The Northern Mountains
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Dec 16, 2024 11:16 am
That sounds like a fair trade. to the party: What do you all say to some cartography work? We still have another 6 nights before our ride gets back and if we miss that day, they will come back again a week later. The gnomes might even agree to meeting the griffon master on our behalf and show them to this settlement and save us some steps. They may even bring a letter from us to the lady in the Manor...
Last edited December 16, 2024 11:17 am
Dec 16, 2024 3:56 pm

Xaldri longhelm

Captain Klix
Klix guides you back out of the small stronghold. The rest of the building is built for people of gnomish stature but the hall you talked with Longhelm in was build tall enough for any of the races of the people you have heard of. Once outside he offers to show you around the valley or take you to the scout station to talk with their leader as they are more familiar with the area around the valley.
Dec 18, 2024 7:54 am
Van is amazed to learn so much about this gnome tribe, and it's city. He is happy to help with mapping.
Captain Klix
Dec 18, 2024 4:11 pm

Captain Klix
You spend some time going over the maps of the area which includes the quarry and even a notation that you think is the ravine you found the abandoned village and ettin's in. Though the mark only indicates the ravine and is at the very edge of the map. They take you on a walk along their borders and show you the two other smaller and higher passes into the valley. By time the tour of the valley perimeter and discussion of the area they know is done it is time for the feast with Lonhelm and you are escorted back to the guards keep.
The hall is much busier and you get the chance to meet other gnomes, including the prominent farmers, hunters, craftsmen, and miners. The meal is very lively with each of you being engages by several of the locals curious about news from the world at large.
Let me know if there is anything you wish to do/say during the feast or after.
Otherwise we can FF to the morning and go from there. Any particular plans or just
Dec 18, 2024 6:50 pm
Blornvid confers with Elyse and Sylvandur when they get a moment alone. He asks them, "Should we tell 'em about the abandoned village in the cavern?"
Dec 18, 2024 10:10 pm
ForeverDED says:
Blornvid confers with Elyse and Sylvandur when they get a moment alone. He asks them, "Should we tell 'em about the abandoned village in the cavern?"Dec 26, 2024 7:10 pm
Blornvid clears his throat when he thinks Captain Klix isn't distracted. "There's somethin' else you should know about what's up in that ravine we came through. When we made our descent through the mountainside—we'd found a doorway up on a crag—we came across a village inside a cavern. It was abandoned, might've been flooded. Couldn't figure out who lived there, but there was this structure that coulda been the town hall with a couple of runes on it. Anyway, inside there was this slime. It attacked me, but my friends here burned it offa me. Strangely enough, the thing didn't burn my skin. I mean, it was all over me. It cleaned my armor nice, but didn't actually hurt me. I can't guarantee that others won't get hurt by it. We left the place after it happened."
Xaldri Longhelm
Dec 28, 2024 12:40 am

Xaldri Longhelm
After the feast you are escorted to a small hut a the edge of the valley, that looks to be used by guards and the like for short stays. You all settle down with a nice fire and some rough pallets that are definitely better than sleeping on the cold hard rock of the mountains or caves. In the morning a small basket is dropped off to allow you to make breakfast in the huts kitchen corner and you eat an work on your gear as you make plans.
You still have a couple of days before you will be picked up by Magian.
I believe the plan was to explore more around the valley area and fill in blanks on their maps. I will go with that unless I hear otherwise. Dec 29, 2024 9:45 pm
Yes, let's try to fill those gaps in the maps. Specially in the areas that connect the valley with the mountain of giants, and whatever landmark we consider to be easily seen by air (as to facilitate travelling to and from the manor).Dec 30, 2024 4:32 am
After getting some food and rest you feel pretty good but are realizing that the higher elevations the gnomes live at are quite cool in the evenings and down right frigid at night. So you offer to handle mapping more of the lower reaches for them. This should also make future trade easier with a well known trade route. The next day you are escorted from the valley by a couple of the gnomish rangers. They often ride on mountain goats as they roam the surrounding area but to make it easier the two that accompany you go on foot for after you all get a ride to the edge of the well known area to one side of the path you took to get up here from the ravine.
This section of the mountains is much rougher and the scouts comment that even the goats have trouble with some of the gaps and cliff faces in the area. Fortunately both of the gnomes brough extra rope and climbing gear should you need to descend.

