The Northern Mountains

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Dec 1, 2024 4:24 pm
Well this is promising. Says Elyse.


geology - (2D6)

(51) = 6

Dec 2, 2024 1:36 pm
Herboloby is no help so nly 2d6
You work together and are able to find a few samples of semiprecious stone that could be pollished and possibly shaped to figurines or the like and sold for a few copper or silver. More importanly you are able to trace them to a section of the hill that collapsed into a rock slide some time in the past The rock slide looks to be where the stream picked up to minerals and you turn from it and head up the mountain.

The lower mountains are moderatly wooded but the higher you go the sparser the treee cover becomes. Squirls, birds, and the odd lizard are the only signs os activity in the area though you dobt the area is free of larger beast that simply stay out of sight. The coll fresh air is noticably thinner than down in the lowlands of the mannor and you are quickly breathing hard to make up for the difference.

The hike up the mountain following the stream, then rock slide, takes you several hours and as the sun gets close to the horizon you keep an eye out for a decent camp sight. You find a small copse of treed in a highland vale and make you way into it and find the best shelter possible as you make a small file for a nice warm meal before settling down for the night.

Elyse has grown excited and disheartened at the same time with the increased signs of a good stone vein but the remoteness would make creating a large opperation hard in this location. However Blornvid points ot that it should not be too hard to cinvince a dwarven family or small clan to set up operations here as they tend to not mind the lack of a thick social callender and are often only all to glade to have a mountain to themselves. You make arrangement for a watch as you chat and settle down for the night.

Waking in the morning you continue tracking the mineral traces and around mid day come to a ragged cliff face with large heaps of rough stone tiummbles around it that looks to be the souce of the deposits. As you look around Gutelos spots some interesting marking and informs the others that the stone has bee worked. Though not a common practice he has heard of a process used in high mountains where entire sections of cliff are sheered off for mining. This allows large ammounts of rock to be easily broken down to smaller chunks for processing. The clif is mostly granite so perhaps it was used to quarry that for use elsewhere? By his best guess the stone has been cut here repeatedly and finds some marks that don't look to be too old . . .

Roll to ain more information and/or let me know any path of investigation
Dec 2, 2024 6:27 pm
While Blornvid has spent most of his adult life in a smithy, he's done enough mining (what dwarf hasn't?) to pick up a thing or two about the types of stone and where they're best utilized. So he examines the rubble and the cliff they came through to see if he can garner any clues.


Perceptive: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(341) = 8

Dec 2, 2024 7:13 pm
Elyse try's to determine if there is a path leading away from the quarried area. Moving stone from one place to another must leave some traces and might further detail how "recent" the not too old looking marks actually are.


perceptive: looking for tracks or a path - (3D6)

(346) = 13

geology, are Gem stones found in granite deposits - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Dec 3, 2024 12:46 am
You scan the area and found traces of a rough path that winds around the mountain. Once this is located you easilly determine that the "road", which is barely wide enough to support small carts, is at least several years old but does not seem to see much traffic. The ocasional wheel rut suggests that the quary is mined for its stone which is taken elseshere.

Elyse is unforunatly unable to locate any signs of valuable mineral deposits in the cliff face quary. The traces of mineral you followed may have been from earlier excavations of the cliff and she is aware that this means there may be other veins of rare minnerals nearby but simnply not at the currant surface. During the search you find multipe took marks with varying level of weathering indicating this site has likely been used for multiple years.

Between Blornvid, Elyse, and Gutelos you piece together a rough history. At yoru best guess the are was mined for minnerals many years ago till the easilly accessable ones were all removed. Since that time the site has been used to quary stone for building materials. The periodic use of the site indicates a nearby setlement that and guaging by the size of the quary and road it is likely not too large.
Dec 4, 2024 12:35 am
Maybe we can continue along the road and find the settlement. Let proceed with caution though.
Dec 5, 2024 3:12 pm
The group follows the rough track, mostly downhill, and after about an hour the road joins up with a few other tracks and is now a well beaten and obviously frequently used path through the rough mountanous terrain. You follow the road to you find your way into a relatively small sheltered valley. As you look out over the miile long valley you see several small buildings and traces of smoke that quickly vanish in the hish mountain winds. Several tracks can be seen criss crossing the valley as well as several fields and a couple orchards.

