Interest Check - Drama focused RPG

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Sep 20, 2024 1:53 pm
ThatTaoGuy says:
Just so everyone is aware - there are no limitations or restrictions - everyone can start with the same origin and it wouldn't hurt the game at all.
Oh—that takes the pressure off! Thanks for mentioning that.

Yeah, if I’m so fortunate to get in, I would much rather be in a game with two Celestial Creations than one of us having to change or pitch back/up plans.
ThatTaoGuy says:
I just tossed out some questions to try to get people to think about their character, the backstory, etc.
I like the questions. Answering just the first set gave me a fresh, solid character to pitch and a voice. (And most importantly to me, I *think* she’ll be easy to draw.)

If she gets in the actual game, I expect some answers will be tweaked/changed to make her more part of the group.
Sep 20, 2024 1:58 pm
vicky_molokh says:

I'm not sure how appropriate commentary is before I know whether there's enough slots to join, but a thought caused by those questions (particularly in the Outsider and Celestial Creation context) is what is the world like? A lot of that will influence what sorts of pantheons are available, and what sort of forces are at play.

E.g. the possible pantheons and the context of relations between cultures and deities would probably look very very different in a futuristic Battlestar Galactica setting where gods rarely interact with creation directly, an ancient-classical Hellenic setting where Olympians are displacing the Titans and/or Cthonics, in America where the local pantheons are being driven underground by the Abrahamic one, in old Japan when the government is trying hard to prevent Shinto and Buddhism from mixing, and so on.
For the sake of simplicity, I'm assuming a generic "fantasy" world with a run of the mill, Olympian-style pantheon. There are many gods and goddesses with various domains, some larger and more powerful than others. This game would focus on the small gods, not the major players. Things like the God/Goddess of brewing, twins, travel, laughter, flowers, etc.

I'm building the Pathway Steps, Distinctions, Abilities, Stress tracks, and whatnot with that in mind, but the players can define aspects of the world during character creation. I like to keep things open.
Sep 20, 2024 4:26 pm
The Step-by-step character creation in Cortex definitely will help a lot in building a cohesive set of characters and setting. CORTEX was definitely the right choice for a collaborative game like this.

One thing that I think would help, right off the bat, would be to declare the Domains of each minor god...even before character creation truly starts. That way there's no toe-stepping going on.
Sep 20, 2024 5:45 pm
ThatTaoGuy says:
For the sake of simplicity, I'm assuming a generic "fantasy" world with a run of the mill, Olympian-style pantheon. There are many gods and goddesses with various domains, some larger and more powerful than others. This game would focus on the small gods, not the major players. Things like the God/Goddess of brewing, twins, travel, laughter, flowers, etc.
witchdoctor says:
One thing that I think would help, right off the bat, would be to declare the Domains of each minor god...even before character creation truly starts. That way there's no toe-stepping going on.
Hmm, well, provisionally (if I get to join), based on the domain examples, I would think I'd be interested in the domain of secrets. Lies would be a second pick I'd find interesting (but probably more difficult to play). But neither of those is a suitable domain, then travel is a safe fall-back pick from the listed examples.
Sep 20, 2024 6:40 pm
My Celestial Creation is
Poi, the Pigment of Imagination

There’s a lot of detail that just all popped into my head at once (name/title included) which I won’t get into now. In the interest of what WitchDoctor said, her domain is…


…my original plan was "Imagination," but I think "Goddess of Colors" is hilariously small-godly.

So yeah: Colors is the domain.
Sep 20, 2024 9:06 pm
I was building an option into the Pathways setup to select your godly domain. I have a list of some small-god domains, but it would be open for players to create their own as well. And honestly, I don't think there would be a problem with a little overlap - it would be an excellent source of dramatic tension between two characters, as they compete to be the most relevant.
Sep 20, 2024 9:15 pm
The initial list I had separated the domains into groupings. I had 10 domains per group, 5 groups. I wasn't planning on outlining all of them, just a couple per group to give everyone and idea of how the domains would be mapped out (I'm modeling them after the Heritage Distinctions in Smallville, so they have a description, 3 SFX, connected Abilities, and at least 1 Limit. The list I started with is pasted below, but it's by no means exhaustive. It's mostly if you like one or to help you generate your own idea.

