The Northern Mountains
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"Even tying our rope is not enough to get so far down.
But stairs connect walking paths... There must be a tunnel or something similar to get to those stairs."
Looking for a path to the stairs - (2d6h1)
(21) = 2
Search for cave or steps - (2d6)
(62) = 8
Although he keeps thinking what kind of lock would it has. Anyhow, he approaches Blordvid and searches for some kind of door outline in the walls.
If he can't find he way start knocking anything around the place :)
Searching - (2d6h1)
(55) = 5
Blornvid, in your experience in dwarven domains, do you recall anything like that/ a knocker also being a key?
Look for knocker or its components - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)
(261) = 9
Well done Blornvid! If anyone is down there, they know we are here. Will either of you need light? says Elyse grinning in excitement at her companions.
"I can see for a wee bit in the dark, further if there's dim light. I don't mind taking lead." He brandishes his axe with a smile to underscore his point.
"That was impressive my dwarven friend! You can really unlock the most unconventional doors. I'm thrilled!
Please, do take the lead."
And Sylvandur calls Fur to his shoulder so they can enter the underground stairs...
At the bottom of the shaft, Blornvid looks up at the meager shaft of light coming in through the door. "Looks like the stairs were constructed to overcome the steep drop. From here it looks like whoever lived here used the natural tunnel. Pulling on the rope might close the door." He shrugs.
The natural tunnel descends, widens, and grows tall enough that Sylandur can stand up straight, which is helpful now that the light is gone.
As the tunnel levels out, a dim glow becomes visible. As they near the end of the tunnel, they come upon a ten by ten stone landing that looks out upon a cavern forty yards wide and sixty yards long. To their left is an opening that leads to the crevasse spotted from above. Forty feet below them looks like the remnants of a small village, though it appears uninhabited. Alas, there's no easy way down, for a wooden staircase lies in a heap.
"Hmmmm. Any suggestions as to how we get down from here?"
The adventurers spend a few minutes getting everything ready and slowly lower Elyse over the edge. An hour later, Elyse sits at the base of the precipice barely able to lift her arms. I don't think I was built for that. She call up to her companions.
"WoW, Elyse, that was remarkable! But I see you weaken yourself. Let's rest a moment before continuing."
He sits by a big rock, gets his healers kit out, and mixes some herbs with a bit of oil. And chants some strange words in a whisper. A few minutes later, a small coin-sized mixture is on a fresh leave. Strong and sweet fragrance fly by.
"Here, use a bit of this mixture on joints and hands to recover them faster. You can also put a bit on a headband over your forehead and the smell is invigorating. You shall be as new in 10 or 15 minutes."
Then he closes his healers kit carefully.
Elyse grimaces as she realizes her merchant background just spilled out...
Shall we do some exploring? Blornvid, any suggestions on where we might start our search?
Although it needs to be fresh to work properly, not sure how could we bottle it without loosing its life magic in a day or two... Or even becoming poisoning within the week..."
But that thought will need to wait for some other time.
Van nods, he is ready to explore!
After watching Sylvandur's healing ointment cure Elyse's fatigue, he nods and says, "I knew you'd be a fine addition to this team."
When asked which direction they should go, Blornvid scratches his beard and says, "I s'pose it depends on what you think of this place. I can't see why this village was abandoned. Everything looks intact from where I'm sittin'. The only peculiar thing is this ruined staircase, which forced us to repel down the wall. But, we can shrug it off and be on our way." He points to the cavern opening that looks upon the chasm. "That would be the way to go to find those stairs we saw in the chasm from above."
To the left is a short passage that allows faint light from the crevice and the sky beyond. The passages has signs of prequent, though not recent use and what looks to be a small stream bed that runs along the path out the cave. The stream and path both lead into the village along what was most likely the main avenue. A faint brees flows from the passage leading to the crevice allowing the air within the cavern to be fresh.
To the village or out to the ravine floor? Blornvid can see in the dark but I assume the others have a source of light. Lantern, torch,etc?
With a torch in his left hand, Van stand still looking at the village.
"This seems strange to me. I don't see why this place was abandoned, do you want to check it out before continuing?"
Van is curious about why the village is abandoned, but also about possible plants or fungi that grow around the area... his herbalist mind running fast.
At fist glance, the villages building diversity, leads Elyse to believe this village was home to a diverse population. She would have expected it to be more homogenous. She shares these thoughts with her companions as they head towards the village.
Van does indeed find a few plants growing in throughout the village but most are simple lichen and the like. Roll test to identify anything useful
He also, under his elven heritage, focuses on meditation for a moment to feel for any spiritual o magic forces around.
Searching a house - (2d6h1)
(61) = 6
Searching for herbs - (3d6h1)
(112) = 2
Spiritual sense - (2d6h1)
(24) = 4
perception, advantage, to notice details - (3D6)
(326) = 11
Notice Details - (2d6)
(46) = 10
As you move through the town Van fails to find any recognizably beneficial plants but still takes a few samples for later experimentation. You make your way to the toown hall(?) at the back of the cave and find the doors are shut. Over the top of the door you see two mars carved into the stone, over each corner of the door, a Quill and a Scroll.
Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(15) = 6
Then a bit of movement catches your eye as something small moves between some of the furrniture, heading your way.
Sensing - (2d6h1)
(33) = 3