Off to one side is a stone citadel built into a cliff near the mouth of the valley. There are guards atop it's outer walls and you see a squad of figures heading towards you from the fortified gatehouse set in the midle of the wall. The squad has about 6 figures and will reach your position in a couple minutes.
Dec 8, 2024 3:47 am
Blornvid mutters, "I hope they're friendly." He then raises a hand in greeting and shouts, "Hello there, lads!"
Dec 8, 2024 2:53 pm
Elyse follows Blornvid's lead and waves a greeting...

Gnome Captain


Dec 8, 2024 3:02 pm
As they near you observe the group to be gnomes, one of the duende people, and all wear leather and metal armor, bear shields and hold a spear. Upon hearing Blornvids call the leader waves back and move close enough to talk comfortably but still several yards off. Arranging themselves into a rough wedge with 2 wings of three and the 7th standing behind the two at the front of their formation. The one in the middle, clad in more metal than the others, calls back

Gnome Captain
Greetings strangers. What brings you to our remote village?

Though the leader is relaxed in his manner the other guards vary from curious to glaring at you. They are alert, scanning the area between taking your groups measure.
Dec 8, 2024 9:55 pm
Figuring honesty is the best policy, Blornvid replies, "We were exploring the caves in the ravine between the mountains." He gestures from whence they came.

Gnome Captain


Dec 9, 2024 1:39 am
Gnome Captain
He looks you over and asks Where did you come from?
There are no other settlements nearby that we know of. Are you wandering adventurers or scouts for an expanding kingdom?

As you chat with him you notice other gnomes throughout the small valley as well as several watchtowers set higher in the mountains around the valley. The longer you look the more you realize this valley has been fully cultivated save a few select regions that border the fields and houses in a rambling way that breaks up the outlines of fields and rodes making it look far more natural an uncultivated than it truely is.
Dec 9, 2024 6:44 pm
I'm not sure which characters are still in the group, so please strike out anything I get wrong.
"Some of us were flown in, courtesy of some griffons." He gestures to Elyse and Sylvandur. "Others appear to have wandered in from elsewhere—you know how the world is since the Shattering. I'm Blornvid, and I'm from the Manor of the Lady Sylphir, a walk of several days south of here. We were unaware that anyone lived here and thought that an exploration expedition would be something worth doing." He leaves out the gem and mineral hunting in case that angers the gnomes. "We hope that doesn't give offense."
Dec 9, 2024 8:39 pm
I am Elyse Solstice, from a merchant family. I set out from my family home before the shattering and I am still trying to accomplish my mission to create new trading partnerships.

Taking Blornvid's lead, Elyse stays vague about gems for now.
Dec 9, 2024 10:30 pm
FYI : the Shattering was about 50 years ago and ended the Dawn war. Likely Elyse's family may be a branch of a larger clan seeking to reunite with the main families since then.
Gnome Captain
Listening to your explanations the leader seems intrigued. He begins to chat with you more amiably No we do not mind visitors. But we must ensure our safety you understand.

We have been mostly isolated since the shattering and would welcome initiating relations. If you can handle the transportation then we would be most interested in trading with the lowlands once again. But we will have to go see the clan chief to talk much about that. As you can guess at this altitude we do not have much of a warm season so right now most of our efforts are focused on our crops but in the winters we mostly work on our mines and crafts.

He then proceeds to ask several questions about your travels and knowledge of the area You were flown? Will you be returning soon? Have you mapped the region? Are there any other settlements you have talked with in the area? What creatures have you encountered in your travels?

