[RP] Crag's Secrets: Chapter 1 - Arrival

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Jan 29, 2025 12:00 pm
Please, both of you - Kimbek, Bella: roll for Wilderness Lore(Per) -> Perception as it seams that you both are "not too eage"r to approach Barth and only look at him from afar.

quilltid: please note in your sheet what from found items are you keeping with you, and tell explicitly if you are handing something to Kimbek for examination.

quilltid, Shadowknight: if you want to assume that the bottle is already handed to Kimbek and he is examining it, he can narrate this and make Arcane Lore(Int) roll for this.

Avraham: if you look into any tent, please say to which one.

ALL (and Shadowknight especially - as of asking about the camp layout:) ): here is the map of the camp and description of immieditly noticeable spots to visit:
[ +- ] Camp map
I have decided to add the letters for the easier navigation (for the cost of "immersion" in my opinion :) ), so the new map is:
Summary of locations and previous exploration:

- The wooden cart - A - contains some high quality logs of wood that can be used for construction,
- there is smaller tent at 1 - B - the tent with "out of place"(for jungle), small chest of drawers with some crystal ball on it - for the details you have to ask Bella:)
- and bigger tent - C - unexplored but has a 2ft hole burned in tent enterance/door cloth, otherwise unexplored
- then two smaller tents
- D recently mentioned by Delia, austere, maybe belonged to warrior-type,
- E unexplored,
- some boxes under the tent cloath - F: collected wood for fire, and some crafting also quite an amount of iron ingots,
- the biggest tent - this one is also leaned against some ruin of stone wall - G unexplored.
Auren was the one that decided to answer Kimbek:
Could be... but I don't see any wound on him. ARE YOU going to just leave him in this state? - Auren turned towards Belladona and looked at Kimbek with visible irritation, as he was still obeying princess orders of being under Belladona's command. But you all stopped to be sure how long it will last.
I'm still not sure what are you planing to do as group? Take care about Barth? Bring him to princess? Discuss the items? Don't care about old monk [ ;P ] and just continue the exploration? Something else?

I'm very OK about discussion it OOC or better yet IC, but at one moment I would like to see a clear direction or individual action stated. So please continue your interactions:) Just wanted to say: at current moment I don't see too much for me to narrate:)
Jan 30, 2025 9:16 am
Bartholomew muttered to himself as he walked towards the largest tent (G)—where he figured the masters were. Since when did all this greenery pop up between the flagstones? Where is the plaza where we perform katas and kumites? How could the monastery have fallen into such a disreputable state? He pushed through the tent flaps, calling for Master Xiang and Grand Master Sammo.
Jan 30, 2025 9:39 pm
The halfling steps forward to lead Brother Bartholomew to Princess Shallan, but he begins to wander over to the largest tent and she decides to follow instead. Pepper decides to stick with Auren and Delia for now.

Belladonna turns to Auren before she follows the old monk. "Auren, Delia, report back to Princess Shallan and see if she will head over. Also, bring some sustenance, especially a flask of water. I can't imagine hunger and dehydration are helping matters at all for our friend." Pepper nods like she understands and nudges the elf.

Before following after Brother Bartholomew, Belladonna hands the strange bottle to Kimbek, the one she found in Tent B, and talks about the crystal ball that may have burned a hole in the nearby tent. She reminds him of the strange aura she felt from it before it was covered.

(The Bottle: This small, bell-shaped glass bottle has an iridescent sheen that catches the light, reflecting faint rainbow hues. The stopper is carved from a smooth, dark wood and etched with a faint spiral design, suggesting it once held something potent. Inside, faint traces of a shimmering liquid cling to the sides like dew.)

"Wait a moment, Brother Bartholomew. You shouldn't go alone."

She hurries after the man, thinking back on the strange crystal ball and not wanting him to encounter something dangerous on his own in this state.