Attack vs Blornvid - (3d6)
(315) = 9
Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(23) = 5
Burn the slime - (2d6)
(42) = 6
Blornvid can try and free himself, each Test now has advantage and takes one action
nothing to see here. . . . - (2d6)
(21) = 3
First Action to break free - (3d6)
(434) = 11
Second Action to break free - (3d6)
(445) = 13
Stab the slime - (2d6)
(43) = 7
randome rolls of no consequence? - (2d6)
(53) = 8
Torch attack - (2d6h1)
(61) = 6
You stand outside and concider your options. It was obvious from the inerior that the area beyond the doors is much larger thatn the building would suggest indicating that much of it is set back in the stone that encloses the village. Though you looked over much of the village you have not searched it completely or gone out to the ravine floor. As you concider options you also include the possibility of scaling the building and tring to enter it from one of the upper level windows.
Hello[b] giving a comforting smile Wemmick will continue to speak. [b]it is good to see other people again!
I will put DM questions/comments/instructions for characters in purple
Character communication is in bold
Character thought is in italics
Use colors for additional emphasis, like on a characters name
Use the Q&A thread to ask for any clarification
Use the Chat thread for anything not related to the current game
Your character is free to go anywhere and try anything.
Roll a Test anytime you think there is a chance or failure so I don't have to ask for a roll or roll for you This keeps the game moving.
Sylvandur's attention followed Fur until she stopped, and smelled the air, only a meter before reaching a human with a sword.
If not for Fur's relaxed stance, Sylvansur would have prepared for combat! But he has learn to trust Fur's instincts.
After Wemmick greetings... "Good indeed, traveler. Specially in this obscure place. May I ask you, how did you get here? This is a dangerous place to visit alone."
Wemmick moves his rapier slowly towards his sheath. flourishes cape bows and introduces himself as a traveling bard.
Wemmick points behind him toward the path he came down.
The person who came in that way was dropped off by a flying creature a few hours ago now.
Elyse pauses for a response...
The passage leads downhill and narrows a bit, though still quite tall, before opening up morea and you find yourselves under an overhang that opens into a deep cleft in the mountain side. The old trail continues under the overhang and splits with one path leading up the ravine while the other path leads down hill. The path, like the cavern village is old and well worn. Some plants are scattered around the ravine floor with occasional brush and even a couple trees where the soil is deep enough to support them. Remembering the stone steps your observed from above you begin searching the area and find them after a couple minutes. The stairs are well crafted but not uniform. In fact you believe that they would be quite hard to notice if you were not expecting to find them. As you look then over you note that there are signs of use, a faded foot-print and other traces, indicate the stairs have seen recent use within the last couple of days. The size and shape of the print lets you surmise that whatever left it was likely a monstrous biped slightly larger than a human.
Checking prints - (2d6)
(63) = 9
"We should be careful, a battle with such foe would NOT be easy.."
Then he takes his sling and readies a stone, ready to shoot if necessary
Up the stairs, up the ravine, down the raving, or DM choice (toward the nearest story content, good, bad, or ugly)?
Knowledge on those larger beasts - (2d6h1)
(54) = 5
abandon our search, but let's be careful ahead not to be surprised."
Then looks up to see where I'd it fall from, or if some giant threw it.
Initiative... if not disregard. - (3d6)
(233) = 8
Blornvid: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(46) = 10
Here are some basic game guidelines.
Do you want to
1. wait and try to see/hear what is coming down the stairs
2. head up the stairs to meet them
3. hide from view of the stairs
4. other
Remember, your character is free to go anywhere and try anything. (You can always choose "Other" and let me know your actions.)
Roll a Test anytime you think there is a chance or failure so I don't have to ask for a roll or roll for you This keeps the game moving.
I will usually let narrative dictate who goes first in combat unless there is a random/surprise factor. But thanks for rolling Just In Case :)
Step height illusion if creature attacks (fucused) - (3d6)
(222) = 6

