
Aug 29, 2024 8:50 am
Archonteans (Ar-KON-tee-ehns)
Properly the term refers to the humans from the great city of Archontos, capital of the empire and dominant center on the island of Mithruin, but it has come to refer to any citizen of the empire, regardless of where he/she resides.

Archonteans are typically medium height (5’4" to 5’7"), with black or dark brown hair and slightly olive-coloured skin. They are naturally arrogant when dealing with ‘barbarians’, even while deferring to the myriad social hierarchies that govern Archontean society. Archontean society is highly ordered, with a strong belief in the ‘city’ as the natural building block of civilization.

While Archonteans do farm, the elites typically run their plantations from the nearest ‘civilized’ location. As a result of their urban focus, the Archonteans have been great builders, of towns and cities, bridges, aqueducts, roads, and fortifications.

Archonteans are modelled on the ancient Romans and Byzantines. In antiquity, their names were Latinate, typically with two names (e.g., Priscus Pulcher, Marius Tricotor). About a millennium ago, however, their names have shifted to a more Greek, or Byzantine, style. Hence, the names of the powerful clans Basileus and Ligareus shifted to become Basileon and Ligareon; similarly personal names have ceased to favour names like Priscus, Marius, Julia, and Licinia and instead favour names such as Alexios, Georgios, Marcion, and Theodora.

Modern Archontean male names typically end in -on, -ion, -os, or -ios, while female names typically end in -a or -is. Modern male Archontean names: Alexios, Anaximander, Basil, Belisarios, Hector, Heraclion, Iskander, Kallion, Lukon, Marcion, Melchior, Paullor, Teodor, Uriel, Valerian. Modern female Archontean names: Alexia, Basina, Berenice, Callista, Eudocia, Helena, Megaris, Petronia, Sarabel, Syagria, Theodora.

In simple terms, you can think of this as a Roman/Greek/Mediterranean-type culture.

Khumus (Koo-moose)
The Khumus are a nomadic horse-people. They inhabit the far western side of Irthuin, and their Khor-ate is separated from the Thorcinga and Archonteans by the vast forests of central Irthuin. The Khumus are small (5’1" to 5’5"), swarthy, and typically expert riders and bowmen. They are only rarely encountered in the Archontean territories. Khumus is used both as a noun and as an adjective. Male Khumus names: Arslan, Batengis, Batu, Ganzorig, Nergui. Female Khumus names: Enegen, Gerel, Khulan, Sarnai, Sube.

In simple terms, you can think of this as a Central Asian/Mongolian-type culture.

Thorcinga (thor-KING-ga)
The origin of these inhabitants of the western continent of Irthuin is opaque. Physically they range in size and coloring, a fact that outsiders use to claim that they are a hybrid people. Some Archontean sages, in fact, believe that the Thorcinga are the descendants of the ancient Archonteans abandoned on Irthuin when the empire pulled back to Archontos about 1,200 years ago. Whatever their origin, however, the Thorcinga have established their own distinctive culture.

Although the Thorcinga did occupy the old Archontean cities and maintained them as trading depots, the Thorcinga prefer a rural life. A hereditary aristocracy (the thegns) holds title to most of the cultivated land and other rights of wealth; lesser folk living in villages or manors owe taxes (in kind) and service to their local thegn. Since the return of the Archonteans to Irthuin 350 years ago, and the re-establishment of imperial exarchates at Narsileon and Arcturos, many Thorcinga have chafed at the reappearance of imperial law and bureaucracy. A Thorcin Recovery League (TRL) has sprung up, led by a possibly mythical figure known as Eadric Strigona, with the purpose of permanently driving the Archonteans from Irthuin.

Thorcinga is the collective noun; Thorcin (THOR-kin) is the substantive noun and adjective. Their names are loosely derived from the stock of English names of the Anglo-Saxon period. Male Thorcin names: Aelfric, Aethelred, Colmund, Edric, Godric, Horsa, Swithun. Female Thorcin names: Aethelflad, Cyneburga, Eadgithu, Ebbe, Thalia.

