Aug 29, 2024 8:50 am
Archonteans (Ar-KON-tee-ehns)
Properly the term refers to the humans from the great city of Archontos, capital of the empire and dominant center on the island of Mithruin, but it has come to refer to any citizen of the empire, regardless of where he/she resides.
Archonteans are typically medium height (5’4" to 5’7"), with black or dark brown hair and slightly olive-coloured skin. They are naturally arrogant when dealing with ‘barbarians’, even while deferring to the myriad social hierarchies that govern Archontean society. Archontean society is highly ordered, with a strong belief in the ‘city’ as the natural building block of civilization.
While Archonteans do farm, the elites typically run their plantations from the nearest ‘civilized’ location. As a result of their urban focus, the Archonteans have been great builders, of towns and cities, bridges, aqueducts, roads, and fortifications.
Archonteans are modelled on the ancient Romans and Byzantines. In antiquity, their names were Latinate, typically with two names (e.g., Priscus Pulcher, Marius Tricotor). About a millennium ago, however, their names have shifted to a more Greek, or Byzantine, style. Hence, the names of the powerful clans Basileus and Ligareus shifted to become Basileon and Ligareon; similarly personal names have ceased to favour names like Priscus, Marius, Julia, and Licinia and instead favour names such as Alexios, Georgios, Marcion, and Theodora.
Modern Archontean male names typically end in -on, -ion, -os, or -ios, while female names typically end in -a or -is. Modern male Archontean names: Alexios, Anaximander, Basil, Belisarios, Hector, Heraclion, Iskander, Kallion, Lukon, Marcion, Melchior, Paullor, Teodor, Uriel, Valerian. Modern female Archontean names: Alexia, Basina, Berenice, Callista, Eudocia, Helena, Megaris, Petronia, Sarabel, Syagria, Theodora.
In simple terms, you can think of this as a Roman/Greek/Mediterranean-type culture.
Khumus (Koo-moose)
The Khumus are a nomadic horse-people. They inhabit the far western side of Irthuin, and their Khor-ate is separated from the Thorcinga and Archonteans by the vast forests of central Irthuin. The Khumus are small (5’1" to 5’5"), swarthy, and typically expert riders and bowmen. They are only rarely encountered in the Archontean territories. Khumus is used both as a noun and as an adjective. Male Khumus names: Arslan, Batengis, Batu, Ganzorig, Nergui. Female Khumus names: Enegen, Gerel, Khulan, Sarnai, Sube.
In simple terms, you can think of this as a Central Asian/Mongolian-type culture.
Thorcinga (thor-KING-ga)
The origin of these inhabitants of the western continent of Irthuin is opaque. Physically they range in size and coloring, a fact that outsiders use to claim that they are a hybrid people. Some Archontean sages, in fact, believe that the Thorcinga are the descendants of the ancient Archonteans abandoned on Irthuin when the empire pulled back to Archontos about 1,200 years ago. Whatever their origin, however, the Thorcinga have established their own distinctive culture.
Although the Thorcinga did occupy the old Archontean cities and maintained them as trading depots, the Thorcinga prefer a rural life. A hereditary aristocracy (the thegns) holds title to most of the cultivated land and other rights of wealth; lesser folk living in villages or manors owe taxes (in kind) and service to their local thegn. Since the return of the Archonteans to Irthuin 350 years ago, and the re-establishment of imperial exarchates at Narsileon and Arcturos, many Thorcinga have chafed at the reappearance of imperial law and bureaucracy. A Thorcin Recovery League (TRL) has sprung up, led by a possibly mythical figure known as Eadric Strigona, with the purpose of permanently driving the Archonteans from Irthuin.
Thorcinga is the collective noun; Thorcin (THOR-kin) is the substantive noun and adjective. Their names are loosely derived from the stock of English names of the Anglo-Saxon period. Male Thorcin names: Aelfric, Aethelred, Colmund, Edric, Godric, Horsa, Swithun. Female Thorcin names: Aethelflad, Cyneburga, Eadgithu, Ebbe, Thalia.
In simple terms, you can think of this as an Anglo-Saxon-type culture.
Wiskinga (wis-KING-ga)
Inhabitants of Borealios, the Wiskinga are typically tall, blonde or red-haired, and fair-skinned. Their society is more tribal than that of the Archonteans, being based on small kinship groupings clustered around a chieftain’s hall. Wiskin society values physical skills and ability, and reaving is an ancient and well-respected tradition among young Wiskinga. It is also common for young Wiskinga to journey within the Archontean empire, seeking glory, adventure, and wealth before returning to the ancestral steading.
Wiskinga is the collective noun, Wiskin (WIS-kin) is the substantive noun and adjective. Their names are loosely based on Old Norse naming conventions. Male Wiskin names: Bjorn, Hjalti, Njal, Olaf, Thorvald. Female Wiskin names: Birte, Freya, Gudrun, Gunhild, Hallgerd.
In simple terms, you can think of this as a Norse/Viking/Scandinavian-type culture.