The hiking is rough and you all begin to feel the strain of the steep slopes on your legs and are grateful when you stop on a bed of needles from some highland trees. As the scouts are updating the map you review what you have leaned. So far there have only been signs of small animals though you are positive larger ones are about as well. You have been heading towards a river that cuts through these mountains. The gnomes located it years ago but have not had cause to thoroughly investigate the region. But now with the extra manpower your group represents they are eager to learn more. A water supply is more likely to attract a variety of creatures. They are not interested in facing off but would like to know what might lurk here as bad seasons can often cause shifts in hunting ranges or even migrations.
After lunch you set out again and by late afternoon you can spot the river cutting through a prominent cliff and falling to run through the bottom of a large valley. The gnomish scout say they have avoided the valley so do not know what to expect down in it. They can either ranger ahead or to either side of your party as you make your way down into and explore the valley. Thick woods cover much of the lower reaches of the valley but the higher slopes could hold many caves with unknown beasts or monsters within. The scouts indicate that you do not need to find and defeat anything and hope that sign of whatever lives here can easily be found near the river but are open to your own ideas for how to explore the valley.
This section of the mountains is much rougher and the scouts comment that even the goats have trouble with some of the gaps and cliff faces in the area. Fortunately both of the gnomes brough extra rope and climbing gear should you need to descend.

The hiking is rough and you all begin to feel the strain of the steep slopes on your legs and are grateful when you stop on a bed of needles from some highland trees. As the scouts are updating the map you review what you have leaned. So far there have only been signs of small animals though you are positive larger ones are about as well. You have been heading towards a river that cuts through these mountains. The gnomes located it years ago but have not had cause to thoroughly investigate the region. But now with the extra manpower your group represents they are eager to learn more. A water supply is more likely to attract a variety of creatures. They are not interested in facing off but would like to know what might lurk here as bad seasons can often cause shifts in hunting ranges or even migrations.
After lunch you set out again and by late afternoon you can spot the river cutting through a prominent cliff and falling to run through the bottom of a large valley. The gnomish scout say they have avoided the valley so do not know what to expect down in it. They can either ranger ahead or to either side of your party as you make your way down into and explore the valley. Thick woods cover much of the lower reaches of the valley but the higher slopes could hold many caves with unknown beasts or monsters within. The scouts indicate that you do not need to find and defeat anything and hope that sign of whatever lives here can easily be found near the river but are open to your own ideas for how to explore the valley.
Jan 3, 2025 6:41 pm
"That sounds like a reasonable plan. But if ye stumble upon anything nasty, find yer way back down to the river and we'll deal with it together."
Jan 4, 2025 6:33 pm
The scouts range lead you to a section that gives a clear view of the valley. They indicate there is another entrance but it is several hours hike to reach. This entrance uses a low point in the same cliff face that river enters the valley by. The scouts secure both of their lines to convenient anchors, a boulder and tree, before passing out the climbing gear. The plan for now is to stick to this side of the river in the valley but if you find a good place to cross it may be worth it to check out the other side.
We'll descend first while you keep an eye your from up here. Once we are down and scout the area a bit you come down after. We will leave the ropes so we can get out this way or come back and get them later. The two give a quick tutorial on the climbing gear use before skillfully descending.
Give tests to descend and finalize any preparations before entering the valley

Gnomish Scout
Give tests to descend and finalize any preparations before entering the valley
Jan 4, 2025 10:31 pm
While the gnomes descend, Blornvid makes sure that all is gear is firmly stowed. Once the scouts signal "all clear," he descends, keeping focused on the task at hand.
If focus is not applicable, please disregard.Rolls
Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(25) = 7
Jan 6, 2025 3:19 am
@Cathamber,@beefbrain,@Turanel2,@Twirch : checking in on who is back from holiday and ready to play. Jan 7, 2025 2:56 pm
I am phasing out of managing this game. I am fine with finishing up the mountian exploration if there is enough interest. So far there are 2 of the expected 5 players posting this year. I'll give it to the end of the week. If no other players post I will wrap it up with a shorter sumary and move the story and characters back to the mannor. The main features of the valley are the rocky walls, the thick forrest, and river. The edges of the valley are strewn wiht bolders and rough rocky formations with plenty of caves and crevices. The woods are thin at the higher edges but get thicker with only ocasional glades or clearing. The river enters the valley as a waterfall, creating an contant rumble with ocasional whisps of mist blown throughout the valley as the strong highland winds snatch it from the cloud surrounding the waterfall base.
The river runs through the woods, till it exits at the low end of the valley.
The scouts are most interested in the woods but express concerns about the possibility of creatures lairing within the caves along the valley edges. They suggest moving along the edges of the woods and rocky valley perimiter hoping to survey both regions.
Let me know where you would like to explore. As usual add detail and rolls as appropriate.
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