In simple terms, you can think of this as an Anglo-Saxon-type culture.

Wiskinga (wis-KING-ga)
Inhabitants of Borealios, the Wiskinga are typically tall, blonde or red-haired, and fair-skinned. Their society is more tribal than that of the Archonteans, being based on small kinship groupings clustered around a chieftain’s hall. Wiskin society values physical skills and ability, and reaving is an ancient and well-respected tradition among young Wiskinga. It is also common for young Wiskinga to journey within the Archontean empire, seeking glory, adventure, and wealth before returning to the ancestral steading.

Wiskinga is the collective noun, Wiskin (WIS-kin) is the substantive noun and adjective. Their names are loosely based on Old Norse naming conventions. Male Wiskin names: Bjorn, Hjalti, Njal, Olaf, Thorvald. Female Wiskin names: Birte, Freya, Gudrun, Gunhild, Hallgerd.

In simple terms, you can think of this as a Norse/Viking/Scandinavian-type culture.
Aug 30, 2024 10:37 am
In most respects, Archontean functions as the ‘common’ tongue for the portion of Magae in which Arden Vul is located. That is, because of its cultural and political dominance, the language of the Archontean empire can be considered as the default language. So, even if a PC is Thorcin by origin, it is not inconceivable that he/she should be partly or fully comfortable with Archontean. The same holds for adventuring demi-humans: it can be assumed that they will have learned enough Archontean to get by in human-dominated areas.

Thorcinga, Wiskinga and Khumus characters will also speak Thorcin, Wiskin and Khumus respectively.

Finally, there is Mithric, a dead language (think Latin), although it is still employed as the language of arcane theory and practice. As you will be adventuring in an ancient site, it would be prudent to have at least some members of the party able to read Mithric.
Aug 31, 2024 1:49 pm
Dwarves appear cold, distant, and avaricious to humans. By nature, they are clannish, wary of outsiders, and extremely vengeful, to the extent that they frequently seem xenophobic. Sarcastic jokes about ‘the generosity of dwarves’ are common in Archontos. Dwarves are reputed to be masters of stone-carving, metalworking and enchantment; still, as a rule, they refuse to offer their goods for sale, so few are able to evaluate these claims. In keeping with their flinty, avaricious natures, dwarves are often teetotalers, as they fear that the effects of alcohol may render them open to being tricked or cheated. They prefer dour black clothes, sometimes embroidered with silver or gold thread. Some warrior clans favour beards, but most dwarven craftsmen do not.

Dwarven society is two-tiered. The upper tier is composed of the established clans, most named after a type of rock or similar substance (e.g. Malachite); members of these clans are the elites, and enjoy special privileges within dwarven holds. It is said that members of a clan will go to any end to rescue a clansman, or at least to recover his/her body and life-stone. The lower tier of dwarven society is composed of the clan-less. Some of the clanless were born that way, others were exiled from their clans for misdeeds, while still others are survivors of clans that imploded or were eliminated in factional politics.

The clanless do much of the mining and shaping, usually under the supervision of a dwarf from an established clan. When dwarves die, they are said to ‘take to the stone’; whether this is literal or figurative is an open question among human sages, for the dwarves are particularly tight-lipped about such intensely intimate practices.

The Archonteans know of only two dwarven settlements, although its sages suspect that other holds exist on Irthuin and in the southern jungles. One known settlement is Durildor, or Deephold to humans; this small settlement is set in the mountains of Mithruin. The dwarves of Durildor are technically citizens of the Archontean Empire, although they are quite reclusive. It is said that ancient Emperors swore terrible oaths of support to persuade the dwarves to come to Archontea, and that the price of their arrival was near immunity from imperial rule and law.

The other known settlement is Kazildor (Dwarfhome), a major hold lying beneath the mountains north and west of Narsileon. The dwarves of Kazildor have refused all requests on the part of the empire to exchange ambassadors, so little is known of Kazildor itself. Perhaps to fend off more such requests, the dwarves of Kazildor have recently established a small permanent embassy in Narsileon. In return for certain advice and smithy work, the exarch has allowed the dwarves to operate their own trading factor in Narsileon, and has granted them certain monopolies.

