
Aug 17, 2024 9:39 pm
In the Book of Ebon Tides are 10 new subclasses.
I will not be posting all the rule details of each subclass here, but I will give a brief intro to each subclass with the abilities they get below level 10. If we continue the game after level 8, and beyond level 10 even, that will be a long time away. If you are interested in a subclass, I can share the details if you like.

Story should go before the rules. So, your character idea should be with a subclass because it fits the character you have in mind, not because of the biggest bonusses :)
Aug 17, 2024 9:45 pm
Druid - Circle of Shadows

Druids who belong to the Circle of Shadows embrace the primal power of darkness as the purest distillation of the natural world. While other druids might concern themselves with balance, the Circle of Shadows understands that all things eventually return to darkness, so it must be understood.

- Level 2: Can spend a use of wildshape to transform into a shadowy smoke (normal wildshape is still available too)
- Level 6: You can bring a creature's shadow to life as a Shadow (monster).

Circle spells by druid level
2nd bane, false life
3rd darkness, darkvision
5th blink, fear
7th black tentacles, greater invisibility
9th cone of cold, dream
Aug 17, 2024 9:49 pm
Bard - College of Shadow
Fear of darkness is one of the most primal emotions, and bards of the College of Shadow manipulate such fears to enhance their artistry. These bards weave the gray boundaries between light and dark to terrify and inspire captive audiences.

- You can use a BI to create a sphere of darkness around you that gives half cover to all your allies within
- You and your allies have advantage to save vs fear, your enemies have disadvantage
- At level 6: if an allies uses your BI, they can teleport 30'
Aug 17, 2024 9:54 pm
Cleric - Keeper Domain
The Keeper domain focuses on social bonds and well-regulated communities. These communities might be as small as an adventuring party or as large as a city, but all require safety and comfort to thrive. Keeper domain clerics excel in leadership positions and are the first to take up arms when their homes or allies need protection.

- Proficieny in martial weapons and persuasion
- Level 1: Use reaction to give an enemy disadvantage to an attack against an ally
- Channel divinity: Chose WIS creatures, they get 5 Temp HP and can immediatelly use their reaction for a weapon attack
- Level 6: Remove certain conditions as a reaction, the moment they are applied
- Level 8: Once per turn enemies must save or be knocked prone if you attack them with your weapon

Domain spells by cleric level
1st command, hunter’s mark
3rd calm emotions, warding bond
5th beacon of hope, spirit guardians
7th death ward, guardian of faith
9th hallow, telepathic bond
Aug 17, 2024 9:58 pm
Sorcerer - Light Weaver Origin
Your powers are drawn from the spark of light kindled within you. In places of great darkness, there are always those born with the affinity for light, and every shadow must have a shining source. The magic within you represents cosmic balance, and like the light, your magic flickers from radiance to darkness moment to moment.

- Level 1: See through any kind of darkness (incl magical)
- Level 1: Create an aura of light or darkness around you as an action. You must chose light or dark after each long rest
- Level 6: Spend 3 sorcery points to create an shield around you, enemies that hit you suffer damage while the shield is active
Aug 17, 2024 10:03 pm
Warlock - Mother of Sorrows Patron
Universal suffering has given rise to an enigmatic being known as the Mother of Sorrows, and warlocks who bind themselves to her cause seek to spread her poisonous vengeance. The Mother of Sorrows was born from the suffering of parents who have lost children to pestilence, disease, and treachery, and her gifts grant warlocks the power to avenge the thousands of sorrows laid at her feet.

- Level 1: You ignore poison resistance and immunity on your enemies
- Level 1: Get a bonus action that works like a slighter weaker version of Hex (no combo with Eldritch Blast) but costs no spells slots and deals poison damage.
- Level 6: You can use your reaction to try to give the poisoned condition to those who hurt you

Expanded spells by spell level
1st detect poison and disease, inflict wounds
2nd ray of enfeeblement, silence
3rd stinking cloud, vampiric touch
4th greater invisibility, phantasmal killer
5th cloudkill, contagion
Aug 17, 2024 10:07 pm
Wizard - Shadow Arcane Tradition
The powers of shadow are an obsession for wizards who follow the Shadow Arcane tradition. Because they understand shadow’s tantalizing powers—and seek to learn more—these practitioners infuse their very beings with it to discover its secrets firsthand.

- Level 2: You can bond a shadow to you to get darkvision and see in magical darkness but are sensitive to sunlight.
- Level 2: You can sacrifice 2 spells slots to regain 1 spell slot of the combined level
- Level 6: As a reaction you can create a field of darkness around you, causing any incoming attack to have potential disadvantage
- Level 10: Begin most combats hidden
Aug 17, 2024 10:11 pm
Cleric - Shadow Domain

- Level 1: Gain proficiency in stealth, gain darkvision or more darkvision range, hide as a bonus action in dim light or darkness
- Level 1: Use your shadow to deliver touch spells within 15'
- Channel Divinity: Let an enemy be restrained or grappled by his own shadow
- Level 6: Become invisible in dimlight or darkness as a bonus action
- Level 8: Add WIS to cantrip damage

Domain spells by cleric level
1st bane, false life
3rd blindness/deafness, darkness
5th blink, fear
7th black tentacles, greater invisibility
9th cone of cold, dream
Aug 17, 2024 10:15 pm
Barbarian - Shadow Gnawer
Dark energy infuses the Shadow Realm, corrupting and corroding everything it touches. Some barbarians intentionally consume this raw shadow, infusing their bodies with shadow energy to manifest potent magical abilities.

Many of the barbarians who walk this path do so to absorb harmful shadow magic into themselves in order to protect others from its influence. A smaller group consumes shadow simply because they cannot resist its ever-present temptation.

- Level 3: When raging: Any creature starting their turn within 10' from you has disadvantage on their first attack
- Level 6: As an action teleport 60' through shadows and make one melee attack before or after the teleport
- Level 10: As a bonus action eat the shadows and heal HP now and a tiny bit every round
Aug 17, 2024 10:19 pm
Rogue - Umbral Binder
Some rogues are content to steal mere treasures, but umbral binders possess the energies that shape the world. Through secret rites and rituals, these rogues have learned to bind the powers of shadow into themselves and to use its power to fuel their abilities.

- Level 3: Gain long ranged darkvision
- Level 3: Perform a ritual for 1 hour to gain a benefit (teleportation as part of your move, half-cover or extra damage) until perform the ritual again
- Level 9: You can sneak attack creatures in dim light or darkness as long as you don't have disadvantage
Aug 17, 2024 10:22 pm
Monk - Way of the Prophet
Monks who follow the Way of the Prophet refuse to cloister the wisdom they have learned. They are driven to spread their knowledge to all the peoples of the land. Some are set on this path by divine intervention. Others take up the prophet’s mantle out of a sense of personal obligation, and they all share a deep-rooted faith that empowers their actions.

- Level 3: Gain proficiency in performance and persuasion. You can use WIS for all your CHA checks instead of CHA
- Level 3: Spend Ki to cast charm person (1), command (1) or suggestion (2)
- Level 6: On hit, spend 1 Ki to deal extra damage equal to your prof bonus, 1/turn

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