Gluttony / Matsui Aono

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Oct 23, 2024 11:21 pm
Ok, cool. Just remember that Tsukune is currently the school's headmaster, and Moka also do some stuff in it.
Oct 24, 2024 7:11 am
Name: Matsui Aono
Age: 14
Race: Shinso Vampire
Health: 70
Endurance: 80

* Agile +2
* Attack +2 (Yoki-Infused Punches)
Alternate Attack: Vampire Bite (+5 Vampire, +5 armour piercing, -5 Cancel (Bloodless), -5 Elaborate gestures)
* Combat expert +1
* Heal +4 (Concentration -20: Blood Transfusion, +10 Effective)
Alternate Heal: Regeneration (Self Only -5, Continued Effect +10, +5 Effective)
* Heightened Sense +3 (Hearing)
* Perceptive +2
* Quick +3
* Strong +2
* Vigorous +3
* Tough +2
* Unique ability (Wealth of Power +1)
* Beautiful +2

Transformation +5: Shinso Awakening (10 ranks) (-1 Trigger: Intense Anger/Will to protect)
* Agile +4
* Attack +4 (+5 Effective, -5 Backlash, +15 overwhelming)
* Creation (WoP)+3
* Strong +4
* Vigorous +4
* Tough +3

* Sensitivity -3 (Being called "fledgling", "weakling" etc)
* Ineptitude -3 (Magic -6)
* Dependency -3 (Blood)
* Fear -2 (Claustrophobia)
* Love Magnet -2
* Quirk -1 (Pulling on his tie)
* Impulsive -2
* Obsession -2 (Making his parents proud)
* Stubborn -1
* Vulnerability (Water -3)
* Vulnerability (Silver -2)
* Unique Weakness (Garlic -1)
* Unique Weakness (Sunlight -1)

Matsui Aono, the child of two legendary shinso vampires, Tsukune Aono and Moka Akashiya, was born into a world that had high expectations for him. His birth was anticipated not only by his family but by the entire supernatural world. After all, it was the first time in history that two shinso vampires—each wielding unmatched strength and abilities—had come together to create an heir. Many speculated that Matsui would be born with powers surpassing those of his parents, a true force of nature that could change the balance of power in the world of monsters.

But to everyone's surprise, Matsui did not live up to the prophecy. As a baby, he showed no signs of the overwhelming power that both his parents possessed. While Tsukune and Moka, both of whom held great authority at Yokai Academy—Tsukune as the headmaster and Moka as a senior figure on the school's council—remained hopeful, the years passed, and Matsui continued to display no special abilities. Despite this, his parents showed him unconditional love no matter what, which sometimes only helped to make him feel even more guilty for his failure.

Not only did he fail to manifest any shinso traits, but as he grew older, he seemed even weaker than an average vampire. His strength was lacklustre, his speed unimpressive, and the heightened senses that were a staple of vampire bloodlines were duller than usual. This was a source of frustration for Matsui. He had always been aware of the shadow cast by his parents' immense legacies and felt the pressure of expectation every day of his life. Vampires in the greater community, and even his peers, whispered behind his back, questioning how the son of two shinso vampires could be so ordinary.

Despite this, Tsukune and Moka never gave up on him. They remained supportive, though they quietly harbored their own worries. Tsukune, having risen to the position of headmaster, understood more than anyone the potential that lay dormant in many students. Moka, having come from a life where she struggled to reconcile her inner vampire selves, knew that powers could be suppressed for any number of reasons. Together, they believed that Matsui’s power wasn’t absent but merely lying in wait, buried deep within him, waiting for the right catalyst.

When Matsui came of age, his parents decided to send him to Yokai Academy, not only because it was the school they themselves had attended, but because they believed it could be the key to unlocking his hidden potential. They hoped that the environment, filled with supernatural energies and the same trials and challenges they once faced, might awaken whatever power was lurking inside him. The academy had a reputation for bringing out the strength and true nature of its students, after all.
Last edited October 24, 2024 12:41 pm
Oct 24, 2024 8:38 am
Is that my character all done? I think we need to talk about the actual mechanical rules around my unique sunlight and garlic weaknesses. Idk what you want to do but they’re normally just nuisances to Vampires rather than crippling weaknesses in the Rosario universe.

Edit: Switched the name "Wealth of Power" to "Creation"during transformation. Since I think what we were both thinking of is the Shinso creation ability to make armour and weapons, not the vampire ability to turn into bats or dogs.
Last edited October 24, 2024 10:40 am
Oct 24, 2024 2:29 pm
Yep, looks all finished. About the wealth of power, considering it will work like magic, it could also let you use their shapeshifting ability (if you were so inclined) with it, spending the necessary Endurance.

About the weaknesses, with a -1 level, they would only be nuisances indeed.
Oct 24, 2024 2:57 pm
Are you talking about the shapeshifting power from the book?

