quilltid: please note in your sheet what from found items are you keeping with you, and tell explicitly if you are handing something to Kimbek for examination.
quilltid, Shadowknight: if you want to assume that the bottle is already handed to Kimbek and he is examining it, he can narrate this and make Arcane Lore(Int) roll for this.
Avraham: if you look into any tent, please say to which one.
ALL (and Shadowknight especially - as of asking about the camp layout:) ): here is the map of the camp and description of immieditly noticeable spots to visit:

How we idetify tents: let's say there is a clock on the map.
- The wooden cart is at 12 o'clock,
- ther is smaller tent at 1, and bigger one at 2
- then two smaller at 6 and 7,
- some boxes under the tent cloath at 8,
- the bigges tent at 10 - this one is also leaned against some ruin of stone wall

Summary of locations and previous exploration:
- The wooden cart - A - contains some high quality logs of wood that can be used for construction,
- there is smaller tent at 1 - B - the tent with "out of place"(for jungle), small chest of drawers with some crystal ball on it - for the details you have to ask Bella:)
- and bigger tent - C - unexplored but has a 2ft hole burned in tent enterance/door cloth, otherwise unexplored
- then two smaller tents
- D recently mentioned by Delia, austere, maybe belonged to warrior-type,
- E unexplored,
- some boxes under the tent cloath - F: collected wood for fire, and some crafting also quite an amount of iron ingots,
- the biggest tent - this one is also leaned against some ruin of stone wall - G unexplored.

Could be... but I don't see any wound on him. ARE YOU going to just leave him in this state? - Auren turned towards Belladona and looked at Kimbek with visible irritation, as he was still obeying princess orders of being under Belladona's command. But you all stopped to be sure how long it will last.
I'm very OK about discussion it OOC or better yet IC, but at one moment I would like to see a clear direction or individual action stated. So please continue your interactions:) Just wanted to say: at current moment I don't see too much for me to narrate:)