have sleek fur, often in shades of red and brown, and tiny tusks. These celestials dwell upon Yggdrasil and all its branches. Clever, egotistical, and endlessly curious, the ekorre carry messages across the planes, sharing information from individual to individual in a never-ending gossip network.
INT or CHA +1

The tradvakt, also called ratatosk warlords, believe themselves to be the guardians and protectors of Yggdrasil and the branches of the World Tree. Larger than their ekorre cousins, the tradvakt train from a young age to master weapons and battle tactics. They act to maintain order in their communities and stamp out dangers that threaten those settlements.

Tradvakt who become adventurers do so for a wide variety of reasons. Some seek a more proactive way to combat evil before it can threaten the World Tree. Others simply wish to prove their martial skills. No matter the reason, tradvakt will rise to any challenge and be victorious.
This race is not native to the Shadow Realm and is a traveller. It is an import from other Kobold Press material.
It is still in the book of Ebon Tides and therefor allowed. Details on this race are limited however.
Aug 17, 2024 9:26 pm
The erina are a race of bipedal folk that resemble hedgehogs. Originally hailing from the Bright Lands, the shadow fey brought erinas along as servitors when they first came to the Shadow Realm, where they quickly adapted to the shadows and have learned to thrive in the dark forests and underground warrens. Their natural propensity for exploration and their unrivaled burrowing skills mean that they’ve tunneled their way to many a strange new locale—including the mortal realms. They’ve primarily settled around the plateau that hosts the Queen’s Wood and the Silver Hills, but regular bands of explorers, naturalists, and wilderness guides have established underground camps throughout the realm.

The shadow fey are not entirely pleased by the erinas’ wanderlust (making them less than entirely useful servants) nor with their open policy of assisting travelers in and out of the Shadow Realm through their underground shadow roads. However, at least for now, it is easier for the shadow fey to ignore these aspects of the crafty survivalists.
CHA or DEX +1
This race is not native to the Shadow Realm and is a traveller. It is an import from other Kobold Press material.
It is still in the book of Ebon Tides and therefor allowed. Details on this race are limited however.
Aug 17, 2024 9:28 pm
A growing proportion of ravenfolk have joined a mystery cult in the Shadow Realm; some claim this cult is new and others that it has ancient roots and is just now being revived. These ravenfolk call themselves Seekers of the Sublime and reportedly are drawn by a mysterious psychic song. Their numbers are still few, but more arrive along the shadow roads from the mortal lands regularly, waiting for the unknown singer to reveal their intentions. This network is highly secretive about the details of their mission, but so far, they have not conducted open hostilities against the other peoples of shadow.
DEX+2, CHA+1
This race is not native to the Shadow Realm and is a traveller. It is an import from other Kobold Press material.
It is still in the book of Ebon Tides and therefor allowed. Details on this race are limited however.
Aug 17, 2024 9:29 pm
Satarre are renowned planar travelers, and visits to the Shadow Realm are no exception. As the populations of races grow in the various kingdoms of shadow, so the network of gateways feeding into their shadow roads also grows. None are more aware of this than the unbound satarre, a small faction zealously dedicated to unraveling barriers between the worlds. The unbound satarre are a curiosity even among their own kind since they have an instinctual sensitivity to places of transition. An unbound satarre is compelled to find such gateways and widen their influence through mundane or magical means.
CON+2, WIS+1
This race is not native to the Shadow Realm and is a traveller. It is an import from other Kobold Press material.
It is still in the book of Ebon Tides and therefor allowed. Details on this race are limited however.
Aug 17, 2024 9:30 pm
Wyrd Gnome
Wyrd gnomes are accomplished arcanists and have a preferred status as servitors to shadow fey, having come with them to the Shadow Realm. Wyrd gnomes possess physical traits typical to the type of gnomes to which they are born, but they are born with two different colored eyes: the right one always blue, the left one always green. Wyrd gnomes possess an innate prescient ability that grows stronger in proximity to other wyrd gnomes. Some gnome communities find their powers a blessing while others find it disturbing. Over generations, wyrd gnomes have gathered together in small communities of their own kind. However, wyrd gnomes don’t always birth more wyrd gnomes, and their communities and families have gnomes of other varieties within them.

Given the collective prescient power of wyrd gnome communities, they can be fascinating places to visit. Travelers may enter an inn to find the food and drink they wished to order already in place on a table. Conversations may start with wyrd gnomes giving answers before the questions are asked.
Wyrd Gnome is a subrace of Gnome
WIS+1 (and INT+2 like all gnomes)
This race is not native to the Shadow Realm and is a traveller. It is an import from other Kobold Press material.
It is still in the book of Ebon Tides and therefor allowed. Details on this race are limited however.

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