Because I went and did some research on wealth of power today and it was a bit inconclusive. Because it’s barely used at all, and pretty much everyone who actually used it was a Shinso vampire or at least suspected to be one, it’s not known what limits it has for regular vamps.

Cuz obviously you see them turn their bodies into goo, create sharp bat wing blades, blood bullets etc and then Moka and Tsukune can obviously go one step further and use "creation".

So I guess my question is; at this stage, where my characters Shinso powers are actually unknown, and even after he transforms for the first time, what are his limits with the power? What’s narratively fitting for him to be able to do?
Oct 24, 2024 3:10 pm
Also how do you post as if it’s coming from your character?
Oct 24, 2024 3:39 pm
When you post, you go to the bottom of the page, in the button that says "advanced" It will lead you to another page. In there, you can select who you post as.
Oct 24, 2024 3:57 pm
Has my character been approved yet? Because I can’t see the drop down menu or anything to post as my character
Oct 24, 2024 8:31 pm
Your character is approved, I just need you to fill his sheet.
Oct 24, 2024 10:16 pm
I just filled out his sheet now, I’m still unable to see anyway to post my as my character. Is there any way you can show me? Or at least tell me exactly what I’m looking for?

Because when I go into the advanced section, other than for rolls, it’s the exact same as the quick post section.
Oct 24, 2024 10:46 pm
Below the title, you should see "post as" section, which let's you select who you want to post as.

About your sheet: I see you didn't find the location of the layout for it. Anyway, here it is:
[ +- ] OVA - The Anime RPG
Just expand this and click on the buttom at the top right "Create Character"
Oct 24, 2024 11:23 pm
Ok cool so I did that, filled it in and re-submitted the character. But even before that when I’d done the sheet wrong but still applied it, I wasn’t getting that drop down menu you’re talking about.
Oct 24, 2024 11:31 pm
Try now that he's approve. Furthermore, see if you can find his name in the bottom of the page (bellow rolls), if you click there, his sheet should open.
Oct 24, 2024 11:32 pm
Look, I was able to do it.
Oct 24, 2024 11:40 pm
Yeah now it’s working.
Nov 1, 2024 9:58 am
I’m realising now that Matsui should definitely have the Infamous weakness, considering his backstory and current situation. I was thinking a level 2-3, but maybe it would be limited to the vampire community? Or just the higher echelon monster community? What do you think?
Nov 1, 2024 2:21 pm
Why would him be infamous? If anything, I say he should be famous.
Nov 1, 2024 2:35 pm
Because he is the first ever heir of two Shinso vampires, and not only does he not have (on the surface) any of the Shinso exclusive abilities, he’s weaker than a lot of other vampire elites. Because of that he’s got a lot of hate from the vampire community and I would imagine shame from the upper echelon of monsters too.

I wrote out a lot of that in my backstory.
Last edited November 1, 2024 2:35 pm
Nov 1, 2024 5:06 pm
I see. That does make sense, but, on the other hand, I can't imagine why that would be a public knowledge instead of being a secret of his or (maybe his family). For one, his stats may be a bit lower for a vampire for his age, E. g. Strong +2 instead of +3 (which I would imagine would normally would have) but that's not an abysmal difference. And in the young age he is in, I doubt he would have had any 'opportunity' to show off all (or the lack) of his strength, neither his parents being the kind that would 'test' his capabilities. Besides they are themselves the upper echelon of both monsters and vampires; thus, even if they do know his lackluster strength, they wouldn't let it spread around, for sure.

Him being universally known as a weakling and a failure would go quite against this popular guy persona he's apparently dressing as, specially with the girls.

If you really wanted to make his underwhelming weakness a complication, I think it would work much better as a Secret flaw, where people would overestimate him. Then again, his stats don't reflect that: even if he's lacking a point to be an average vampire of his age, he is really quick with that +3 Quick, much more than I'd give an ordinary vampire, and if he used his Wealth of Power to increment his attacks, he would be hitting just as hard as an ordinary Vampire would.

In summary, I don't think it makes sense for his apparent weakness to be widely known, and his stats aren't ones of a weakling vampire.
By the way, is he unable to hide his vampire eyes? I think that would wager a -1 Bizarre Appearance flaw, which would be convenient, since it looks like his point budget is 1 point above the limit.

Finally, could you write on his sheet the transformation stats? Maybe on notes or combat notes, also write what is the source of his Sensitivity, Ineptitude, dependency (which I presume refers to blood), Fear, Quirk and Obsession Flaws on his sheet? For ease of reference (and I have no idea what some of them are).
Nov 1, 2024 8:29 pm
You actually make a good point. I think I’ll buy some ranks in the famous power when I get the chance. And yeah his "vampire eyes" are visible 24/7 so I’ll take the -1 bizzare appearance.

I also edited the sheet with everything you asked for. Let me know if that’s good.
Last edited November 1, 2024 8:29 pm
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