The large muscular humanoid is about 40 feet up the stairs (1+ zone/movement away) and barely has room on them as it catches sight of you and raises its club overhead and emits a roar that echoes up and down the ravine.
The stairs vary from 3-4 feet in width and steep or shallow depending on the section. You may be able to slip past each other if careful but single file like is the safest when fighting. I assume Blornvid or Wemmik would be first (as before) so whichever of them post first will be assumed to be in the front unless they state otherwise, with the other 2 behind
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
Range | Zone | Attacks | Distance |
Close | 0 | Light, Heavy, Magic, Ranged* | 5-25' |
Near | 1 | Ranged, Magic | 25-50' |
Far | 2 | Ranged, Magic | 50-75' |
Very Far | 4-6 | Ranged* | 75'-150' |
Note : Distances are for reference and often not used.
* Ranged attacks are at disadvantage at close range
2nd Action: Attack
Axe - (3d6)
(636) = 15
Ettin 9' fills the path, Human 6' mostly fills it, Dwarf 5' mostly fills it (shorter but stockyer), Duende 3' can share space with dwarf/human. However, Elyse can just use spell touched to attack the ettin for damage or situational effects (as your earlier attempt)
If so first move to close the distance
Second move to use acrobatics to get past the Ettin.
Not sure if this is possible or if it would be a 1,2 or 3 die roll as I am trying to use one of my abilities.
Attempt to get past Ettin with accrobatics - (3d6)
(562) = 13
Cathamber is up
Shot - (3d6)
(265) = 13
Magic Bolt - (2D6)
(45) = 9

Players turn
club attack - (Blornvid:3d6, Wemmik:3d8)
Blornvid:3d6 : (414) = 9
Wemmik:3d8 : (433) = 10
Left cut - (2d6)
(12) = 3
Right cut - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Attack #1 - (3d6)
(242) = 8
Attack #2 - (3d6)
(434) = 11
"How nice to come say high! Would you rather talk to us instead of trying your luck with stronger ones? he shouts to the ettin.
Sling shot - (3d6)
(351) = 9

Roll as save test.
Success you are knocked off your feet but manage to grab onto stone to keep from falling. 1 action to get back up on.
Fail you are knocked off the stairs and fall down into the ravine, take damage (TBD) and will have to make your way back to the stairs
Knock from the stairs - (Wemmick:2d6, Blornvid:2d6)
Wemmick:2d6 : (15) = 6
Blornvid:2d6 : (54) = 9
cast gust of wind - (2d6)
(21) = 3
Resolute Trait. Avoid fall! - (3d6)
(254) = 11
2nd Action: Swing axe - (3d6)
(325) = 10
OOC well if he is lucky on the save.
Roll for save - (2d6)
(62) = 8
Attack - (2d6)
(64) = 10
Attack - (3d6h1)
(221) = 2
Just a reminder but in combat time each PC has 2 actions. A save test takes no actions unless explicitly stated it is required.
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test

The Ettin, by this point, is bleeding profusely and beginning to wobble. The heads give each other a glance before its torso turns and it rushes up the stairs, brushin Wemmick out of the way. Another save by Wemmick to prevent a fall.
Attack on Wemmick - (3d6)
(126) = 9
In the nexts minutes you will lose too much blood and die, unless treated.

