How’s this look now;
Agile +2
Attack +2 (Yoki-Infused Punches)
Alternate Attack: Vampire Bite (+5 Vampire)
Combat expert +1
Heal +4 (Concentration -20: Blood Transfusion, +10 Effective)
Alternate Heal: Regeneration (Self Only -5, Continued Effect +5, +5 Effective)
Heightened Sense +3 (Hearing)
Perceptive +2
Quick +3
Strong +2
Vigorous +3
Tough +2
Unique ability (Wealth of Power +1)
Beautiful +2
Transformation +5: Shinso Awakening (10 ranks) (-1 Trigger: Intense Anger/Will to protect)
Agile +4
Attack +4 (+5 Effective, -5 Backlash, +15 overwhelming)
Creation (WoP) +3
Strong +4
Vigorous +4
Tough +3
Sensitivity -3 (Being called "fledgling", "weakling" etc)
Ineptitude -3 (Magic -6)
Dependency -3 (Blood)
Fear -2 (Claustrophobia)
Love Magnet -2
Quirk -1 (
Impulsive -2
Overconfident -2
Stubborn -1
Vulnerability (Water -3)
Vulnerability (Silver -2)
Unique Weakness (Garlic -1)
Unique Weakness (Sunlight -1)
With my weaknesses at -27, that means I can have +32 which by my calculations I now have.
Last edited October 24, 2024 8:39 am