The Hearth Writing Rivers Children Dreams
Cooking Brewing Insects Sailors Hope
Cleanliness Travel/Hospitality Flowers Lovers Compassion
Children's Games Metalworking Forests Thieves Laughter
Family Feasts Music Woods Consorts Song
Doors/Gates Gambling Wind Twins Greed/Generosity
Wine/Beer Teaching A Specific Animal Martyrs Abstinence/Indulgence
Sewing/Weaving Theater Natural Beauty Exiles Oaths
Bridges/Crossings Sailing Mountains Scholars Madness
Fidelity/Adultery Mining Nocturnal Creatures Soldiers Shadows
Sep 20, 2024 9:55 pm
Right, I was very much thinking along the lines of Rivers. Maybe with Lakes and Ponds as well, unless that would be too much/powerful.
Sep 20, 2024 10:41 pm
"Dreams" could work for the Pigment of Imagination. I was thinking of Poi as a sort of muse who uses visions to inspire.

That’s the closest on my list to the original thought of "Imagination" as the domain and "Pigment" as how she manifests herself… though I suppose that’s an Abilities or "SFX" thing.

But my point is that with a list of 50 domains, I’m happy to pick from the list.
Last edited September 20, 2024 10:46 pm
Sep 20, 2024 11:29 pm
All of those are interesting Domains! Full of fun things to play with! There's about a dozen that I would find fun and interesting to explore.
Sep 21, 2024 12:32 am
It's just a list meant to inspire. If you want a God/dess of Imagination or one of Fresh Waters/ Rivers, Lakes and Ponds, we can make that work. The powers and domains will sort of self balance. The system is designed to have characters from Clark Kent/Superman to his plucky high school newspaper reporter friend carry the same narrative weight, so the strength of the domains shouldn't be as big of a deal. Mostly the goal is to make sure the PCs are minor gods with only minor (if any) influence in the pantheon.
Sep 21, 2024 11:54 am
If I have the opportunity to play i would like my lesser god to be based on Charon the ferryman of the Greek underworld, but instead of a boat would be a black warhorse. For He/She origins i was thinking of Outsiders or Acended Mortal but with a twist, instead he got the "job" not as a reward for his deeds but as punishment for his deeds. But this is just high concept i dont have any details, that is better in character creation with the rest of the players.
Sep 21, 2024 1:14 pm
Oh—I would love to have my character history tied to an ascended mortal! I don’t know what our limits are regarding manifestation, but I was thinking one of Poi’s forms would be a tattoo on a mortal.
[ +- ] Best Example Ever
If the Ascended Mortal were punished, I suppose the tattoo would have appeared as a warning.
Sep 26, 2024 3:12 pm
Just curious as to when this game might be on..!
Sep 26, 2024 6:23 pm
Sory, I got sucked into the "big project" at work I thought I had avoided and have been putting in extra hours. My part should be done by late next week, so I should be able to get back to completing the Cortex hack then. I expect it to take me 5-9 days to get everything ready. I'm usually done within 2 weeks if I custom create new distinctions, abilities, and pathway steps. Trying to make them decent takes a lot of brain power and energy I just won't have til then.
Sep 27, 2024 2:31 pm
Good luck with the project, then! I’m definitely super interested, so I’m glad to know it’s just an IRL thing and this game will eventually be on!
Oct 29, 2024 10:45 pm
Quick update - real life has conspired to steal my time and inspiration. I'm barely keeping up with my existing games. When things settle back down, which honestly may not be until after the holidays, I'll ping anyone who showed interest once I have this game together and ready to go. Hopefully the excitement won't have faded too much by then.

Thanks for everyone's interest! I still plan to run this, just not within the next month or so.

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