Blornvid says to Sylvandur, "They aren't interested in healing. Big ol' whiner."
To the rest of the group: "Should we give chase and finish 'em off?"
He is in his home, there was never really any need for violence... too bad he started throwing rocks."
OOC: Happy Halloween!!!
Attempt to maintain balance. - (2d6)
(61) = 7
Nonleathal attempt to take down ettin. - (2d6)
(56) = 11
ettin save - (2d6)
(31) = 4
Magic Bolt 1 - (2D6)
(12) = 3
Magic Bolt 2 - (2d6)
(54) = 9
First swing of the axe - (3d6)
(545) = 14
Second swing of the axe - (3d6)
(316) = 10
Blornvid considers shoving the ettin's corpse off the stairs and into the ravine.
After a moment, Fur seems to prefer going down
1 up, 2 down - (1d2)
(2) = 2
Going down the stairs will simply return you to where to came from, the ravine floor with access to the cavern and traversing the ravine. Having already started up you decide to continue for now but with not caution in case you fought had alerted others.
Shall we? As she cautiously ventures forth.
Cast dancing lights - (2d6)
(41) = 5
I will follow your lead here as either direction gives me a good story to tell." Wemmick gently taps his lute. "And that puts food in my belly and a warm bed to sleep in. Well at least a barn and some bread on my travels."
in addition I will take this weekend to check for character advancement. At this point any who is still a Rookie, has not advanced since the beginning of their story, should review the progression below and plan what they want to gain as a Novice. Rookies may also advance to Veteran, and veterans will gain XP. If you have questions about yoru advancement post them on your player & character thread.
Characters advance after the introductory session to become a "Novice" gaining weapon mastery or a trait. After another short time they will advance to "Veterans" and gain whichever of mastery or trait they did not pick.
As Veterans begin gaining experience points that can be used to enhance their character as follows.
Exp Cost | |
6 | +1 permanent HP |
8 | +1 Proficient or Mastered Weapon. |
10 | +1 Trait |
Experience is generally awarded for the group as a whole as follows:
+1 for good roleplay.
+1 for defeating enemies (encounters, not per enemy).
+1 for overcoming challenges
+1 for advancing the plot and their goals.
Advanced Rules for Veterans
Critical Success :
Any time two or more 6's are roll rolled on any test the results exceed basic results. Damage is increased or another beneficial effect will be added by the GM.
Holding :
If a character wants to wait and respond to changes in the situation they may declare this at the beginning of their turn. Holding takes one action allowing them to use their other action at any point afterwards.
random roll - (3d6)
(436) = 13
He stands warily at a slight distance from this other group, and calls over oi, you lot, you friends or foes? I'm still Gutelos by the looks o' it, an' this is me mate Glidbem. We're lookin' fer a way out o' this place an' back ter civilisation if there is one around 'ere. You lot lost or doin' somethin' worth joinin' in on?
Gutelos is a goblin-looking duende with a smile that covers at least half his face, and with lots of small sharp teeth of view. He has a miner's helmet atop his head, a flickering flame from an enclosed lamp affixed to it, and carries a pickaxe over his shoulder nonchalantly. He's a bit grimy and his clothes have seen better days, sturdy cloth with a few stitches holding them together in places, the workmanship a little on the shoddy side.
"Greetings Gutelos and Glidbem. I'm Sylvandur and there is civilization close by. We expect to return back there in a few days, so I guess you could join us. If that's ok with rest rest."
The gnome standing before you is dressed in scholars attire, it's former proper appearance now looking much less so after recent travels. Her dark hair, which usually would be kept tied back in some form, has now been left to hang loosely just below her shoulders. Her complexion is on the paler side and her expression seems to be one of constant worry, though not about anything in particular. As she moves she seems to make an effort to stay near to any shadows or objects that could be used as cover.
If it's civilization you're going towards then I would very much be interested in joining you. I do quite look forward to finally seeing the sky again.

