You pass a few hours in the tavern eating and drinking and resting your feet after trekking up one side of the city and down the other. Enimpi is a pleasant and informative guide. She tells you about Set's origins as a small fishing village during the Dark Times of the Witch-King's reign and how a few years after his downfall. When the Order of Light, the religion of the Kalasan liberators, grew more fervant converts, other faiths became unwelcome and priests and priestesses by the thousands were cast out. Then-autarch Principillia seized on this and sent messages far and wide accepting all faiths to her city. The discarded faithful answered and thus Set became the City of Gods.
She then gives an overview of the current autarch, Wise Father Justin, and his mysterious origins and how a quiet and unassuming man with no political connections and no obvious wealth was able to take the position left many in the city surprised and wondering just where exactly he came from. The autarch has so far kept quiet about his past, becoming evasive when questioned too closely. She then describes how the Council of Faith advises the autarchs in order to keep the peace with so many religious factions. The current Council is made up of Mother Aguile, The Gray One, Dark Father Marcus, Bjorgun the Troll-Killer, Cassandra, Argus, and Mad Robin.
Using religious law in such a diverse city proved impossible so they created a secular law. As one might expect, murder, theft, assault, and other violent crimes are illegal and earn severe punishments, such as flogging, hanging, slavery, and exile. There is a permanent ban on the summoning of demons, the creation of monsters, and the use of certain forms of magic. Finally, the city doesn’t tolerate violence driven by religious differences, as all faiths are welcome. This law is enforced by the All-Faiths Company, who've you run into earlier today arguing with the jotun.
She also rattles off recent events happening through the city: A rash of unsolved killings in New Paradise, a sinkhole opened up a house in Red Roofs and a handful of demons escaped ravaging the neighborhood for several hours, and militant cultists of the one True God settled in the Sprawl and are causing interfaith violence to break out.
Finally after all of this several people enter the tavern who Enimpi points out. She nods to a dwarf with a shaved head and tattoos on his neck and face.
"That's Gruphenter, head priest of Oceanus. He'll be the one you want to talk to. I suggest quickly since it looks like the sun will be setting within the hour," she says looking out a window at the orange and purple sky.
Whew! Feel free to ask about anything Enimpi mentioned. Most of it is just lore but there's some side-quest plot hooks buried in there as well if you're interested!