Avraham says:
I’ve been looking for an AD&D 1ed opportunity for a while. Can you explain the major differences between how you expect to run your campaign from canonic AD&D1ed? Also, what is your expected/desired posting frequency?
It will be, pretty much, canonical AD&D 1E. I'm using OSRIC because it's freely available and easier to navigate than the original 1E books (and also because Arden Vul is written for OSRIC). However, the differences are barely noticeable. The ones that spring to mind are:
- The character level experience thresholds are very slightly different.
- There are no bard and monk character classes.
- OSRIC doesn't use weapon speed factors.
The game will also feature some Arden Vul-specific monsters, magic items, spells, etc. that you won't find in the AD&D 1E PHB, DMG and MM.
Expected posting frequency 3-4 times per week, i.e. every other day.
Last edited August 30, 2024 4:37 pm