He starts to move towards the exit as Blornvid suggests, but with his pick firmly in his grasp just in case.

One of them growls as one of it's heads glare at the party.
"Nope. We got lost, that's all. We'll be going now." Blornvid tries to get the others to back out from whence they came, and puts himself out front in case the ettin decide to attack anyway. His axe is at the ready in case they do.
Down in the ravine you spot a faint path leading along the ravine length. At the base of the cliff you spot the body of what you assume to be another ettin. A few plants are scattered around the ravine floor with occasional brush and even a couple trees where the soil is deep enough to support them.
By the light in the sky above the lip of the ravine it is now mid afternoon.
Date&Time(Beta): 1@16:00
Elyse, Blornvid, and Sylvandur rode to these mountains on griffons that will return for them later after they have searched the area for mineral deposits. They found the ravine and stairs that led to an abandoned village set within a cavern near the base of the ravine. The village held little of interest save a building that is occupied by some form of ooze.
Wemmick was separated from his caravan after a monster attack, found the stairs, and soon met up with the others near the cavern village.
Gutelos was escorting a scholar mage to the recently rediscovered city Paphos that should be somewhere nearby and was sucked into a watery whirlpool where he met Glidbem who had a similar experience. Together they crawled through the caves to reach the ettin's cavern.
Poppy was simply exploring and gathering plants for her profession and was driven into the caves by some dark fey.
It is apparent that the cavern that are in these mountains are quite extensive and that was one of the reasons that Blornvid and the others came to this region.
1. fight/parley with the ettin
2. go down and search the village and/or try and defeat the ooze in the towns main hall
3. go down and explore the ravine ??
4. go up and explore the mountains ??
5. split up so those who wish to head to the city can head there
6. Other, just let me know
He hopes they can continue up the mountain looking for those gems Elyse wanted.
As the group gathers to decide, he calls Fur, his ferret, and feeds her some jerky meat.
Upon re-reading @daryen post, I think he might be willing to merge this one into the Underdark thread. I'll have to ask him.
My overall intent is to get everyone back to New Paphos and regroup from there.
I would have expected to find at least a few of those gems and healing plants we were looking for, but considering the circumstances it is not a must
The stairs take you to the lip of the ravine on the far side from where many of you began your journey. Knowing it will be several days still before transport is expected to return to the region to take Blornvid and his initial companions back there is little that you can do to speed anyones return to civilization at this time. So you quickly move to get some distance from the ravine. Stopping only for lunch at a mountain stream you decide to use it to try and hide your track should the Etting try and find you and follow it upstream.
Elyse gets excided when she notes a few rocks in the streambed show signs of mineral deposits that indicate possible mine sites may be nearby. Recalling the numerous caverns and cliffs seen from above she hopes to find further signs and begins checking the stream bed for more traces as you follow it deeper into the steep mountains. I need a test for geology/nature/tracking form Elyse and anyone else who wants to help
Helping out (herbalist/nature) - (3d6)
(543) = 12
Perceptive: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(441) = 9
The lower mountains are moderatly wooded but the higher you go the sparser the treee cover becomes. Squirls, birds, and the odd lizard are the only signs os activity in the area though you dobt the area is free of larger beast that simply stay out of sight. The coll fresh air is noticably thinner than down in the lowlands of the mannor and you are quickly breathing hard to make up for the difference.
The hike up the mountain following the stream, then rock slide, takes you several hours and as the sun gets close to the horizon you keep an eye out for a decent camp sight. You find a small copse of treed in a highland vale and make you way into it and find the best shelter possible as you make a small file for a nice warm meal before settling down for the night.
Elyse has grown excited and disheartened at the same time with the increased signs of a good stone vein but the remoteness would make creating a large opperation hard in this location. However Blornvid points ot that it should not be too hard to cinvince a dwarven family or small clan to set up operations here as they tend to not mind the lack of a thick social callender and are often only all to glade to have a mountain to themselves. You make arrangement for a watch as you chat and settle down for the night.
Waking in the morning you continue tracking the mineral traces and around mid day come to a ragged cliff face with large heaps of rough stone tiummbles around it that looks to be the souce of the deposits. As you look around Gutelos spots some interesting marking and informs the others that the stone has bee worked. Though not a common practice he has heard of a process used in high mountains where entire sections of cliff are sheered off for mining. This allows large ammounts of rock to be easily broken down to smaller chunks for processing. The clif is mostly granite so perhaps it was used to quarry that for use elsewhere? By his best guess the stone has been cut here repeatedly and finds some marks that don't look to be too old . . .
Roll to ain more information and/or let me know any path of investigation
Perceptive: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
(341) = 8
perceptive: looking for tracks or a path - (3D6)
(346) = 13
geology, are Gem stones found in granite deposits - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Elyse is unforunatly unable to locate any signs of valuable mineral deposits in the cliff face quary. The traces of mineral you followed may have been from earlier excavations of the cliff and she is aware that this means there may be other veins of rare minnerals nearby but simnply not at the currant surface. During the search you find multipe took marks with varying level of weathering indicating this site has likely been used for multiple years.
Between Blornvid, Elyse, and Gutelos you piece together a rough history. At yoru best guess the are was mined for minnerals many years ago till the easilly accessable ones were all removed. Since that time the site has been used to quary stone for building materials. The periodic use of the site indicates a nearby setlement that and guaging by the size of the quary and road it is likely not too large.
Off to one side is a stone citadel built into a cliff near the mouth of the valley. There are guards atop it's outer walls and you see a squad of figures heading towards you from the fortified gatehouse set in the midle of the wall. The squad has about 6 figures and will reach your position in a couple minutes.
Gnome Captain