Per 14 <7, 20> - Check - (14, d20)

14 : () + 14 = 14

d20 : (16) = 16

Feb 4, 2025 11:00 am
Auren expression becomes a little less firm then before, when he sees that Belladonna is taking care about Brother Bartholomew and agrees to fulfill Bella's order.
"Ay, sir! One princess and water flask in the moment!"
- Delia with a lot of enthusiasm, jokingly but in charming way saluted to much smaller Bella and immediately departed towards the last place you all have seen princess Shallan and the rest of your company. Fallowing her Auren began his calm and slow steps. Soon overtaken by curious Pepper, that looked like it would think: "Where there are flasks of water... some food could be too." - even though her belly was still inflated much too much after previous days spent on eating ginkgo fruits in the wooden container.

As Brother Bartholomew and Belladonna stepped into the largest tent in the encampment, it quickly became evident that whoever had built it was remarkably skilled at making themselves comfortable—even here, in the heart of the jungle.

Rather than a mere fabric shelter, the tent had been cleverly integrated with the remnants of an ancient temple wall. Two of its sides were solid stone, while only the front and right walls were made of thick, well-treated canvas. The stone walls had been expertly repaired and reinforced, seamlessly incorporating new elements into the ancient structure. Most striking were the windows—delicately framed openings fitted with fine, near-transparent mesh that shimmered like woven spider silk. These kept insects at bay while allowing ample sunlight to filter through, illuminating the space in a way that felt almost unnatural for a jungle outpost.

To the left stood a sturdy, well-crafted cot, while at the center of the room loomed a massive workbench, its surface scattered with tools and half-finished projects, as if their owner had been interrupted mid-task. Behind the table, shelves lined with tomes and scrolls stretched up the stone wall, their contents a mystery.

Above them, carved letters arranged in a gentle arc proclaimed:
"Tuathal’s Workshop"

Beneath the inscription, several large wooden boards had been mounted on the wall, each covered in parchment—detailed blueprints, intricate schematics, and something resembling an old map. Near the left edge of the stone wall, a small opening revealed what appeared to be the mouth of a compact smelting furnace.

Yes. This was unmistakably a craftsman’s workshop. Whoever worked here was no mere tinkerer but a true artisan, skilled in wood, stone, and even metalwork. More impressively, they had transformed this jungle ruin into a functional and highly efficient workspace.

Moreover, this person was clearly well aware of their own worth—and their name was Tuathal.

Bartholomew had the distinct impression that he had heard this name before. There was something familiar about it, lurking just beyond the reach of his memory. But in his current state, no matter how hard he tried, he simply couldn’t recall where or when.
[ +- ] Mood image
They both felt that for the first time since they were dropped in this jungle they catch a lead to someone that can have some answers. Unfortunately he or she was nowhere to be seen.

What do you do?
Kimbek: if you examine the bottle the Arcane Lore(Int) roll will be required:) Feel free to join the pair in the workshop if you are more interested in it.
Current Effects / Marching order Weather Time
Sadur: Will -> -3; Kimbek: Dex -2; Adv on Forager rolls in this jungle Dryer jungle-like Day 1: Afternoon 5:10 pm
Bella, Barth, Kimbek, Pepper, Shallan, The Rest, Sadur, Silver
Feb 5, 2025 2:41 am
Kimbek tries to find a suitable box to keep the bugling in (if he didn't do that already, sorry, it's been a moment.) but does eventually make his way towards the tent where the strange things were found, looking over the crystal vial holding the strange fluid.


Int 16 <8, 20> - Skilled Check (Arcane Lore) - (17, d20)

17 : () + 17 = 17

d20 : (13) = 13

Feb 5, 2025 6:57 pm
Belladonna smiles and nods at Kimbek, acknowledging his entrance. She takes off her little cloak and wraps it around Bartholomew. It looks more like a hanky than a cloak around his back.

Better than nothing, who knows how exposed he was to the elements until he got here!

"So, um, meet anybody up there with the big bird Brother Bartholomew?"