Dwarven names are usually derived from types of rock or stone, and/or stone-related crafting, mining or related skills. Given names vary widely, but clan names (if a dwarf has a clan) are relatively few in number and are of great antiquity. Dwarven clan names: Gest, Granite, Jade, Malachite, Obsidian, Tapper. Dwarven male given names: Etsil, Gedric, Grist, Jasper, Scoria, Utor, Zhorak. Dwarven female given names: Bressia, Dunita, Grishia, Hergist, Norita, Sable.

Elves are rare in the human-dominated areas of Magae. The largest and best-known elven enclave is the realm of Lady Ellagel and Lord Gallador, located deep within the central forests of Irthuin. Those elves that travel in human society frequently do so for highly specific, temporary reasons (searching for a specific object or piece of knowledge); on occasion, they reside as advisors in the courts of human lords. Most humans have never seen an elf, and will treat elves with fear and caution.

Elven society is broadly collective, with younger elves associating themselves with seniors who have established reputations for great deeds, excellent craftsmanship, or particular wisdom. Elves prize core balance in all things. Those elves who are able to blend their emotions, magical sensibilities, knowledge, and connections with nature are held as paragons. Elves are curious and inquisitive, but do not care to reveal themselves before strangers (and especially non-elves). Most elves pursue a highly specific intellectual interest, as well as a specific interest in magic of some sort, whether as a practitioner, theorist, or amateur. Elves are particularly attracted by wisdom, by knowledge, by beauty, and by magical lore.

Elves have two names, one given name and one that describes one of their parents. Given names vary widely. The second name invariably is composed of a parent’s name with the suffix -son or -dottir. Which parental name an elf adopts as his/her second name is a personal choice, one marked by much symbolism (as the elf is thereby linking his/her future to that of the selected parent). Only the most venerable and powerful of elves dispense with the parental name. Male elf names: Erist Ellagelsson, Gallador, Gelanchian Gellisson, Jiltorin Trillissason, Lellagalon Begelsson, Nagellor Belladorson, Nisdis Jeronsson, Seldorin Seldorsson. Female elf names: Aelin Gillesladsdottir, Ellagel, Gilleslad, Noredden Galesdottir, Pelissa Halbestdottir.

Halflings are uncommon, and largely found in segregated agricultural communities. Most halflings known to the Empire live on the Grain Islands to the east of Archontea, where their agricultural prowess provides important food supplies to Archontos itself. These halfling communities are largely self-regulating, although they are under the loose supervision of the imperial strategos and his legion. Local halfling lore does not fully account for their existence on the Grain Islands, being content to distantly recall the Great Voyage on the Big Ships.

Although most halflings are content with their rural lives, a few bold sorts attach themselves to the staff of the Strategos and end up travelling ‘across the water’ to Archontos. These halflings are seen as exotic and rustic, and they tend to suffer some general paternalistic patronizing from Imperial citizens. Imperial officials treat halflings in a genial but patronizing way, and will assume them to be political naïfs. Ordinary citizens of the Empire treat halflings as great curiosities, and will often approach them, pinch them, and ask them simplistic questions.

Halflings have given and family names. Family names are typically derived from botanical or agricultural features. Given names vary widely, but are typically English in origin. Male halfling names: Harry Berrymash, Jenks Pipeweed, Phlebotomas Plumthorn, Rosco Barleystalk, Williston Appleroot. Female halfling names: Alice Goldengrain, Gail Winebottom, Livinia Greenthumb, Lucy Rosepetal, Petunia Turnstile.

Imperial Goblins
The humans of Archontos enslaved the goblins of Mithruin in antiquity and put them to work as miners and as labourers on the vast imperial latifundia of Mithruin. Millennia of servitude – but also of exposure to the ‘civilizing’ forces of the Archontean empire - have created a distinct racial subgroup. Even if they resemble ‘wild goblins’ (monsters) physically, these ‘imperial goblins’ are culturally distinct from their monstrous kin and thus look at wild goblins with disdain.

