You create a campsite in plain view from the sky and spend one night and a bit of the next day waiting. You spot several flying creatures and finally one group begins descending towards you, revealing themselves as the griffins and Magian.

Magian (2)
I hope all went well. We have had more adventurers join us at the Manor making the place quite lively. He helps you board and you scout the region from the air, to make rough additions to the maps you made and copies from the gnomes. Magian is not eager to meet more people, still used to the quiet life before the restoration of people to the Manor. So you content yourself to make special notes on the area around the gnomish valley for any return trips you or others may make.
The trip back is exciting as the thrill of flight is still new to all, and unsettling to several of you. Before reaching the manor however Magian leaps from his mount, sprouting wings and circles lower. The griffons continue to glide in large circles high above for several minutes as Magian continues lower. Looking down you realize he spotted something, though all you can make out is an occasional glint of sunlight off of metal or glass. A call from Magian prompts the griffon to begins their own descent and you rejoin the stable master before dropping to the ground.
You guys will be joining another story under the direction of @daryen