She tries to speak casually, but cannot help glancing worriedly over Brother Bartholomew, looking for wounds.

As she waits for an answer, she looks over the map on the wall.
Feb 6, 2025 9:48 am
The bulging is visibly not very happy about leaving Kimbek right now. Probably it get used to warmth of his body or is still afraid after loosing it's parent. When Kimbek finds an empty and opened barrel at the "storage place" [ F ] and tries to put down the bugling it clings to his body like a little kitten not wanting to leave the tree trunk when someone tries to rescue it, when it climbed to high. When the animal legs touches the barrel bottom the bugling makes a low cry with its "mouth" that induces a feeling of longing in the Kimbek brain. Almost painful. But it soon stops as Kimbek provides the exotic animal with the rest of dead apple to eat.

"Could it already be adjusting to my brain waves? Do others felt the same?" - Kimbek wondered. But one thing he was sure: one day the bugling could become valuable allay... if handled well. But... in case of masking some mistakes with its training - when it will be synchronized with Kimbek's brain well enough - could provide his takecarer with fast, but very painful death...
It's not only flavor text. I decided that if Kimbek would like to keep the animal and rise it... there is potential of high risk, but high reward. We will decide latter how to do it mechanically:) Just wanted you to know:)
Looking at the peculiar bottle Kimbek received from Bella, he notices that the enchantment on the bottle preserves its contents indefinitely, preventing spoilage. Though it's currently empty, the remnants within might still hold faint magical traces. A skilled alchemist could possibly extract these traces to identify what the potion once was, maybe even learning about its ingredients or it could be used as a perfect vessel for future alchemical creations.
As this was NS to get some more info out of the bottle Kimbek would have to use some specific equipment or do some magical experiments with the bottle. Then we will roll with advantage.
Feb 6, 2025 10:15 am
I like very much this interaction with Barth, quilltid! I wonder what he will answer - completely leaving to Avraham what he will reveal to you by being this close to him:)
The map on the wall consists of few pieces pasted on each other. Very old pice of paper - the biggest one - looking like it would be cut out from some bigger map, the sketch of something resembling the camp you are currently in but from birds view, and a significant, red X made out of two ribbons pinned to the same board at peculiar place.
It looks something like this:

When Belladona touch the sketch it smudges a little, which means it's probably fairly recent. Can the red X mark the place where the workshop owner went in such a hurry?
Feb 7, 2025 7:14 pm
Bird? What bird are you talking about. Here in the monastery, the only things flying are dimorphodons, ornithocheiria, and istiodactylia. Proper birds are more native to the valleys; not the mountain peaks of the Monastery of Stone. Here Bartholomew once again rubs his nose and squints his eyes, peering intently at Belladona. Is everything all right with you, sister Cassandra? You aren't quite looking like your normal self. And all these weird questions. Perhaps you should seek the infirmary and Master Ken?.

The intense gaze may have been too much for Brother Bartholomew, for he suddenly sits down, as if his legs near collapsed from under him. OOooof! Maybe a nap would be good, he says as he slowly topples over.
Feb 10, 2025 9:55 pm
Belladonna gasps and moves to prevent Bartholomew from falling over after landing hard on the ground.

"I think it's you that needs the infirmary Brother Bartholomew."

On closer inspection, Belladonna checks Brother Bartholomew's head for wounds and any unusual smells like alcohol or bad berries.

She tries to pour what little is left in her waterskin into his mouth, looking worriedly out the tent flap for Auren and the others to return with more rations and a cloak.
Feb 11, 2025 9:30 am
Bella: please roll, for Apothecary(Int) - skilled check in your case. Narration at my evening:)
Feb 12, 2025 4:19 pm
As the last of the water droplets fall, Belladonna tries her best to recall apothecary lessons she learned back in the kingdom.


Apothecary Int 12 <6, 19> - Skilled Check - (13, d20)

13 : () + 13 = 13

d20 : (15) = 15

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