Though the leader is relaxed in his manner the other guards vary from curious to glaring at you. They are alert, scanning the area between taking your groups measure.
Gnome Captain

There are no other settlements nearby that we know of. Are you wandering adventurers or scouts for an expanding kingdom?
As you chat with him you notice other gnomes throughout the small valley as well as several watchtowers set higher in the mountains around the valley. The longer you look the more you realize this valley has been fully cultivated save a few select regions that border the fields and houses in a rambling way that breaks up the outlines of fields and rodes making it look far more natural an uncultivated than it truely is.
Taking Blornvid's lead, Elyse stays vague about gems for now.

We have been mostly isolated since the shattering and would welcome initiating relations. If you can handle the transportation then we would be most interested in trading with the lowlands once again. But we will have to go see the clan chief to talk much about that. As you can guess at this altitude we do not have much of a warm season so right now most of our efforts are focused on our crops but in the winters we mostly work on our mines and crafts.
He then proceeds to ask several questions about your travels and knowledge of the area You were flown? Will you be returning soon? Have you mapped the region? Are there any other settlements you have talked with in the area? What creatures have you encountered in your travels?
As you chat he leads you towards the defensive structure. A pair of the guards run ahead while the others move to guard their captain and flank your group. They seem friendly enough and more relaxed but still vigilant and alert of any actions you take
You are allowed inside the outer walls and asked to rest a moment in a small courtyard while the chief.

Xaldri longhelm

Xaldri longhelm

You chat with him a bit more and agree that while bulk goods may be hard to move regularly the griffon or other means of shipping small and lightweight goods back and forth could easily cover the cost of more exotic transportations that their remote location would require. He informs you that while they have had to focus more on simple survival there are still a couple master craftsmen, clock makers, and enchanters in their community. Gnomish work, while often more temperamental than durable dwarvish goods, has long had a reputation for excellence and unique works of crafting and enchanting.
In addition to the trade opportunities they are interested in the surrounding area but only venture out of their valley and surrounding hills to a limited extent. Should you be amenable to it they would be willing to pay you for updating the sparse maps they have of the wider mountainous area.