Archonteans (Ar-KON-tee-ehns)
Properly the term refers to the humans from the great city of Archontos, capital of the empire and dominant center on the island of Mithruin, but it has come to refer to any citizen of the empire, regardless of where he/she resides.
Archonteans are typically medium height (5’4" to 5’7"), with black or dark brown hair and slightly olive-coloured skin. They are naturally arrogant when dealing with ‘barbarians’, even while deferring to the myriad social hierarchies that govern Archontean society. Archontean society is highly ordered, with a strong belief in the ‘city’ as the natural building block of civilization.
While Archonteans do farm, the elites typically run their plantations from the nearest ‘civilized’ location. As a result of their urban focus, the Archonteans have been great builders, of towns and cities, bridges, aqueducts, roads, and fortifications.
Archonteans are modelled on the ancient Romans and Byzantines. In antiquity, their names were Latinate, typically with two names (e.g., Priscus Pulcher, Marius Tricotor). About a millennium ago, however, their names have shifted to a more Greek, or Byzantine, style. Hence, the names of the powerful clans Basileus and Ligareus shifted to become Basileon and Ligareon; similarly personal names have ceased to favour names like Priscus, Marius, Julia, and Licinia and instead favour names such as Alexios, Georgios, Marcion, and Theodora.
Modern Archontean male names typically end in -on, -ion, -os, or -ios, while female names typically end in -a or -is. Modern male Archontean names: Alexios, Anaximander, Basil, Belisarios, Hector, Heraclion, Iskander, Kallion, Lukon, Marcion, Melchior, Paullor, Teodor, Uriel, Valerian. Modern female Archontean names: Alexia, Basina, Berenice, Callista, Eudocia, Helena, Megaris, Petronia, Sarabel, Syagria, Theodora.
In simple terms, you can think of this as a Roman/Greek/Mediterranean-type culture.
Khumus (Koo-moose)
The Khumus are a nomadic horse-people. They inhabit the far western side of Irthuin, and their Khor-ate is separated from the Thorcinga and Archonteans by the vast forests of central Irthuin. The Khumus are small (5’1" to 5’5"), swarthy, and typically expert riders and bowmen. They are only rarely encountered in the Archontean territories. Khumus is used both as a noun and as an adjective. Male Khumus names: Arslan, Batengis, Batu, Ganzorig, Nergui. Female Khumus names: Enegen, Gerel, Khulan, Sarnai, Sube.
In simple terms, you can think of this as a Central Asian/Mongolian-type culture.
Thorcinga (thor-KING-ga)
The origin of these inhabitants of the western continent of Irthuin is opaque. Physically they range in size and coloring, a fact that outsiders use to claim that they are a hybrid people. Some Archontean sages, in fact, believe that the Thorcinga are the descendants of the ancient Archonteans abandoned on Irthuin when the empire pulled back to Archontos about 1,200 years ago. Whatever their origin, however, the Thorcinga have established their own distinctive culture.
Although the Thorcinga did occupy the old Archontean cities and maintained them as trading depots, the Thorcinga prefer a rural life. A hereditary aristocracy (the thegns) holds title to most of the cultivated land and other rights of wealth; lesser folk living in villages or manors owe taxes (in kind) and service to their local thegn. Since the return of the Archonteans to Irthuin 350 years ago, and the re-establishment of imperial exarchates at Narsileon and Arcturos, many Thorcinga have chafed at the reappearance of imperial law and bureaucracy. A Thorcin Recovery League (TRL) has sprung up, led by a possibly mythical figure known as Eadric Strigona, with the purpose of permanently driving the Archonteans from Irthuin.
Thorcinga is the collective noun; Thorcin (THOR-kin) is the substantive noun and adjective. Their names are loosely derived from the stock of English names of the Anglo-Saxon period. Male Thorcin names: Aelfric, Aethelred, Colmund, Edric, Godric, Horsa, Swithun. Female Thorcin names: Aethelflad, Cyneburga, Eadgithu, Ebbe, Thalia.
In simple terms, you can think of this as an Anglo-Saxon-type culture.
Wiskinga (wis-KING-ga)
Inhabitants of Borealios, the Wiskinga are typically tall, blonde or red-haired, and fair-skinned. Their society is more tribal than that of the Archonteans, being based on small kinship groupings clustered around a chieftain’s hall. Wiskin society values physical skills and ability, and reaving is an ancient and well-respected tradition among young Wiskinga. It is also common for young Wiskinga to journey within the Archontean empire, seeking glory, adventure, and wealth before returning to the ancestral steading.
Wiskinga is the collective noun, Wiskin (WIS-kin) is the substantive noun and adjective. Their names are loosely based on Old Norse naming conventions. Male Wiskin names: Bjorn, Hjalti, Njal, Olaf, Thorvald. Female Wiskin names: Birte, Freya, Gudrun, Gunhild, Hallgerd.
In simple terms, you can think of this as a Norse/Viking/Scandinavian-type culture.