The Northern Mountains

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Nov 15, 2024 12:31 am
As the notes of the song were first heard the two ettin stepped back a bit and moved a bit further apart glaring all around. As the Florian woman stepped into the light they bothe peered into th darkness behinde here with one head while their other head scanned the area.

One of them growls as one of it's heads glare at the party.
Giant Speech says:
More vermin in the cave? You seek to take our home?
Nov 15, 2024 1:42 am
Blornvid isn't sure if there's more than these two ettin. One was enough. Two might be rough. And if there's more...

"Nope. We got lost, that's all. We'll be going now." Blornvid tries to get the others to back out from whence they came, and puts himself out front in case the ettin decide to attack anyway. His axe is at the ready in case they do.
Nov 15, 2024 2:12 pm
The two ettin glower at all of you as you retreat back into the passage. Though not long the passage is barely large enough for the etting and twists and turns but still has faint traces of daylight allowing those who have not been this way before to realize it leads out of this place.
Nov 15, 2024 5:47 pm
Once they're safely outside and the ettins are out of earshot, Blornvid says, "Let's try the other way first. Now that we know what to expect up this way, if we have to come back, we formulate a battle plan ahead of time." He looks to Elyse for her approval of this idea as she leads this gem hunting mission.
Nov 15, 2024 5:57 pm
I take it there other other o' them things in there that yer come across then? Gutelos asks quietly. Look pretty big an' nasty buggers ter deal with.
Nov 15, 2024 6:27 pm
As you exit the tunnel, which appears to have been a natural cleft in the stone of the cliff that has been expanded to allow the ettins passage, you step out onto a set of carved stone stairs. The stairs are ascending the side of a deep ravine with sheer cliff walls. The stairs are well crafted but not uniform. In fact you believe that they would be quite hard to notice if you were not expecting to find them.

Down in the ravine you spot a faint path leading along the ravine length. At the base of the cliff you spot the body of what you assume to be another ettin. A few plants are scattered around the ravine floor with occasional brush and even a couple trees where the soil is deep enough to support them.

By the light in the sky above the lip of the ravine it is now mid afternoon.
Date&Time(Beta): 1@16:00
Nov 18, 2024 4:34 pm
Lets continue up the stairs, I feel there is more to discover up here.
Nov 19, 2024 4:17 am
As you consider where to go next you begin to swap some information.
Elyse, Blornvid, and Sylvandur rode to these mountains on griffons that will return for them later after they have searched the area for mineral deposits. They found the ravine and stairs that led to an abandoned village set within a cavern near the base of the ravine. The village held little of interest save a building that is occupied by some form of ooze.
Wemmick was separated from his caravan after a monster attack, found the stairs, and soon met up with the others near the cavern village.
Gutelos was escorting a scholar mage to the recently rediscovered city Paphos that should be somewhere nearby and was sucked into a watery whirlpool where he met Glidbem who had a similar experience. Together they crawled through the caves to reach the ettin's cavern.
Poppy was simply exploring and gathering plants for her profession and was driven into the caves by some dark fey.

It is apparent that the cavern that are in these mountains are quite extensive and that was one of the reasons that Blornvid and the others came to this region.
Basic options at this point are to
1. fight/parley with the ettin
2. go down and search the village and/or try and defeat the ooze in the towns main hall
3. go down and explore the ravine ??
4. go up and explore the mountains ??
5. split up so those who wish to head to the city can head there
6. Other, just let me know
Nov 19, 2024 5:18 pm
"Wemmick, did you come up the stairs from the bottom of the ravine, or did you come down the stairs from somewhere above?"
Nov 27, 2024 11:24 am
Van is becoming a bit anxious, he was hoping for a nice mountain side trek to see rocks and plants. But ooze and ettins keep jumping in their way.
He hopes they can continue up the mountain looking for those gems Elyse wanted.
As the group gathers to decide, he calls Fur, his ferret, and feeds her some jerky meat.
Nov 27, 2024 3:46 pm
Based on the note in the Tiny Chat channel by Psybermage focusing on new players and daryen not listing The Northern Mountains as a supported thread, I'll say goodbye. It was fun while it lasted. Hope to run into you in another game.
Nov 27, 2024 7:54 pm
That's a bummer. I was curious to see where this was headed.

Upon re-reading @daryen post, I think he might be willing to merge this one into the Underdark thread. I'll have to ask him.
Last edited Nov 27, 2024 7:57 pm
Nov 27, 2024 8:10 pm
@ForeverDED if he says yes, let us know. This is likely my favorite character I have ever played and I've been playing since 1979!
Nov 27, 2024 8:19 pm
I asked him in the TinyChat, so keep an eye there. But since it's American Thanksgiving this week, he might not get around to replying right away.
Nov 28, 2024 6:10 am
To answer here, I didn't mention this thread because I honestly thought Psybermagi would finish it off. If he doesn't want to, then I would be happy to finish it off (even though it is guaranteed to be different than what he likely intended). I was in no way ignoring this group!

My overall intent is to get everyone back to New Paphos and regroup from there.
Nov 28, 2024 7:28 am
We can FF to be pick up and go back to the manor easily... Then we can regroup and plan the next mission.

I would have expected to find at least a few of those gems and healing plants we were looking for, but considering the circumstances it is not a must
Nov 28, 2024 12:09 pm
I am happy either way and @daryen, never, for a moment, did I assume you were ignoring our group.
Nov 28, 2024 4:54 pm
I think I can manage some less aggressive challenges for the group. I will point out that the ooze never actually hurt anyone, hehe
Wemmik explains that he descended the way Blornvid and his companions did. Though the ettins seemed reluctant to attack the large party you doubt they will be pleased when they discover their fallen brother. Deciding that moving on is a good idea you continue up the stairs and make several notes of the area should you wish to return and investigate the ruins at a later date.

The stairs take you to the lip of the ravine on the far side from where many of you began your journey. Knowing it will be several days still before transport is expected to return to the region to take Blornvid and his initial companions back there is little that you can do to speed anyones return to civilization at this time. So you quickly move to get some distance from the ravine. Stopping only for lunch at a mountain stream you decide to use it to try and hide your track should the Etting try and find you and follow it upstream.

Elyse gets excided when she notes a few rocks in the streambed show signs of mineral deposits that indicate possible mine sites may be nearby. Recalling the numerous caverns and cliffs seen from above she hopes to find further signs and begins checking the stream bed for more traces as you follow it deeper into the steep mountains. I need a test for geology/nature/tracking form Elyse and anyone else who wants to help
Nov 28, 2024 9:29 pm
Van looks at Elyse, her interest in the streambed's minerals showing. And so he tries to help her.
Not sure if Van's herbalist knowledge counts for nature-based advantage. I'll roll 3 dice, but if it should not use advantage, just ignore the last roll.


Helping out (herbalist/nature) - (3d6)


Nov 30, 2024 8:12 pm
Blornvid lends a hand, or rather a pair of eyes, to aid in the search for gems and minerals.


Perceptive: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)


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