Klix guides you back out of the small stronghold. The rest of the building is built for people of gnomish stature but the hall you talked with Longhelm in was build tall enough for any of the races of the people you have heard of. Once outside he offers to show you around the valley or take you to the scout station to talk with their leader as they are more familiar with the area around the valley.
Captain Klix

You spend some time going over the maps of the area which includes the quarry and even a notation that you think is the ravine you found the abandoned village and ettin's in. Though the mark only indicates the ravine and is at the very edge of the map. They take you on a walk along their borders and show you the two other smaller and higher passes into the valley. By time the tour of the valley perimeter and discussion of the area they know is done it is time for the feast with Lonhelm and you are escorted back to the guards keep.
The hall is much busier and you get the chance to meet other gnomes, including the prominent farmers, hunters, craftsmen, and miners. The meal is very lively with each of you being engages by several of the locals curious about news from the world at large.
Let me know if there is anything you wish to do/say during the feast or after.
Otherwise we can FF to the morning and go from there. Any particular plans or just
Xaldri Longhelm

After the feast you are escorted to a small hut a the edge of the valley, that looks to be used by guards and the like for short stays. You all settle down with a nice fire and some rough pallets that are definitely better than sleeping on the cold hard rock of the mountains or caves. In the morning a small basket is dropped off to allow you to make breakfast in the huts kitchen corner and you eat an work on your gear as you make plans.
You still have a couple of days before you will be picked up by Magian.
This section of the mountains is much rougher and the scouts comment that even the goats have trouble with some of the gaps and cliff faces in the area. Fortunately both of the gnomes brough extra rope and climbing gear should you need to descend.

The hiking is rough and you all begin to feel the strain of the steep slopes on your legs and are grateful when you stop on a bed of needles from some highland trees. As the scouts are updating the map you review what you have leaned. So far there have only been signs of small animals though you are positive larger ones are about as well. You have been heading towards a river that cuts through these mountains. The gnomes located it years ago but have not had cause to thoroughly investigate the region. But now with the extra manpower your group represents they are eager to learn more. A water supply is more likely to attract a variety of creatures. They are not interested in facing off but would like to know what might lurk here as bad seasons can often cause shifts in hunting ranges or even migrations.
After lunch you set out again and by late afternoon you can spot the river cutting through a prominent cliff and falling to run through the bottom of a large valley. The gnomish scout say they have avoided the valley so do not know what to expect down in it. They can either ranger ahead or to either side of your party as you make your way down into and explore the valley. Thick woods cover much of the lower reaches of the valley but the higher slopes could hold many caves with unknown beasts or monsters within. The scouts indicate that you do not need to find and defeat anything and hope that sign of whatever lives here can easily be found near the river but are open to your own ideas for how to explore the valley.

Give tests to descend and finalize any preparations before entering the valley
Blornvid: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)
(25) = 7
The main features of the valley are the rocky walls, the thick forrest, and river. The edges of the valley are strewn wiht bolders and rough rocky formations with plenty of caves and crevices. The woods are thin at the higher edges but get thicker with only ocasional glades or clearing. The river enters the valley as a waterfall, creating an contant rumble with ocasional whisps of mist blown throughout the valley as the strong highland winds snatch it from the cloud surrounding the waterfall base.
The river runs through the woods, till it exits at the low end of the valley.
The scouts are most interested in the woods but express concerns about the possibility of creatures lairing within the caves along the valley edges. They suggest moving along the edges of the woods and rocky valley perimiter hoping to survey both regions.
Let me know where you would like to explore. As usual add detail and rolls as appropriate.
I see that the scouting was successful, and the characters are going back to the manor soon. I'm OK with that.

The trip back is exciting as the thrill of flight is still new to all, and unsettling to several of you. Before reaching the manor however Magian leaps from his mount, sprouting wings and circles lower. The griffons continue to glide in large circles high above for several minutes as Magian continues lower. Looking down you realize he spotted something, though all you can make out is an occasional glint of sunlight off of metal or glass. A call from Magian prompts the griffon to begins their own descent and you rejoin the stable master before dropping to the ground.
Magian (1)

Would you stay here and watch it while I go back to the manor to see if any of our people are missing or exploring in this region?
ForeverDED / Blornvid
Turanel2 / Elyse Solstice : a duende merchant / jeweler.
Cathamber / Sylvandur Hathil Amdir : elven herbalist / healer
Perception advantage looking for danger as we enter the rift of the barrier - (3d6)
(243) = 9