As you chat he leads you towards the defensive structure. A pair of the guards run ahead while the others move to guard their captain and flank your group. They seem friendly enough and more relaxed but still vigilant and alert of any actions you take

You are allowed inside the outer walls and asked to rest a moment in a small courtyard while the chief.

Xaldri longhelm
An elderly but still strong gnome, accompanied by the captain and a couple guards joins you before inviting you into the main hall to talk. Introducing himself to your group he comments on your arrival So I hear you are exploring and looking for trade routes. Seems to be a bit of an effort to get up here if you have to use flying. I can see the appeal for adventuring but trade, might be hard.
Dec 12, 2024 6:15 pm
Gnome Captain says:
No we do not mind visitors. But we must ensure our safety you understand.
"Absolutely. The world is a dangerous place."

Gnome Captain says:
We have been mostly isolated since the shattering and would welcome initiating relations. If you can handle the transportation then we would be most interested in trading with the lowlands once again. But we will have to go see the clan chief to talk much about that. As you can guess at this altitude we do not have much of a warm season so right now most of our efforts are focused on our crops, but in the winters we mostly work on our mines and crafts.
Blornvid nods, leaving matters of trade for Elyse to discuss.
Gnome Captain says:
You were flown? Will you be returning soon? Have you mapped the region? Are there any other settlements you have talked with in the area? What creatures have you encountered in your travels?
"We still have several days before our ride returns to pick us up. Haven't mapped much except for where we landed, up in yonder ravine. Do you know much about it? We encountered some ettins up there. We slew one that attacked us, but there are others."
Xaldri Longhelm says:
So I hear you are exploring and looking for trade routes. Seems to be a bit of an effort to get up here if you have to use flying. I can see the appeal for adventuring, but trade, might be hard.
"Aye. 'Tis true." Blornvid looks to Elyse to see if she'll pick up the discussion.

Xaldri longhelm


Dec 13, 2024 4:25 am
Xaldri longhelm
The wizened gnome nods his head at Blonvids tale, mentioning there were numerous ravines this high in the mountain. When you mention the Ettin's he scowls and mutters something derisive about giants and their kin. We will warn the guards and scouts. Most giant tribes have at least one good tracker each. He is hopeful you can work out a trade arrangement but seems cautious about overcoming the distance, likey do to their prolonged isolation.
Dec 15, 2024 8:42 pm
My family are jewelers and gem cutters. We weren't expecting a settlement this far up in the mountains. I think we might be able to hire some griffins and riders to move uncut gems from here to The Manor then a more traditional trade route can be established to move the stones from the manor to my home city. That is assuming you have access to raw gems in your mines. other trade goods might be possible via the griffins if their keepers are short on things you might be able to supply. There are possibilities, either way your community need not continue in isolation.
Dec 16, 2024 3:01 am
Van listens the conversation with attention, but silently since he doesn't know much about gems nor trading routes.

Xaldri longhelm


Dec 16, 2024 4:17 am
Xaldri longhelm
The gnomish leader conciders Elyse's words and nods in agreements. We know of a few precious gemstone veins in the area but have not spent much time working those as they only used to supplement the metal work our crafters and enchanters use. But we do have a small reserve and can sell you half. If your prices are good then likely we can devote more ment to work resources for sale.

You chat with him a bit more and agree that while bulk goods may be hard to move regularly the griffon or other means of shipping small and lightweight goods back and forth could easily cover the cost of more exotic transportations that their remote location would require. He informs you that while they have had to focus more on simple survival there are still a couple master craftsmen, clock makers, and enchanters in their community. Gnomish work, while often more temperamental than durable dwarvish goods, has long had a reputation for excellence and unique works of crafting and enchanting.

In addition to the trade opportunities they are interested in the surrounding area but only venture out of their valley and surrounding hills to a limited extent. Should you be amenable to it they would be willing to pay you for updating the sparse maps they have of the wider mountainous area.
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