Imperial goblins are short, long-armed, and bandy-legged, with yellowish skin and, frequently, yellow eyes. They possess black hair and are comfortable wearing minimal clothing, but possess their own standards for fine dress (these include tall conical caps, colourful vests, and jodhpurs tucked into beautiful leather boots). They reach a maximum of 4’ 8" in height. Goblins are known for their wiry strength and tough constitutions.

Many imperial goblins have been freed from slavery over the years, leading to a large number of imperial freedgoblin citizens. Although these freedgoblins are noted as highly effective merchants, estate managers, and bureaucrats, they are typically treated as second-class citizens by ordinary Archonteans and are the object of casual racism on the part of the Archonteans. If allowed by the GM, imperial goblin PCs should use the racial statistics of gnomes (who are unknown on Magae).

Imperial goblin names combine two radicals, and usually describe a profession or task that the goblin (or his/her ancestors) practiced. Male imperial goblin names: Capdoffer, Lamplighter, Seamfinder, Wicktrimmer. Female imperial goblin names: Hearthminder, Kettlelifter, Threadspinner, Warplifter.
Sep 3, 2024 7:25 am
There are 10 major gods ("The Ten") in modern Archontos:

- Ardenia Tessaeron - Lawful Good - God of wisdom, battle tactics, invention, justice.
- Crestion - Chaotic Good - God of poetry, music, the arts, creative impulses, selfishness.
- Debellaton - Lawful Evil - God of death, might, order through might, sacrifice.
- Demma - Lawful Good - God of fertility, crops, households, childbirth, magic.
- Heschius Ban - Lawful Evil - God of triumph, water, inevitability, power, magic.
- Lucreon - Lawful Neutral - God of profit, amassing wealth, negotiation, merchants, impartiality.
- Lysseon - Chaotic Neutral - God of Wine, indulgence, madness, rage, creativity.
- Mitra -Lawful Good - God of justice, contracts, omniscience, defender, oaths, humanitarian impulses.
- Thelis - Chaotic Good - God of love, desire, aspiration, planning.
- Tychias - Chaotic Neutral - God of luck, fate, wealth, ‘the Lady of Thieves’.

There are also 17 lesser Archontean gods ("The Seventeen"), as well as gods specific to the Wiskinga, Thorcinga, Khumus, dwarves, elves, halflings and imperial goblins. And various other "dark" gods.

Finally, and importantly to this adventure, there are also 12 old gods ("The Twelve"), who are no longer widely worshipped. These are Anubis, Besa, Horus, Isis, Jael, Osiris, Ptah, Seker, Set, Thoth, Tiamat and Wadjet. Whilst these are not gods your characters would worship, you will likely become familiar with some of them as you explore the ancient ruins of Arden Vul.
Sep 5, 2024 3:37 pm
Adventuring Rumours
"The old Pyramid of Thoth is the most accessible - and safest - means of entering the Halls of Arden Vul. The long staircase through the pyramid that leads to the first dungeon level is worn with age and covered with layers of graffiti; some of that graffiti is really useful!"

"The goblins hate the beast-soldiers with a passion. We struck a deal to help the gobbos eliminate the walking beasts, but it proved too difficult, mostly because those dog-men have built some sophisticated fortifications and are pretty good with missiles. Then the goblins got mad at us and we had to run. My advice? Don't negotiate with anyone. Kill 'em all."

"A psychotic halfling thug named Plummie, Plumit, or Plum-something has taken over the top level, just under the pyramid. He won't let anyone pass unless they buy an 'exploration license'. I'd pay up, because his goons are armed with potent magic wands."

"A patrol of those animal-soldiers told us about a series of elevators operated by intelligent trolls. The elevators can take you from the upper levels to the lower levels, easy as pie. Only those who secure the permission of the troll thegn can use them, though."

"The first level underground, you know, beneath the Well of Light, is dominated by giant, sentient spiders. They roam in packs and wield magic wands."

