[CLOSED] The Halls of Arden Vul (OSRIC / AD&D 1E)

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OpenOSRIC / AD&D 1EPublic3 / weekBurbage

Who has not heard rumours of the lost city of Arden Vul? During the glory days of the Archontean Empire, now 1,200 years in the past, Arden Vul was a small, but important, wealthy and secretive imperial centre located atop a 1,500’-tall cliff at the head of Burdock’s Valley. Dominated by the imperial administration itself, as well as by the great temples of Thoth and Set, the city attracted alchemists, scholars, priests and sorcerers by the droves. Seeking the lost secrets of long-dead civilizations as well as the mysterious element known as arcanum, the Archonteans delved deeply - and secretively - within the mountain. Alas! The terrible civil war that rent the Archontean Empire, that is, the war of Sortians and Theosophs, led to the utter destruction of the city and the withdrawal of the imperial legions from the western continent of Irthuin.

Now, with the renaissance of imperial power, it is possible for well-equipped adventurers to make the long trek to Arden Vul from the exarchates of the coast. Tales of gold piled in imperial vaults, legendary magical artefacts resting in unspoiled crypts, and the fruits of the lost secrets of ancient imperial smiths and mages lying ripe for the picking are legion. Yet alongside the tales of lost treasures are other, more unsettling whispers. How could a lost city remain unplundered for more than a millennium? Surely only the existence of the cruelest of foes and unimaginable evil within the mountain can explain Arden Vul’s unspoiled status. Only the bravest, the cleverest, and the luckiest of adventurers will survive to plumb the mysteries of Arden Vul.

Classic dungeoneering through Richard Barton’s "The Halls of Arden Vul" megadungeon using OSRIC (i.e. 1st Edition AD&D).

We'll generally play rules-as-written, with a minimum of house rules. This means:

- By-the-book character creation.
- Turn-by-turn tracking of time - torches expire, rations are consumed, wandering monsters appear.
- Encumbrance - would you rather move quickly or carry a lot of stuff?
- Player mapping is essential.
- Player characters will die; it's just a case of how often.

Aiming for an old-school, round-the-table, roleplay-light feel. A game of action, exploration, information gathering, problem-solving, decision making and resource management.

I will run things similarly to my existing Stonehell game. However, Arden Vul is considerably more lore-heavy than Stonehell, and players will need to embrace that lore to get the best out of it.

Whilst viewers/listeners of the "3d6 Down the Line" YouTube channel/podcast are an obvious target audience for this game, that show is inevitably spoiler-tastic. I’d prefer players who have no previous knowledge of the setting.

OSRIC can be downloaded for free at osricrpg.com.

Aug 30, 2024 10:46 am
Anyone interested in some more old school megadungeoneering? This time through The Halls of Arden Vul using OSRIC (essentially 1st edition AD&D).
Last edited November 22, 2024 12:34 pm
Aug 30, 2024 10:48 am
I have never played OSRIC or 1st edition AD&D but I have heard great things about Arden Vul. Would love to give this a try.
Aug 30, 2024 11:24 am
I am in an Arden Vul campaign in person and it is amazing. I sadly don't have any free time and I have experienced a lot of this adventure, so I'll just promote this to anyone who is interested to give this a try because it's so good.
Aug 30, 2024 11:59 am
I’ve been looking for an AD&D 1ed opportunity for a while. Can you explain the major differences between how you expect to run your campaign from canonic AD&D1ed? Also, what is your expected/desired posting frequency?
Aug 30, 2024 12:27 pm
I read a bit of your Stonehell campaign and really liked the vibe of the hand drawn portraits.

Throwing my hat into the ring!
Aug 30, 2024 12:33 pm
Tap me in, coach! I am all about the OSR and have heard amazing things about AV! OSRIC is one of the few systems I haven't played, but would love to! (I run S&W and grew up on AD&D 2e)
Aug 30, 2024 12:43 pm
Avraham says:
I’ve been looking for an AD&D 1ed opportunity for a while. Can you explain the major differences between how you expect to run your campaign from canonic AD&D1ed? Also, what is your expected/desired posting frequency?
It will be, pretty much, canonical AD&D 1E. I'm using OSRIC because it's freely available and easier to navigate than the original 1E books (and also because Arden Vul is written for OSRIC). However, the differences are barely noticeable. The ones that spring to mind are:

- The character level experience thresholds are very slightly different.
- There are no bard and monk character classes.
- OSRIC doesn't use weapon speed factors.

The game will also feature some Arden Vul-specific monsters, magic items, spells, etc. that you won't find in the AD&D 1E PHB, DMG and MM.

Expected posting frequency 3-4 times per week, i.e. every other day.
Last edited August 30, 2024 4:37 pm
Aug 30, 2024 4:21 pm
@Burbage, I have OSRIC downloaded in my D&D collection, but I find it easier sit with the PHB next to me. I just like paper over electronics. I still print out all the technical/math papers I need to read. Must be my advanced age :)

Please consider me interested.
Aug 30, 2024 4:35 pm
The print on demand versions of OSRIC are reasonably priced. I particularly like the digest version.

Aug 30, 2024 5:00 pm
So you will be using OSRIC 2.2?
Aug 30, 2024 5:19 pm
Posting interest, if there is room.
Aug 30, 2024 5:34 pm
Avraham says:
So you will be using OSRIC 2.2?
Aug 30, 2024 7:15 pm
I am interested to try this game but I am new to the system.
Aug 30, 2024 7:15 pm
I am interested to try this game but I am new to the system
Aug 30, 2024 7:46 pm
I grew up on AD&D 1e. Still have the books. I am sorely tempted. I'll defer to others, but if you need an extra I'll gladly join. It looks and sounds amazing.

One question though: How are attributes to be rolled up? As is, in order, or do players get to move them around?
Aug 30, 2024 7:55 pm
Burbage says:
Avraham says:
So you will be using OSRIC 2.2?
Downloaded and HC (8.5 x 11) ordered. 🤓
Aug 31, 2024 6:12 am
Thanks to everyone for their interest in the game. Before I start sending invites, can I check if there are any who would be willing to take on a mapping role? I know player mapping isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's going to be pretty much essential in this game. Therefore, I'd like to reserve one or two slots in the game for the cartographers.
Aug 31, 2024 6:16 am
ForeverDED says:
One question though: How are attributes to be rolled up? As is, in order, or do players get to move them around?
Generally, I'm a 3d6 in order purist. However, in 1E some of the minimum requirements for certain classes are pretty tough. Therefore, to give you a reasonable chance of being able to play them, I'll offer "4d6, drop the lowest, rearrange to suit" as an option.
Aug 31, 2024 6:20 am
I'm open to try out mapping, though it won't be anything fancy beyond lines on a (virtual) grid. Is that cool?
Aug 31, 2024 6:26 am
testlum says:
I'm open to try out mapping, though it won't be anything fancy beyond lines on a (virtual) grid. Is that cool?
Yes, that's fine. As long as the maps are functional, they don't need to be beautiful. As an example, here's the players' map from the Stonehell game ("Stonehell Level 1" being the most extensive).
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