"Lady Alexia, who runs Gosterwick (the nearest town to Arden Vul) is competing with her brother, Lord Burdock, to locate four valuable items that used to be held by the archons of Arden Vul. The items include the bone ring of Jagri-Naz and the iron circlet of Ghanor. Lord Burdock has a map leading to both items, but requires that adventurers take his bailiff along with them."

"Just to the north of the ruins of Arden Vul, there's an inn and trading post where adventurers can rest and recuperate between delves."

"The Obsidian Gates only open to those who cast the correct sequence of spells on them. That sequence is knock, rock to mud, passwall."

"The green dragon that rules the surface ruins is the daughter of a terrible wyrm that lives at the bottom of the Great Chasm within the mountain. This ancient wyrm is twice as old and twice as potent as the green; it is served by a race of deathless, horned skeletons whom the old Empire referred to as 'the survivors'."

"The beastmen admitted that their queen, Dido, has a desperate need for a rare type of subterranean mushroom called 'cloud caps'. They can be identified by their mottled blue-and-white caps."

"Numerous giant, horned skeletons can be found among the ruins. They speak a strange language, and can stun you with the force of their shouts. They are the creation of that mad wizard, Kerbog Khan."

"The best source of information on the hoppers are the trolls. If you can befriend the lodge of trollish hunters, they can explain the powers and weaknesses of the hoppers; they can also tell you how to find the hoppers' ziggurat."

Historical Rumours
"The city of Arden Vul was dominated by the two great temples of Thoth and Set, as well as by the imperial administration. Most of the subterranean halls were delved by these groups."

"Many of the most ardent devotees of Thoth, known as Thoth's Beloved, were buried in a set of catacombs located just under the Pyramid. They are guarded by the power of Thoth himself, which has prevented all intruders from entering the catacombs."

"Thoth was deeply important to the ancient empire, as he represented the light of knowledge that erased the darkness of ignorance. For this reason, the Thoth priests were obsessed with light; every one of their Halls remains brightly lit with Thoth's bright, clear, light".

"The Thoth priests built numerous statues of their god. These appear in various forms, including ibis-headed and baboon-headed. The eyes of all these statues were made of huge gemstones, which if removed allowed the bearer to contact Thoth directly. Many of the statues were enchanted."

"Among the symbols of the ancient cult of Set were the desert dust storm, the black boar, the crocodile, the serpent, a redheaded man, and a strange animal with the snout of a dog but with squarish ears."

"The Set cult favoured blood-red armour in an archaic style, with breastplate, greaves, and helmet."

"The glorious archon, Marius Tricotor, led the assault on the hoppers from his flying carpet. He and his troops tracked the enemy to a vast underground grotto, where they found an unholy ziggurat at which demon princes were worshipped. Marius acquired the name 'Unconquered' (invictus) when he ordered the ziggurat dismantled, piece-by-piece!"

"Half of the Twenty Worthies (i.e., the great heroes of Archontos) won their fame by delving into the caverns below Arden Vul. Some, including Larel One-Eye, were buried under the city."
Sep 8, 2024 9:40 am
- Arden the Swordswoman - one of the Twenty Worthies of the ancient Archontean Empire, and the companion and lover of Vul the Sorcerer. With Vul, she founded the city that bears her name. She is famous for her Twelve Labours, which have become a ubiquitous part of Archontean culture.

- Vul the Sorcerer - one of the Twenty Worthies of the ancient Archontean Empire. Along with his companion and lover, Arden, Vul located the hidden caverns below the plateau and founded the site that bears his (and Arden’s) name.
Oct 30, 2024 6:25 pm
The Factors are large, empire-wide mercantile enterprises. All of the major Factors have constructed a Factor-Hold in each of the major Archontean population centres. Individual merchants belonging to the Factor can thus travel between cities and towns and be assured of a secure base for their transactions. The Factors also offer banking services: one can deposit monies or goods for secure storage, and one can also procure letters of credit to be redeemed at any Factor-Hold (thus reducing the amount of cash one must carry). While the four large factors have truly empire-wide reach, a number of more regional factors also exist.

The four largest Factors are:

- The Golden Band (the largest and most prosperous)
- The Prosperity Factor
- The Silent Factor
- The Wisdom Factor

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